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2019-2020年七年级第二学期期末考试英语试卷(无听力试题,无答案)(第一卷50分)一、听力(15分) 略二、单选(10分)16. Did you take our son to get _ X-ray,Bill? - Yes ,and I also told him _ importance of keeping safe in P.E.class .A. a ; an B.a; the C.an ; an D.an ; the17. Students shouldnt go to school _ breakfast .It s bad for their health. A.with B.without C.for D.by18. They didnt go to bed_ they finished the work.A.when ; B.while C.until D.after19.The old man lives _ ,but he doesnt feel_.A. alone;alone B. Lonely; lonely C.lonely; alone D.alone ; lonely 20.How does Jake usually go to work? He _ drive a car ,but now he_ walking there to keep health.A. used to ; is used to B.was used to ; is used toC.was used to ; used to D.used to ; was used to21. Lets help Jim _ this bike. It seems to be broken. Good idea. But what will we do first?A. Take up B.clean up C.fix up D.set up22. What _ if we dont work hard?A. is happening B.happens C.happened D.will happen23. We had to put off_ the museum because it was closed. A.visiting B.to visit C.visit D.visited24. Whats the matter with you ?I _ a headache.A. have B.take C.make D.like25. Can you go to the concert with me this afternoon? Yes, _.A. Id like B.Id love to C.I would love D.I love to 三、完形填空(10分) Sallyiseighty-sixyearsold.Shehasnosons 26 daughters.Herhusbanddiedtenyearsago.Butshedidntmoveintoanursinghome.Shewouldliketo 27 herselfeveryday. Everynightshespendstwohours 28 kidswithmathfortwentyyears.Allkidslivingonherstreetcangetherhelpwithoutpayment(酬).Shewasafamousmath 29 beforesheretired(退休)fromamiddleschool. Shegetsupearlyinthismorning,thendoessports,goesshoppingorhelpscleaners 30 thestreet.Andshedoesthesehappily. Whenthekidseforhelp,sheisalways 31 andtriesherbest.Peopleaskedher 32 .Shesaid,Iloveit.Itmakesmehappytohelpthem. Sheisalwayshappyeverydayandalwayssayshellotopeoplearoundher 33 asmile.Ivedecidedtoloveeverythingaroundme.SoImhappytodo 34 .Imthankfulforthosekidswhoetomeforhelp.Eachkidismy 35 .Iloveeachdaytohelpthem.shesaid.Really,agooddecisiondecidedonwhatonedoesinlife.Sam, Thank you for asking me to play soccer with you. But Im afraid I cant. I have a piano lesson on Tuesday. Maybe another time.Nancy26.A: and B: or C: but D: so27.A: look like B: look at C: look after D: look for28.A: helping B: working C: studying D: teaching29.A: teacher B: nurse C: worker D: cleaner30.A: do B: run C: sweep D: play31.A: sad B: happy C: tired D: boring32.A: why B: where C: when D: how33 .A: for B: on C: with D: in34.A: anything B: nothing C: something D: everything35.A: example B: gift C: teacher D: helperLucy,Thanks a lot for your invitation. Id love to go to your house for dinner on Thursday. But I have to get my things ready(准备) for traveling(旅行). How about ing to my house with Lily? My mother cooks fish very well. I think youll like it. I hope to see you before Im leaving.Nancy四、阅读理解(15分) Rose,Would you like to e to my house for dinner tonight? Lucy and Lily will e.NancySandy,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party on Friday. Id love to e, but I have to go to New York that day. I hope you will have a happy birthday party.Nancy36. How many invitations does Nancy refuse ? A、Two. B、Three. C、Four. 37. will have a birthday party. A、Sam B、Sandy C、Lucy 38.Nancy will go to New York on . A、Tuesday B、Wednesday C、Friday 39.What does Nancy have to do on Thursday? A、To get her things ready for traveling. B、To cook fish for Lucy and Lily. C、To play soccer with Sam. 40.Which of the following is TRUE? A、Nancy is ing to Lucys house for dinner. B、Nancy invites Rose to e to her house for dinner. C、Lucy and Lily cant e to Nancys house for dinner. BSide B Card Number. 293083Thank you for travelling withIf the card is found, please return (归还)to any Stagecoach driver.Side ACardNumber. 293083 Student Bus Card Name: Lilian From: April 1st, xx To: June 30th, xx Price:180 College: University of Chichester Not valid(有效的) for travel unless its used in the bus panies of Stagecoach, Season., Goldrider and Busabout in the UK.46. The card is used for_.Ataking a taxi Btraveling by train Ctaking a bus Dentering the college47.Lin lian is _.A. a bus driver B. a university student C. a teacher in a middle school. D.a middle school student48.The Card can be used in any of the four _A. cities . B. colleges C. universities D.bus station49.If you find a Card ,you can _A. sell it B. Phone Lilian C. Use it for travelling D.give it back to any Stagecoach driver50. .You can not find _in the card.ALilians age Bthe price Cthe card number Dthe time limitC Tomandhiscousintookaboattrip.Whentheygotontheboat,everypassengershouldanswerthekeeperaquestion.Ifthepassengeransweredyes,heorshegotonegift;ifthepassengeransweredno,heorshegottwogifts.Tomandhiscousinsawallaboutthis.Nowitwastheirturn.Thekeepercameuptothemandasked,Areyouagoodsailor?Tomwantedtogettwogifts,soheanswerednoloudly,atthesametimehesaid,Ihaveneverbeenasailor,howcouldIbeagoodsailor?Thekeepergavehimtwogifts.Hiscousingavethesameanswer,sohegottwogifts,too. Theboatstartedoff.Thepassengersbegantoopentheirgifts.Tomandhiscousindidthesame.Theyfoundthatoneofthetwogiftswasasmallbottleofdrinkingwater,theotherwasaseasicktablet(晕车药).Tomhadalookatayes-passengersgift.Hiswasanicechocolate.Tomshoutedatthekeeper,Weareneverseasick.Whydoyougiveusseasicktablets?46. Tom