2019-2020年高二上学期开学摸底考试英语试卷 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高二上学期开学摸底考试英语试卷 含答案(满分:120分 考试时间:100分钟) xx.08I. Listening prehension 24% Section A short conversations 101. A. At home .B. On a bus.C. In a taxi. D. On a plane.2. A. A journalist.B. An official. C. An engineer. D. A cashier.3. A. 15 minutes.B. 90 minutes.C. 120 minutes. D. 105 minutes.4. A. Policeman and driver. B. Teacher and student.C. Boss and clerk. D. Doctor and nurse.5. A. The man isnt sure whether hell go to the party. B. The man just returned from a visit to the Andersons. C. The man may not be able to give the woman a ride. D. The man will get his car back on Friday.6. A. He hasnt had a chance to meet Kathy yet. B. Kathy had already told him the news. C. He didnt know that Kathy was being moved. D. His new office will be located in New York.7. A. The style is more important than the color. B. The green dress doesnt fit as well as the blue one. C. The woman should buy a dress instead of a suit. D. The woman looks better in blue.8. A. Few students meet Professor Johnsons requirements B. Few students understand Professor Johnsons lecture. C. Many students have dropped Professor Johnsons class. D. Many students find Professor Johnsons lecture boring.9. A. The man will take the camera to be repaired. B. The woman will take a picture of the man. C. The woman will show the man how to use the camera. D. The woman will borrow the mans camera.10. A. He cant get a room at the hotel. B. He didnt get the type of room he wanted. C. He expected the room to be more expensive. D. He thought he had already made a reservation.Section B 6%Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. Many cars were turned upside down as a result of the flood. B. Peters hometown was located in the mountains. C. There were many large stones on the roads after the flood. D. Tractors and lorries were busy carrying food to the flooded area. 12. A. How people fought against a natural disaster. B. Help was rushed to the flood-stricken city. C. A big flood struck Peters hometown. D. Many people died in a serious flood. 13. A. The big flood occurred in July. B. Over 2500 people lost their homes. C. More than 100 people died in the flood. D. The victims of the flooded area were carried to safety by helicopters. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Because she was so tired that she collapsed. B. Because she liked snacks so much that she took it almost every day. C. Because the fast food she often took caused her to bee weaker and weaker. D. Because she wanted to be given blood transfusions. 15. A. When people are so busy, they will skip their meals. They usually have takeaways or snacks instead. B. The speaker regrets to have taken too much fast food, she advises others not to follow her example. C. The speaker prefers quick snacks to home-cooked meals. D. The speaker had intended to cook something nourishing. 16. A. Have a wonderful time! B. Enjoy your good health! C. Have a satisfying meal! D. Thank you for your meal!Section C (8%) Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.plete the form. Write NO more than ONE word for each answer.Advantages of the HouseDisadvantages of the HouseIn the beautiful 17 area.Be away from old friends.It has 18 bedrooms.It is too big.There is oil central heating in it.It is much more expensive than 19 .The couple can 20 such a house.They dont need this kind of house.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.plete the form. Write NO more than THREE words for each answer.What event is the woman participating in?_21_.Why does the man attend many meetings?Because he belongs to 22 .What will take place tomorrow?Both Jacks party and the mans 23 .What does the woman advise the man to do?To 24 .II. Grammar Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.Are you on a diet? Then maybe you should consider (25)_(sit) by the window the next time you eat out.A new book claims that (26)_ you sit in a restaurant can affect how many calories you consume.A New research found that people sitting farthest from the front door ate the fewest salads and were 73 per cent more likely to order dessert.Those seated at a dark table ate heavier food and ordered more of it (27)_ diners seated at bright bar tables ordered more salads and fewer desserts.According to the researchers, the darker it is, the more invisible you may feel, the (28)_( easy ) it is to see how much youre eating and the less guilty you are when you eat more. In contrast, seeing the sunlight, people or trees outside might make you more conscious of (29)_ you look, might make you think about walking or might make you want a green salad.The researchers also noted that slim diners chewed around 15 times per mouthful, three chews more than heavier diners. By eating more slowly, the diner consumes less in the time (30)_ takes for the brain to register satisfaction.Section B Choices31. John Nash, a mathematical genius, recently passed _ at the age of 86. His life story was adapted_ the movie A Beautiful Mind in xx.A. by; to B. away; into C. away; to D. over; from32. Denmark has moved one step closer _the worlds first cashless society, The Independent reported. As of next year, businesses such as clothing retailers , restaurants and petrol stations can refuse_ cash payments.A. to being; taking B. to bee; to take C. to bee; taking D. to being; to take33. A small change in the average family can have a big impact on society. Thats_ the government keeps track of changes in Chinese families.A. what B. how C. why D. because 34. _ on the undergraduate courses of the University of New South Wales in Australia, Chinese students_ to earn 600 to 660 out of 750 on the gaokao.A. To be accepted; require B. Being accepted; are required C. To be accepted; are required D. Accepted; have required 35. Beijings annoying smog seems _ the citys appeal to tourists. Its also more difficult to