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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习第一部分教材课文要点Module6FilmsandTVProgrammes夯基提能作业外研版必修.阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Jumanji(勇敢者的游戏)is a story for children about a very strange gamea game that bees far too real and frightening for the players. It was a story by Chris Van Allsburg, which was later filmed in 1996, starring the famous American actor Robin Williams.The story begins in 1869 in New Hampshire, America. Two young brothers bury a box under some trees. A hundred years later, in 1969, a boy, Alan Parrish, finds the box and takes it home. He is unhappy that his father may want to send him to a boarding school. Alans friend, Sarah arrives, and they open the box. Inside is a board game. At the start of the game, some words appear:“Do you want to leave the world behind and go back to the past? Then this is the game for you.”Suddenly Alan finds that he is disappearing into the game.The story has a deep meaning. Through his adventures Alan learns something importantif you face your fears, your problems will go away. Alan turns to face Van Pelt, the hunter who is trying to kill him. In doing so, he pletes the game and returns to reality. Then he finds that his father is not going to send him to a boarding school after all.In Jumanji, time is flexible. The film director Steven Spielbergs“Back to the Future”films play with time in the same way. Top scientists even tell us that time travel is theoretically possible now!1.From the story we can learn that Alan is a boy who.A.dislikes his studies at schoolB.is afraid of his serious fatherC.was born a hundred years agoD.goes back to the past in the game2.Through the game Alan has realized that whenever he has difficulties he should.A.escape into the pastB.face them bravelyC.ask for his fathers adviceD.read the words on the box3.What does the author mean when he says“time is flexible”?A.One can travel in time.B.Science can change the limit of time.C.Time travel is impossible in space.D.Time is a mon topic in film-making.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(xx四川成都期末)A black car rushed around the busy street corner, towards the courthouse. The dark 1window was rolled down and a semi-automatic 2stuck out.Pauly Gillespie, a government protected witness, stood 3, seeing death walking toward him. Paulys FBI bodyguards 4themselves on top of him, but two 5were fired and Pauly was hit 6the shoulder.The car 7across two lanes (车道) of traffic. Then it turned left down a path and got 8behind a large truck. The two men in the car 9out and raced away 10into the arms of four policemen.Special agent (特工) Brown was new to the police unit and was told to 11the car out of the path so that the traffic could return to 12. Brown changed the position of the rearview (后视) mirror 13and drove it around to the place 14his boss was questioning the two men.Brown stood and watched. One of the men was tall and thin, and 15was five inches shorter, about Browns 16.Agent Fordney asked the two men who had done the shooting. They 17to tell him. Then Brown smiled and said, “I know who the shooter was.” His boss was surprised. How could Brown know that without getting any answer from the two men? When Brown got into the car, he had to adjust the rearview mirror. That meant the previous driver had been of a 18height. Since the shorter man was close to Browns height, he knew the taller man must have been the 19. Therefore, the shorter man had done the 20.1.A.driver-side B.passenger-side C.right-hand side D.left-hand side2.A.hand B.camera C.handgun D.knife3.A.frozen B.calm C.quiet D.still4.A.put B.rushed C.jumped D.threw 5.A.bullets B.shots C.guns D.shoots6.A.on B.at C.over D.in7.A.sped B.rolled C.moved D.went8.A.damaged B.destroyedC.stuck D.injured9.A.came B.hurried C.walked D.crawled10.A.suddenly B.right C.quickly D.immediately11.A.clear B.ride C.carry D.push12.Amon B.ordinaryC.usual D.normal13.A.up B.down C.in D.out14.A.where B.there C.which D.what15.A.another B.other C.the other D.one16.A.size B.length C.age D.height17.A.decided B.refused C.had D.pretended18.A.same B.large C.different D.small19.A.murderer B.shooterC.driver D.killer20.A.killing B.shooting C.driving D.murdering.