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合同协议:_设备加工装配合同甲方:_乙方:_签订日期:_年_月_日第 1 页 共 18 页设备加工装配合同甲方:公司乙方:香港有限公司双方在遵守中华人民共和国政策、法律和特区有关规定的前提下,本着平等互利的原则,就来料加工各款塑胶五金玩具业务进行了充分协商,一致达成了如下合同条款:一、双方责任1、甲方责任:(1)提供有上盖之厂房1栋2层850平方米,无上盖场地5平方米,工厂管理人1名,生产工人首期80名、开业后十二个月增至2名,(禁止雇用不满十六周岁的童工),如当地劳力缺乏,可到外地雇请,但须经深圳市有关部门批准,在合同期内代乙方加工生产上述产品,加工成品后交回乙方复出香港。(2)提供现有水、电设备供加工生产之用,如需新安装水、电设施,其费用由乙方支付。(3)办理来料加工、装配有关业务的进出口手续及对工厂实行行政、财务和管理,不得把工厂以任何形式承包给任何单位和个人经营。2、乙方责任:(1)不作价提供加工上述产品及装修厂房和建造 平方米简易厂房所需的设备材料(详见清单),分多批运抵甲方工厂,设备总值约415万港元。(2)不作价提供加工上述产品所需的原料、辅料和包装物料,具体数量、规格在合同中订明。(3)工人如因工作不力(含工厂管理人员),经教育无效者,乙方有权向甲方提出调换,但禁止非法搜查甲方工厂工人的身体。二、加工数量第一年加工上述产品,加工费约432万港元,从第二年开始的产量,应在前一年的基础上有所增加,具体数量应在生产合同中订明。三、作价原则和工缴费1、试产(培训)期为二个月,在试产期内,工人每人每月工缴费暂定为450港元,(每月工作二十五天半,每天八小时)。2、试产期满后,采取按件计算方式,在坚持互利原则的基础上、双方应根据加工的品种、规格、款式和工艺繁简不同进行定价,并在生产加工合同中订明(为确保工人的合理收入,工缴费平均每人每月不低于550港元)。需要加班时,加班费另计,但每个工人每天加班时间最长不得超过三个小时。3、甲方工人生产消耗的水、电费由乙方负责。4、每月由乙方支付9,4港元给甲方,作为工厂管理费。四、损耗率1、试产期内的消耗率,实报实销。2、试产期后的损耗率,由双方商定,并在生产合同中订明。五、来料和交货期1、乙方按生产合同规定的加工量,按月提供足够数量的原辅材料和包装物料。为使甲方工厂能正常生产,乙方必须在每批产品开始加工前七天,将所需的原材料和包装物料运抵甲方工厂。除因人力不可抗拒之原因外,乙方来料不足,造成甲方工厂每月生产不足二十一天半,停工天数累计不得超过四天,否则,乙方应按在厂工人以停工天数计,每人每天补助生活费十五元港元,支付给甲方工厂。2、为使乙方能开展正常的业务活动,甲方工人应按双方协定的交货期,按时、按质、按量交货给乙方。如非人力不可抗拒原因,甲方不按时、按质、按量交货,造成乙方的经济损失,甲方应负赔偿之责任,赔偿数额可在具体合同中订明。3、由乙方提供的机械、通风、照明等设备及原辅材料、包装物料,在甲方工厂由双方进行交收登记,建立帐册。甲方工厂加工后的成品,在甲方工厂经乙方验收起运后,甲方不负产品规格、质量、短缺等任何责任。六、结汇形式工缴费及工人管理费每月结算一次,以DP即期结汇或支票方式结汇,由甲方工厂会同深圳市上步区对外经济贸易公司开具发票后,通过中国银行深圳分行向乙方在香港开户的银行(银行、帐号)办理。乙方超过五天仍未付款给甲方,则按逾期天数,以当时香港银行利息一并付给甲方。乙方连续两个月不结汇,甲方有权采取停止出货或其它措施。七、劳动保护及运输与保险1、工厂应做好劳动保护及安全工作,完善防尘、防烟、防毒设施,厂房保持通风光亮,内外环境卫生整洁,对有污染性项目,须经市环保部门批准,方能立项经营。2、乙方提供的机械、通风、照明设备、原辅材料、包装物件及甲方工厂加工后的成品运输费用,均由乙方负责。3、原辅材料、包装物料的运进,成品运出及加工期间存放的机械设备、原料和包装物料及操作机械的工人,均由乙方向中国人民保险公司深圳分公司投保。八、技术交流在设备运抵甲方工厂后,乙方应尽快派出人员进行安装,甲方派出人员进行协助。从试产期开始,乙方应派出技术人员对甲方工厂进行技术培训,直到工人能基本掌握生产技术,进行正常生产时为止。乙方技术人员的工资及一切费用由乙方负责,甲方提供生活上的方便。九、合同期限本合同经批准双方签字后,乙方须出示商业登记及银行资信证明书交由甲方办理营业执照经海关备案生效。有效期为三年,即从一九八八年二月二十一日至一九九一年二月二十一日。如要提前终止或延长本合同,需在三个月前通知对方,并经双方协商处理终止或延长合同事宜。某方单独提前终止合同,要负责补偿对方的经济损失。补偿的办法,应根据终止合同前半年内的每月平均工缴费为准,补偿两个月的工缴费总额给对方。合同期满后,不动资产(如厂房、宿舍)归甲方所有,由乙方不作价提供的可动产(如机械、车辆、通风设备)归乙方所有,并按海关和有关规定及时进行办理核销手续。双方同意,在本合同经批准双方签约十天内,由乙方预付40港元给甲方,作为履约保证金,从甲方收到履约金之日起两个月内,乙方仍不投产开业,履约保证金即无条件归甲方所有,同时,甲方有权废约。如乙方能按时投产开业,该履约保证金可作工缴费抵付给甲方。本合同正本一式五份,甲、乙双方、海关、车管所、业务单位各一份,副本若干份,均具有同等效力。本合同有如未尽事宜,双方可随时协商补充或修改,并报上级批准实施。甲方:法定代表:乙方:法定代表:业务单位:法定代表:一九年月日于中国CONTRACT FORPROCESSING & ASSEMBLYplace:Shenzhen, ChinaDate: Feb. 20,988Party A: panyParty B: Co. , d. Hong KongPartyA and Party B, according to the laws and policies of thePeoplesRepublic of China and the relevant regulations of theSpecialEconomic Zones and the principles of equaly and mutualbenef,have held discussions relation to the processing and as-semblingof plastic toy products and have