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2019-2020年高中英语Module5TheGreatSportsPersonality单元加餐练一-二外研版.完形填空In a small village there lived a lazy Brahmin Ramdas. He would do _1_ but daydream whole day.One sunny afternoon, Ramdas was very _2_. He said, “What a beautiful day! How I wish I could go back to _3_. But then, I will have to go out and get my food.” After bathing, Ramdas took out a bowl and out to _4_.By begging the whole afternoon he managed to get a pot full of _5_.“It is this pot of milk that is going to make me _6_,” he thought. “I will use it to make butter. From the butter, I will be _7_ to make ghee (酥油). I am really clever!”“I will then go to the _8_ and sell the ghee,” his dream _9_. “With the money I get, I will buy a pair of goats. They will have _10_ after six months. Soon I would have an entire herd of goats.”“How _11_ I am,” he thought. “The day I bee a rich businessman I will build a big house _12_ in the middle of the village. There will be a splendid garden and a swimming pool in front of the house. Early morning I will _13_ in the blue waters of the pool.”Deep in his _14_, he struck out with his foot, breaking the _15_, and drenched (使湿透) himself with the milk. He saw the broken pot and _16_. He lost whatever he had because of his _17_ and day dreaming.Laziness is the biggest _18_ of our life. If you are lazy then you will not acquire any significant _19_ in your life and will always have nothing. Laziness is a _20_ who slowly steals everything from us. If you want to bee successful in your life and career, please overe the devil laziness.语篇解读:懒惰是成功的天敌,有它在身边,成功总是绕道而行。只有克服懒惰,你才能离成功更近一步。1A.somethingBnothingCanything Deverything解析:选B他除了整天做白日梦其他什么也不做,do nothing but“除了什么也不做”。2A.hungry BangryCsick Dcurious解析:选A根据下文的“I will have to go out and get my food.”可知,他非常饥饿(hungry),所以才会出现下文的寻找食物。3A.eat BworkCplay Dsleep解析:选D根据上文的daydream whole day可知,他整天就知道睡觉,所以本空选择sleep。4A.sell BbeatCbeg Dentertain解析:选C根据下文的“By begging the whole day”可知,他拿出碗去乞讨(beg)。5A.money BsoupCwater Dmilk解析:选D根据下文的“It is this pot of milk”可知,他通过乞讨获得一罐牛奶 (milk)。6A.rich BhappyCfamous Dstrange解析:选A根据下文的“I bee a rich businessman”可知,他认为这罐牛奶会使他变富(rich)。7A.lucky BableCinterested Dparticular解析:选Bbe able to do sth.“能够做某事”,他认为用这个黄油能够做酥油。8A.road BhotelCmarket Dshop解析:选C根据下文的“sell the ghee”可知,去市场(market)卖酥油最符合语境。9A.changed BcontinuedCpaused Dstopped解析:选B下文中,他一直在继续(continued)做他的美梦。10A.kids BhutsCarguments Dwounds解析:选A根据下文的“Soon I would have an entire herd of goats.”可知,六个月后这对羊就会生下许多的羊崽儿,用kids来形容。11A.generous BhandsomeCbrave Dsmart解析:选D根据上文的“I am really clever!”可知,Brahmin Ramdas一直认为自己很聪明,smart和clever是近义词。12A.ever BstillCright Deven解析:选C就在村子的中央他将建一座大房子。right意为“恰恰,就在”。13A.bathe BexerciseCsweep Dsurf解析:选A根据上文的swimming pool应该是他想象着在游泳池的蓝色水里游泳。bathe“游泳”。14A.ideas BopinionsCthoughts Dexpressions解析:选Cdeep in thoughts“陷入沉思”,为固定短语。15A.heart BpotCtoe Dgoal解析:选B根据上文的“get a pot full of”可知,本空指的是他正想着,脚往前一迈出,把罐子(pot)弄碎了。16A.fell BshoutedCcried Dlaughed解析:选C根据情境可知,他的一罐子牛奶都洒了,也意味着刚才他做的美梦都破碎了,所以他看着破碎的罐子哭了(cried)。17A.sadness BlazinessCcarelessness Danxiety解析:选B因为他的懒惰和整日做白日梦使他失去了所有的东西,选择laziness和下一段第一句呼应。18A.success BaimCpartner Denemy解析:选D懒惰是我们生活中最大的敌人(enemy)。这是本文的中心句,下文也是对这一句的进一步解释。19A.condition BcaseCposition Dpoint解析:选C如果你懒惰的话,你就不会取得生活中任何重要的职位,并且一直是一无所有。选择position意为“生活中的职位 (位置)”。20A.robber BthiefCmurderer Dvisitor解析:选B根据下文的steals可知,本空作者把懒惰比喻成贼(thief),它正在慢慢偷走我们身边的所有东西。.阅读理解Anne was sitting in the mountain of the village. It was her last spring in the mountain. That very day she would be leaving her aunts house to rejoin her family in Los Angeles. She had been staying to finish the sixth grade when her parents readied their new home.There was a presence beside her. Anne glanced to her left. There was another girl, who was drawing. It was a long time before the time was right for Anne to speak.“Is this your Thinking Place too?” Anne asked. The other girl nodded and smiled, just a little. There was a piece of sadness, Anne realized, in that girls blue eyes. There was more silence. Then the girls question came, almost a whisper.“What are you thinking about?” The eyes drifted to the tears still clinging to Annes jaw.“I love this place,” Anne said simply. This was the truth, and it was all that the other needed to hear. A forting arm reached around Annes shoulder.“Me, too.”“What are you thinking about?” asked Anne, remembering the sadness in the blue eyes.