2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 1 Europe 外研版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 1 Europe 外研版必修3I. 单项填空1This restaurant has bee popular for its wide_of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.Adivision BareaCrange Dcircle答案C考查名词辨析。foods后面的定语从句that suit all tastes and pockets(适合各种口味和消费层次)说明该饭店的食物多种多样,所以,应该用range。而A项division是“划分,分开”的意思;B项area是“区域”的意思;D项circle则是“圆圈,环”的意思,显然A、B和D项不合题意。2The town where my uncle lives lies_the coast of the East Sea.Ato Bbelow Cin Doff答案D考查介词。句意:我叔叔居住的城镇位于东海之滨。off在表示位置时,有“在的外面,在的沿海”之意,故D项符合句意。3A good many things in the world cannot be considered and valued_money.Ain terms of Bin short ofCin charge of Din case of答案A句意为:世界上有很多东西不是用金钱来衡量的。in terms of就而论;in short of缺少;不足;in charge of负责;主管;in case of如果;假如。故A项符合句意。4The dictionary as well as the grammar books that_bookmarks in them_Jane.Ahas;belong to Bhave; belongs toChave;is belonged to Dhas;are belonged to答案B考查主谓一致及belong to。句意:字典和里面有书签的语法书籍是属于Jane的。第一空处是由that引导的定语从句,其先行词为books,故谓语动词要用复数形式。第二空处应为整个句子的谓语,其单复数形式应与as well as前面的主语保持一致,又因belong to无被动结构,故选B项。5Children today find it hard to focus on study.Exactly,as they_so many fun things to do.Afound Bhave foundChad found Dwill find答案B句意为:今天的孩子发现集中精力学习很困难。的确如此,因为他们发现有很多好玩的事情要做。根据today可知谈论的是现在的情况,四个选项中只有B项为现在时。A.叙述过去的情况;C.叙述过去的动作或时间之前就完成的动作;D.表将来。6Youd better go there by train.The train ticket is_the airplane ticket.Aas cheap three times as Bas three times cheap asCthree times cheaper than Dcheaper three times than答案C考查倍数表达法。表达倍数时应把表示倍数的词放在比较级的最前面,由此可判断C项正确,此处是“倍数词比较级than”结构。7He is eager to achieve success, but _, he doesnt want to work too hard.Afor one thing Bon the other handCon the contrary Das a result答案B考查固定短语。for one thing“(其中)原因之一是”;on the other hand“另一方面”;on the contrary“与此相反”;as a result“因此”。句意:他渴望成功,但另一方面,他又不想努力。根据句意可知选B。8The patient recovered from the illness_and three weeks later, he left the hospital.Asooner or later Blittle by littleCby and by Dall in all答案B考查短语辨析。句意:病人渐渐地从疾病中恢复过来,三周后就离开了医院。sooner or later“迟早”;by and by“不久”;all in all“总之”,均不合乎语意,只有little by little“逐渐地”,合乎语境。9Tom is very young.But_working ability, hes much more experienced than others.Ain praise of Bin face ofCin need of Din terms of答案D句意:汤姆很年轻,但是在工作能力方面,他要比其他人有经验的多。A项“赞扬”;B项“面对”;C项“需要”;D项“在方面,就而言”。10Mr.Smith has been living a colourful life_he moved to the countryside after his retirement.Aas if Bnow thatCin case Dever since答案D句意:自从退休搬到乡下后,史密斯先生一直过着丰富多彩的生活。ever since“自从一直”,表示从过去开始到现在的一种状况,常和完成时连用。as if“好像”;now that“由于,既然”;in case“以防,以防万一”,均不符合句意。11We are busy in preparing for the performance in order not to_in front of our classmates.Alose hope Blose faceClose confidence Dlose heart答案B句意:为了不在同学面前丢人,我们正忙于准备演出。lose hope“绝望”;lose face“丢面子”;lose confidence“失去信心”;lose heart“丧失勇气”。12My view on the project is the very _to yours.Thats to say, I dont agree with you at all.Asimilarity BoppositeCoption Ddifference答案B考查名词辨析。根据后句中的“dont agree.at all”可知,应选opposite,“相反;对立”。similarity“相似,相似性”;option“选择”;difference“不同点”,均与语境不符。13. Have you drawn up that list of names yet?No,but Im going to_it.Awork out Bwork onCwork off Dwork up答案B考查work短语辨析。句意为:那份名单你起草好了吗?还没有,我正打算写呢。work on从事,继续工作;符合语境。work out解决,计算出;work off宣泄感情,工作以偿债;work up努力改进,逐步发展。14This modern threestar hotel_close to the city center is attractive.Asituated BsituatingCis situated Dis situating答案A考查situated的用法。此处situated close to the city center相当于定语从句which/that is situated close to the city center,作定语修饰hotel。15Is everyone here?Not yet.Look, there_the rest of our guests!Ae BesCis ing Dare ing答案A考查动词的时态和主谓一致。