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2019-2020年高中英语课时跟踪检测一Unit1AlandofdiversityWarmingUpReadingLanguagePoints新人教版.单句语法填空 1By no means will I give up though I am faced with so much trouble.2Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the majority of them were (be) eventually able to improve their living conditions.3Seeing many sufferings from all kinds of diseases, he elected to_bee (bee) a doctor.4It is a shame to make a life by depending on others.5To keep up good relationships with your teachers and classmates, you should learn to be on good terms with them.6The government has taken measures to make this custom live on.7We should think of what use can be made of such material.8He is always the first to_e (e) and the last to_leave (leave)9It is_reported (report) that more than 50% students are shortsighted.10It is quite likely that there are some planets like the Earth, on which there might also be life.完成句子1I think Im_likely (我可能) to get the job, but if Bob applies for it too, I will be hopeless.(likely)2It is honorable to_make_a_life (谋生) with your hands.(life)3A panda lives_on_bamboo_leaves (以竹叶为食)(live)4A_majority_of_the_toys (这些玩具中的大多数) are yellow.(majority)5We use a_percentage_of_our_ine (我们一部分收入) as an investment.(percentage)6They succeeded by_means_of_perseverance (靠毅力)(means)7He led a peace movement in_the_late_1930s (在20世纪30年代晚期)(late)8They kept_up_the_struggle (继续斗争) till they succeeded.(keep).阅读理解There are different cultural traditions in the 38th District of California munities: Cambodian, Hmong, IndoAmerican, Chamorro, and AfricanAmerican.Individual events focus on each culture.Cambodian people first came to the 38th District when they escaped from being killed by the Khmer Rouge during the 1970s.Cambodian traditions are kept alive in the celebration of the Cambodian New Year in April, which features (以为特色) native food, religious events, and traditional Cambodian dances, with their costumes and beautiful movements.The Hmong people, who came to the 38th District because of the war in Vietnam, celebrate their New Year in December.Wearing colorful costumes, singing native songs and playing native instruments, the Hmong celebrate New Year by performing ceremonies to honor the dead and the spirits of nature.The tradition of the IndoAmericans in the District is kept through their social, professional and political clubs, and by wearing their traditional dress and performing folk dances from India.The Chamorro people, first from the Mariana Islands and Guam in the Pacific, hold an annual cultural fair in Long Beach; central to the Chamorran tradition is respect for elders, religious beliefs, storytelling, dancing, canoemaking, and the production of tools.Marking the end of slavery, Juneteenth was first celebrated on June 19 in Galveston, Texas, in 1865.Today AfricanAmericans in Long Beach celebrate the holiday with choir performances, African dances and displays of African art products.Individual events also help to bine many races and nationalities in the 38th District.Kidsday recognizes the outstanding achievements of 100 to 200 Downey youth in academic, athletic and munitybased activities.Other 38th District events include the annual Downey Youth Fishing Day and the Anaheim International Festival street fair.The Long Beach Municipal Band is also important to the 38th District and so is Long Beachs sister city of Sochi, Russia.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了美国加利福尼亚州第38区丰富多彩的多民族文化。1What do we know about Cambodian people in the 38th District?AThey first came there in the 1870s.BThey went there to escape being killed.CTheir New Year is celebrated in January.DTheir life has been improved by the Khmer Rouge.解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章第二段的前两句可知,首批柬埔寨人是在上世纪70年代迁入第38区的,他们是为了避免被Khmer Rouge (红色高棉组织)杀害,其新年是在四月庆祝。2Who moved to the 38th District because of a war?AThe Hmong people.BThe IndoAmericans.CThe AfricanAmericans.DThe Chamorro people.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第二段的“The Hmong people, who came to the 38th District because of the war in Vietnam”可知A项正确。3According to the text, all the following events help to unite different races EXCEPT _.Athe Long Beach Municipal BandBthe annual cultural fair in Long BeachCthe annual Downey Youth Fishing DayDthe Anaheim International Festival street fair解析:选B细节理解题。文章最后一段中所提到的各个文化活动(A、C、D项)都有利于各种族及各民族的大团结,B项为查莫罗文化的一部分。4Which of the following is the best title for the text?ATradition VS ReformBCultural shock and national harmonyCAmericas different cultural traditionsDDifferent cultural events in the 38th District解析:选D标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了美国加利福尼亚州第38区丰富多彩的多民族文化,详细介绍了五种不同的传统文化,故D项最适合作本文标题。