三年级英语上册 Unit 1 How many教案 外研版.doc

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Module5Unit1.How many 一、教材分析:How many ?这课出现了两个重要的语言点:数字(one,two,three,four,five, six, seven, eight)和询问个数“How many?”。要求能够认知one to eight 这八个数字,达到能读准其音,认清其形。能用“How many?”进行询问,并回答,锻炼口语交际能力。二、教学目标:(一)知识目标1能识别one to eight 这八个数字。2能用“How many ?”询问个数。(二)能力目标能用“How many ?”进行询问,识别one to eight 这八个数字。(三)情感目标调动学生的主动性,使其大胆发言,积极参与语言的实际交际,培养学生学习英语的兴趣及用英语思维的习惯。五、教学重点、难点1重点:识别one to eight 这八个数字。2难点:用“How many ?”询问个数。三、教学方法游戏教学法 实物展示法 小组练习法四、教学准备课件 卡片 实物 五、课时按排一课时六、教学过程Step1: Warming up1.Greetings: “Good morning, boys and girls .Im Ms Lan.How are you?” 2.Free talk:走到一名学生跟前:Hello, Whats your name?走到另一名学生跟前:Hi, how are you?跟学生随意交谈,复习本学期学习过的句型。3.Sing the song please stand up .Sing and do actions.Step 2: Presentation1 Teacher shows some objects and say : boys and girls , Ms Lan brings you many things ,Lets see ,what are they?T says :oh, so many . How many ? Do you know ? then show word cards, teach “How many”.T: Today we are going to talk about numbers. 2( Teacher shows one pen ) and then ask : How many ? Help the students say “one” teacher shows the cards and ask the students to read it in this way “ one ,one, 一 one”3(shows two birds)Ask:How many ? when the teacher says, she must say slowly .Students read after the teacher and learn “ two ”,read it. T: Lets count . one two.T: How many ? 并引导学生回答:Two.4.用同样的方法教学 :“three 、 four .”(Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words “three”5.Practice “one to four”.出示实物及手指,问:“How many?”学生自己数并回答。6用同样的方法教学:“five 、six 、seven 、eight”.7Practice “one to eight” 出示课件图片,问:“How many?”学生数并回答。8.Write. write “one to eight”on the exercise book.Step 3. TextT:今天我们的老朋友Panpan要为我们变魔术了,他要为我们变一些可爱的小兔子,到底变了多少个,让我们一起来数数。(出示课件,跟学生一起数)。Step 4. Practice and game1.Put the numbers cards stick on the blackboard and teacher points to the numbers randomly on the board .and the students to speak them out.2.Say and point .Ask a student to say: “Point to three” ,another stuent do the action.3.I can say the numbers.课件出示一组数字,请同学们用英语说出这些数字。114 752 254 125 416 214 682 985课件出示一组电话号码,请同学用英语说出这组数字。并给予奖励。4Say a chant :How many? How many? One.one.one.How many? How many? Two.two.two.How many? How many? Three.three.three.How many? How many? Four.four.four.How many? How many? Five .five.five.How many? How many? Six.six.six.How many? How many? Seven.seven.seven.How many? How many? Eight.eight.eight.Step 5.课堂小结本节课我们学习了如何使用英语述说数字1-8,那么如何询问数字的多少呢?Step 6 Homework . 1.Count from one to eight.(从一数到八) 2.Tell your parents to learn some photos and so on.( 让学生用英文告诉家长自己家和朋友家的电话号码、车牌号码等。)课后反思:整个学习过程中,学生一直处于积极主动的学习状态。学生与学生之间,老师与学生之间始终处于互动状态。在教学过程中,我注重对学生学法进行的引导,帮助他们初步掌握学习方法,使他们“善学”“乐学”“会学”。设计了“report homework”布置作业方式,调动了学生的课堂学习的积极性,和培养了学生交流合作,互帮互助上好课,提高听课效率的听课的学习习惯。教学中,我将游戏、歌曲等通过现代信息技术融串于整个教学过程。设计了3个游戏让学生进行交际性操练,并进行有效的示范,使游戏开展自如流畅,操练多样化。让学生在完全放松的状态中去接触、学习英语,真正做到在玩中学,学中玩。学生能够积极地参与游戏,课堂气氛活跃,凸显学生的主体地位。把“任务型教学法”、“情境教学法”和“游戏教学法”结合起来贯穿整个教学,充分体现学生的主体地位,有效地培养学生学习英语的兴趣和创新思维。但还有很多不足之处:1:新词授完后,应整体再巩固一遍,使学生牢固掌握。2:对学生的书写要进行展示、评价。3:应在课前仔细检查课件,不应该出现错误。4:应及时纠正学生对字母:“V”“U”的认读。


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