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2019-2020年高中英语Module3TheViolenceofNatureSectionGrammar课时作业外研版.用所给动词的正确形式填空1By the time they arrived, we _ (get) everything ready.答案:had got2By the end of last year,10 000 trees _ (plant) in that village.答案:had been planted3The new suspension bridge _ (design) by the end of last month.答案:had been designed4When they got to the field, the football match _ already _ (start)答案:had, started5His village _ (flood) in the heavy rain,so he moved to his parents house.答案:had been flooded6She returned home and found all her furniture _ (ruin) by the flood.答案:had been ruined7He _ (work) for more than 10 hours before we arrived.答案:had worked8They _ (want) to help but couldnt get there in time.答案:had wanted9The crazy fans _ (wait) patiently for two hours,and they would wait till the movie star arrived.答案:had been waiting10He said he _ (finish) his homework.答案:had finished.完形填空I entered my office on the afternoon of December 20th and began to work. As the volunteer coordinator (协调人), I was _1_ for filling 2,500 volunteer positions in the month of December alone._2_ the phone rang. The voice on the other end _3_ herself as Kimberly. She said she was _4_ to see if there were still any positions for her son Jake, who was expecting a(n) _5_ of ing to help. She explained what a _6_ it would be for Jake to have something to _7_ since hed been diagnosed (诊断) with cancer. However, I _8_ having to tell him I could offer him very little _9_ because there were no more positions.After the phone call, I was deep in thought. Then, Mark, in charge of the pony (矮种马) rides, came in. In a(n) _10_ voice, he said, “_11_ I have to lift one more kid on one more horse, I may die. Jessica, I _12_ need another one with a strong back, even if its just for a couple of hours.”A smile lit up my face, and I said, “I think I _13_ a guy.” And a phone call later, Jake was scheduled to _14_ Mark each night through the end of the event.The next day, I made my way toward the pony rides. Jake _15_ with his back to me on the platform. Another volunteer waved at we, and Jake _16_. A moment later he _17_ me and smiled. “Jessica!” he said _18_. “Thank you for getting me this _19_. Mark says Im doing a good job, and also my mom is _20_ of me!” Then Jake hugged me. I felt very happy!1A.anxious Bfamous Cresponsible Dsuitable2A.Suddenly BFortunately CFinally DSlowly3A.considered Bviewed Cmade Dintroduced4Aing Bcalling Crunning Dleaving5A.ability Bopinion Cchance Dproblem6A.relief Bsurprise Cfailure Dquestion7A.say Bdonate Cneed Ddo8A.risked Bregretted Cforgot Dstopped9A.approval Bmoney Cwork Ddoubt10A.tired Bhappy Ccalm Dsweet11A.Because BAs CThough DIf12A.never Breally Calmost Dseldom13A.require Barrange Cknow Dorder14A.help Bpraise Ccall Dinstruct15A.jumped Blied Cslept Dsat16A.turned up Bturned around Cturned off Dturned out17A.recognized Badmired Cmet Daccepted18A.patiently Bquietly Cexcitedly Dcoldly19A.gift Blesson Cfriend Djob20A.ashamed Bproud Caware Dfond【文章大意】本文为记叙文。圣诞节前夕,作者为一个癌症患者安排了一次做志愿活动的机会,为此非常高兴。1C根据“As the volunteer coordinator”可知,作者负责协调工作。2A作者在工作的时候,突然电话铃响了。3D根据生活常识可知,首次给不认识的人打电话当然需要先做自我介绍。4B根据“the phone rang”可知,Kimberly是在打电话。5C根据最后一段可知,Kimberly的儿子Jake渴望得到参加志愿活动的机会。6AJake得了癌症,在家无事可做,如果他能获得一次参加志愿活动的机会,这将是一件令人欣慰的事。7DJake得了癌症,在家无事可做,他很想找件事做。8B根据“because there were no more positions”可知,作者不得不遗憾地说他为Jake找不到任何事做。9C参见上题解析。10A根据“_11_ I have to lift one more kid on one more horse,I may die”可知,Mark很疲倦。11D根据语境可知,该句意为:如果我再将一个小孩扶上马的话,我或许会累死。12BMark的工作太累人,他确实还需要一名志愿者帮忙。13C得知Mark需要志愿者,作者想到了Jake,所以他说:“我想我知道一个人可以帮忙。”14A根据下文语境“Jake _15_ with his back to me on the platform”可知,Jake是帮Mark做事。15DJake背对着作者坐在平台上。16B另一个志愿者向作者挥手时,Jake转过身来。17A过了一会儿,Jake认出了作者。18C根据Jake说话的内容可判断他非常激动。19DJake感谢作者给了他这次工作的机会。20B根据“Mark says Im doing a good job”及“and also”可推断出Jake的妈妈为他感到骄傲。.语法填空Its not often that a tomato _1_ (describe) as so sweet that “whenever people see it they just want to hug it”, but this is not an ordinary piece of fruit. The heartshaped tomato was grown by a _2_ (retire) knife maker, Rod Matless, who said he was shocked when he noticed it in his greenhouse while checking his _3_ (late) produce.Mr. Matless, who suffered a heart attack a few years ago, was so astonished by the fruit _4_ he decided to sell it at auction (拍卖) and contribute the money _5_ the British Heart Foundation.The 2.26 oz tomato was bought _6_ the price of 16 on eBay by a woman from Wales, _7_ said she planned to give it to someone special.Mr. Matless said, “I hope it will do someone good. Its very sweetwhenever people see it they just want to hug it.” But because its very important to keep the tomato fresh, Mr. Matless was racing against time to send it to its new _8_ (own) before it goes bad.He said, “I didnt want to send someone something _9_ (horror). I _10_ (probable) could have raised a bit more money with more time but I was worried about it. It will certainly make a nice present for a loved one. I hope that he or she will like it. Ive really enjoyed growing this very special tomato.”1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._答案:1is described2.retired3.latest4.that5.to6.at7.who8.owner9.horrible10.probably


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