2019-2020年(直击高考)高考英语 语法重难点系列 专题02 被动语态考点.doc

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2019-2020年(直击高考)高考英语 语法重难点系列 专题02 被动语态考点.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年(直击高考)高考英语 语法重难点系列 专题02 被动语态考点 英语里面的语态分两种:主动语态和被动语态。当句子的主语是动作的执行者时,谓语的形式是主动语态。当句子的主语是动作的承受者时,谓语要用被动语态。被动语态由“助动词be+过去分词”构成,时态通过“be”表现出来。何时用被动语态呢? 1.不知道动作的执行者是谁 My cup was broken this morning. 我杯子今天早晨打破的。 2.没必要知道动作的执行者是谁 This kind of glass is made in China. 这种玻璃是在这个制造的。 3.强调动作的执行者是谁 Your cup was broken by Li Hua. 你杯子是李华打破的。注意:目前试卷被动语态的考点是:看起来是被动的而要用主动来表示。下面就这一专题做一个归纳:一、read ,sell, write, last, dry, tear 等动词,在表示主语的某种特性时,只能用主动表被动含义。sell well (畅销、好卖) break easily (容易断) tear easily (容易破) write well (好写) read well (好读) dry easily (容易干)wash well (好洗) last well (耐穿) 1) His books sell well. (他的书好卖。 )2) Paper tears easily in wet weather. ( 纸在潮湿的气候下容易破。)3) This kind of jeans lasts well. ( 这种牛仔裤耐穿。)4) My pen writes well. ( 我的笔好写。)5) The poem by him reads well. ( 他写的诗好读。)6) This kind of cloth washes well. (这种布好洗。)上述这些例句的谓语动作的发生均不以人的意志所转移,全由主语本身的性质所决定。如:一本书是否畅销、好卖是不能由人们来决定的,必须要根据书本身的质量而定;一种布是否好洗也是由布本身的质地所决定。二、prove(证明,证实) 作“证实”时可以用于被动语态;作“证明”讲,且后面还跟有名词或者形容词时,不用于被动语态(但在阅读中我们也会见到用被动的情况) 1) His theory was proved last year. ( 他的理论去年得到了证实) 2) Your answer proved (to be) right. (你的答案证明是对的) 3) You prove (to be) an honest man. (你证明是个诚实的人)三、want/need/require(需要 ) 谓语动词是“需要”,后面跟动词作宾语且与句子主语是逻辑上的动宾关系时,这个动词要么用doing,要么用to be done1) Our classroom needs cleaning/to be cleaned every day. (我们教室需要每天打扫)2) The old man wants looking after/to be looked after. (这位老人需要照顾)3) Your hair requires cutting/to be cut. (你的头发需要理了)四、worth /worthy( 值得的) be worth doing (值得做) be well worth doing(很值得做) Something is worth doing .=Its worth doing something. (.值得做=做.值得)1) The book is worth reading.(这本书值得读)2) The TV play by him is well worth watching. ( 他演的电视剧很值得看) be worthy to be done/be worthy of being done(值得做)在上述短语中就还是用被动表被动。1)The book is worthy to be read.2)The book is worthy of being read.worthwhile(值得的)1) Its worthwhile doing/to do sth.(做某事值得) Its worthwhile watching TV/to watch TV. (看电视值得)2) Its worth ones while to do sth.(某人做某事值得) Its worth your while to watch TV.(你看电视值得)如:我们学校值得参观。1) Our school is worth visiting.=Its worth visiting our school .2) Our school is worth a visit.3) Our school is worthy to be visited.4) Our school is worthy of being visited.5) Our school is worthy of a visit.五、 be to seek(寻找),be to let(出租),be to blame(应该受到责备) 1) The cause is to seek.( 原因在寻找)2) The room is to let.(此房出租)3) The girl was to blame yesterday.(那女孩昨天应该受到责备)6.look(看起来) ,taste(尝起来), smell(闻起来), sound(听起来), feel(摸起来) 三个注意点: a.后面跟形容词作表语 b.看起来时正在进行的动作而要用一般时 c.看起来是被动的动作要用主动来表示1) Her voice sounds beautiful. (她声音听起来美)2) The dish tastes bitter. (这道菜尝起来苦)3) The flower smells sweet. (这花闻起来有芬芳味)4) The board feels smooth. (这板子摸起来光滑)5) He looks pale. (他看起来脸色苍白)七、不定式作定语的三种情况1)当前面的名词和不定式是逻辑上的主谓关系时用主动式 They made some candles to give light. 他们做一些蜡烛用来照亮。 candles 和give light 是逻辑上的主谓关系。2)当前面的名词和不定式是逻辑上的动宾关系时用被动式 Do you have anything to be taken there? anything 和 take 是逻辑上的动宾关系。3)当前面的名词和不定式是逻辑上的动宾关系但与句中另一名词或者代词又是主谓关系时用主动式表被动含义 a.Please give me some bread to eat. 请给我一些面包吃。 eat 和bread是逻辑上的动宾关系,但与me又是逻辑上的主语关系。 b. I have much homework to do. 我有许多家庭作业要做。 do与much homework是逻辑上的动宾关系,但与I又是逻辑上的主语关系。