2019-2020年高三英语二轮复习 课时训练17 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空+短文改错.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语二轮复习 课时训练17 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空+短文改错.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高三英语二轮复习 课时训练17 阅读理解完形填空语法填空短文改错.阅读理解Even if trees cannot walk,they are still on the move.In parts of the Arctic,entire forests are moving northward.Across the Arctic,temperatures are rising faster than anywhere else in the world.As that happens,the tree line that marks where forests stop and the treeless tundra (冻原) starts has been shifting northward.Trees growing along the tree line must protect themselves from the cold wind.To do this,plants tend to grow horizontal (水平的)branches low to the ground.The energy it takes for trees to grow this way means they dont have enough energy to make seeds.But as Earths climate has been warming,trees no longer have to just grow horizontally.Many can instead grow up toward the sky.This takes less energy.And with all that leftover energy,these trees have started producing more seeds.This happens especially in places where white spruce (白云杉) grows.White spruce,which is a North American tree,is quite able to produce a lot of seeds,which can move long distances in the wind.When windblown seeds end up on the tundra beyond the tree line,they eventually can sprout (发芽) new trees.This explains how a forest can move.Of course,the process would work only if the tundra were warm enough.But in recent years,the whole planet has been warming.New trees will provide shelters for some snow.Keeping the suns rays from making the white surface disappear.Instead,the trees absorb the suns heat.This warms the surrounding air.The extra warmth encourages even more trees to produce seeds.That further boosts a forests ability to expand.In addition,more trees will trap more snow,preventing much of it from being blown away.Snow can trap heat in the soil below,which encourages trees to grow.The recent rise of temperatures has helped more trees grow past the tree line.People worry about impacts on the animals that depend on frozen conditions for food and shelter.1What is the main cause of the trees in the Arctic moving northward?AThe shrinking of northern tundra.BThe rising temperature.CThe fierce and cold wind.DThe abundant resources in the north.2What does the underlined word “ this” in Paragraph 2 mean?ATo produce more seeds.BTo move northward.CTo respond to the climate change.DTo protect themselves from the cold wind.3What can be inferred from the last paragraph?ANew trees can trap the snow,which may make the soil colder.BThe trapped snow prevents new trees from producing more seeds.CNew trees can make the surrounding air warmer.DNew trees can bring more food and shelter to local animals.4The passage is most probably taken from _.Aa science report Ba health reportCa fashion magazine Da childrens magazine【语篇解读】本文是一篇科研报告,主要研究了气温升高对北极圈植物的影响。1解析:选B。根据第二段的第二句“Across the Arctic,temperatures are rising faster than anywhere else in the world”以及本段的整体内容可知,不断上升的气温是北极圈树木北移的主要原因,即B项正确。2解析:选D。根据画线词前的“Trees growing along the tree line must protect themselves from the cold wind”可知,画线词this指代的是本句中的“protect themselves from the cold wind”,即D项正确。3解析:选C。根据最后一段中的“New trees will provide shelters for some snow.Keeping the suns rays from making the white surface disappear.Instead,the trees absorb the suns heat.This warms the surrounding air”可推知,新树会让周围的空气更加温暖,即C项正确。4解析:选A。根据文章的整体内容可推知,本文主要研究的是气候变暖对北极圈植物的影响,故该文应选自科研报告,即A项正确。.完形填空Chriss parents were proud of him when he graduated from college.But its been six months and he hasnt got a job yet.In fact,he hasnt _1_ seriously.He has no idea what he wants to do and hes thinking of grad school.Hes living at home with his parents and things are getting _2_,especially with his father,who _3_ Chris of being lazy and afraid to enter the real world.Chris thinks his dad is being totally _4_.After all,hes only young once and he needs some “ _5_ ”During a recent argument,Chris said,“Im not you,Dad.I have my own way of doing things.I want a job I _6_.”His dad replied,“Thats a nice idea,but in the end they call it work_7_ its about making a productive livingnot having _8_.”There are many youngsters like Chris who are having trouble getting started _9_ a serious job and being independent.Some,like Peter Pan,just dont want to _10_.Some are afraid of making a wrong decision or of being rejected.Others are _11_ of what psychologists call “magical thinking”They believe that when the _12_ is right,everything will fall into place.So they wait for _13_ to e knocking or until they feel inspired or excited about their next step._14_,it doesnt work that way.Whats important is to _15_.Things happen and opportunities appear most often when were _16_,not standing still.Energy is very important.Basic physics says its easier to _17_ the course of a moving object than to start _18_ initially.In the end,its not really about finding yourself.Its about _19_ yourself.The first steps are the _20_,but the key to success in anything is getting started.1A.foughtBlearnedCapplied Dlooked2A.positive BtenseCdangerousDuncertain3A.reminds BinformsCaccuses Dwarns4A.arrogant BunreasonableCenthusiastic Dcruel5A.patience BrestCmoney Dspace6A.enjoy BunderstandCcreate Dtolerate7A.unless BthoughCbecause Dwhen8A.difficultyBfunCaction Dpower9A.at BonCfor Dwith10A.grow up Btake offCgo away Dgive in11A.experts BstudentsCvictims Dpatients12A.choice BtimeCmethod Droute13A.wealth BfameClove Dopportunity14A.Unfortunately BStrangelyCObviously DTotally15A.begin BpeteCsurvive Dreact16A.expecting BwaitingCmoving Dthinking17A.record BchangeCanalyze Dfollow18A.movements BpositionsCspeeds Dadvancements19A.educating BmakingCbehaving Drewarding20A.heaviest BsimplestChardest Dshortest【语篇解读】本文通过一个害怕进入社会而不愿意找工作的年轻人的故事,说明了开始行动起来很重要。1解析:选D。结合前面的he hasnt got a job yet可知,他并没有认真地寻找工作。2解析:选B。根据前面的Hes living at home with his parents可知,由于他不出去找工作,父母非常不满意,因此关系变得紧张了。3解析:选C。根据后面的Chris of being lazy and afraid to enter the real world.可知,父亲指责他懒惰、害怕进入现实世界中。4解析:选B。由于受到父亲的责备,Chris认为父亲完全不讲理。5解析:选D。根据前面的hes only young once and he needs.可推知他认为他还年轻,需要空间。6解析:选A。结合前面的I have my own way of doing things.I want a job可知,他认为自己有做事的方式,他需要找到一份他喜欢的工作。7解析:选C。从后面的its about making a productive living可知,这是因为工作是创造一种积极的生活的手段。8解析:选B。与前面的its about making a productive living对比,指工作是创造有意义的生活,而不是玩乐。9解析:选D。这里是start with表示开始,即开始一份认真对待的工作。10解析:选A。与前面的being independent对比,有很多的年轻人不愿意成长,即不愿意进入现实世界。11解析:选C。根据后面的what psychologists call“magical thinking”和everything will fall into place可知,有些人是magical thinking的受害者。12解析:选B。与前面的magical thinking等呼应,指他们认为时间合适的话,一切都会水到渠成。13解析:选D。根据后面的to e knocking可知,他们在等着机会来敲门。14解析:选A。结合后面的it doesnt work that way.事情不是这样的,因此表示“不幸的是”。15解析:选A。与上文中的get started对应,表示开始第一步很重要。16解析:选C。和后面的not standing still中的still对比,指机会在运动中产生,而不是在静止中产生的。17解析:选B。根据后面的内容可知,在运动中容易改变物体的轨迹。18解析:选A。结合上文的change the course of a moving object可知,改变一个运动轨迹比使物体开始运动容易得多。19解析:选B。与前面的its not really about finding yourself.中的finding对比,指不是发现自己,而是创造自己。20解析:选C。结合前面的The first steps are可知,这里表示万事开头难。.语法填空I told my wife Tamara I wanted to celebrate my 30th birthday with 30 random acts of 1._ (kind)Tamara grabbed at(抓住)the idea and made 2._ happen.We first went to the park,3._ we did some cleaning and passed out delicious Mexican hot chocolate to those who appeared homeless.We even played games 4._ a bored 10yearold boy,who was waiting for his sisters 5._ (finish) shopping,and more.The highlight for me 6._ (occur) at the end of the day when we were passing out carnation flowers in a retirement home after their dinner.At first I found 7._ (I) questioning my motives(动机) and whether it would be received.8._,the first thing that took me a bit by surprise was that almost every man also enjoyed receiving a flower,not only from Tamara,but also from me.Then,I found myself giving the women 9._ (long) deep caring hugs than before.My heart was touched when one woman told me that she hadnt been hugged like that for years.I didnt count 10._ number of kind acts we did that day,and neither did I count that birthday as one of the good ones.Without doubt,I know it was my best!1考查词性转换。此处用名词作介词of的宾语。kindness2考查代词。此处指Tamara抓住这个想法并让这个想法实现了,此处it指代上文的“the idea”。it3考查定语从句。先行词为the park,定语从句中缺少地点状语。where4考查介词。此处为play with.意为“与玩耍”。此处指他们与10岁的男孩做游戏。with5考查非谓语动词。wait for sb.to do sth.“等某人做某事”,此处为动词不定式作目的状语。to finish6考查时态。本文描述的是过去的事情,因此用一般过去时态。occurred7考查反身代词。当句子的主语与宾语一致时,宾语应使用反身代词。myself8考查副词。前后语境表示转折关系。However9考查比较级。根据下文的“than”可知,此处应使用比较级。longer10考查冠词。句意为:我没有数那天我们所做好事的数目。定冠词the表特指。答案:the.短文改错I can still well remember what greatly difficulty I had learning English.Failing in different exam nearly destroyed my faith and confident.However,when my head teacher,Mr.Wang sensed my depression and came to my help.Encouraging by him,I gain my ambition to learn English well again.Buried in English for a long time,I finally achieved his goal.Since then Ive been convinced that only when you determine to succeed can you possess the perseverance(坚持不懈) to work hard,that will eventually lead to your success.Therefore,hold on to determination,you are guaranteed to have the brighter future.答案:I can still well remember what difficulty I had learning English.Failing in different nearly destroyed my faith and .However,when my head teacher,Mr.Wang sensed my depression and came to my help. by him,I my ambition to learn English well again.Buried in English for a long time,I finally achieved goal.Since then Ive been convinced that only when you determine to succeed can you possess the perseverance(坚持不懈) to work hard, will eventually lead to your success.Therefore,hold on to determination, you are guaranteed to have brighter future.


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