attract high-end employees to work in Beijing, especially _ with children. A. to hurt; the ones B. to have hurt; those C. to have hurt; that D. to be hurting; one 36. A review in xx by Costas Karageorghis, a sport psychologist at Brunel University in London found there was “evidence to suggest that carefully selected music _ give physical and psychological benefits during high-intensity (高强度的) exercise”.A. should B. must C. can D. shall37. After his graduation from the elite school of Eton, _ he became Prince Williams classmate, Redmayne went on _ History of Art at the University of Cambridge.A. where; studying B. where; to study C. which; to study D. which; studying38. As a city with a long history, London has gone through many changes. The days are gone _ horse-drawn carriages were a mon sight in the street. A. when B. that C. because D. while39. In 1993, a group of graduate students in the USA created Mosaic-a “browser” programme. Mosaic was pleasing to _ eye and easy _. A. the; to use B. an; to be used C. the; to be used D. an; to use40. The boy has spent a whole day _ in his room. _ knows what he is doing. A. locked; None B. locking; No one C. being locked; Nobody D. locked; No oneIII. Vocabulary Directions:plete the following sentences and passages by using the words in the boxes. Each word can only be used once. Note that in each box there is one word more than you need. Part A sentences A. leaf B. justice C. created D. stroke AB. round AC. track AD. coined BC. food41. We havent found the solution to the problem yet, but Im sure were on the right _.42. In New York Citys Times Square, thousands gather on December 31 to count down the last seconds of the year. A giant silver ball is lowered at the _ of midnight.43. On the evening of Christmas, the family sit down to a big goose dinner. They _ off the meal with pudding, a Christmas specialty. 44. The thief was determined to turn over a new _ once he was released from prison. 45. Readers may also find some _ for thought in ic strips in addition to being amused.46. “The Global Village” was _ to describe how radio and television had changed the world in the 20th century. In the 21st century, it seems the Internet is sure to have an even greater influence.47. Today, the characters in cartoons range from pets to fancy animals, and ordinary people to superheroes. Micky Mouse and Garfield the Cat make children think and imagine actively. Superman and Batman bring villains of all sorts to _. 41-47 AC D AB A BC AD B Part B PassagesA A. line B. practices C. level D. plaint AB. make up AC. account Fair Harvard has been the song of the prestigious (著名的) university ever since 1836, when it celebrated its 200th anniversary. However, a recent debate has put its long-celebrated “fairness” into the spotlight. In May, a group of more than 60 Asian-American organizations filed a _48_ with the federal government claiming that Harvard uses racial quotas (种族配额) to control the number of Asian-Americans on campus. “To get into Harvard, Asian-Americans have to score much higher on the SAT and participate in more extracurricular and volunteer activities than white, African-American and Hispanic students,” Swann Lee, a Chinese-American writer, told NPR. And no matter if you are Indian, Chinese or Filipino, Harvards admissions process always puts you into a single, high-performing stereotype (偏见), she added.However, Harvard has denied this. General Counsel Robert Iuliano told USA Today that the universitys admissions are in _49_ with the law. In fact, the percentage of Asian-American students admitted has gone up from 17 percent a decade ago to 21 percent, while Asian-Americans _50_for just 6 percent of the US population. “Then and now, the college considers each applicant through a review, with the goal of creating a university that exposes students to a wide-range of differences: background, ideas, experiences, talents, and hopes,” said Iuliano. Another group of 135 organizations came out in support of Harvards_51_ and said that taking race into consideration benefits not only students, but the country. “It helps to _52_ the playing field and create diverse university learning environments,” they said in a statement. BA. opposed B. buys C. host D. survey AB. enduring AC. journal If you had a lot of money, what would you spend it on? Think twice about that new iPhone, as science now says that youd be better off paying for an experience that lasts a little while rather than an object that lasts longer. The idea that buying experiences is more satisfying than buying material things has been expressed for a long time by Cornell psychology professor Thomas Gilovich. In a recent _53_ of Psychological Science, Gilovich and psychologist Matthew Killingsworth, along with Cornell doctoral candidate (博士研究生) Amit Kumar, supported the current understanding that spending money on experiences “provides more _54_ happiness”, both before and after the purchase is made. “You can think about waiting for a delicious meal at a nice restaurant or looking forward to a vacation,” Kumar said. “And how different that feels from waiting for, say, your pre-ordered iPhone to arrive.”You might also pare the bad behavior of people who are waiting in line to buy material items and the better behavior of those who are waiting for a concert. People might talk to each other about what songs the band is going to play, for example, so there is opportunity to connect with other people.