“My family is moving to somewhere in Los Angeles. But I knew no one there.” Anne became happy. She told the girl she was moving back to Los Angeles. The girl became happy, too. They kept talking and found they had a lot in mon.Then it was time for Anne to go back to her aunts house. She glanced back at her new friend, standing on the rocks in the mountains, and then examined the drawing. It showed the magic of their new friendship and the Thinking Place in swirls (漩涡) of brilliant color. A bright sun dappled the entire page in a hopeful gold. The girl gave it to Anne as a gift.Walking through the forest toward her aunts house, Anne turned the sheet over. There was a telephone number written on the back.语篇解读:Anne即将离开她所住的村庄,但在离开前她结交了一位新朋友。1Why was Anne staying with her aunt?ABecause she was learning how to draw there.BBecause she couldnt live in her own home then.CBecause she wanted to receive good education there.DBecause she missed her aunt and wanted to live with her.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第一段的“She had been staying to finish the sixth grade when her parents readied their new home.”可知,因为房子没准备好,无法住在那里。2We infer that the other girl _.Awas sure shed make many new friendsBlooked forward to going to Los AngelesCfelt sad about leaving the villageDwas bad at drawing解析:选C推理判断题。根据第三段的“There was a piece of sadness, Anne realized, in that girls blue eyes.”可推断,那个女孩因为要离开那个村庄而感到难过。3How did Anne react hearing the girl was moving to Los Angeles?AShe considered it great news.BShe thought the girl was lying.CShe wanted to fort the girl.DShe felt sad that they would be apart.解析:选A细节理解题。根据倒数第三段的“My family is moving to somewhere in Los Angeles. But I knew no one there. Anne became happy.”可知,Anne觉得这是好消息。4We can infer from the end of text that _.Athe two girls had seen each other beforeBthe two girls wouldnt see each other againCthe girl would call Anne as soon as possibleDthe girl wanted Anne to keep in touch with her解析:选D推理判断题。根据末段的“There was a telephone number written on the back.”可知,那个女孩给Anne留了个电话号码,这说明那个女孩想跟Anne保持联系。.语法填空I will never forget the experience of being trusted by others. Years ago a college friend and I set out across the US on a postcollege adventure. Our vehicle broke down in New London, Ontario, Canada on _1_ Sunday afternoon.We were pulled to a garage _2_ we spent the night sleeping in the van waiting for the garage to open the next morning. We left the van _3_ (repair) and set out to earn money, _4_ (work) odd jobs throughout the day.When we returned, the worker _5_ (finish) repairing, but the job cost D|S100 more than we had earned that day._6_ (tire) and a little unhappy, we decided to ask the worker_7_ we could send him the rest of the money from our destination in Boston, MA.To our surprise, he agreed. When we arrived in Boston three days later, we _8_ (immediate) sent the money to him as well as a thankyou note for the trust he shared with two young _9_ (strange). Just as Frank Crane said,“You may _10_ (cheat) if you trust too much, but you will live in torment (痛苦) unless you trust enough.”1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._答案:1.a 2.where 3.to be repaired 4.working5.had finished 6.Tired 7.if/whether 8.immediately9strangers 10.be cheated.短文改错Last month, I together with my parents, were invited to my uncles home in the United States. My uncle, who moved to America when I was five, has been lived there for nearly ten years. She met us in the airport. I was exciting when I set my foot on the land of America. In the following days, we visited some place of interest and took photos in the front of the Statue of Liberty. We all enjoyed visiting the Museum of Natural History so it enriched our knowledge great. For me, this is one of the most rewarding trips which I have ever made in my life and I look forward going there again.答案:第一句:werewas第二句:livedliving第三句:SheHe第四句:excitingexcited第五句:placeplaces; 去掉第二个the第六句:sobecause; greatgreatly第七句:whichthat; forward后加to.书面表达假如有一批澳大利亚中学生在京旅游,住在北京饭店,请用英语为他们拟一个参观颐和园的口头通知,内容要点如下:1参观时间:五月四日,星期二2颐和园简介:它是中国最大的保存最完好的皇家园林,风景优美,甚是迷人,有山有水,有皇家建筑和画廊。3活动安排:中午在快餐店吃午饭,下午5:30返回宾馆。4时间安排:星期二早上6:10集合,汽车6:30开,行驶45分钟。5集合地点:宾馆大门门口。注意:1.不要逐条翻译;2词数100左右。参考范文:NoticeDear friends,May I have your attention please? We will visit the Summer Palace on Tuesday, May 4. The Summer Palace is the largest wellkept royal park in China. In the park there is water and manpiled hills. There are some royal buildings and a gallery too. I am sure you will be struck by its beautiful scenery. In the morning we will be free to visit different places of the Summer Palace and then we will have lunch in the fast food restaurant. We will get back to the hotel at half past five. Please gather at the hotel gate at 6:10 on Tuesday morning. The buses will start at 6:30. It will take us about 45 minutes to get there. Please be on time.Thats all. Thank you.


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