reached agreement onthefollowing contractual clauses:1, ResponsibiliesResponsibilies of Party A1) Party A shall provide factory spaceconsisting of two floorswh a total space of 850square metres, field of 5 square me-tres whout covering, one factory management person andeightyworkers for the first phase. The number ofworkers shall be in-creased to 2 twelve months after operation. (Employment ofteenages under6 is prohibed). If the local labour is not suffi-cient, PartyA can employ workers from other places wh the ap-provalof the relevant departments of Shenzhen Municipaly.Whin the contract term, Party A shallprocess the above prod-ucts for Party B which shallbe re-exported to Hong Kong.2)The water supply and utily equipmentrequired for processingshall be provided by Party A.If addional installations of waterand electricfacilies are required, the expenses thereof shall beborneby Party B.3) Party A shall arrange all the neccessary import and export ap-provalsrequired for processing and assembly and provide ad-mintrationand accounting management for the processingplant.Party A cannot contract Party As responsibilies to anyotherParty or individual in any way.Responsibilies of Party B1 ) To provide the equipment wh the totalvalue of 4.5 millionHong Kong Dollars.2 ) To provide the raw materials, indirectmaterials and packagingmaterials for processing theproducts. Quanties and specifica-tions are to bespecified in separate contracts.3) In the event any personnel, includingmanagement shows sub-standard performance and makes no improvement afterretrain-ing, Party B shall have the right to requestParty A to replacesuch persons. However, any physicalsearch of the workers shallbe regarded as illegal andprohibed.2. Quanty of ProductsDuringthe first year, the total processing fee shall amount to HK$ 432, 0. . Fromthe second year, the quanty shall be in-creased. Details shall be specifiedin separate contracts.3. Pricing &- SalaryThe trial production (includingtraining) period shall be twomonths. During suchperiod, the workers shall be paid HK$ 450. per month on the basis of 25. 5working days permonth and 8 working hours per day.After the trial production period, theworkers payment shallbe calculated according toactual production quanies. On the ba-sis of mutual benef, both parties shall consider the processingfee, which shall be specificedin separate contracts, according todifferent kinds ofproducts, specifications, styles and engineeringprocedures.In order to ensure the reasoriable ine of theworkers, the workers monthly salary shallbe maintained nolower than HK $ 550. . If overtimework is required, paymentshall be calculatedseparately. However,Overtime shall not exceedthree hours a day.Expenses for water