2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4 Which English?教案 外研版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4 Which English?教案 外研版选修8【美文阅读】在本模块中我们了解到了一些不同的英语,比如澳大利亚英语、牙买加英语和新加坡英语。虽然英语语言没有个全球统一的标准,但是我们作为非英语国家的英语学习者应该努力掌握这门国际通用语言。以下是一些不错的学习方法和建议,来读读吧!Get Ahead with Your EnglishIt was predicted as early as the 1700s that English would one day be the global language and that has proved to be the case in the last few decades.The growth of international panies and the great advances in munications have started the trend for learning English as a foreign language.In todays world,being able to speak more than one language,including English,is how you stand out and get ahead.However,learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the absence of a native language environment.Some respected theories on language acquisition believe that to attain a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language,you need to be surrounded by it.But sadly,the chances that we will all have the opportunity to live in an English speaking country are small.Therefore,most of us have to rely on what we can learn at school as part of the school curriculum.Our latest English curriculum encourages teachers to create a rich language environment in the classroom.What this means is that they make sure there is an adequate amount of input in English conveyed to the students through various media.This can take the form of reading and listening materials which must be of the highest quality.Quality input ensures quality output,whether it is speaking or writing.To really get ahead,however,means putting in extra work outside of the classroom.Experts say that just 15 minutes of extracurricula study a day can really accelerate foreign language learning.Here are what they remend:Setting achievable targets.For example,enlarge your vocabulary by 10 new words every dayfive times a weekthen revise the words on the weekend.50 new words a week means 200 new words a month.Listening to an English song several times in one week after reading the words.Watching the news in your own language and then reading an English newspaper or news website.Knowing the main stories before reading will guarantee greater prehension when reading in English.Watching a favourite DVD,but adjusting the language to English in the parts you know well.Studying with friends.Test each other and share learning strategiesthis makes learning more enjoyable.Rewarding yourself.If you reach a target,treat yourself.Inform a friend of your targets so they can help motivate you as well.These remendations are easily achieved and are well worth the extra effort.However,putting in those extra 15 minutes a day does take dedication.To stay dedicated(专心致志的),you need to keep in mind why you are learning English.Quite simply,in todays world,English holds the key to a brighter future and a world of possibilities.【诱思导学】1Why should you read an English newspaper or news website after watching the news in your own language?_2What should you do after you reach your target?Why?_【答案】1.Because knowing the main stories before reading will guarantee greater prehension when reading in English.2.I should reward myself.Because it can help motivate me.Period Previewing教学目标本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,对下一堂课课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。教学地位本模块是关于不同国家间英语的内容。通过本节的教学,让学生了解有关不同国家间英语的差异性,并认识到语言对人们的影响,同时也了解近年来世界各国对汉语学习的重视程度,从而帮助学生开阔视野,发展跨文化的交流。新课导入建议通过some Chinglish(中国式英语) 例如“Good good study,day day up(好好学习,天天向上)”“Long time no see(好久不见)”。