2019-2020年高一上学期期末考试试题 英语试题 word版.doc

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2019-2020年高一上学期期末考试试题 英语试题 word版 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题l分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你将有l0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where will the woman travel to?A. Some European countriesB. Some African countriesC. Some western countries2. What do the speakers talk about? A. The United Nations B. The European UnionC. European Parliament3. What is the capital of Greece? AAthens BFlorenceC. Barcelona4Where is Tom now? AIn the United Kingdom BIn Germany CIn Paris 5Where does the man prefer to stay? AAmerica BHolland CFinland第二节(共10小题;每小题l5分,满分l5分) 听下面3段对话或独白每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读每个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段材料读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8小题。6What does the girl suggest? AGoing to a park BGoing for a swim CHelping work in the park7When and where are they going to meet? AAfter 2 oclock at the gate of the park BExactly at 2 oclock at the gills home CBefore 2 oclock at the boys home8. Why cant the boy leave earlier? A. He has a lot of work to do BHe has a test CHe has to see Jim first.听第7段材料,回答第9至11小题。9What do you know about the woman? AShes a Japanese living in Tokyo B. Shes a visitor just arriving in Tokyo C. Shes a foreigner whos been staying in Tokyo 10. What is the man worrying about? A. He cant deal with the time difference BHe doesnt know how to use chopsticks C. He wont see her family or friends for some time11What is the man going to do in the afternoon?ASleep. BVisit Tokyo CGo to Tokyo 听第8段材料,回答第l2至15小题。12What climate does the United States have? AThe climate remains the same all over the country BThe climate is difference depending on the area C. The climate is very pleasant all the year round13. What is the climate like in the eastern part A. It is cold in winter and hot in summer BIt is warm in winter and fortably cool in summer CIt is warm in winter and unpleasantly hot in summer14How do people in the cold parts of the United States get their fresh fruits and vegetables in winter? AThey grow them in the sun houses BThey get them from abroad. C. They get them by trucks, trains and planes. 15What do people wear in the north central states during the summer? A. Light clothing BFur clothing C. Heavy wool clothing.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节;满分55分)第一节 单项填空,(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)16. As is known, Zhang Jian is the first Chinese across the Bohai Sea Aswims Bfor swimming Cto swim Dof swimming17The reason you didnt pass the exam,l think,was you had turned a deaf ear to your teachers advice。 Awhy;because Bwhy;that C. which;that D. that;because18. Her shoes her dress;they look very well together Asuit Bfit Cpare D. match19Help others whenever you can you will make the world a nicer place to live in. Aand Bor Cunless Dbut20-Have you ever seen a dictionary our school library?-Yes,it is over there and Mary is using it Abelonging to Bbelonged to Cbeing belonged to Dbelong to21I think we are to get a certain offer from him A. possible Bprobable Cimpossible D1ikely 22I to be quite afraid to live in that city, but now I have to the life there Aused;been used Bused;used Cwas used;got used Dgot used;been used23Tom is that he Cant go to sch001 Aso young a boy Ba so young boy C. a such young boy D. such young a boy24-Did Jack e back early last night?-YesIt was not yet eights oclock he arrived home Abefore Bwhen Cthat Duntil 25On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she pale A. got B. changed C. went Dappeared26-Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday? -Yes, he didHe his old friends for a long time A. didnt see B. wouldnt see Chasnt seen Dhadnt seen27It was from May 1 to Oct31, xx the World Expo xx Shanghai was held, was a great event for the Chinese people Awhen;that B. that;when Cwhich;when Dthat:which28MrWang,as well as his students, experiments day and night to finish the task Ado B. doing Cis doing Dare doing29I cant the loud musicCan you the radio a little? A. stand;turn up Bstand;turn down C. bear;turn up D. put up;turn down30 to that piece of music always makes her very happy. AListening BTo listen CListen D. Listen31Considering it would have a bad influence on her, the teacher found an excuse for telling her the news A. Putting off Bsucceeding in Clooking forward to Dbeing fond of32. Youre very lucky to be after that accident, so could you give us a(n) interview? Aalive;live Blive;alive Cliving;alive D. alive; living33Many people observed the thief something form the ladys bag, but no one stopped him that A. steal;to be Bto steal;doing Cstealing;do D. steal; doing34 time went on,our teachers words proved true AWith B. As C. When DWhile35-Do you know our town at all? -N0, this is the first time I here. Awas Bhave been Ccame Dam ing36Dollar bills are made interesting to look at but very hard to copy ,there are 65 separate steps required to make a dollar bill AIn total BIn order CIn turn DIn short37He arrived home after the long