and his cousin .A: went to eat chocolates B: went on a trip by boatC: worked for the keeper D: needed a bottle of drinking water47. When did the keeper ask the passengers questions?A: Before the trip. B: After the trip. C: During the trip. D: Never.48. Why did Tom and his cousin answer no?A: Because they felt sick on the boat. B: Because they were good sailors.C: Because they both wanted to get two gifts. D: Because they wanted to have chocolates.49. The underlined (下划线) part a good sailor means .A: 好医生 B: 好司机 C: 好销售员 D: 好水手50. Which of the following statements is true?A: The keeper cheated (欺骗) Tom and his cousin.B: Tom and his cousin didnt want the seasick tablets.C: All the other passengers answered yes.D: The keeper didnt want to give Tom and his cousin chocolates.D MynameisSam.Ijoinedaclubcalledpassinghelplastmonth.NowletmetellyouwhyIjoinedit. OneeveningthisMay,onmywayhomemyoldcarbrokendown.Itwas25milesfrommyhome. Iwantedtogetaride,buttherewasnocar.Itwasalsohardtotakeataxi.Idecidedtotakeabushome.Iwenttoabusstopnearby. Afterawhile,abuscame,butitdidnotgotomytown.Thebusdriverwasayoungwoman. ShewaskindandshetoldmewhichbusIshouldtake.Iwaitedthereforaboutthirtyminutes,butnobuscame.Atlastacarcametomeandawomancameoutofthecar.Shewasjustthebusdriver. WhenIreachedthebusstation,Igottoknowthatthebustoyourtowncouldnte,soIreturnedhere.Ijustcantleaveyouhere,shesaid,GetinmycarandIwilltakeyoubacktoyourhome.Itisalongway.Isaid.eon,sir,shesaid,Letsgo. Onthewayshetoldmeastory.Afewdaysago,therewasntgasinhercar.Anoldmandroveheruptoagasstationandthenbacktohercar. Whenwegottomyhome,Iwantedtogivehersomemoneytothankher,butshedidntaccept.Ionlywanttohelpothersanddosomethingniceforsomebody.Passitalong.Shesaid.51. What happened to Sam one evening this May?A: He lost his way. B: His car broken down.C: He was hurt in an accident D: He couldnt reach the gas station.52. Sam didnt think of going home that evening.A: by train B: by bus C: by car D: by taxi53. From the passage, we know that the young woman was .A: a club boss B: a taxi driver C: a bus driver D: a gas station worker54. The young woman wanted Sam to .A: give her some money B: get on her busC: take her to her house D: help others just as she did55. The best title (题目) of the passage is .A: A kind Old Man B: Getting a Ride C: Passing Help D: A broken Car第二卷 (50分)5、 听力填表(5分)6、 单词拼写与运用(10分)1. I look _ to hearing from you soon.2. Im in trouble. Can you give me some a_.3. My bike is broken.Can you r_ it?4. Tim was c_ in the exam, so he made many mistakes .5. If you want to be a v_ to help others ,we need to look after the children here.6. Judy made a d_ (决定)to study medicine in America.7. He is really _ (激动的)about the news.8. What happened to her? She _ (受伤)herself playing tennis.9. The boy is _(平躺)on the floor now.10. We should try our best to help_ (有残疾的)people.七、单词运用(10分)1. Sorry!I cant _ (go) to the movie with you this evening.2. He wont get good grade unless he _(work) hard.3. Please be quite .The old man _(sleep) in the bedroom.4. No one knows what _ (happen) in 100 years.5. Do you have problems _ (organize) the English evening.6. Could you tell me where _(go) tomorrow?7. I cant imagine _ (live) in such a great place.8. The party is the best way _(say) “Thank you “to our teacher.9. _ (not play)soccer in the street . It is dangerous.10. Who _ you _(go) to the party with last night?八、任务型阅读(每空一词,计10分)According to a new survey, student safety has bee a big problem. Now in many big cities of China, many schools start a new lesson: self-protection. Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens.Lin Li, a teacher from Yantai, gives young students advice on how to deal with danger.If you are in a traffic accidentIf a car hurts you, you should remember the car number. If it is a bicycle, try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you dont know how seriously you are hurt.If it is raining hard and there is lightning(闪电)Dont stay in high places and stay away from trees.When there is a fireGet away as fast as you can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit.(出口) Do not take the lift.If someone is drowning(淹死)If you cant swim, dont get into the water. Cry out for help.Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all times!If you are robbed(抢劫)Keep calm. If you cannot cry for help or run away, give the robber your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later.回答下列问题:1. How many piece of advice are given in passage?_2. Can you take a lift if there is a fire?_3. What should you remember if a car hurt you ?_将文中划线部分翻译成汉语。_请给短文拟一个适当的英文题目。_九、书面表达(15分)假如你是Peter ,你的好朋友Jimmy由于晚上常玩电脑和看电视而感觉很累,并且经常头痛;由于爱吃零食有点发胖,并且经常感冒;由于经常不做家庭作业影响了学习成绩。请你给他写封信,提出他的问题并给他提恰当的建议。 要求:1.书写工整,句意通顺 2.必须包括提示内容,可适当发挥,不用逐字翻译。 3.不少于80词。_


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