“Little grass has life,please watch your step”(小草有生命,足下请留情)“I will give you some color see see(我要给你一些颜色看看)” 来引导出不同国家的英语。教学流程设计学生再次仔细阅读课文(课本第4445页)进行深度理解,并完成“课文缩写”(见学案第45页)。老师布置作业,让学生看课本第4445页并完成课本第4445页1、2、3、4题,预习学案Period (见学案第4649页), 写一篇关于正反观点的议论文。.篇章结构阅读P4445的Reading部分,完成下列表格(每空不超过3词)Part 1 Brief introduction to different kinds of EnglishParagraph 1We can 1._ people through their voice and their 2._ of words.Paragraph 2English 3._ across the world and can sound different from place to place.Paragraph 3There is no 4._ of English that everyone can agree on and what 5._ is that speakers can understand each other.Part 2 English spoken in AustraliaParagraph 4How 6._ English formed.Paragraph 57._between Australian English and other varieties of English.Part 3 English spoken in Jamaica and SingaporeParagraph 6The English spoken in Jamaica has some of the 8._ of the African languages.Paragraph 7The most 9._ variety of English spoken in Singapore is known as 10._.【答案】1.recognise2.choice3.is spoken4.standard form5.matters6.Australian7.The main differences8.grammatical features9mon10.Singlish.语篇理解阅读P4445的Reading部分,选择最佳答案1The main idea of this passage is_ABritish English in AustraliaBvarieties of EnglishCEnglish in Singapore2The main differences between Australian English and other varieties of English are_Apronunciation and spellingBindividual soundsCindividual sounds and intonation patterns3Many varieties of English are produced_Abecause of the colonial expansion of BritainBbecause of the process of trade,exploration and businessCbecause America bees stronger and stronger4What did the author think the woman wanted to do when he heard Emma Chissit?ATo ask him a question.BTo buy the book.CTo sign his name on the book.5What was set up in Singapore in xx?ALanguage Spoken In Minnan.BThe Speak Good English Movement.CSingapore Language Center.【答案】1.B2.C3.B4.C5.B.课文缩写用所给单词或短语的正确形式完成课文缩写pattern,where,feature,as,on,debate,create,lie in,model,impossibleEnglish is spoken 1._ an official language in more than 60 countries across the world and it can sound very different form place to place.Although most people believe there is a right and a wrong way to speak English,there is not really a standard from that everyone can agree 2._Professors of linguistics,writers and teachers all worry about providing a perfect 3._ to follow but as it is so widely spoken,it has bee 4._ to say which English is“correct”and which is“incorrect”Perhaps correctness doesnt matteras long as speakers can understand each other.The main differences between Australian English and other varieties of English 5._ the individual sounds and intonation 6._Sometimes it is difficult for British and American people to understand the Australian accent.In other countries 7._ English is spoken as a first language this is not the case.The variety of English spoken in Jamaica,and other Caribbean countries,has some of the grammatical 8._ of the African languages spoken by the ancestors of the Jamaican people.On the other side of the world,in Singapore,English is a second language,spoken by about half the population.Today there is a 9._ in Singapore about which variety of English is the best:Singlish,or a variety closer to British English,which is the aim of the Speak Good English Movement 10._ in xx.【答案】1.as2.on3.model4.impossible5.lie in6patterns7.where8.features9.debate10.created.词义搭配1recognisableAvery special,unusual or good2instantly Ba way of speaking a language that is used only in a particular area or by a particular group3count Ca slight sign that someone has been present or that sth.has happened4trace Dsomeone who writes books,articles etc.,especially as their job5dialect Eable to be recognized6author Fimmediately7unique Gto be of value or importance8convince Hto make sb.believe that sth.is true【答案】1.E2.F3.G4.C5.B6.D7.A8.H.