空处所在句子为倒装句,the rest of our guests作主语,谓语动词要用复数形式;此处叙述的又是现在的事实,所以用一般现在时。II. 完形填空About 15 years ago I was studying at a University in Mnster, Germany.The people I spent most of my _1_ with were a group of friends.Sometimes we went out together for parties,_2_most of the time we did our own _3_back at someones home.First we sat and talked and at some point during the night we _4_the chairs and tables and started dancing.It may not _5_that special, but what was special to me was the _6_we shared for each other._7_, when someone had to find a new_8_, moving from one flat to the other,these friends were there.In the eyes you saw support, you saw _9_,making jokes, teasing and laughing about _10_and weak points from each other, but always there was this _11_no one is better or worse.You felt there was always a shoulder you could _12_on.Time passed by and we all went our own ways, following our own _13_I made my way passing Ireland and India for several _14_so far.Now just a few days ago I met one of my old friends again.We sat and talked and after 15 years we shared our _15_again from that time.On my way back home from our _16_it made me think.The last days were full of _17_for me and my thoughts and feelings were just _18_around them.Now I came back from this meeting and the memories we _19_were like a crystal(水晶)ball.All my _20_feelings from the last days couldnt touch what was inside this ball.These memories spread like a virus through my thoughts and feelings and left me safe and warm and happy.Notes:spread v漫延,传播strength n力量;长处1A.money Bholidays Ctime Dweekends2A.but Band Cso Dor3A.homework BcleaningCcooking Dparties4A.put away Btook offCmoved about Dput down5A.prove Bsound Cturn Dget6A.interest Bjoy Csupport Dchallenge7A.For instance BIn timeCIn fact DAt once8A.college Bjob Csubject Dhouse9A.sadness BlaughterCagreement Ddisappointment10A.looks Bactions Cstrength Dplans11A.feeling BopinionCexpectation Ddoubt12A.pat Bstand Clive Dlean13A.instructions BgoalsCsteps Dchanges14A.days Bweeks Cyears Dmonths15A.memories BexperiencesCsuccess Doccupations16A.talk Bstay Cwork Dmeeting17A.fortune BproblemsCimaginations Ddangers18A.remaining BleavingCcircling Ddisappearing19A.shared Brid Cdropped Dsorted20A.positive Bfresh Clatest Dnegative【语篇解读】 十五年前,“我”在德国留学。在留学期间我们一群朋友相处非常融洽,彼此留下了美好的回忆。多年后“我”遇到了留学时的一个朋友,我们一起回忆了那段时光,这份回忆让“我”郁闷的心情豁然开朗。1C联系I was studying at a University可知,这群人是与“我”一起学习的人,因此一起度过大部分的时间。2A空前后为转折关系。3D其他选项均有一定干扰性。联系后文First we sat and talked and at some point during the night we _4_(put away) the chairs and tables and started dancing.可知,这是在家里聚会。4A空前有at someones home,空后有and started dancing,由此我们可以推断,他们把房间里的桌椅放到一边,然后开始跳舞。其他选项中,take off取下;move about走来走去;put down放下。5B联系前后文可知,这些活动听起来似乎没有什么特别的。其他选项中,prove证明是;turn变得;get成为。6C联系下文的In the eyes you saw support可知,他们互相支持。7A空后的内容是作者举例,因此用for instance。8D联系空后的moving from one flat to the other可知,有人找了新房子。9B从空后的making jokes, teasing and laughing.可知,你看到的是欢笑。10C从空后的and weak points可知,对别人的强项与弱项,他们都彼此逗乐。strength在这里的意思是“强项”。11A尽管他们彼此逗乐,带来欢笑,但是从感觉上,他们没有谁好谁坏。12D联系空前的a shoulder可知,他们彼此很友好,总有一个肩膀可以依靠。13B联系Time passed by and we all went our own ways可知,大学毕业后他们各自追求自己的目标。14C从第一段可知,“我”十五年前在德国学习,空后有so far,因此过去了很多年。15A其他选项均有一定干扰性,联系空后的again可知,他们分享的不是这些年的经历,而是十五年前的事情。16D下文有Now I came back from this meeting因此作者在这里谈论自己与朋友的相见。17B联系下文可知,现在“我”的心情好了,因此原来有些问题缠绕着“我”。18C空后的them指的是问题,因此说“我”的思绪就围绕着它们。19A前文有We sat and talked and after 15 years we shared our _15_ (memories) again from that time.因此我们可以得出答案。20D联系空后的couldnt touch what was inside this ball可知,那些消极的感觉再也不会触及球里面的东西。