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2019-2020年中考英语听力模拟试题(八)I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。( )1.A. plane B. planet C. plant( )2.A. 5:45 B. 6:10 C. 6:15( )3.A. this Sunday B. next Sunday. C. next Monday( )4.A. David asked me to make a kite last nignt. B. David taught me to make a kite last night. C. I taught David to make a kite last night.( )5.A. You will fail in the exam. B. Though you try your best, you wont pass the exam. C.If you want to pass the exam, you should work hard.II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。( )6.A. Its nothing. B. What a pity! C. Not at all.( )7.A. Sure. B. Many thanks. C. Yes, do please.( )8.A.Id love to. B. It doesnt matter. C. Yes, you should.( )9.A. 8:15 B. Wednesday. C. Once a week.( )10.A.Whats your name? B. Who are you? C.Yes, this is Mary.III. 听对话和问题, 选择出正确答案。( )11. A B C( )12. A B C ( )13.A. A movie B. A write C. A book( )14.A.Big. B.Bad. C. Nice.( )15.A. No, he isnt. B. Yes, he is. C. We dont know.( )16.A.At the bus stop. B. On the bus. C. In the town center.( )17.A. About twenty. B. About forty. C. About fifty.( )18.A. At about 9:30 am. B. At about 10:00 am.IV. 听短文和问题,选择正确答案。( )19.Who have enjoyed the plastic shopping bags. A. All the people. B. Chinese shoppers. C. Some Japanese people.( )20.What made shopping easy for us? A.Shopping bags. B. Shopping baskets. C. Cards.( )21.What does the speaker tell us? A. Shopping can bring people some good habits.B. Shopping bags make shopping easy for shoppers.C. Shopping should use cloth bags, baskets instead.( )22.Why are machines so important and necessary to us?A. Because they are expensive.B. Because they are new.C.Because they can help us do thing better and faster.( )23.What is a printing machine used for? A. Washing clothes. B. Counting numbers. C. Printing books, magazines and newspapers.( )24.When was the puter invented? A. Not long ago. B. Long before. C. Many years ago.( )25.Which of the following is right? A. A washing machine can help us wash clothes quickly.B. Bicycles are not machines.C. The puter counts slower than a man does.听力部分(第二节)V. 听短文填空。 Information SheetAt school.No one can 26._everything only form textbook.No matter how much a teacher 27._, he can not teach his students everything.How to study.Some famous peoples success doesnt 28._what they have learned at school.They work hard and think about problems 29._in their own ways.Studay hard at school and learn a lot 30._schools.xx年中考英语听力模拟试题(八)答案1-5BCBBC 6-10BABCC 11-15BABCA16-18CAB 19-21BAC 22-25CCAA26.learn 27.knows 28.depend on 29.carefully30.Outside


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