2019-2020年高三12月月考英语试题 含解析.doc

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2019-2020年高三12月月考英语试题 含解析整套试卷突出了语言运用能力的考查。其中语言知识部分,15道单项选择题侧重词汇的辨析;符合主流方向,动词方面,考查了动词时态、语态、语气、主谓一致、非谓语动词、情态动词,可谓是涉及了动词方方面面的语法知识。句法方面,考查了定语从句、状语从句和名词性从句,考查面也很广。完形填空难度不大,比较有教育意义,选材较好。阅读理解题阅读量不大,阅读难度不高,且试题以细节理解题为主。书面表达为学生熟悉的话题,学生有话可说,有事可写。总的来说,整套试卷的难度小,属偏易范畴。6. Where do the speakers usually go? A. To the zoo. B. To the river. C. To the beach.7. What do the speakers decide to do? A. Visit the Browns. B. Go to the castle. C. Have a picnic by the sea. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9题。8. Where are the speakers? A. In a gym. B. In a hospital. C. In the street.9. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Try to have more energy. B. Walk to work from home. C. Do some exercise regularly. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12题。10. What are the speakers talking about? A. A group. B. A friend. C. A poetry.11. How often is the small book published? A. Once a month. B. Twice a year. C. Once a year.12. What is Janet fond of? A. Editing poetry. B. Writing poetry. C. Organizing meetings. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16题13. What do we know about Winchester Island? A. It is crowded with people. B. It has a peaceful atmosphere. C. It is a fun place to play there.14. What does the man like most about the holiday centre? A. It will bring more money. B. It will attract more people. C. It will provide sports activities.15. Why doesnt the woman like the new plan? A. It will damage the environment. B. It will need a large amount of money. C. It will make many people lose their homes.16. What do the man and the woman disagree on? A. Whether the holiday centre should be built. B. Whether the island is a good place to do sports. C. Whether the tourists can go to the island. 听下面一段独白,回答第17至20题17. When is it now? A. At the beginning of a term. B. In the middle of a term. C. At the end of a term.18. Why does the speaker suggest the students take the test? A. To find better jobs. B. To find out what theyre good at. C. To make career plans before they graduate.19. What can one work as if hes good at municating? A. An editor. B. An advertiser. C. A private teacher.20. What can we learn from what the speaker said? A. The test is free of charge. B. Students can take either date of the tests. C. The test needs the teachers permission.第二部分 单项选择(共15小题,每题1分,共15分)21.It is said that books on _ popular science are in _ short supply. A. the; a B. /; / C. /; the D. the; the【答案】【知识点】 A3 冠词【答案解析】选B,学科前不加冠词,be in short是固定搭配,表示“短缺”。22.The girl the teachers considered _ was caught _ in the exam, which surprised us very much. A. to be the best; cheatingB. as the best student; to cheat C. being the best; cheatingD. as a good student; to cheat【答案】【知识点】A9 非谓语动词【答案解析】选A,注意句子结构,the teachers considered是定语从句,第一空的结构是consider sb/sth to be,用to be+表语,做宾补;第二空是固定短语:catch sb doing sth,抓住某人做某事。23. The population of Chongqing, _from the countryside, are making their efforts to build their hometown into a more beautiful and modern society. A. the majority of which are B. of which the majority is C. the majority of whom are D. of whom the majority is【答案】【知识点】A15 定语从句 【答案解析】选C,非限制性定语从句,先行词是the population表示“人”,故引导词用“who”;从形式上讲the majority of whom和of whom the majority都对,但是大多数人表示“复数”,故用are。 24. After finding her car stolen, _. A .a policeman was asked to help B. the area was searched thoroughly C. it was looked for everywhere D. she hurried to a policeman for help【答案】【知识点】A9 非谓语动词【答案解析】选 D,非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语就是句子主语。比较四个选项,finding her car stolen 的逻辑主语显然是 she,而不是 a policeman, the area, it 等,故选 D。25. -Where do you want to travel for summer, Canada or America?