短语填空lie in,or rather,rather than,tell.apart,as well as,as long as,in particular,count on1Mary prefers to dance _ sing a song.2He is a foreigner,_ an American.3The guard is a reliable man and you can _ him.4_ you promise something to him,youd better do it.5John,_ his parents has been to Guangzhou during their holiday.6Can you _ the twin sisters _?【答案】1.rather than2.or rather3.count on4.As long as5.as well as6.tell;apart.句型背诵1In_this_sense everybodys use of languagewhether_English,Chinese,or_any_other is different.从这个意义上来说,每个人对语言的使用不管是英语、汉语或者任何其他语言都是不一样的。2You could say that there are as_many_varieties_of_English,or any other language for that matter,as there are speakers of it.可以这样说,对英语或者任何别的语言而言,有多少使用者,该语言就有多少种变体。3Perhaps correctness doesnt matteras_long_as speakers can understand each otherits munication that counts正确与否或许不要紧只要说话的人互相明白就行重要的是交流本身。Period Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary教学目标(1)熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。(2)通过学案中所给出的重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语,能够运用这些词语造句。(3)通过对这些词汇的理解能够更深层次的理解课文,并通过课文加深对这些词汇的理解,更加熟练的运用这些词汇。(4)通过对本课文的理解,让学生学会用英语写正反观点的议论文,提高学生的英语书面表达能力。教学地位单词和短语是构成句子的最小单位,在语言学习中起至关重要的作用,所以理解和正确应用英语单词和短语是英语学习的重点所在。新课导入建议Hello,everyone.Now Id like to ask to read his /her position.(老师让同学读一读他/她的作文)。教学流程设计让学生就“互动探究”(见学案第4649页)进行讨论,让学生各自发表自己的见解,然后让各个讨论组派代表汇报各自讨论结果。老师针对难点和重点词汇进行讲解,并补充学案中所遗漏的重点词汇,补充一些必要的练习。布置作业。让学生完成课本第47页第1、3 题和第50页第3 题,完成“课时作业”和预习Period (见学案第4953页)。1instantly adv.立即;马上 conj.一就The quality of someones voice and their choice of words make a person instantly recognisable,even though you cant see him or her.(P44)一个人的音质和词汇的选择能让他(她)立即被辨认出来,即使你看不见他(她)。He has an instantly recognisable face.他长着一副一眼就能认得出来的面孔。Tell me instantly he arrives.他一到达就告诉我。immediately/the instant/the moment/the minute一就instant adj.立即的;紧迫的;刻不容缓的;(食品)速溶的;方便的 n瞬间;片刻in an instant立即;一会儿之后for an instant瞬间;一会儿at that/this instant就在那/这瞬间Ill be with you in an instant.我立即去找你。Just for an instant,I thought he was going to refuse.刹那间,我认为他打算拒绝。完成句子我一看到他就认出他正是警方在寻找的那个人。_I saw him,I knew he was the man the police were looking for.我马上就回来。Ill be back_【答案】Instantly/The instant/Immediately/The moment/The minuteinstantly/in an instant2In this sense everybodys use of languagewhether English,Chinese,or any otheris different.(教材P44)从这种意义上说,每个人对语言的使用不管是英语、汉语,还是其他任何一种语言都是不同的。本句中“whether English,Chinese,or any other”作language的同位语,对language作解释说明,其中whether.or.作“不论还是”解,用于连接平行结构,作此意解时,whether.or.,还常用于引导让步状语从句。He seemed undecided whether to go or stay.他似乎还没有决定去留。Whether the weather is fine or not tomorrow,I will pay him a visit.无论明天天气好坏,我都会去看他。【提示】whether/if的用法区别:引导宾语从句时,两者的含义区别很小,一般可通用。用whether,不用if的情况有:与or或or not连用时;作介词的宾语时;在动词不定式之前;discuss后的宾语从句中;主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中;在容易引起混淆产生歧义的情况下,就不可用if,而须用whether。用whether/if填空_she wins or loses,this is her last tournament.We should find out_the museum is open.【答案】Whetherwhether/if3tell sth.apart区分开It is also quite easy to tell British and American English apart.(P44)要将英式英语和美式英语分辨开来也很容易的。The twins are much too alike,I cant tell them apart.这对双胞胎长得太像了,我分不清他们谁是谁。Its almost impossible to tell Mary and Lucy apart since they had their hair cut.几乎不可能把玛丽与露茜区分开,因为她们都理发了。tell.from.把与区分开to tell the truth说实话tell.by.根据判断tell the difference说出区别To tell the truth,I dont like her.说实话,我不喜欢她。Can you tell the difference between them?你能说出他们之间的区别吗?