短文改错(xx贵州遵义模拟)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last night, when watched the annual Ten People Who Moved Chinese the Most in the CCTV, I learn some deeds of helping the poor children. It makes me have a firm belief what there are still many kind but generous people around us. It is mon believed that many children in the remote mountainous areas of our country have few opportunity to receive education for various reasons. Now that we have the chance receive a good education, we should treasure them. As far as Im concerned about, if we are friendly and help each other, we can live harmonious and happy life together.书面表达(xx广东惠州模拟)假设你是李华,请根据下面的材料,给你朋友Tom写信介绍电影夜宴。写作要点:1.电影名:Night Banquet夜宴2.导演:Feng Xiaogang(冯小刚)3.主演:Zhang Ziyi(章子怡),Wu Daniel(吴彦祖),Zhou Xun(周迅),Ge You(葛优)4.情节:这部戏以莎士比亚的哈姆雷特为基础,讲述了宫廷中的人如何争权夺利。作为一部历史武打题材的电影,它体现了勇气和正义的主题。注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。参考词汇:武打martial art;莎士比亚Shakespeare;哈姆雷特Hamlet;正义justiceDear Tom,I am glad to share one of my favorite movies with you._Yours,Li Hua答案精解精析.阅读理解语篇解读本文介绍了电影Jumanji(勇敢者的游戏)的内容和现实意义。1.D细节理解题。 根据第二段的“Do you want to leave the world behind and go back to the past? Then this is the game for you.”Suddenly Alan finds that he is disappearing into the game.可知,在游戏中Alan回到了从前,故 D 项正确。2.B细节理解题。根据第三段的第二句Through his adventures Alan learns something importantif you face your fears, your problems will go away.可知,在游戏中,Alan意识到如果面对恐惧,问题将迎刃而解,故 B 项正确。3.A推理判断题。根据本文最后一句Top scientists even tell us that time travel is theoretically possible now!并结合最后一段的内容可知,科学家告诉我们理论上时间旅行是可能的,故A项正确。.完形填空语篇解读本文描述了一起发生在车来车往的大街上的枪击案。犯罪分子从一辆行驶中的车里伸出枪,朝着有保镖保护的证人开枪射击。被俘后警方是怎么确定谁是开枪者谁是司机的呢?1.B根据后面描述的从车里伸出枪射击可知此处应该是司机旁边乘客那一侧的玻璃摇了下来,故选B项。2.C根据第5空后的were fired可知此处应该是从车窗里伸出了一把半自动手枪,故选C项。3.A看到眼前突然开枪杀人的一幕,这个受到保护的证人看到死亡向他逼近,一动也不能动了。frozen表示因担心或害怕而一动不动,符合语境。4.D见此情景该证人的保镖把他们自己的身体压在了证人身体之上。throw themselves on top of him把他们自己扔到/摔倒在他的上面,符合语境。5.B表达两声枪响,应该用two shots。6.Dbe hit in the shoulder(子弹)打进了他的肩膀,应该用介词in。7.A作案后车辆加速逃跑,speed加速。8.Cget/be stuck被困住、被卡住。此处表达车辆被卡在一辆大卡车后面了。9.B车里的两个人急忙从车里跑了出去。hurry out急忙/匆忙出去。10.B俩人从车里出来要逃跑,却正好跑进了四个警察的手中。副词right在此处意为“恰好;正好”。11.A特工Brown得到的任务是把罪犯抛弃的车辆从路上清理走,恢复交通秩序。clear the car out of the path把车从路上清理走。12.D把车辆清理走让交通恢复正常(normal)。13.B根据文章后面的描述:是高个子罪犯驾车,个矮的罪犯开枪。所以Brown把车的后视镜往下调了一下,答案为B项。14.A此处表达Brown把车开到了他的上司审问那两个人的地方,应该是where引导的定语从句。15.C表示“两者中的一个另一个”应该用one.the other.。16.D根据情景此处描述的是身高,所以答案为height。17.B两个人拒不交代作案情况,refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事。18.CBrown在开车时需要调节后视镜的高度,这说明原来开车的那个人身高和Brown不同,故选C项。19.C根据Brown的身高推断那个高个子的一定是开车的(driver)。20.B因此,个矮的就是开枪射击(shooting)的那个人了。.短文改错1.第一句:watchedwatching考查非谓语动词。I与watch之间为主动关系,故用现在分词。2.第一句:learnlearned/learnt考查时态。根据上句可知此处指昨晚看到的电视节目,故用一般过去时。3.第二句:whatthat考查同位语从句。此处说明belief的内容,that无词义,但不能省略。4.第二句:butand考查连词。kind与generous为并列而非转折关系。5.第三句:monmonly考查副词。此处用副词作状语。6.第三句:opportunityopportunities考查名词的单复数。few修饰可数名词的复数。7.第四句:chance后加to考查非谓语动词。chance后跟动词不定式短语作后置定语。8.第四句:themit考查代词。此处指代the chance。9.第五句:去掉about考查固定搭配。as far as Im concerned就我而言。10.第五句:live后加a考查冠词。live a.life过着生活。.书面表达One possible version:Dear Tom,I am glad to share one of my favorite movies with you.The other day, I watched a movie called Night Banquet, which impressed me a lot and I cant wait to introduce it to you.Night Banquet is one of the masterpieces directed by Feng Xiaogang.Zhang Ziyi,Zhou Xun,Ge You, Wu Daniel star in the movie.Based on Shakespeares Hamlet, Night Banquet tells audience how people fight for their rights and benefits in the palace.Actually, it is a history and martial arts movie, whose theme is about bravery and justice.Personally speaking, the pictures and special effects in the movie are great and the story is very exciting.It is so excellent that it is well worth watching.I hope you can enjoy it as well.Yours,Li Hua


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