and electricy inParty As plant shall beborne by Party B.Every month Party B shall pay HK , 4. to Party Afor management expenses.4. Proportion o Products DamagedDuring the trial production period,Party B shall absorb thecost of products damaged.After the trial production period, theproportion of damagedproducts shall be mutuallyconsidered and decided by both par-ties and specified in separate contracts.5. Shipment of Raw Materials &-Finished ProductsEvery month, Party B shall providesufficient raw materialsand packaging materialsaccording to the contracted processingvolume. Toensure the normal production of Party As plant ,Par-tyB shall ship such materials to the plant seven days before theproductionof each lot of products. Except for reason of force ma-jeure,the plant shall operate for more than 21. 5 days. In caseproductionis held up for more than four days due to insufficientsupplyof raw materials, Party B shall calculate the actual dayswhenproduction is shut down and pay to Party A the workerslivingexpenses at the rate of HK $5. per person per day.To ensure the normal operation of PartyBs business activi-ties, Party A shall deliver thefinished products to Party B in ac-cordance wh thetime of delivery, qualy and quanty. Exceptfor reason of force majeure,in case losses to Party B are causeddue to Party Asfailure to make delivery as mentioned above,Party Ashall be responsible for the pensation. Details ofsuchpensation shall be mutually agreed upon in separatecontracts.Both parties shall mutually inspect andument the equip-ment and materials provided byParty B, such as machinery, ven-tilation and lightingequipment and raw materials. After the fin-ished products are inspected and shipped from the plant by PartyB, Party A shall be free of any responsibily inregard to specifi-cations, qualy and quanty, etc.6. Method of PaymentPaymentof workers salary and management fee shall be settledoncea month by D/P, which shall be conducted through Bank ofChinaShenzhen Branch by Party Bs bank in Hong Kong (Bank, Account NO. ) inaccordance wh the invoices issuedby Party A and the ShangbuDistrict Foreign Economic &. Tradepany. Incase Party Bs payment is delayed for more thanfivedays, Party B shall be responsible for the interest accordingto the banks interest rate ; in casepayment is not settled for twoconsecutive months,Party A shall have the right to suspend de-livery of the finished products ortake other measures.7. LabourProtection &. InsuranceThe plant shall take safety measuresand protect the workersfrom dirt, smoke and poisonousmaterials. The factory shall bemaintained ventilatedand bright, and the surroundings clean andtidy.The transportation expenses for themachinery, ventilationand lighting