2019春四年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1《Dad played the erhu》教案 外研版.doc

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Module4 Unit1 Dad played the erhu.教学内容分析:本课为新标准版小学英语第八册Module4 Unit1第1课时,本单元的内容以谈论过去进行的音乐会为主线,学习动词的过去式,学会正确表达“演奏某种乐器”。 教学目标:1.知识目标:a.100学生能听说读写新单词:concert , Chinese , played, erhu , pipa ;b.100学生能听说读:instrument,guitar ,violin;c.100学生掌握重点句型:”What did they play?” 和 “Dad played the erhu. /Mum played the pipa.”2.能力目标:a.100学生学会用一般过去式表达过去发生的事; b.100要懂得如何用英语来表达演奏乐器,而且要学会如何运用重点句型:”What did they /he/she play?” 和 “They /he/she played”来进行问答; c.80学生能用过去式报道一场音乐会。3.情感目标:培养学生对乐器的认识,热爱音乐,同时激发他们学习英语的兴趣。重点难点:1重点:学会新的单词和重点句型,以及一些乐器的英语表达。2难点:如何运用一般过去式表达过去发生的事,如何正确运用重点句型来进行问答。学情分析:小学四年级的学生已经具有较强的英语学习能力,已经学习了一般过去时的表达。同时,大多数孩子养成了良好的听说习惯,能够自觉预习、复习课文。本课内容是有关音乐,因此易于激发学生兴趣。教学准备:ppt 课件,单词卡教学过程:I. Step one : Warming up1. Greetings: T: “Good morning, boys and girls .How are you today?” Ss: “Good morning, Ms Gao .Fine, thank you! And you? “ T:” Im fine, too. Thank you! Sit down, please!” T:”Whats the weather like today?” Ss: “Its sunny.” 2. Free Talk and watch a videoT: What did you do yesterday?Ss: I.(Ask students to answer)T: “Ok, do you know what did I do yesterday?”Ss.T: Let me tell you, I watched a CD yesterday. Lets enjoy it together. Answer: Whats the CD about? What can you see in it?通过视频引入话题,同时简单认识讨论几种中国乐器。Learn the word“concert”. “instrument”Show pics about concert.帮助学生感知Concer is a good way to enjoy music.渗透What did they play? They playedIt was a Chinese concert. T: Do you like Chinese music?渗透 Chinese music设计意图:在教学准备阶段,让学生一起说说昨天干了什么事,并观看视频,以达到营造宽松的学习氛围,使学生快速进入学习过程的目的。同时,帮助学生在情境中复习过去式,渗透了本课的句型和单词,为学习新课内容做好铺垫。II. Step two : Preparation1. Lead in the task. Who is the best little reporter?通过音乐会的视频导入本课的任务是学习报道一场音乐会2. Listen and answerShow pictures, find“Lingling went to a concert yesterday.”group work学生自主提问What do you want to know about the concert?设计意图:在学生谈论已知的信息后,让学生继续进行提问,培养学生主动提问、积极思考问题的能力。对于学生提出的问题,教师不要急于回答,如果学生能够回答的就让学生回答,教师进行适当的引导。Listen and answer Who played in the concert? What did they play?Ss: Linglings dad and mum played in the concert.Dad played the erhu. And mum played the pipa.通过图片进一步巩固play the erhu , play the pipa板书重点句型,pairwork操练句型,指导学生注意play the erhu中the的发音3. Listen againWhats an erhu?Whats a pipa?Show Chinese instruments and Western instrumentsT: Do you know other instruments?比较东西方乐器的差异,拓展部分西方的乐器It looks like a violin/guitar.Learn looks like通过图片和动作帮助学生感知look like4. Listen and imitateDoes Amy like Chinese music?5. Fill in the blanks.Yesterday Lingling_to a_ .It was _ music.Her dad played the_. It looks like a _. Her mum_the_. It _a_. Shes got a_. Its beautiful. Amy loves it.设计意图:通过填空展示一个音乐会报道的例文,是对课文内容的进一步理解与巩固,同时为下面完成本课任务搭建支架,为语言输出做好铺垫6. Read in rolesIII. Step three: Practice1. guessing game: What did he/she played?a. guess by tips 遮住图片大部分学生根据提示猜What did he/she play?b. listen then guess创设了一个小情境,学生通过听音猜测What did he/she play?,在巩固句型的同时帮助学生了解体会音乐的美妙。c. chantI played the guitar. I played the pipa.He played basketball.He played football.We all played.结合上题图片,通过chant操练句型,并帮助学生比较play the 乐器和play 运动的用法区别d. practice in pair设计意图:此环节旨在让全体学生都能够参与到活动中来,在情境中巩固句型,活动具有趣味性,学生很感兴趣。2. Memory Gamea. Watch a picture and try to remember in groupsb. Finish the task: Im the best reporter.Yesterday, animals played in a concert. It was a music. played played played 设计意图:让学生在真实自然的任务型活动中扩展运用本节课所学的内容。通过小组合作,使学生的眼、口、耳、手多种器官参与学习,不仅培养学生间的合作意识,又达到思维训练、提高语言的综合运用能力的目的。IV. Step four : Summary1. Watch a video about our own school2. Talk about the video using new words and sentencesV. Step five: Homework1. Listen and act the dialogue.2. Write a report about our school band.反馈练习设计:( ) 1.Where did Lingling go yesterday ? A. A concert B. A party C. A school( ) 2. What music was it ? A. American music B.English music C. Chinese music( ) 3.What did Dad play ? A. The pipa B. The erhu C. The flute( ) 4.What did Mum play ? A. The pipa B. The erhu C. The flute ( ) 5.What does a pipa look like ? A. A guitar B. An erhu C. A flute ( ) 6.Does Amy like Chinese music ? A. No, she doesnt. B. Yes, she does. C. Sorry 板书设计:Module 4 Unit 1 Dad played the erhu.concert/CD What did they play?Dad played the erhu. Mum played the pipa.教学反思:


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