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2019-2020年高中英语选修6Unit4Helpingpeoplearoundtheworld-Section3Wordpowe1. Many different organizations are connected to the UN.(P54) 许多不同的组织都与联合国有关.connect vi. or vt. to join or be joined with sth. else: 连接Can I connect my printer to your puter?Where does the cooker connect (up) to the electricity?Has the telephone/electricity/gas been connected (= switched on or joined to the main supply) in your new place yet?vt. to consider or show a person or thing to be related to someone or sth. else:使与有关Shes an actress I connect with the theatre rather than films.Police are connecting the break-in with other recent thefts in the area.vt. to make it possible for you to speak to someone else by telephone:用电话与某人联系 Could you connect me with/to a number in Paris, please? I cant seem to get through.vi. If two public transport vehicles connect, they arrive at suitable times to allow passengers to get off one and onto another: (交通工具)与衔接,连接Your flight arrives in Malaga at ten oclock where it connects with a coach service to your hotel.Theres a connecting train service between the airport and the city.2. One of the most important groups within the UN is the World Bank Group. (P55)联合国最重要的组织之一是世界银行组织。withinprep., adv. inside or not beyond an area or period of time:在范围之内Two-thirds of Californians live within 15 miles of the coast.For orders within the UK, please enclose 2.50 for post and packing.The resort lies within easy reach of (= not far from) the ski slopes.We remend that this wine should be consumed within six months.Within hours of the tragedy happening, an emergency rescue team had been assembled.The tickets should reach you within the week (= before the end of this week).Hes very highly regarded within his profession.She managed to plete her last film well within budget.The target was now within range and so she took aim and fired.He could sense that his goal was within reach (= it could be reached).The cathedral spire was now within sight (= it could be seen).I was acting within the law (= legally).We came within five points of beating them (= We would have beaten them if we had had five more points).within常用短语:within your rightsIf you are within your rights to do something, you are legally allowed to do it:I think Im quite within my rights to demand a full refund.within your memoryat a time that you are able to remember:Women had gained the vote within my grandmothers memory.within limitsavoiding behaviour which is extreme or silly:You can wear what you like, within limits.within shouting distancevery close:We live within shouting distance of the station.相关高考试题1. -Can he take charge of the puter pany? (2006 四川) -Im afraid its his ability. A. beyond B. within C. of D. to2. Dont leave matches or cigarettes on the table within _ of little children. (2004湖北) A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance3. This new model of car is so expensive that it is _ the reach of those with average ine. (2006 江苏) A. overB. within C. beyond D. below4. Sorry. Madam. Youd better e tomorrow because its_ the visiting hours. (2006福建) A. during B. at C. beyond D. before答案及解析: 1. A. beyond ones ability 超出某人的能力范围.2. B. within the reach of sb./ones reach 在某人够得着的范围之内.3. C. 4. C.3. and the living standards of rural populations.(P55)standard adj. 1) usual rather than special, especially when thought of as being correct or acceptable: 标准的White is the standard colour for this model of refrigerator.These are standard procedures for handling radioactive waste.The metre is the standard unit for measuring length in the SI system.2) Language described as standard is the form of that language which is considered acceptable and correct by most educated users of it:Most announcers on the BBC speak standard English.In Standard American, gotten is used as a past participle of get.3) before noun A standard book or writer is the one that is most monly read for information on a particular subject:Her book is still a standard text in archaeology, even though it was written more than twenty years ago.n. C a song or other piece of music which has been popular and often played over a long period of timeC usually singular a pattern or model that is generally accepted:This program is an industry standard for puters.standard 常用短语be up the standard达到标准 above/below the standard 高/低于标准the standard of living 生活水准 set standards of behavior 制定行为准则standard time 标准时间 standard English 标准英语a standard writer 一流作家 standard works 权威作品


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