看看下面句子的区别:1) Im going to the post office. Do you have a letter to be sent?(我要去邮局,你有信要寄吗?) 在后面这个句子中,信是被寄,且不是句子主语you寄,所以用被动式to be sent .2) Are you going to the post office this afternoon? Do you have a letter to send?(你今天下午要去邮局?你有信要寄吗?)在这个句子中,信同样是被寄,但很明显是主语you寄,所以就用主动表被动含义。3) (经理对打字员说)Do you have anything to type now ? 你有什么要打印吗?在这个句子中很显然type的动作有主语来完成,因为打字员的工作就是打字,所以用的主动是to type.4) (打字员对经理说) Do you have anything to be typed now ?在这个句子中很显然经理不可能去完成type这个动作,所以用被动式。八、某些形容词作表语后面跟动词不定式,且不定式和句子主语具有逻辑上的动宾关系时用主动式表被动含义。1)The question is easy to answer. 这个问题容易回答。但是:如果后面加上by sb.时仍用被动式。 The question is easy to be answered by me.2)The box is too heavy to move. 这个盒子太重了搬不动。3)My coat is too large to wear. 我的外套太大了穿不了。但是: 形容词的意思不完整时仍然用被动表被动 All invaders are sure to be punished. 所有侵略者一定要受到惩罚。九、表示开始和结束的动词常用主动表被动(begin, start ,finish, end, close ,open .) a. Class begins at 6:30 every day。每天6:30开始上课。 b. The shop closes at 6 sharp every Sunday。 这家商店每星期天六点整关门。十.cook, print, bind 等动词的进行时态用主动表被动含义。 1) The paper is printing. 报纸在印刷。 2)My book is binding. 我的书在装订。 3)The meat is cooking. 肉在煮。十一、get+done也属于被动结构 get burnt (烧焦,晒黑) get lost (迷路) get dressed (穿衣服) get changed (换衣服) get separated (分开) get drunk (喝醉) get engaged (订婚) get married (结婚) get divorced (离婚) get paid (得报酬) get stuck=get caught (陷入困境) get hurt (受到伤害) get charged (充电) get broken (破了) get started (开始创建、启动) 十二.under +n.表被动 under construction(在建设中) under arrest(被捕) under discussion(在讨论中) under treatment(在治疗中) under repair(在修理中) under fire(受到炮击) under attack( 受到进攻) under control(被控制住).十三.一些介词短语含被动含义 in sight (看得见) out of sight(看不见) out of control(失控) on show(在展览) on sale(在甩卖) out of repair(失修) beyond description(难以描绘) beyond imagination (难以想象) beyond control (难以控制) in use (在使用)十四.下列动词(短语)不能用于被动语态 happen(发生) remain (剩下) disappear(消失) break out(发生,爆发) take place(发生) belong to(属于) give out (精疲力竭) e about (发生)1)The story happened in 1949. 这个故事发生在1949年。2)Ten yuan remained last week.(上个星期剩十元)3)Its true that my book disappeared yesterday. 我的书昨天不见了是真的。4)A big fire broke out last year in China.5)Great changes have taken place here here.6)That TV set belongs to her.7)They gave out after studying a long time.(学了很长时间后他们精疲力竭)8)How did the story e about? (这个故事是怎样发生的?) 注意下面短语的用法:run out (被用完) 没有被动语态 , e up (被提出)没有被动语态run out of (用完) 但不用于被动语态e up with (提出) 但也不用于被动语态1)My money has run out. 我的钱用完了。2)I have run out of my money. 我把钱用完了。错误说法:My money has been run out of.3)The question came up at the meeting. 这个问题在会上提出来的。4)We came up with the question at the meeting. 我们在会上提出了这个问题。错误说法:The question was e up with at the meeting. 而use up( 用完) put forward/bring forward(提出) ,可以用于被动语态。如:1) They used up their petrol very quickly.Their petrol was used up very quickly.2) We will put forward a suggestion at the meeting .A suggestion will be put forward at the meeting .巩固练习:用括号中所提供的单词完成下列句子1. 他的手机出了毛病,所以需要修理了。(repair)There is something wrong with his cellphone ,so it requires _.2. 他相信他的新产品一定会畅销。(sell)He is convinced that his new products _.3,许多人得了病。大家都认为那里的自来水是罪魁祸首。(blame)Many people fell ill . It was acknowledged that the running water there _.4.每次我饿的时候,我妈妈总是给我苹果吃。(eat)Every time I am hungry ,my mother always _.5. 那只狗要洗澡了因为其味道难闻。(smell)The dog needs washing because it _.

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