-_ Therere so many nice places at home, you know. A. So what? B. Why not? C. How e? D. Why bother?【答案】【知识点】A17 情景交际【答案解析】选D,句意是:你想去什么地方旅游呢:何苦呢?在家乡就有这么多好地方。根据句意选D,A,那又如何?B,问什么不呢?表示提出建议或允许。C, 问什么。26. What would have happened, _, as far as the river bank? A. Edward Snowden had walked farther B. if Edward Snowden should walk farther C. had Edward Snowden walked farther D. if Edward Snowden walked farther【答案】【知识点】A10 情态动词与虚拟语气 【答案解析】选C,根据主句的谓语动词would have happened, 可以断定此题考查“与过去事实相反”的虚拟语气。从句中谓语动词用过去完成时。当if引导的虚拟条件从句的谓语动词含有were,had,could,should等词时,可将这些词提至句首,而将if省去,从而构成倒装句式,这种句式的使用范围和表达形式都很复杂,能力不强的考生很难过关。 27. Darling, the headache _ me. No wonder, you _ the South Korean TV soaps since last night. A. kills; have watched B. is killing; have been watching C. is going to kill; were watchingD. was killing; had watched【答案】【知识点】A11 动词的时态与语态【答案解析】选B,先看第二空,根据时间状语since last night可以断定:从昨天晚上一直到现在都一直在看韩剧,因此应当用现在完成进行时态,而第一空表示现在非常头疼,故用现在进行时,因此选B。28. The news that the scientists in China are trying the ways to reduce the fog and haze was _ on the radio yesterday. A. turned out B. found out C. given out D. carried out【答案】【知识点】A8 动词短语【答案解析】选C,句意:消息称,中国的科学家们正在尽力减少雾和霾。Give out 表示公布,消息应当是被公布。29. - The news that the scientists in China are trying the ways to reduce the fog and haze was? - Top notch! Never have I seen _ before。 A. a better oneB. a worse one C. the best one D. the worst one【答案】【知识点】A16 特殊句式 【答案解析】选A,这是比较级表示最高级的句型,否定词never与比较级连用。例如:How beautifully she sings! I have never heard a better voice30. Jessica suggested the problem worth paying attention _ at the meeting. A. to be discussed B. to been discussed C. being discussed D. be discussed【答案】【知识点】A9 非谓语动词【答案解析】选A,本题考查非谓语动词。本题较为复杂。首先,这句话的主干结构为:The experts suggested the problem be discussed at the meeting. 不难看出suggest引导的宾语从句中要用“should do”,此处should省略了。其次“worth paying attention to”作定语修饰problem,因此A正确。31. Only under special circumstances _to use the fire hose, otherwise they will be punished. A. are people permitted B. people are permitted C. people permit D. do people permit【答案】【知识点】A16 特殊句式 【答案解析】选A,only+状语位于句首用部分倒装,并且被动语态构成形式是be done,故答案选A。32. After _ seemed like an hour, Michael started off on his bike for _ his dream leads him. A. what; what B. what; where C. which; what D. that; where【答案】【知识点】 A 13 名词性从句【答案解析】第一空考查名词性从句。句中what在从句中作主语。句意:在看起来差不多一个小时左右,我们终于进入了观众席。第二空,where引导宾语从句,主要是根据句意,迈克尔骑上自行车驶向了他的梦想之地。33. Whatever happens ,Ben, _ drugs. A. doesnt take B. not take C. not taking D. dont take【答案】【知识点】A16 特殊句式 【答案解析】选D,本句的本质是 祈使句,表示命令,故选D。34. Dont answer the phone when the cell phone is being charged, for it _ be very dangerous sometimes. A. shall B. should C. can D. must【答案】【知识点】A10 情态动词 【答案解析】选C,can用在肯定句中表示理论上的可能性(一时的可能)。Theroadcanbeblocked.这条路可能会不通的。35. As we all know, it was _ that resulted in the terrible car accident. A. because of her carelessnessB. because she was careless C. her being carelessD. she was so careless【答案】【知识点】A16 特殊句式 【答案解析】选C,本题可采用减元法,把强调句型中的It wasthat去掉,就不难看出该句缺少主语。Her being careless是-ing形式复合结构,在句中充当主语。故选B。第三部分 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分) 【题文】 A When were young, we dream of love and fulfillment. We perhaps think of nights in the moon or walks along the beach at sunset. No one tells us that the 36 moments of a lifetime are flashing by, unplanned and nearly always catch us off guard. Not long ago, as I was reading a bedtime story to my seven-year-old daughter, Annie, I became aware of her 37 look. She was staring at me with a charmed expression. 