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其他范文/相声小品剧本 星际迷航记7之星空奇兵StarTerk7:Generat * star trek: generations script! *fade in:1 ext. space (vfx-i) 1a vast and sparkling starfield. a pinpoint of light appears and startsmoving toward the camera. a small and distant cylindrical objecttumbling end over end, but we cant determine exactly what it is yet.2 ext. wheatfield- day 2a vast and undulating sea of wheat. we become aware that there are twoheads sticking out of the stalks of wheat: two men standing and lookingup at the sky. as we move towards them, we can see that the two men arescotty and chekov, dressed in civilian clothing.chekov(points to sky)there he is- there, to the south!scotty(peers upward)what are ye, blind? thats a bird.as they stare up at the sky3 ext. space (vfx-i) 3the cylinder tumbling through space is now closer, and we can now seethat it is a bottle of some sort, and it is tumbling directly toward thecamera.4 ext. wheatfield- day 4as before, chekov and scotty staring at the sky.scotty(concerned)repelling the crystalline trench, rafting down lava flows, orbitalskydiving.its like the man is running a bloody decathlon across thegalaxy.suddenly we hear a double sonic boom.chekovthat should be him now. i think hes just crossed the sound barrier.they shield their eyes against the sun and look up.5 ext. space (vfx-i) 5the bottle gets closer.6 ext. wheatfield- day 6a man in a high-tech body harness and parachute lands in the wheat flaton his back. his body-suit is charred, scorched, wisps of smoke stillcurling off it. there are small thrusters attached to his backpack andboots. scotty and chekov move to him. the man removes his helmet. it iskirk. he smiles broadly, like a child who has just come off arollercoaster.kirkright on target! i jump out over the arabian peninsula and i end uphere, right on the dime.kirk gets to his feet.chekovactually, captain, your precise target area was thirty-five meters(points)that way.kirkthanks for pointing that out.kirk starts to pull off his suit, reacts to a sudden pain in his back.kirkohscottyive warned ye about that back of yours. you should have a doctor take alook at it.kirk waves him away, and continues to remove his harness.6a ext. space (vfx-i) 6athe tumbling bottle rushes past, and we can now see that it is achampagne bottle- dom perignon, 2265. follow the bottle as it tumblesthrough space.6b ext. wheatfield- day 6bkirk, scotty and chekov as before.kirktomorrow i want to make a tri-elliptical jump. thats where you jump outover northern china and make three complete orbits before you startre-entry.chekovcaptain. perhaps you have forgotten that tomorrow is the christeningceremony.this strikes a nerve with kirk- we see a flash of hesitation andirritation cross his face.kirkim not going (beat) scotty, help me with this chute.scottywhat do you mean, youre not going? we promised.kirkwhen i retired, i swore id never set foot on a starship again, and imeant it.chekovcaptain=8akirk(firm)i dont want to hear anymore about it. im not going, and thats final.7 ext. space (vfx-i) 7the champagne bottle smashes onto the bow of a federation starship(excelsior class) sitting in its dock in orbit around earth.7a ext. space (vfx-i) 7afollow the shards of glass from the bottle as they spread over the ship,revealing the name on the hull: u.s.s. enterprise ncc-1701-b.8 angle on spacedock window 8a large picture window overlooking the starship in its berth. the windowis filled with people in starfleet uniforms, applauding the christeningof the ship (but we hear nothing).8a int. spacedock observation room (vfx-i) 8athe people are still applauding and we can see that they are looking outover the ship in its berth.8b ext. space- enterprise-b in spacedock (vfx-i) 8bthe great ship sits in spacedock.9 int. enterprise-b- bridge 9close on a set of turbolift doors as they slide open to reveal kirk,scotty and chekov. a bright light shines into their faces and theyreact. move to reveal that the bright light is coming from a futuristiccamera with a small bank of lights attached to it. the camera is aholographic recorder with two lenses and is worn on an operators head.there are four journalists clustered in front of the turbolift- oneassociated with the camera, the others using padds to make notations.also clustered around the door are the bridge crew of theenterprise-b.everyone is applauding as kirk and the others blink underthe bright lights and enter the bridge.journalists(overlapping)captain