用适当的介/副词填空Many people may be unable to tell the fake_the original one.I dont know which one is mine.I cant tell them_【答案】fromapart4Perhaps correctness doesnt matteras_long_as speakers can understand each otherits munication that counts(P44)也许正确与否不要紧只要说话者互相明白就行重要的是交流。(1)matter vi.重要;要紧;有关系(常用于疑问句和否定句中)What does it matter?这有什么关系?All these things do not matter now.所有这一切现在都无关紧要了。It doesnt matter.没关系。matter n事情;问题;麻烦事;毛病;物质It is a matter of.这是一个的问题。Whats the matter (with.)?()怎么了?出了什么毛病?as a matter of fact事实上;实际上no matter wh/how.无论;不管It was a matter of life and death for them.这事对他们来说生死攸关。Whats the matter with Bill?比尔怎么了?Matter exists in three states:solid,liquid and gas.物质以三种形态存在,即固态、液态和气态。完成句子事实上,blog这个词是webblog的缩写。_,blog is short for webblog.无论发生什么事,都不要气馁。_happens,dont be discouraged.你做什么对我无所谓。_what you do.【答案】As a matter of factNo matter whatIt doesnt matter to me(2)as long as只要(引导条件状语从句)You can go out to play as long as you stay in the back yard.只要不出后院,你可以出去玩。提示:主要的另外两种表达:so long ason condition that. Our holiday cost a lot of money.Did it?Well,that doesnt matter_you enjoyed yourselves.Aas long asBunlessCas soon as Dthough【解析】句意:我们的假期耗费了我们很多钱。是吗?只要你们玩得高兴,那没什么关系。as long as只要。【答案】A(3)count vt.& vi.计数;认为;指望(on);重要;有价值;起作用 n总数;数数His opinions count because of his experience.因为他有经验,所以他的意见很重要。You cant always count on the help from others.你不能总是指望别人的帮助。count on/uponrely on依赖;依靠;期待;指望count.(as.)认为(某事物或某人)count against sb.认为对某人不利count in把(某事物或某人)算在内count for nothing没有任何价值It/That doesnt count.那不算数/那不重要。See how many cups we have,but dont count in the cracked ones.看看我们有多少杯子,不过不要把这几个有裂纹的算进去。Im counting on you to help me.我指望着你帮我的忙。完成句子We must value the time in class,_(每一秒钟都很重要)You can _(指望他帮忙)【答案】every second countscount on him to help5or ratherexactly speaking更确切地说Or rather,Hello!Do you speak Australian?(P44)更确切地说,你好!你说澳大利亚语吗?I will meet him,or rather I will ask him to meet me.我要见他,或者更确切地说,我要请他来见我。He walked,or rather,ran to the office this morning.今天上午他走着,更确切地说,跑着去办公室的。,x(blc rc(avs4alco1(would rather do.than do.,would do.rather than do.,prefer to do.rather than do.)宁愿做,而不愿做),rather than 而不是,would rather从句 宁愿)Its what he did rather than what he said moved me.是他做的而不是他说的感动了我。Id prefer to go in summer rather than go in winter.我宁愿夏天去而不愿冬天去。I would rather you came tomorrow.我宁愿你明天来。Do you mind if I open the window?_ I feel a bit cold.AOf course not. BId rather you didnt.CGo ahead. DWhy not?【解析】考查情景对话。根据下一句“我觉得有点冷”可知,说话者不想让对方开窗户。of course not当然不介意;C项和D项是鼓励或建议对方开窗户,均与题意不符。【答案】B6lie in在于;处于某种状态;位于But the main differences between Australian English and other varieties of English lie in the individual sounds and intonation patterns.(P44)但澳大利亚英语和其他几种英语的最主要区别在于单音和音调模式。His success lies in his hard work.他的成功在于勤奋的工作。Happiness doesnt lie in happiness,but in the achievement of it.幸福不在于它本身,而在于追求的过程。lie down躺下休息lie in/on/to the east of位于的东部/东面lie awake醒着She likes to lie down for a while after lunch.她喜欢午饭后躺一会儿。Japan lies to the east of China.日本位于中国的东部。【助记】分清“因”与“果”句式转换The accident lies in the drivers driving after drinking heavily.The drivers driving after drinking heavily _ the accident.The terrible accident resulted from his carelessness.The terrible accident _ his carelessness.【答案】leads tolay in7debate n辩论;讨论 v讨论;争论;思考Today there is a debate in Singapore about which variety of English is the best.(P45)今天在新加坡有一种关于哪种英语最好的争论A fierce debate on the tax cut was going on.一场围绕着减税的辩论正在激烈地进行中。The government is debating the education laws.政府正在就教育法进行辩论。have/hold a debate on/over/about.举行一场关于的辩论under debate在讨论中debate sth.with sb.与某人讨论debate on/over/about就辩论The whole question is still under debate.整个问题还在讨论之中。Whether he deserves what has happened to him is open to debate.