2019-2020年高二英语 模块6 Unit16 lesson3 life stories 教学设计 北师大版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语 模块6 Unit16 lesson3 life stories 教学设计 北师大版选修6教材分析本课是16单元的第3课,以“生活故事”为主题,主课文讲述的是美国著名盲人女作家Helen Keller童年学习语言的真实故事。本课的难点在于文章较长、生词较多且抽象、情节脉络较复杂。本课设计时分为两课时。第一课时侧重课文内容理解,通过各个步骤力求让学生清晰的整理出文章结构,提取文章信息并进行一定的输出活动。第二课时除了加深理解文章写作风格之外,还要操练重点词汇,并进行笔记写作和口语活动。教学内容话题:著名美国女作家Helen Keller童年学习语言的故事(阅读)词汇:重点词汇:severe, restriction, unbearable, stubborn, troublesome, straightforward, precise, precious, eager, gradual, plex, warmth, apparent, uncertain, breakthrough 相关词汇:sweetness, now that, expand策略:通过图片、标题、开头等预测文章内容,忽略生词的略读等语法:过去完成时的功能和形式 情态动词过去时的功能和形式第一课时First Period教学目标:在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 理清课文故事的大体情节;2. 说出Helen Keller学习语言的过程;3. 初步掌握课文中部分生词的读音和意义;4. 体验并理解课文中人物的情感、态度。教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP & timePre-listeningStep 1T shows a video clip of Helen Keller and asks Ss to tell what was special about her (blind & deaf) and what they thought of her behavior. Meanwhile T elicits the words restriction, unbearable, stubborn, troublesome and lets Ss read them aloud after T.PPT 2-3让学生对人物有一个直观的认识,并在语境中提前学习部分生词,降低阅读难度。渗透词汇学习策略:通过构词法学习、记忆词汇CW6While-readingStep 2Ss read the first two paragraphs of the text and answer prehension questions. When T shows the answers, check Ss understanding of the new words: superb and former and ask them to read the words aloud.PPT 4课文前两段生词密集,且均为背景文字,先让学生阅读这一部分,可为后面的情节做铺垫。同时检测学生是否理解另两个生词。IW, CW4Step 3T asks Ss to brainstorm and discuss how they would teach Helen language. After discussion, T asks some groups to report.PPT 5通过讨论如何教Helen故事中的词汇,让学生体验Miss Sullivan教学的困难。学生不需要有答案,此处对人物的体验最重要。GW, CW3Step 4First reading: Ss skim the rest of the text for the sequence of Helens learning the four words.PPT 6通过略读掌握文章大体线索。注意渗透阅读策略,让学生忽略生词、掌握大意。IW5Step 5Second reading: Ss read the text to look for how Anne Sullivan taught Helen the words and work in pairs to fill in the blanks in the graph.PPT 7学案I提取文章中关于Sullivan教学方法和过程的信息。在此过程中,教师可检测对学生理解造成困难的生词。IW, PW6Step 6Ss ask each other questions about how Miss Sullivan taught Helen new words.PPT 8学生通过回答问题输出、巩固刚提取的信息。PW5Step 7Third reading: Ss read the text a third time to look for how Helen felt during learning the words and the significance of learning, and work in pairs to fill in the chart.PPT 9学案 II提取文章中关于Helen学习过程中的内心活动的信息,这一步需提取的信息比上一部更抽象、且以句子形式呈现。同样在此过程中,教师可检测对学生理解造成困难的生词。IW, PW6Post-readingStep 8Based on the graph and chart just pleted, Ss work in groups to retell the story with the key words provided. T asks several groups to report.PPT 10通过阅读中提取信息的活动更全面的进行信息输出。建议让小组成员分工,每人复述一部分。GW, CW7Step 9Ss guess what happened later to Helen Keller and read the introduction on p. 100.PPT 11启发学生猜测Helen Keller之后的人生经历,紧扣life story主题。CW3Homework PPT 12学案 IIIWrite a summary of the story in about 100 words based on the retelling.第二课时Second Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 了解文章中运用引语的写作手法;2. 初步掌握课文中生词的读音、释义;3. 了解一些词缀的用法和掌握相关构词法;4. 用英语说出自己的一段人生经历。教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP & timeReview Step 1Ss recall what they have read and answer questions about the text. They can discuss in pairs. Then T checks the answer.PPT 2复习课文内容,同时可检查作业。检查第三个问题时,建议让不同学生复述不同部分。PW, CW8Style analysisStep 2T draws Ss attention to the italicized words in the text and asks them to look for the vivid descriptions among them PPT 3通过让学生寻找文章中的斜体字(第一人称引语)中生动的语言,将学生对课文的理解上升到对语言美感欣赏的层次。IW, CW6Step 3Ss read aloud the quotations in the text and appreciate them.通过让学生朗读斜体字部分,从听觉方面感受语言之美。CW3Vocabulary ConsolidationStep 4Ss do Ex. 3 & 4 on p. 11 on synonyms and antonyms of the key words in the text.PPT 4-5利用教材资源,在语境中学习重点词汇的同义词和反义词,并且理解课文细节。IW, CW8Step 5Ss observe the formation of several words and infer the meaning and use of affixes. Then Ss do some exercises.PPT 6-7学案 I从构词法方面学习词缀、扩展词汇量。CW5Language AwarenessStep 6Ss pare in groups two pairs of sentences and infer the use of “would do”.PPT 8通过比较would do结构和一般过去时,引发学生注意would do的特殊含义。教师不用展开讲述,只需让学生注意并思考。GW, CW3Step 7Ss answer questions about the sentences with “had done” and review the form and function of past perfect tense.PPT 9结合课文中的语境复习、巩固过去完成时的用法。此处也只需稍加提及,不需详细讲解。CW2Writing & SpeakingStep 8Writing: Ss recall their own life experiences with the hints provided, and write down the notes.PPT 10学案II从话题引申出学生自身的经历,并用英语作简要的笔记,以助于下一步骤的口语输出。此处教师可用PPT11-12举例示范。IW4Step 9Ss talk in pairs about their memory with the help of their notes. Then T asks some Ss to talk to the whole class.学生做口语输出,进行有意义的交流,教师此处可提醒学生使用正确时态。本步骤也是为下节课的写作做铺垫。PW,CW6Homework PPT 13学案IIIEx. 1-4 on p. 56.第一课时学案I Read the text again and work in pairs to find out how Anne Sullivan taught the words to Helen. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases.waterAnne Sullivan let Helen _ the doll and _ the letters into _.Anne let water _ over one of _ and _ the letters into the other _.Anne _ Helen closer to her and pointed to _.When Helen _ about her mistakes when making _, Anne touched Helens _ and _ “think” into _.After Helen asked again if love was _, Anne told her that love could not be _ but she could feel the _ of love.dollthinkloveloveII Read the text for the third time and fill in the chart in pairs.Words learnedHow Helen felt when learning the wordsWhat it meant to herdollShe felt excited.waterlove (the 1st time)She still could not understand anything that she could not touch.think- love (the 2nd time)She knew her teacher loved her and how to express her own feelings.III HomeworkWrite a summary of the story in about 100 words based on your retelling.第二课时学案I Find out the use of the affixes and write it down. Then change the following words into other forms using the affixes-ness: _-th: _-some: _-able: _un-: _bothercovereagereatfairfearlongnoticestubbornwideII Choose a memory from your life. Write notes about these things:a. your age, place and time:_b. who you were with:_c. what happened:_d. how you felt:_e. what happened in the end:_III HomeworkEx. 1-4 on p. 56.


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