“We know that social interaction is important in human happiness, so its going to be a much better experience,” said Kumar.Research has also found that people tend to be more generous to others when theyve just thought about the purchase of an experience as _55_ to a material purchase. Theyre also more likely to take part in social activities. What is it about imagining experiences thats different from thinking about future material purchases? Well, one interesting idea says that you can imagine all sorts of possibilities for what an experience is going to be. “Thats whats fun,” Kumar said. “It could turn out a whole_56_ of ways.” With a material purchase, you know what youre going to get. People just think: “Give it to me now.” A good plan for getting the most out of purchasing an experience may be to plan it far in advance. Thinking about it for days, weeks or even years only makes the experience more valuable. So it may also be time to stop those impulse (冲动) _57_ if you want to be happy.IV. Reading prehensionSection A Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.AThis past National Day holiday saw upwards of half a billion Chinese citizens travelling. While some flew off to international destinations, the _58_ majority enjoyed the many tourist sites that China has to offer. If you were one of those people who decided to explore Chinas scenic spots, you probably realized that it isnt just the mountain steps that are steepthe entrance fees are, too!The average cost of the highest ranked 5A attractions is 109 yuan. This could prove to be a little too steep for some families, who find themselves spending too large a portion of their holiday _59_ on admission tickets. The 32 5A locations that upped their prices in the past five years experienced an average increase of over 40 percent. The bad news is that these prices are expected to continue to rise. So how does Chinas situation pare to other parts of the world? The average fees for cultural and historical sites seem to be on par with (与同价) international _60_. Its quite another _61_, however, when you pare natural wonders. For example, the cost of a ticket to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park (张家界国家森林公园) hovers around 245 yuan for a three-day tour. This seems paratively high when you consider that a week long _62_ to Americas Yellowstone National Park (黄石国家公园) is a mere 74 yuan. There are undeniable benefits to increased revenue (收益) from ticket sales, which support necessary _63_, maintenance and operation costs. This is especially important for sites that must keep visitor numbers down in order to protect the natural environment. However, it must also be acknowledged that many of Chinas tourist attractions are operated by private panies who are ultimately protecting their bottomline(盈亏底线).While the government has put some regulations_64_, such as only allowing entrance fees to be raised once every three years, they have not _65_ the upper limit of ticket prices and increases. Further measures to settle the dispute are being considered. In the meantime, some families are forced to re-think if some attractions are really worth the costs.58. A. vast B. most C. main D. increasing59. A. salary B. budget C. energy D. earnings60. A. affairs B. facilitiesC. equivalentsD. tourists61. A. example B. scene C. occasion D. story 62. A. entranceB. pass C. accessD. reference63. A. evaluation B. demonstrationC. restorationD. foundation64. A. in place B. in time C. in orderD. in turn65. A. covered B. banned C. forbiddenD. capped BAfter all our cold and snowy days trapped at home, everyone felt the need to spend some time with nature. On an April afternoon, the sun was shining almost like it was summer. My host family and I packed the trunk of the car with tents, blankets, food and clothes and set off on a trip to Hawn State Park. The 50-minute car ride felt much shorter because of all the excitement of going camping for the first time. We found that the park had special areas for camping and a _66_ in the mountains for hiking. We picked a flat pitch with trees surrounding it and set up our tent. The creek nearby had a pleasant hiking route alongside it. We walked _67_, feeling the soft ground covered with brown leaves and listening to the _68_ of bird chirps and water gurgles. We even put our feet in the refreshingly clear stream water, which still _69_ a slight coldness from winter. After a tiring hiking trip and a great supper of toasted hot dogs, we each _70_ a chair and sat around the cozy campfire. The sky was turning dark and the temperature dropped little by little. I reached out my hands and the cozy fire warmed me up_71_. When the sun was no longer in sight, I looked up in the sky and was astounded by what I saw: The deep, dark blue sky was _72_ with stars just like a velvet (天鹅绒的) curtain decorated with diamonds. We went out to an open space and lay down on the ground to watch the stars, receiving their greetings from many light years away while my host father taught us how to _73_ different constellations (星座). Under the blanket of a starry night with a breeze gently blowing, I hoped I could stay there and then forever, counting the stars, imagining their stories, and enjoying the time spent with family members. This was natures best gift.66. A. area B. routine C. truck D. footpath67. A. side by side B. hand in hand C. barefoot D. shoulder to shoulder 68. A. symptom B. symphony C. sympathy D. voice69. A. bore B. took C. endured D. carried 70. A. made B. grabbed C. putD. seated71. A. by no means B. in no way C. at no timeD. in no time 72. A. jeweled B. lined C. dyed D. designed73. A. count B. calculate C. identifyD. matchSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A)As you move around your home, take a good look at the things you have. It is likely that your living room will have a television set and a video, and your kitchen a washing machine and a microwave oven. Your bedroom drawers will be filled with almost three times as many clothes as yon need. You almost certainly own a car and possibly a home puter, holiday abroad at least once a year and eat out at least once a week.Now, perhaps, more than ever before, people are wondering what life is all about, and what it is for. Seeking material success is beginning to trouble large numbers of


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