他是否罪有应得还有待于讨论。完成句子The proposal is still _(在讨论中)I _(和玛丽辩论)this question.【答案】under debatedebated with Mary aboutPeriod Integrating Skills & Grammar教学目标(1)熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。(2)通过学案中所给出的重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语,能够运用这些词语造句。(3)通过对语法的教学让学生能够理解并能够运用这些语法知识,能够正确运用状语和状语从句。教学地位语法是学生感到比较难以掌握的东西。让学生正确理解和掌握语法知识是让学生学好英语的关键,所以应给学生创设一个语境,让学生理解该语法的应用,而不要让学生死记硬背语法条文,应从理解的基础上去运用这些语法。新课导入建议通过对学生作业的检查导入本堂新课。教学流程设计让学生就“要点讲练”(见学案第4951页)进行讨论,让学生各自发表自己的见解,然后让各个讨论组派代表汇报各自讨论结果。让学生讨论完成“语法精析”部分(见学案第5153页)并让各个讨论组发表各自见解。老师针对难点和重点词汇进行讲解,并补充学案中所遗漏的重点词汇,补充一些必要的练习。布置作业。让学生完成课本第5354页1、2、4、5题,预习学案Period Cultural Corner & Writing(见学案第5456页)。1plain v抱怨What does the man plain about?(P48)那个人抱怨什么?You plain of having too much to do.If it es to that,we are all busy.你抱怨工作太忙。如果说忙,我们大家都很忙。Im going to plain to the manager about this.我要就这件事向经理投诉。plain to sb.of/about sth.因某事向某人抱怨、埋怨plaint n抱怨;投诉;控告make a plaint about就提出投诉a formal plaint正式控告He never plains to me about the work.他从来没向我报怨过这份工作。The most mon plaint is about poor service.最常见的投诉与服务差有关。完成句子你不能仅仅因为我旅行不多就像对傻瓜那样对待我!我将向经理投诉!You cant treat me like a fool just because I dont travel much!Im going to_the manager!谚经常诉苦,少人同情。He who makes constant_gets little passion.【答案】plain toplaints2It_is_estimated_that 1.3 billion people will use English as either a first or a second language by 2050.(P51)据估计到2050年,有13亿人会把英语作为第一或第二语言。it is estimated that.据估计。句中的it为形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语。It is estimated that he has known the truth of the matter.据估计他已经知道事情的真相了。Its estimated that 3,000 people will attend the meeting.据估计有3 000人要参加这个会议。句型“Itbe过去分词that”中常用的过去分词有:said,reported,considered,believed,hoped,suggested,estimated,admitted等。下列三种句型可以相互转换Itbe过去分词thatPeople say/think.that.Sb./Sth.be过去分词不定式Its thought that cancer is incurable.一般认为癌症是无法治愈的。It is believed that health is above wealth.一般人都相信健康重于财富。【提示】(1)该句型中that引导主语从句不能省略。(2)表示命令(order,mand),建议(suggest,propose,advise等),要求(require,request,demand,insist)的动词用于本句型时,从句要用shouldv.结构,should可省略。完成句子相信他是诚实的。_he is honest.建议你花更多的时间学英语。It is suggested that_in studying English.【答案】It is believed thatyou (should)spend more time3acquire v获得;得到;学到;养成习惯、嗜好New dialects acquire their own plex features until they bee real languages in their own right.(教材P51)新的方言寻找他们自己的综合特点,直到他们变成真正的语言。She acquired a good knowledge of English by careful study.她因认真学习而精通英语。She has acquired a taste for bananas recently.她最近开始喜欢吃香蕉了。gain/acquire/earn/achievegain收获;获得。指获得有用或必需的东西。可以用于体重、力量的增加,奖学金的获得,更常用于经验、知识、教育、满足等的获得。acquire购得,得到(尤指昂贵的或难以得到的东西);获得,掌握(知识、技能等)。earn取得;赚得。通常指通过工作挣钱,也可以用于应该得到的东西,如支持、认同、声望或尊敬。achieve得到,获得。多指成就、目标、幸福的取得。Step by step he gained the childs confidence.他一步步地获得了孩子们的信任。He earned lots of money by fishing.通过捕鱼他挣到了很多钱。用gain/acquire/earn/achieve的适当形式填空The movie star_success and wealth.He _a lot of praise from the public.Im new in the job but Im already _experience.I took on it as an opportunity to_fresh skills.【答案】achievedearnedgainingacquire4convinced adj.确信的;信服的Experts are convinced that this will happen in the future as more and more people learn English and call it their own.(P51)专家深信随着越来越多的人说英语,并且把它叫做自己的语言,这件事在将来会发生。I was convinced that we were doing the right thing.我确信我们做的事情是正确的。What he said convinced me that I was mistaken.他的一番话,使我认识到我错了。be convinced of/about sth.坚信;确信be convinced that.坚信;确信convince v(使)相信;使确信convince sb.of sth.使某人信服某事convince sb.that.使某人确信convince sb.to do sth.说服/劝说某人做某事convincing adj.有说服力的,令人信服的We finally convinced them of our innocence.我们终于使他们相信我们是无辜的。


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