2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3《Amazing People-Welcome to the unit》教案4 牛津译林版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3《Amazing People-Welcome to the unit》教案4 牛津译林版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3《Amazing People-Welcome to the unit》教案4 牛津译林版必修2.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3《Amazing People-Welcome to the unit》教案4 牛津译林版必修2.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3Amazing People-Wele to the unit教案4 牛津译林版必修2Teaching Aims:1. Talk about famous people in the world.2. Make the students know the fact that they will succeed as long as they work hard.Teaching Important Point:Make the Ss free to talk in and after class about the amazing people.Teaching Difficult Point:How to finish the task of speaking.Teaching Methods:Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:The multimedia and the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-inAsk and answer the three questions between T and the Ss.Step 2 Speaking Talk about the pictures in pairs or groups.Step 3 Discussion Discuss the given topic in groups of four.Step 4 Consolidation Fill in the blanks.Step 5 Group Discussion Carry on with another discussion.Step 6 Writing Write a short passage about their hero or heroine.Homework: Read the passage B in the Workbook.Wele to the unit &reading1. 最大的计算机技术公司 the biggest puter technology pany 2. 最伟大的作曲家之 one of the greatest posers3. 在历史上 in history4. 对。有最大的影响 have the largest effect on5. 最著名的探险家之一 one of the most famous explorers6. 在某人的一生中 during ones lifetime7. 对。好奇 be curious about8. 他家乡以外的世界 the world outside his hometown9. 保存完好的遗体 preserved body10. 和,同,也 as well as11. 导致 lead to12. 由于发烧而生病 fall ill with a fever13. 熄灭 go out14. 发高烧 have a high fever15. 死于心脏病 die of heart trouble16. 与 。有关 have something to do with17. 科学的解释 scientific explanation18. 提前 in advance19. 将财宝留在墓穴里leave the treasure in the tomb20. 给某人带来好运 bring sb. good luck21. 简短的介绍 a short introduction22. 有魔力 have magical power23. 偿还,回报 pay off24. 花大部分时间搜寻丢失的的财宝 spend most time searching for the lost treasure25. 与。相比 pare . with26. 为世界作出巨大的贡献 make great contribution to the world27. 后来 later on 28. 完全破解 fully explained29. 清空墓穴 empty the tomb30. 同时 at the same time Word power 31. 在小学 at primary school32. 梦想成为。 dream of 33. 电器设备 electrical equipmentGrammar and usage 34. 在甚至更早的时间 at an even earlier time35. 直接引语 direct speech36. 间接引语reported speech37. 有着令人激动的童年 have an exciting childhood38. 搬到。 move to 39. 作为护士 work as a nurse40. 她对于飞行/动物的兴趣 her interest in flying/animals41. 独自飞越大西洋 fly alone across the Atlantic42. 采访某人 interview sb/ have an interview with sb43. 环游世界的飞行 round-the world flight44. 进展顺利 go well 45. 尽力与某人取得联系 try to contact sb.46. 客轮 passenger ship 47. 使大家感到惊讶 surprise everyone48. 在第一次航行中 on its first journey49. 自从 ever since50. 全速前进 at full speed51. 关于。的警告 warnings about52. 几乎没有注意 pay little attention to 53. 沿着船边的洞 the hole along the side of the ship54. 与。相关 relate to 55. 纸的发明者 the inventor of paper56. 鱼网 fishing netTask57. 做笔记 make a note of58. 了解 get an idea of 59. 给某人线索 give sb. some clues60. 飞行环游世界 fly around the world61. 取得成功 achieve the success62. 游过英吉利海峡 swim across the English Channel63. 打破世界记录 break a world record64. 外向的性格 outgoing personality65. 以特别的顺序 in particular order66. 交际技能 munication skills67. 从。毕业 graduate from68. 符合校长的要求 fit the headmasters requirements69. 体验其他的文化 experience other cultures70. 容易懂 easy to understand71. 以逻辑顺序 in logical order72. 抓住读者的注意力 catch ones attention73. 。的目的 the purpose of 74. 发人深思的结论 thought-provoking conclusion75. 做。的强烈的愿望 a strong wish to do sth. 76. 保护组织 conservation organization77. 使某人泄气 discourage sb.78. 迈出朝向。的第一步 take the first step towards79. 稀有的山上的大猩猩 rare mountain gorillas80. 活在某人的心里 be alive in ones heart81. 传记文章 biographical article82. 激动的做。 be excited to do sth.83. 与动物沟通/交流 municate with animalsProject 84. 使梦想成为现实 make the dream a reality85. 世界著名的宇航员 world-famous astronaut86. 战斗机飞行员 fighter pilot87. 生存技巧 survival skills 88. 14名候选人中的3名 three out of the 14 candidates89. 胜任 合格 be qualified for90. 赢得中国首名宇航员的席位 win sb. the position as Chinas first astronaut91. 载入史册 go down in history92. 为。骄傲 be proud of93. 实现梦想 live ones dream94. 尊敬某人 look up to sb95. 有另外的人选 have another person in mind96. 背景信息 background information97. 建立在。基础上 base on98. 专业技术人员 a professional person99. 被选作。 be chosen as/tobe100. 带某人进入轨道take sb. in orbit


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