38 , pleting The Tale of Samuel Whiskers was not as 39 as we first thought. I asked what she was thinking about. Mommy, she 40 , I just cant stop looking at your pretty face.I almost dissolved on the spot. Not long after, I took my four-year-old son to an elegant department store, where the sweet notes of a classic love song 41 us toward a musician playing a grand piano. Sam and I sat down on a marble bench nearby, and he seemed as absorbed in the pleasant 42 as I was. I didnt realize that Sam had 43 next to me until he turned, took my face in his little hands and said, 44 with me. 45 those women walking under the Paris moon knew the 46 of such an invitation made by a round-cheeked boy with baby teeth! Although 47 openly laughed and pointed at us as we glided and whirled around the open atrium(中庭), I would not have 48 a dance with such a charming young gentleman if Id been offered the universe.36. A. saddest B. greatest C. shortest D. longest37. A. focused B. scared C. surprising D. worried 38. A. Strangely B. Patiently C. Naturally D. Apparently 39. A. easy B. delicate C. important D. suitable40. A. shouted B. whispered C. cried D. screamed 41. A. drew B. beat C. fed D. cut 42. A. title B. subject C. topic D. theme43. A. looked up B. stood up C. taken up D. e up 44. A. Sing B. Play C. Dance D. Go 45. A. As if B. Even if C. Only if D. If only 46. A. shame B. joy C. pity D. chance 47. A. shoppers B. teachers C. workers D. managers48. A. expected B. accepted C. traded D. caught 【答案】【知识点】U1 完形填空(一) 【文章综述】作者谈的是自己与孩子相处的感受,女儿和儿子给作者带来了无穷的快乐。【答案解析】36.B, of a lifetime 千载难逢的,表示“千载难逢的”自然是“伟大的,宝贵的”。37.A,focused,专心的,表示女儿听我讲故事非常的专心;38.D,apparently显然地;似乎,表面上 句意:显然,讲完故事不是我的初衷,所以我又问女儿现在想什么?39.C,此处强调讲完故事不是我的初衷,用not as important as来表达。40.B,whisper 耳语;低声说。女儿低声对我说。41.A,draw此处是“吸引;拉”歌声把我们吸引到一位演奏钢琴的音乐家身上。42.D,theme 主题,旋律;儿子全神贯注,像我一样被音乐的旋律给吸引住了。43.B,儿子靠着我站着,用他的小手捧着我的脸,说“和我一块跳舞”。44.C,参照上题。45.D,if only 如果怎么样就好了,如果在巴黎的月光下散步的那些女士们知道受到一位长着童齿、圆圆的脸庞的小男孩的跳舞的邀请就好了。46.B,参照上题。47.A,shoppers 购物者。指的是商场的其他购物者看着我和儿子跳舞。48.C,此处谈的作为母亲的感受,即使给我整个宇宙我也不会去交换和这样 一个小男孩跳舞的机会。Trade with与交易。【技巧点拨】完形填空解题策略:(一)细读首尾旬,推测意图 (二)通读全文,掌握主题思想和文章结构 (三)跳空猜读,把握大意 (四)先易后难,边读边填 (五)瞻前顾后,前后参照 (六)复读全文,验证答案 总而言之,完形填空是一项含有多种技巧的思维过程,涉及到大量的语言知识,包括词、词性、句子,语法结构等等,另外还包括一定的历史和社会文化背景等非语言知识。若要想在完形填空中拿到满意的分数,学生就得在阅读中一边阅读,一边进行猜测、推断、归纳、验证。学生除了必须熟练掌握词汇,还必须具备一定的阅读理解的准确性和阅读速度的能力。另外,学生必须经过大量的阅读和长期的阅读训练,才能取得优异的成绩来源。详细解析:【题文】B Self-confidence does not necessarily imply a belief in ones ability to succeed. For instance, one may be 49 at a particular sport or activity, but remain confident, simply because one does not 50 a great deal of emphasis on the result of the activity. When one does not always think of negative results, one can be more self-confident because one is 51 far less about failure or the 52 of others following potential failure. One is then more likely to focus on the actual situation, which means that enjoyment and success in that situation is also more probable. Belief in ones abilities to perform an activity es 53 successful experience and may add to a general sense of self-confidence. Studies have also found a 54 between high levels of confidence and wages. 55 , those who self-report they were confident earlier in schooling earned better wages and were promoted more quickly over the life course.49. A. good B. experienced C. poor D. surprised 50. A. make B. lay C. play D. take 51. A. talking B. asking C. worrying D. learning 52. A. respect B. disapproval C. envy D. dishonesty 53. A. through B. to C. towards D. before 54. A.difference B. link C. similarity D. distance 55. A. Alternatively B. Immediately C.Sharply D. Seemingly 【答案】【知识点】U2 完形填空(二)【文章综述】本文讲的是有关自信心的一些问题,自信是成功的基础。【答案解析】49.C,poor 差的,一个人在一个特定的领域可能比较差,但是会保持自信因为他没有非常重视活动的结果。50.B,lay emphasis on强调;把重点放在,此处指的是不关注结果。51.C,当一个人不总是考虑负面结果的时候,他就不会担心失败,或潜在的失败所带来的别人的否定和不赞成。worry about担心。52.B,disapproval 不赞成,参照上题 。53.A,e through相信自己有能力执行一个活动来自成功的经验并且能够增加自信感。54.B,自信的水平和和薪水之间也有联系。55.D,alternatively 非此即彼;immediately 立即;立刻 ; sharply 急剧的 seemingly 看来好像;看起来,那些在学校自认为自己比较自信的人会赢得更好的工资和晋升更快。