BNative American life is different today than it was centuries ago, but there is still a great degree of pride and independence in Native American life. Pride in ones tribe, care of the land and respect for nature characterized native American life, and many Native Americans share these principles today. Although the history of American Indians on the continent has in later years included many sad events, Native American pride still remains and Native American life is ideally filled with pride for ones roots and love of nature. Many Native Americans today live on reservations, but in generations past, they spanned (横跨) the continent and their lifestyles and traditions varied from tribe to tribe as they do today. Some Native Americans survived by hunting and gathering and lived in tents, while others lived in plex longhouses and had a very organized and plex political system. Before white settlers came to the continent, Native American life was free of European influences, and Native Americans lived simply off the land. They were not yet familiar with the serious diseases that would later take many lives, as Europeans brought smallpox against which Native American populations lacked resistance. Although there was often cooperation between tribes regarding farming and trade, other tribes were continuously at war with each other, such as the Algonquin and the Iroquois. However, the Iroquois would often incorporate (合并) conquered tribes into their sophisticated political system and thus enlarge their nation. Many of these tribes and rivalries were exploited when white settlers landed on the continent, and some tribes were pitted (使争斗) against others to serve the colonists designs. Native American life also included a unique view of spirituality and health. The American Indians knew what we are discovering today the mind and the spirit play a critical role in physical illness and healing (康复). Native American life was also characterized by love of nature, and todays concern about conservation and environmentalism is inspired by views which were and still are the marks of Native American life. 语篇解读:本文介绍了美国土著印第安人生活方式的变迁,以及他们对健康和自然的理念。5What are Native Americans proud of?AThe land. BNature.CTheir own roots.DTheir independence.解析:选C细节理解题。由第一段的“.Native American life is ideally filled with pride for ones roots and love of nature”可知,美国印第安人对自己的部落、自己的根充满了自豪感。6What can we infer from the third paragraph?ANative Americans didnt trust Europeans.BEuropeans helped Native Americans much.CNative Americans and Europeans lived in peace.DNative Americans were taken advantage of by Europeans.解析:选D推理判断题。分析文章第三段最后一句可知,欧洲人利用印第安人之间的矛盾来实现自己殖民的目的。7Which was probably a sad event in the history of American Indians? AMany of them died from smallpox. BThey survived by hunting and gathering and lived in tents. CConquered tribes were incorporated into their political system. DSome of them had a very organized and plex political system.解析:选A细节理解题。从文章第二段最后一句可知,印第安人对天花没有抵抗力,因此死了很多人。这是令人痛心的历史。8What does the last paragraph mainly tell us? AThe influence of Native American life. BCharacteristics of Native American life. CNative Americans awareness of environment. DNative Americans view of spirituality and health.解析:选D主旨大意题。文章最后一段的第一句就是该段的主题句。该段主要介绍印第安人独特的对于健康和精神的理解。.语法填空Today, after finishing dinner in town, my husband and I were driving back home.As we pulled over, we saw a couple _1_ (paint) their furniture.I went inside our home, _2_ (change), and then went back out again to ask our neighbors if they needed any help.While leaving my home, I was plagued (困扰) by thoughts of _3_ (embarrass), denial, or _4_ (receive) but looked down on skeptically.However, I gathered the courage to go down and ask _5_ anyway!Initially, the woman _6_ (deny)Then, the man said, “Sure,” and he handed me a spray paint bottle.We got into some good conversations _7_ painting with great effort.When we finished, I briefly chatted with them before leaving.In the end, not only did I enjoy helping them, but also learned about my neighbors._8_ the way home, I must admit I couldnt help but wonder _9_ they might be thinking about me.It is tough to do a good deed for others and not expect that they will be thinking good about you.Todays experience taught me some _10_ (value) lessons in my life! Hopefully, these lessons will help me continue my acts of kindness in future.答案:1.painting2.changed3.embarrassment4.being received5.them6.denied7.when/while8.On9.what10.valuable


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