equipment, rawmaterials, indirect materials, packag-ing materialsand the finished products shall be paid for by PartyB.All insurance for the transportationand storage of the abovematerials, machinery andequipment and coverage of the workersoperating themachinery shall be arranged through the PeoplesInsurancepany of China, Shenzhen Branch.8. Technical ExchangeAfterthe arrival of the equipment in the plant, Party B shall dis-patchpersonnel to install such equipment,while Party Ashall ar-range personnel to assist the installation.When the trial produc-tion begins, Party B shallprovide technical personnel to carry outthe traininguntil the workers have mastered the technology andtheproduction operates normally. Party B shall be responsibleforthe technical personnels salary and all related expenses, andPary A shall provide daily necessies.9. Contract TermAfter this contract is signed and approved,Party B shall presentto Party A s mercialRegistration and Bank Cred Certifi-cate for Party Ato arrange business licence and Customs Regis-tration. The term of this contract shall be three years, e.g. fromFeb. 21,988 to Feb. 21 ,991. If eherparty wishes to terminatein advance or extend thecontract, the responsible party shall in-form the other party three months inadvance so that both partiescan discuss and settlesuch a termination or extension. If eherpartyterminates the contract before the term expires,the respon-sible party shall pensate the other party for thelosses. Insuch case, the responsible party shall paythe other party as -pensation the amount of twotimes the monthly processing fee.The fee will bebased on the average monthly fee of the previoushalfyear.After the contract term expires, the realestate such as the facto-ry building and dormorybuilding shall return to Party A andthe machinery andequipment delivered by Party B shall be re-turned to Party B. Customs clearanceprocedures shall be ar-ranged according to relevantregulations.Both parties agree that, whin ten daysafter the contract issigned and approved, Party Bshall pay Party A the amount ofHK $ 4, 0. as sguarantee to carry out the contract. If,whin twomonths after Party As receipt of such amount, PartyBstill cannot arrange to start production, the amount shall beforfeedto Party A uncondionally and Party A shall have therightto cancel the contract. If Party B can start production ontime,the amount will be deducted from the processing fee.Thiscontract is made out in five copies for both parties, the Cus-toms,Vehicle Authory and the business department. Theyshallhave the same force.If there are other issues notcovered in the contract, both partiescan discuss tosupplement or amend the contract and subm theresusto relevant departments for approval.Party A: PartyB:Legal Rep: Legal Rep:mercial Rep:第 13 页 共 18 页设备吊装安全协议立协单位:建设单位(甲方):以下简称甲:方承包单位(乙方):乙:一、甲方将的部分工程项目发包给乙方施工。