第四部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)【题文】AOne day in l965, when I worked at View Ridge School in Seattle, a fourth-grade teacher approached me. She had a student who finished his work before all the others and needed a challenge. Could he help in the library? She asked. I said, Send him along.Soon a slight, sandy-haired boy in jeans and a T-shift appeared. Do you have a job for me? he asked.I told him about the Dewey Decimal System for shelving books. He picked up the idea immediately. Then I showed him a stack of cards for long-overdue books that I was beginning to think had actually been returned but were miss helved with the wrong cards in them. He said, Is it kind of a detective job? I answered yes, and he became working.He had found three books with wrong cards by the time his teacher opened the door and announced, Time for break! He argued for finishing the finding job; She made the case for fresh air. She won.The next morning, he arrived early. I want to finish these books, he said. At the end of the day, when he asked to be a librarian on a regular basis, it was easy to say yes. He worked untiringly.After a few weeks I found a note on my desk, inviting me to dinner at the boys home. At the end of a pleasant evening, his mother announced that the family would be moving to neighbouring school district. Her sons first concern, she said, was leaving the View Ridge library. Who will find the lost books? he asked.When the time came, I said a reluctant good-bye. I missed him, but not for long. A few days later he came back and joyfully announced: The librarian over there doesnt let boys work in the library. My mother got me transferred back to View Ridge. My dad will drop me off on his way to work. And if he cant, Ill walk!I should have had an inkling(感觉) such focused determination would take that young man wherever he wanted to go. What I could not have guessed, however, was that he would bee a wizard of the Information Age: Bill Gates, tycoon of Microsoft and Americas richest man.56. What was the author when the story happened? A. A teacher. B. A librarian. C. A detective. D. A professor.57. What was the boy told to do on his first day in the library? A. To rearrange the books according to the new system. B. To put those overdue books back to the shelves.C. To find out the books with wrong cards in them. D. To put the cards back in the long-overdue books.58. The boy got transferred back to View Ridge because _. A. he did not like his life in the new school B. the transportation there was not convenientC. he missed his old schoolmates and teachers D. he was not allowed to work in the school library59. What impressed the author most was that the boy _.A. had a thirst for learning B. had a strong willC. was extremely quick at learning D. had a kind heart【答案】【知识点】C1 人物传记类 【文章综述】本文讲的是比尔盖茨小时的一个故事,反映出了比尔盖茨坚强的意志力,这也成为他成功的重要原因。【答案解析】56:B,细节理解题。根据前三段老师把小比尔盖茨带到作者那里被安排整理图书的事可知,作者是一位图书管理员。57:C,细节理解题。根据第四段第一句可知,是让他从书架上找出书卡放错的图书。58:D,细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“The librarian over there doesnt let boys work in the library. My mother got me transferred back to View Ridge.”可知,他因不能在新学校的图书馆工作而要求转回原来的学校。 59. B,细节题,根据最后一段第一句话:I should have had an inkling(感觉) such focused determination would take that young man wherever he wanted to go.关键词是 focused determination。 