kirk, how does it feel to be back on the enterprise bridge=8a?captain, can i have a minute? captain scott, do you have any comment on?commander chekovcaptain john harriman pushes through the crowd.harrimanexcuse me, excuse me=8a there will be plenty of time for questionslater.the journalists edge away, and the cameraman moves to get a good angle.harriman(contd, to all)im captain john harriman. id like to welcome you all aboard.kirkits our pleasure.harriman is young, confident, eager. this is his first command and hetakes it very seriously.harrimani just want you to know how excited we all are to have a group of livinglegends with us on our maiden voyage. (beat) i remember reading aboutyour missions when i was in grade school.the original enterprise officers all stop and give him a look. harrimanlooks a little embarrassed- he didnt mean to insult them. but kirkgives him a little smile, lets it roll off.kirkwell, may we have a look around?harrimanplease, please.chekov sees someone in the background, calls out to her.chekovdemora!chekov moves off.journalist(breezy)so, captain=8a this is the first starship enterprise in thirty yearswithoutjames t. kirk in command. how do you feel about that?the journalist has unknowingly touched a nerve. kirks eyes flash foramoment- the longer hes on this bridge, the more he realizes he doesntfeel good about it at all. he tries to shrug it off with a smile.kirkjust fine. im glad to be here to send her on her way.he tries to move away from the journalist, who dogs him.journalistwhat have you been doing since you retired?kirkive been keeping busy.at this point, chekov approaches with a young, mid-twenties, attractive,asian female ensign named demora.chekov(to kirk)excuse me, captain. id like you to meet the helmsman of theenterprise-b. ensign demora sulu- captain james kirk.demoraits a pleasure to meet you, sir. my fathers told me some interestingstories about you.kirk is shocked. for a long moment, he stares at her in amazement.kirkyour father? hikaru sulu is your father?demorayes, sir.chekovyou met her once before, but she waschekov holds out his hand and indicates a very short height.kirkbut that wasnt so long ago. it couldnt have been more than.chekovtwelve years, sir.kirkyes, well, congratulations, ensign. it wouldnt be the enterprisewithout a sulu at the helm.demorathank you, sir. (to chekov) let me show you the new inertial guidancesystem.demora and chekov move off and kirk looks after them for a long beat.the expression on his face changes from shock to sadness. something isclearly bothering him. scotty moves over to kirk, with a smile on hisface.scotty(to kirk)damn fine ship if you ask me.but kirks mind is still on demora. he watches her as she moves to thehelmsmans position.kirkyou know, scotty, it amazes me.scottyand what would that be, sir?kirksulu. when did he find the time for a family?scottyits like you always said- if somethings important enough, you make thetime.kirk nods absently. scotty realizes something.scottyso, thats why youve been running around the galaxy like aneighteen-year-old. finding retirement a little lonely, are we?kirk gives him a look.kirkwith that kind of tact, im glad youre an engineer and not apsychiatrist.harriman interrupts.harrimanexcuse me, gentlemen, if youll take your seats.kirkoh, of course.10 new angle 10revealing that three chairs have been neatly arranged to one side.scotty, kirk and chekov all take their seats. the journalists takepositions on the opposite side of the bridge. harriman moves to thecommand chair and the rest of the bridge crew go to their stations.harriman(to all)prepare to leave spacedock. aft thrusters ahead one quarter, port andstarboard at station keeping. (beat) captain kirk, id be honored if youwould give the order to get underway.kirkno, no. thank you.harrimanplease, i insist.all eyes on kirk- he has little choice. he stands uncomfortably. thereis a moment of anticipation.kirk(to all)take us out.everyone breaks into applause. kirk sits down in acute embarrassment andannoyance.chekov(sotto)very good, sir.scotty(sotto)brought a tear to my eye.cut to:11 ext. space- enterprise-b (vfx-i) 11the great ship majestically leaves the dock and heads out into openspace,passing directly overhead.12 int. enterprise-b- bridge 12a short time later. harriman turns to his guests.harrimanwell, weve just cleared the asteroid belt. our course will take usoutbeyond pluto and then back to spacedock. just a quick run