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2019-2020年高三英语Unit6ReadingGoingWest教案新课标人教版Lead-in:Zheng He is famous for having made several great voyages to the West, reaching as far as Africa.So he is famous as a n_avigator, and f_amiliar_ to all of the Chinese people.Since Christopher Columbus discovered “ the New Land”, people from every corner of the g_lobe_ have e there in s_earch_ of their dream. Thus they have created the richest, most powerful country on earth.America- “ a f_ascinating_ (使人着迷的) melting pot”How did it e into existence?Some historical events:The American War of IndependenceThe Westward MovementThe American Civil WarSkimming:The main idea of the text The text related a story that the writers family moved to the _West_. They _ran into_many difficulties on the way. Faced with the difficulties, they didnt_give up_ Finally they got to _the promised land_and started a new life.The promised land: The phrase es from the Bible, meaning the land that God promised to give away to people.(恩许之地)Listening&Scanning(Para.1&2):1. What made my father decide to move to California?The account(description) of the wonderful land beyond the Rocky Mountain gave him the idea to move there.2. the beginning of the journey:1)We set off for the journey: _by the middle of October_.2)It took us _about a year_ to make the journey.3)The journey covered _more than 2,500 miles_.4)Our first destination was_Indian Creek in Kansas_.Careful-reading:3. The journey in the central part:_trying_ 1)The word “trying” in the 3rd paragraphprobably means _.A. experiencingB. attempting C. doing ones bestD. annoying or difficult to deal with2). What made it the most trying part EXCEPT that_A. The wagons had to be lifted and pulled up where there were no roads.B. We entered the desert and soon lost our way.C. We experienced the “long drive”.D. Passing through the desert, we came out into the Salt Lake Valley. Cloze&Correction: Why they called it the “ long drive”? The landscape was dry and_. Water was _on the map proved to be _ponds and not_. The patches of grass were never found, but the long walk through the sand was hard on the oxen. We could ride the _and had to walk beside them. The animals _their legs, too weak to pull their burden, and their tongues hang out in _need of water. Yet, our water supply was very low that we dared not _it with the beasts. We were on our foot with another 500 miles to go to.3). Was it ( the “long drive”) the worst thing that happened during our journey?In which paragraph, the writer referred to it?4. The journey in Death Valley:For many weeks we had _(看惯) horses and _(牛)_(遭受) heat, thirst, and starvation. Now things got worse. For miles both sides of the road _(成排)dead animals and _(被遗弃的)wagons. The owners had left everything and _(匆忙)to save themselves. _(急切地)reaching a place of safety, no one stopped to look or help. In fact, the situation was so _(绝望)that no one could help another.1)What did the writer feel during that time?2)By saying “started moving across the sands on all fours. The author means she _.A. traveled with his four childrenB. traveled by the four legs of the oxenC. traveled by crawling(爬行).D.traveled with another four families.3) What was other peoples reaction?4) Paraphrase: a. I knew that giving up meant a shallow grave in the sand.I knew that giving up meant death. b. people who looked like walking skeletons.people who looked extremely thin and exhausted with worn-out clothes on. Discussion: Suppose your father read a book about the western region of China, and he also decided to move there. What would you think? Consolidation:1. What is the right order according to the time?_a.We traveled through four states.b. We went through the Death Valley and reached the promised land.c.Passing through the desert, we came out into the Salt Lake Valley.d. We took the road around the lake and after traveling a short time came to the Salt Lake Desert.e.We entered the desert and met with the “long drive”.f. We got to Indian CreekA.a-b-c-d-e-f B. f-a-c-d-b-e C.a-f-c-d-e-b D. f-a-c-b-d-e2. It can be learned from the passage, before going west the writer and his family lived _. A. in California B. East of the Rocky Mountains C. West of the Rocky Mountains D. in Indian Greek3. We can infer from the story that the writer was a person _.A.of great determination and perseveranceB. always in high spiritC. strong enoughD. easily giving upRetell:Suppose you are the writer and now you are telling the experience to your children. What will you say?Extension:1. Can you think of any other legendary journey in China or other countries similar to this one?(see the pictures on p50)traveled inDeath ValleyFor many weeksenteredlostSalt Lake DesertNov.1846came out intoSalt Lake Valley/arrived atIndian Creek/traveled throughfour states/set off forhometownOct.1845EventPlace Time a.It is Journey to the West. The hero Monk Tang in the story went through 81 difficulties. Finally he got to the Buddhist Scripture.b. It is The Long March. If there had not been the long march, we could not have lived the happy life. They went through starvation, coldness and so on. c. Climbing Mount Qomolangma. They have to face difficulties like coldness and snowstorm.2. What do they have in mon?3. What can we learn from them?When we e across the problems, we shouldnt escape away from them. We should face the reality and try to solve the problems. Remember: No pains, no gains! Dont step away from a challenge, but go for it. An iron pestle can be ground down to a needle .Assignment: Write a position about the Long March according to the following words &phrases:set off for, trying, in desperate need of, be accustomed to doing, suffer from, be lined with, in anxiety of, get onto ones knees, on all fours,e to an end.Key points: 从于都出发,四渡赤水,历经激战,向草地行进,不畏艰险,忍饥挨饿,胜利会师。


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