【题文】BTheyre WILD animalsBy Ernst-Ulrich FranzenMarch 11, xx (3) mentsThe story about the woman who lost some fingers while feeding a bear at a zoo in Manitowoc, after she ignored warnings and barriers(栅栏), reminded me of the story I heard about a couple who put their baby on the back of a wild horse in South Dakota to get a really cute picture. We all do silly things at times no one is immune but treating wild animals as lovely pets has to fall into a special category. Teddy bears and Disney movies arent actually representative of real bears.ments (3) View ments 3 mentsPost a ment 1. TosaLeft - Mar 11, xx 10:46AMDont you think that maybe, just maybe some alcohol was involved? 2. tk421 - Mar 11, xx 11:09 AMIt was already approved that alcohol was involved. Stories that begin with a drunk person saying “Hey, I got an idea, watch this!” rarely end well. 3. Tristan Kloss - Mar 11, xx 11:41 AMAlcohol certainly isnt involved when people decide to keep “pets” like chimpanzees, baby tigers, etc. Stupidity, definitely. Dogs are pets because of thousands of years of domestication. Even farm animals, which have been kept by humans for thousands of years as well, arent let in the house. So why keep animals that treat human contact with, at best, indifference(冷淡、不在乎) and, at worst, violence? 60In Ernst-Ulrich Franzens opinion, the woman lost her fingers because _. A. the zoo keepers didnt warn her of the danger B. she didnt know the bear was a wild animal C. she was somehow influenced by cartoon characters D. she climbed over the barriers and angered the bear61TosaLeft thinks the wounded woman _. A. may have been drunkB. may be a little stupid C. was addicted to wineD. fed wine to the bear62tk421 means a drunk person _. A. should be forbidden to enter the zoo B. usually gets himself into trouble C. is often fond of making up stories D. usually likes to show himself off63What does Tristan Kloss think of people treating wild animals as pets? A. Kind.B. Illegal.C. Loving.D. Stupid.【答案】【知识点】C7 社会生活类 【文章综述】本文主要讲述的是一些人因为看了动画片,而像动画片中去和动物接触,因此受到了伤害甚至丢失了自己的生命,据此展开了讨论。【答案解析】60.C,细节题,根据第一段最后一句话:Teddy bears and Disney movies arent actually representative of real bears.可知这位女士受了动画片的影响,把现实中的动物当作动画片中的角色,才导致了悲剧的发生。61.A,细节题,根据他说的话可知:Dont you think that maybe, just maybe some alcohol was involved?关键词是alcohol。62.B,细节题推断题,Stories that begin with a drunk person saying “Hey, I got an idea, watch this!” rarely end well. 喝酒 的人很少有好结局(never ends well)。63.D,细节题,第一句话:Alcohol certainly isnt involved when people decide to keep “pets” like chimpanzees, baby tigers, etc. Stupidity, definitely.【题文】CIn spite of the uncertainty of the economy, the movie industry has been stricken by a box-office outburst. Suddenly it seems as if everyone is going to the movies, with ticket sales this year up 17.5 percent, to $1.7 billion.And it is not just because ticket prices are higher. Attendance has also jumped, by nearly 16 percent. If that pace continues through the year, it would amount to the biggest box-office increase in at least two decades.Americans, for the moment, just want to hide in a very dark place. People want to forget their troubles, and they want to be with other people. Helping feed the outburst is the mix of movies, which have been more audience-friendly in recent months as the studios have tried to adjust after the discouraging sales of more serious films. As she stood in line at the 18-screen Bridge theater plex here on Thursday to buy weekend tickets for “Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience,” Angel Hernandez was not thinking much about escaping reality. Instead, Ms. Hernandez, a Los Angeles parking lot attendant and mother of four young girls, was focused on one very specific reality: her wallet. “Spending hundreds of dollars to take them to Disneyland is ridiculous right now,” she said. “For $60 and some candy money I can still be a good mom and give them a little fun.”A lot of parents may have been thinking the same thing Friday, as “Jonas Brothers” s


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