III. 阅读理解Boston College is a statesupported college on the east coast of England which has been recruiting overseas students for over 20 years and now has almost 200 international students from more than 20 different countries.You and your parents can be sure you will receive the care and support you need to succeed at our college.We have excellent teaching staff, with time and patience to help you learn in a stimulating but relaxed atmosphere.We are accredited by the British Council for the quality of our English language teaching so you can be sure your learning experience will be good.Our new modular English course is flexible and enables you to choose the best time to join us.Not only will you cover all aspects of the English language but you will have the choice of option subjects such as IELTS Preparation, British Culture, Literature, Business English or Study Skills.We will assess your level of English when you arrive so you can be sure you will study with students of the same ability.Classes are small:usually 1216 students so you will receive the individual attention you need to help you succeed.Boston College is based on two main campuses with English courses being taught in our stateoftheart language building convenient for our Hall of Residence on the Rochford Campus.ALevel and International Foundation classes are taught on both Rochford and De Montfort Campuses.Classrooms are modern and well equipped with a number of specialist facilities for photography and video,puter suites, art and music studios and an all weather sports pitch.Both campuses have large Learning Resource Centres, well equipped with puters for student use, also available for research or assignment work.Our diploma courses include catering, hairdressing, puting and engineering, each with its own specialist facilities.We also have a Music Centre providing teaching rooms, recording studio and concert hall.Notes:diploma n文凭1What is Boston College famous for?AIts long educational history in Britain.BIts good location in the country.CIts good education conditions for overseas students.DIts way of living for overseas visitors.2The underlined word “accredited” in Paragraph 2 most probably means_Ahelped BrecognizedCforbidden Dmeasured3If you decide to go to Boston College in Britain, you_Ashould at first pass some English language testsBcan major in English as well as some other coursesChave to live and study with students at different levelsDshould have achieved a high level of English proficiency4From the above passage, we can know_ABoston College is owned by the British governmentBthe campuses in Boston College are far away from downtownCtheres no better college for overseas students in BritainDmany of the classrooms in Boston College have modern equipment5What is the purpose of the above passage?ATo introduce the British education system.BTo invite more overseas students to study in Boston College.CTo show the modernization of British society.DTo tell new students the rules in Boston College.【语篇解读】 本文为说明文。英国Boston College有诸多诱人的留学好处,其便利和现代化的教学条件尤其吸引着海外学生。本文比较详尽地介绍了Boston College的办学条件,目的是吸引学生报考。1C细节理解题。第一段开宗明义,因为办学水平高,该校吸引了众多的海外留学生。2B词义猜测题。the British Council是英国文化委员会,专门负责文化教育事务。由于上文已经提到Boston College办学水平高,因此应该是得到政府的认可而非禁止。3B细节理解题。第三段中有“We will assess your level of English.study with students of the same ability”,可见并非必须通过英语考试才能入学,因此A、C、D三项都可排除。4D细节理解题。此题A选项的干扰最大。学校是由政府资助(support),并非国有。5B写作目的题。短文系招生广告,提及学校的诸多优势来吸引留学生。


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