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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第一部分模块八Unit2Theuniversallanguage课下作业牛津译林版.单项填空1Do you like your present job?_ Actually I am considering looking for a new one.ANot exactly. BHow e?CNot really. DWhat if?答案C答话人准备换工作,说明他不太喜欢自己现在的工作,故用Not really,表示否定,意为“不怎么喜欢”。A项表示“不完全如此”,B项表示“怎么回事”,D项表示“如果将会怎么样”。2I was telling them about my exciting travels,when he _ with a story of his own.Abroke down Bbroke offCbroke in Dbroke up答案C句意:我正在给大家讲我的惊险旅行时,他突然插入讲述他自己的经历。break in插入,相当于cut in,符合题意。break down坏了;break off折断;break up分离,分开。3Many graduates in China do their best to go abroad to seek their _Aluck Bchance Cfortune Dfate答案C句意:在中国,许多毕业生尽其所能到国外去寻找财富。seek ones fortune寻找致富或成功之路。4Towns had _ up in what was a dry desert.Abrought BsprungCspoken Djumped答案Bspring up “突然兴起,迅速出现”,符合题意。5Hi,are you an engineer in Lenovo Group?No,but I_Awant to Bwant to beCwant so Dwant it答案B句意:“你好,你是联想集团的工程师吗?”“不是,但我希望是。”答话人想成为联想集团的工程师,答句是“No,but I want to be an engineer in Lenovo Group.”的省略形式。当不定式后有be时,be不可省略。6The new system needs to be in operation for five months _ it can be updated.Aas Bwhile Cbefore Donce答案Cbefore的基本含义是“在之前”,又可以根据不同语境灵活翻译成“才”、“还没来得及就”“趁就”等。这里before用于肯定句中,强调主句动作所用时间长或花费的精力大,译成“才”。7It was a(n) _ remark during the interview.I didnt mean to hurt her feelings.Aformal BinnocentCawesome Dimmediate答案Binnocent “天真的;无恶意的”,符合句意。8Some of the tourists were _ on a deserted island because of a heavy storm a month ago.Acast away Bcast downCthrown off Dthrown out答案Acast away “使(海难的幸存者)漂流到岸上”,常用于被动语态。9George _ the good chance to present his proposal to the director,and at last,it was adopted.Arealized Bseized Cdelivered Dreleased答案Bseize a chance “抓住机会”,符合句意。10There is a growing _ earlier retirement.Atrend towards Btend towardsCtrend for Dtend for答案Btrend towards “向的趋势”,符合句意。.阅读理解AMusic can make us feel happy or peaceful, energize us to dance, or move us to tears.As an orchestra conductor, Amy Andersson allows people to experience the many feelings that music can inspire.Andersson fell in love with music as a child.She sang in school choirs and musicals starting in first grade, began studying piano at age seven, and started posing at age nine.Although her school district had no orchestra, she says, “I bought many recordings of the worlds great orchestras and conductors and listened to them for hours on end.”During a concert, the audience sees the back of a conductor and the arm movements she or he uses to lead the orchestra.What audiences do not see is all the work the conductor has done beforehand to prepare for the performancefirst alone, and then in rehearsals (排练) with the orchestra.Months before a concert, Andersson studies a piece of music by playing it on the piano.She decides how she wants each section to sound.Should it be fast or slow? Loud or soft? She listens to recordings, reads about the posers life, and reviews historical events that would have influenced the poser.Her goal is to recreate the music as the poser intended.Each instrument contributes unique sounds to a musical performance.Although it is not necessary for conductors to know how to play all of the instruments, they must be familiar with the range and sound of each instrument in the orchestra.To help young musicians understand how to play the music, Andersson might tell them to imagine a ship being tossed (颠簸) by waves.Andersson is happy knowing that she and the musicians have changed lives for the better, uplifted spirits, and brought joy into ordinary days.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了乐队指挥Andersson把音乐带入生活的故事。1As a child, Andersson learned about orchestras from_Astudying piano Bschool teachersCsome musicians Dlistening to recordings答案D细节理解题。由第二段末的I bought many recordings of the worlds great orchestras and conductors and listened to them for hours on end可知。2An orchestra conductor_Ausually enjoys being aloneBspends a little time rehearsingCneeds to do a lot of preparatory workDhas a few days to prepare for a concert答案C推理判断题。由第三段中的What audiences do not see is all the work.with the orchestra可推断,乐队指挥在正式表演前需要做很多的准备工作。3Andersson reads about posers lives_Abecause she admires themBto better recreate their musicCbecause they are very famousDto introduce them to the audience答案B推理判断题。由第四段中的reads about the posers life.Her goal is to recreate the music as the poser intended可推断,Andersson之所以了解作曲家们的生活是为了更好地再现他们的音乐。