around theblock. (beat) if we have time, well conduct a few tests of the warp-suddenly the communications console starts to beep. the com officer hitsa few commands in response.com officer(to harriman)were picking up a distress call, captain.this grabs everyones attention.harrimanon speakers.we hear the voice of a crewmember who sounds panicked and urgent.com voice(fritzed)this is the transport ship lakul. were caught in some kind ofenergydistortion. we cant break free. need immediate help. ittearing us-the voice is drowned out by static. the science officer checks somethingon his console. the journalist with the holo-camera turns on his lightand pans it around to capture the action.science officerthe lakul is one of two ships transporting el-aurian refugees to earth.harriman blinks a couple of times, surprised at this unexpected turn ofevents. kirk watches him intently. harriman clears his throat, thenturns to demora.harrimancan you locate them?demoraharrimansignal the closest starship. were in no condition to mount a rescue. wedont even have a full crew aboard.the navigator checks his console.navigatorwere the only one in range, sir.the holo-camera light is shined on harriman as he shifts in his seat,hesitant to take the plunge. kirk is drumming his fingers impatiently onhis leg. finally, harriman takes a breath and straightens his jacket abit.harrimanwell, then, i guess its up to us. (to demora) helm, lay in an interceptcourse and engage at maximum warp.kirk fidgets in his chair, itching to get in on the action- hisinstincts taking over. scotty shoots him a side-long glance.scottyis there something wrong with your chair, captain?kirk gives him a look.13 ext. space- enterprise-b (vfx-i) 13the ship snaps into warp.14 int. enterprise-b- bridge 14a few minutes later. demora is watching her console.demorawere within visual range of the energy distortion, captain.harrimanon screen.15 include viewscreen (vfx-i) 15which now shows a huge ribbon of crackling energy directly ahead of theenterprise-b. everyone reacts to the bizarre sight.chekovwhat the hell is that?demora(off console)ive found the transport ships.15a include viewscreen (vfx-i) 15athe viewscreen now shows two transport ships trapped like insects in theviolent torrent of energy. the ships are being buffeted and thrown aboutby large tendrils of crackling energy.demora(contd)their hulls are starting to buckle under the stress- they wont survivemuch longer.the ship suddenly shakes. the navigator works his console.navigatorwere encountering severe gravimetric distortions from the energyribbon.harrimanwell have to keep our distance. we dont want to get pulled in, too.harriman frowns at the screen, trying to figure out what to do. kirk canbarely contain himself- to him the answer is obvious. he blurts out theanswer.kirktractor beam.scotty quickly elbows him in the side- this isnt kirks ship. kirkshuts up. harriman glances at kirk.harrimanwe dont have a tractor beam.kirkyou left spacedock without a tractor beam?harrimanit wont be installed until tuesday. (beat) ensign sulu, try generatinga subspace field around the ships. that might break them free.demoraaye, sir.when kirk hears this order, he shakes his head slightly and mouths theword no under his breath. he knows that wont work.demora(shakes her head)theres too much quantum interference, captain.harriman frowns again, trying to come up with another solution, but itisnt easy- its his first day in command; his ship is under-manned andill-prepared. its a nightmare come true. kirk is itching to get in onthis, his fingers digging into the arms of his chair- but he restrainshimself.harrimanwhat about=8a venting plasma from the warp nacelles? that might disrupttheribbons hold on the ships.navigatoraye, sir. releasing drive plasma.a tense beat. harriman glances over at the journalists, then glancesover at kirk. kirk goves him a pained smile, trying to be encouragingeven though he knows this is not the right course of action.navigatorits not having any effect, sir. i think-demorasir! the starboard vessels hull is collapsing.15b include viewscreen (vfx-i) 15bsuddenly the right-hand ship on the screen is engulfed by a fierytendril of energy and it explodes. the other ship continues to be thrownabout and buffeted. everyone reacts with shock on the bridge.chekovhow many people were aboard that ship?demoratwo hundred sixty-five.harriman pales at the sight, seems shell-shocked by the structionof the ship. hes overwhelmed