高考英语一轮复习 重点单词填空课件2.ppt

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高考英语重点单词复习专项训练,(二),1. Tom was _ (泄气) when he failed a game. 2. Mr. Zhang is among the _ (有经验的) managers. 3. This novel is _(翻译) from French. 4. It is our duty to _(保卫) our motherland. 5. The teacher often _(鼓励) the children to practise more.,discouraged,experienced,translated,defend,encourages,6. G_ speaking , girls are more careful than boys. 7.Walking across the Luobupo Desert alone is obviously a / an_ (冒险的)action. 8. Mr. Green told his students to r_ their lesson before class. 9.Though South Korea also celebrates the Spring Festival, its form_(不同) from ours. 10.At the sound of the gun, all the birds in the tree flew away in all d_.,Generally,adventurous,review,differs,directions,11. They _(控制) the fire and put it out in the end. 12. Im making _ (准备) for the coming exam. 13. I saw her going in the _(相反) direction. 14. They cant _ (表达) themselves in English. 15. Asia is much larger than any of the other_(大陆)in the world.,controlled,preparations,opposite,express,continents,16. The second month of a year is F_. 17. After leaving u_, he became a doctor. 18. The p_ of China is larger than that of any other countries. 19. Each office will be e_ with a computer soon 20.Madame Curie spent a great deal of her time on scientific e_.,February,university,population,equipped,experiments,21. We couldnt stand the _(残酷) done to him. 22. How long may I _(借) this book? 23. I havent a thing in _(共同的) with her. 24. We have a great _(钦佩) for the peoples heroes. 25. I want to be an _(工程师), when I grow up.,cruelty,keep,common,admiration,engineer,26. May I i _ my friend to you? 27. A dozen means t_. 28. In my opinion, nothing is more v_ than health. 29. The old woman was kind. She o_ us a room for the night. 30.This problem needs _ ( 解决) at once.,introduce,twelve,valuable,offered,solving,31. There will be an _(展览) next week in our city. 32. She had her arms and feet hurt in a car _ (事故). 33. Madame Curie made an _(重要的) discovery. 34. Mr. Li studied law at college and became a _(律师) after graduation. 35. Have you ever seen the famous _(喜剧) Twelfth Night by Shakespeare?,exhibition,accident,important,lawyer,comedy,36. A doctor should answer for his p_ just as a teacher for his students. 37. Sports can keep us h_. 38. The coldest continent on the earth is A_. 39. You look too fat. I advise you to lose your w_. 40.The doctor told me to have more v_ and fruit.,patients,healthy,Antarctic,weight,vegetables,41. The building _(环绕) with green trees is the our library. 42. This kind of car can be driven at a speed of 120 _(千米) an hour. 43. Poets often use their _ (想象力) to write poems 44. When did the _(宇航员) first land on the moon. 45. The word “see” has the same _(发音) as the word “sea”.,surrounded,kilometers,imagination,astronaut,pronunciation,46. _(现代)agriculture has many advantages than traditional agriculture. 47. There are many kinds of a_ in the zoo. 48. Mary is o_ about her chances of winning a gold medal. 49. We often go swimming in summer v_. 50.Marxs mother t_ is German.,Modern,animals,optimistic,vacation,tongue,


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