4Why is a ship tossed by waves mentioned in Paragraph 6?ATo describe the beauty of orchestral music.BTo tell an adventure story about Andersson.CTo make young musicians more imaginative.DTo show how Andersson teaches young musicians.答案D细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的To help young musicians understand how to play the music, Andersson might tell them to.可知。BIn a house with more than one kid,there are bound to be some problems.Brothers and sisters borrow stuff,and dont always return it in top condition.Younger kids sometimes feel like the older kids get to do whatever they want.Older brothers and sisters think that the baby of the family gets more attention.These are typical problems found throughout the ages,everywhere in the world.When brothers and sisters dont get along,its called sibling rivalry.A sibling is a brother or sister and rivalry means petition.Its normal,but too much petition can make for an unhappy home life.A little petition isnt a bad thing.Sometimes it can keep you working hardlike when you and your brother spend time shooting hoops.If hes good at it,it may make you want to improve,too.But some sibling rivalry involves arguing,like when you think your brother is hogging the ball.People who love each other might argue sometimes,but too much fighting is unpleasant for everyone.Have you ever heard of the greeneyed monster called jealousy(嫉妒)? Sometimes brothers and sisters are jealous of one another.For instance,if your sister always does well at school,it may be frustrating(令人沮丧的) for you,especially if your grades are lower.Although youre probably proud of your brothers and sisters,its normal to be a little jealous,too.It may make you feel better to focus more on doing your own personal best,rather than paring yourself with a brother or sister.All kids want attention from their parents,but sometimes you need to take turns.If youre feeling ignored or like your brother or sister is always in the spotlight,talk to your mom or dad.If a parent knows youre feeling left out,together you can figure out ways to help you feel better again.Sometimes when youre jealous and frustrated,its easy to lose your temper.Try to follow these tips to avoid getting into a fight with your brother or sister:Take a deep breath and think a bit.Try to figure out if you are angry with the person or just frustrated with the situation.Remind yourself that you have special talents.Your sister may have won an art contest,but you might be better at basketball,or math,or singing.Eightyearold Marisa says her brother “always wins running races,but I always get gold stars for good homework grades and that makes me feel better.” Try to congratulate your siblings on their achievements and share their happiness.If you do this for them,theyll be more likely to do it for you.5The first paragraph mainly tells us something about _Aproblems found in a family with more than one childBhow to get more attention from your parentsCthe way to make your room clean and tidyDwhether it is right to let the children do whatever they want答案A段落大意题。第一段第一句是本段中心句,后面列举了几个在多孩子家庭中出现的一系列问题,故第一段主要讲述的是在多于一个孩子的家庭中存在的问题。故选A。6When sibling rivalry happens,it proves a fact that _Abrothers and sisters will have to separate from their homeBtoo much petition will be made by brothers and sistersCno one can stop brothers and sisters arguing all day longDbrothers and sisters dont get along well with each other答案D细节理解题。根据第二段第一句When brothers and sisters dont get along,its called sibling rivalry可知,所谓sibling rivalry就是指兄弟姐妹之间相处不好。7What does the author think about a little petition between brothers and sisters?AIt makes your family life unhappy.BIt can help you improve in your work.CIt can lead to argument and fighting.DIt does harm to each of them.答案B细节理解题。根据第三段前三句可知,作者认为少许的竞争并不是坏事,它可以促进你的工作。8Which word can best describe the authors attitude towards jealousy between brothers and sisters?AStrange. BUnbelievable.CNormal. DUnfair.答案C推理判断题。根据第四段内容可知,作者认为兄弟姐妹之间的嫉妒是很正常的事情。故选项C正确。9The author suggests that if a kid feels ignored in the family,he should _Atalk to his parentsBwork even harderCfight with his brothersDpay attention to his behavior 答案A细节理解题。根据第五段中的If youre feeling ignored or like your brother or sister is always in the spotlight,talk to your mom or dad.可知A为正确答案。10What is the purpose of the last paragraph?ATo tell a story. BTo offer advice.CTo look for help. DTo make a conclusion.答案B推理判断题。本文最后一段是避免与兄弟姐妹发生战争而提出的一些建议。Try to follow these tips to.提示了答案。


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