为贯彻“安全第一、预防为主”的方针,根据国家和省、市、地区有关法规、规定,明确双方的安全生产责任,确保施工安全,双方在签订建设工程合同的同时,签订本协议。一、承包工程项目:1.工程项目名称:2.工程地址:3.承包范围:4.承包方式:二、工程项目期限:自起开工至31日完工。三、协议内容:1.乙方必须认真贯彻国家、省、市、地区和上级安全生产、劳动保护主管部门颁发的有关安全生产方针、政策,严格执行有关安全生产和劳动保护法规、条例和规定。2.乙方应有安全管理组织体制,包括抓安全生产的领导,各级专职、兼职的安全管理人员,应有各工种的安全操作规程、特种作业人员的审证考核制度、各级安全生产岗位责任制、定期安全检查制度、安全教育制度等。3.乙方在施工前要认真勘察现场,工程项目由乙方按甲方的要求自行编制施工组织设计,并制定有针对性的安全技术措施计划,严格按施工组织设计和有关安全要求施工。4.乙方的有关领导必须认真对本单位职工进行安全生产制度及安全技术知识教育,增强法制观念,提高职工的安全生产思想意识和自我保护的能力,督促职工自觉遵守安全生产纪律、制度和法规。5.施工前,甲方应向乙方介绍有关安全生产、文明施工管理制度、规定和要求,乙方应组织召开管理及施工人员安全生产、文明施工教育会议,并可通知甲方委托有关人员出席会议,介绍施工中有关安全、防火、文明施工等规章制度及要求;乙方必须检查、督促施工人员严格遵守,认真执行。6.施工期间,乙方指派管理人员负责本工程项目的有关安全、防火及文明施工工作;甲方指派安全管理人员负责联系、检查、督促乙方执行有关安全、防火及文明施工规定。7.乙方在施工期间必须严格执行和遵守甲方的安全生产、文明施工及防火管理的各项规定,接受甲方的督促、检查和指导。对于查出的隐患,乙方必须限期整改。对于乙方无正当理由且不按要求限期整改隐患的行为,甲方有权按相关规定进行相应处罚(如:责令停工等)或按照工程总价的5%处以罚款,由此造成的一切后果由乙方承担。因乙方施工造成安全事故或不整改隐患给甲方造成损失的,乙方应按甲方所遭受的一切损失进行赔偿。8.乙方应督促施工现场人员自觉穿戴好个人防护用品。9.乙方人员对所在施工区域、作业环境、操作设施设备及工具用具等必须认真检查,发现隐患,立即停止施工,并落实整改后方准施工。一经施工,就表示该施工单位确认施工场所、作业环境、设施设备、工具用具等符合安全要求和处于安全状态。施工单位对施工过程中由于上述因素不良而导致的事故后果负责。10.对于施工现场临时用电、机具设备、基坑支护与模板工程、脚手架等,在搭设、安装完毕提交使用前,乙方应按规定组织验收,并做好验收及交付使用的书面手续,严禁在未经验收或验收不合格的情况下投入使用,否则由此发生的后果由乙方负责。11.乙方在施工期间所使用的各种设备以及工具等均应由乙方自备。如乙方向甲方借用或租赁,应由双方有关人员办理借用或租赁手续,制订有关安全使用和管理制度。甲方应保证借出的设备和工具完好并符合安全要求,乙方必须进行检验,并做好书面记录。借入使用方一经接收,设备和工具的保管、维修应由借入使用方负责,并严格执行安全操作规程。在使用过程中,用于设备、工具因素或使用操作不当而造成伤亡事故,由借入使用方负责。12.乙方对施工现场脚手架、各类安全防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆除、变动。如确实需要拆除更动的,必须经工地施工甲方负责人和安全管理人员的书面同意,并采取必要、可靠的安全措施后方能拆除。13.特种作业必须执行国家特种作业人员安全技术培训考核管理规定,经省、市、地区的特种作业安全技术考核站培训后持证上岗,并按规定定期审证,中、小型机械作业必须按规定做到“定机定人”和持证操作;起重吊装作业人员必须遵守“十不吊”规定,严禁违章、无证操作;严禁不懂电器、机械设备的人擅自操作使用电器、机械设备。14.乙方必须严格执行各类防火防爆制度,易燃易爆场所严禁吸烟及使用明火,消防器材不准挪作他用。电焊、气割作业应按规定办理动火审批手续,严格遵守“十不烧”规定,严禁使用电炉。冬季施工如必须采用明火加热的防冻措施时,应取得防火主管人员同意,落实防火、防中毒措施,并指派专人值班。15.乙方需用甲方提供的电气设备,在使用前应先进行检测,并做好检测记录,如不符合安全规定的应及时向甲方提出,经整改合格后方准使用,违反本规定或不经甲方许可,擅自乱拉电气线路造成后果均由肈事者单位负责。16.贯彻先订合同后施工的原则。甲方不得指派乙方人员从事合同外的施工任务,乙方应拒绝合同外的施工任务,否则由此造成的一切后果均由有关方负责。17.乙方在施工中,应注意地下管线及高压架空线路的保护。甲方对地下管线和障碍物应详细交底,乙方应贯彻交底要求,如遇有情况,应及时向甲方和有关部门联系,采取保护措施。18.乙方在签订建设工程施工合同后,应自觉地向所在地劳动行政等有关部门办理建设工程开工安全受监报告手续。19.贯彻谁施工谁负责安全的原则。在乙方施工期间造成的一切安全事故均由乙方负责并承担赔偿责任,不可抗力原因造成的除外。乙方人员在施工期间造成伤亡、(火警)火灾、机械等重大事故时,应立即进行抢救伤员和保护现场,按国家及省、市、地区有关事故报告规定将事故情况及时报告上级主管部门及市、区(县)劳动行政部门等有关机构。乙方人员的人身安全保险(含建筑意外伤害保险)由乙方负责。20.其他未尽事宜。其他未尽事宜双方协商解决。22本协议订立的各项规定如遇有同国家和省、市、地区的有关法规不符者,按国家和省、市、地区的有关规定执行。23本协议经双方签字、盖章有效,作为合同正本的附件一式二份,甲、乙双方各执一份备案。24本协议同工程合同正本同时生效,至工程验收合格后终止,甲、乙双方必须严格执行,由于违反协议而造成后果者,由违约方承担一切经济损失。甲方:乙方:甲方代表(公司盖章)乙方代表(公司盖章)建设单位安全代表(签字)承包单位安全代表(签字)日期:日期:第 17 页 共 18 页合同协议:_本文至此结束,感谢您的浏览!(模板仅供参考)下载修改即可使用第 18 页 共 18 页


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