now; at a genuine loss as to what to donext.demora(urgent)the lakuls hull integrity is down to twelve percent, sir.harriman looks over at kirk, who has remained quiet during this entiresequence only through great effort and out of deference to the youngcaptain. this is a delicate moment- harriman doesnt want to lookincapable, but at the same time, he needs help.harrimancaptain kirk, i would appreciate any suggestions you might have.kirk is out of his chair like a cork out of a bottle. he moves down tostand next to harriman.kirk(sotto)first, move us within transporter range and beam those people to theenterprise.harriman looks at him with surprise.harrimanwhat about the gravimetric distortions? theyll tear us apart.kirk(gently)risk is part of the game if you want to sit in that chair.kirk gives him a supportive look. harriman buckles down and grimly looksat the image on the screen.harrimanhelm, close to within transporter range.kirk glances at the cameraman, whos still shining the light on themall.kirkand second, turn that damned thing off.the cameraman turns off the light.cut to:16 ext. space- enterprise-b (vfx-i) 16the ship edges in yet closer to the crackling ribbon. the tendrils fromthe ribbon lash out at the ship, just missing it.17 int. enterprise-b- bridge 17as before.demorawere within range, sir.harriman(to lieutenant)beam them directly to sickbay.chekov(concerned)how bigs your medical staff?harriman(embarrassed)the medical staff doesnt arrive until tuesday.chekov turns to the two journalists.chekovyou and you. youve just become nurses. lets go.chekov and the journalists exit to the turbolift.demoramain engineering reports fluctuations in the warp plasma relays.scottybypass the relays and go to auxiliary systems.the lieutenant is having problems at the aft console.lieutenantsir, im having trouble locking onto them. they appear to be in somesort of temporal flux.kirk turns to scotty.kirkscotty?scotty quickly moves to look at the transporter console.scottywhat the hell.kirk moves to him.scottytheir life signs are are phasing in and out of our space-time continuum.kirkphasing? to where?scotty begins to work.navigatorsir! their hulls collapsing!18 ext. space- the lakul (vfx-i) 18the ship is destroyed by an energy tendril.19 int. enterprise-b- bridge 19all eyes on scotty.scottyi got forty-seven of them (beat, grim) out of one hundred fifty.suddenly the ship is rocked violently. klaxons and alarms start to wailand the lights flicker on and off. a bulkhead explodes, sending metalfragments screaming across the bridge and killing the navigator. scottyquickly takes over the dead mans console.kirkreport!demorawere caught in a gravimetric field emanating from the trailing edge ofthe ribbon.harrimanall engines, full reverse!20 ext. space- enterprise-b ribbon (vfx-i) 20the ship is turning sideways into the wake of the ribbon, but cannotbreak away. it is clearly being pulled along, out of control. tendrilsleap up from the ribbon, lashing against the ship.the room is filled with the survivors of the lakul. they are all membersofthe el-aurian race- humanoid and dressed in distinctive clothing. thesurvivors are in various states of shock. many sit on the floor, staringinto middle distance. some lie on tables, unconscious. others aremumbling incoherently to themselves. chekov and the journalists aremoving from person to person trying to get control of the situation asthe ship is rocked and flung about. chekov has a tricorder.survivors(incoherent, overlapping)the colors are touching me. im caught in the glass. help me.i can seethe seconds.over here.chekovit will be all right. were going to take care of you.he looks at the tricorder.chekov(off tricorder)only minor injuries so far. (beat) but it looks like theyre allsuffering from some kind of neural shock.one journalist moves past a man sitting on a biobed with a dazed look onhis face. he has a nasty looking wound on one side of his face. (we willlearn later that this man is named doctor soran.)the journalist is about to turn away when suddenly soran grabs himroughly- clearly a man of great strength- and pulls him close. soranseyes are suddenly wild, crazed.soranwhy, why?journalistits all right. youre safe=8a youre on the enterprise.soranno, i have to go. i have to get back. you dont understand! let me go!soran begins to attack the journalist, but before he can do any realdamage, chekov injects soran with a hyp


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