高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship Section Four Using language课件 新人教版必修1.ppt

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Unit 1 Friendship,Unit 1,Using Language,Dear editor, Im a student from Huzhou Senior High School. I have a problem. Im not good at communicating with people. Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard to make good friends with them. So I feel quite lonely sometimes. I do want to change this situation, but I dont know how. I would be grateful if you would give me some advice. Best wishes Xiaodong,Read the letter to the editor from Xiaodong:,1) What problem does Xiaodong have? I dont know how to change the situation,Problems Not good at communicating with people Find it hard to make friends Feel lonely,Advice? What is your advice? Why do you give the advice? What will be the result of your advice?,2) Why does Xiaodong write the letter?,Home school materials are everywhere. In fact, as a homeschool parent, one of the best learning tools you can use is making use of songs. Think of it. When you hear your favorite songs come on the radio and as soon as the lyrics begin, you can join in at once and sing along. Perhaps you havent heard this song for months or even years! Doesnt it amaze you? There is no doubt learning through lyric and rhyme is a great way!,A leading sentence,A conclusive sentence,Writing task,Give advice,Structure,A leading sentence ( your advice ),Body ( your reasons ),A conclusive sentence (result),Useful expressions,List several advice: First, Secondly, Thirdly, I hope you will find these useful.,Ways of giving advice Why not? In my opinion, you should It would be a good idea if My advice is Words showing results: In this way; then; So/therefore; if you do this; By doing this,And then Besides In addition,complete the task: advice & reason,Topic sentence + reason+ conclusive sentence,Right tense; right forms,Right spelling; complete sentences.,complete the task: advice & reason,Topic sentence + reason+ conclusive sentence,Right tense; right forms,Right spelling; complete sentences.,Dear xiadong , Im sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you: First ,why not go and talk to people standing on their own? I agree that this is difficult but that person may be lonely too. If you do this I am sure you will soon communicate with them well. Second, you can begin the conversation by asking about their likes and dislikes. That way you will soon find people with the same interests. I think that is a good way to find new friends. Finally, you should try to join in a discussion. You may not feel that this is right, but by doing this you are letting people know how friendly you are. So there should be no problem. It should certainly kill your loneliness. I hope you find these ideas useful. Yours, Miss Wang,并列 选择 原因 结果 时间 比较 转折 递进 举例 总结,Some of the discourse markers,and; as well as ; also;,or; eitheror; or else; otherwise,because ; owing to; due to ;on account of ; thanks to,so ; therefore ; thus ; as a result,when ;soon after ; before; later ; first ; and then ; next ; finally; afterwards.,on the contrary ; on the other hand ; like,but ; yet; however ; although; in spite of ; instead ;,besides ; moreover ; even ; in addition,for example/instance; such as ; that is ; namely ;,in conclusion ; in short ; in general ; generally Speaking,in all, in a word,得分条件: 1.行文连贯流畅 2.语句严谨准确 3.表达简明概括 4.句型要有变化 5.语言使用适当得体 6.行书整洁,字体规范,检查修改作文应注意的问题:,1. 有没有在正文一开始就摆出中心句? 2.每一段是否都有主题句? 3.文章是否按照写作要求的内容写( 有没有多了,少了或是偏了)? 4.每个句子结构是否都完整( 都有主语、谓语) ? 5.有没有语法错误( 如时态、语态、人称、单复数、大小写等)?,6.句子之间是否有连词 7.句式是否多样化? ( 句子的多样性是决定文章能拿高粉的中要因素之一。 因此,恰当地使用某些方法使句式多样化,有助于增强文章的表达效果。常用的方法有:恰当地运用从句、倒装句、同位语从句;长短句交替使用;适当用介词、分词短语、不定式等开头。),Thanks a lot!,Any comment is welcome!,


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