journey, Atired Bbeing tired Cto be tired D. tiring38一-You seem in cooking -In fact nothing me less than cooking. Ainterested;interested Binteresting;interests C. interested;interests Dinteresting;interesting39The Chinese film, Tang Dynasty,is well received by many foreign viewers A. is set in B. setting in C. set in Dbe set in40Ill be late and Mother will be angry with, but I dont it. Acare for Bcare about Ctake care D. take care of第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题l5分,满分30分) American medical researchers have made a research. It shows that even a small amount of exercise will help us 41 longerThe 42 was carried out by scientists at Harvard and Stanford universitieswhich were very famous in AmericaIt involved about l7,000 students who 43 Harvard between l916 and 1950 The scientists 44 their research in l960.They collected a lot of facts and studied the medical 45 in everyone in the study group 46 1iving and dead. Members of the study group 47 how much they walked,how many 48 they climbed,what kind of sports they 49 in for and many other things they 50 each weekThe scientists checked information about the height,weight,51 pressure and family records of heart diseaseTheir research showed exercise helped 52 the chance of death from a number of diseasesThey also concluded that sports and games 53 peoples bodies and prevented them from putting on weightThey found that two thirds of people who had heart 54 never exercised 55 of the scientists said the most important 56 was that people who do not exercise have more heart diseases,but they wont realize the 57 of sports until they get the diseaseHe also said that it might be 58 now to get them to exercise when their doctors 59 them to. They 60 doctors advice very seriously and they want to keep healthy and have a longer life41. A. learn B. remember C. live D. work42A. exercise B. report C. research D. class43A. attended B. passed C. entered D. visited44A. began B. finished C. stopped D. discovered45A. care B. research C. practice D. history46A. between Beither C. both D. all47A. reported B. thought C. said D. guessed48A. races B. steps C. building D. hills49A. left Btook C. went D. devoted50A. could Bshould C. used D. did51A. air B. water C. blood D. strength52A. reduce Bslow C. lose D. miss53A. increased B. kept C. built D. harmed54A. beat Bwork C. problems D. break55A. One B. Most C. All D. Few56A. invention B. discovery C. subject D. plan57Atruth B. importance C. joy D. disadvantage58A. important B. necessary C. harder D. easier59A. advise B. agree C. hope D. lead60Aask B. refuse C. take D. give第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,共40分)AI once thought that outer beauty is the only factor to bee a great personWhen I was young,I read many kinds of books,most of which described characters who are handsome or beautiful. So I think that being beautiful is the only way to bee a success As I grew up,the story of my best friend made me realize that outer beauty was not so important to make a person successfulShe as so beautiful a girl that every classmate liked to chat with her,but she was very arrogantIn her opinion,she could get all she wanted because of her beauty, but all of her friends left her one by one! Only then did she e to know the importance of the beauty in a persons heart,which changed her attitude and she made friends again Turning on TV,we can see many advertisements,most of which seem to give us a feeling that,physical attractiveness is the most important thingThere seems to be a boom in plastic surgeryIt is surprising that more and more people,especially girls and women, try it like the first man-made beauty in China, Hao LuluIt is a mon sense that attractive people can easily find workMost good looking guys,usually get higher scores in the job interviews。But, what is real beauty? I want to say that is inner beauty because those who have beauty in their soul are really beautiful persons As is known, the beauty judged with eyes is temporary,so we should concentrate on inner beauty. And if we make the efforts to make our minds beautiful,well live a happier life61Why did the author want to have a good appearance when she was young? ABecause she wanted to be one of the characters in the book BBecause she wanted to get higher scores in the job interviews C. Because she wanted to follow her friends example mentioned in the passage. DBecause the successful characters in the books she read were attractive62Why did the writer refer to her friends story? ATo show flow important outer beauty is B. To show how terrible to be a beautiful girl. CTo prove that outer beauty is temporary, which is not the key factor to bee a great person DTo show how beautiful her friend was63. What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean? AA large number of people pay attention to outer beauty B. Surgery is being more and more popular CThe price of doing plastic surgery is being lower and lower, making more and persons afford it DThe living standard has been improved over the past years.64Which of the following covers the passage best? AHow do attractive persons bee successful? B. Plastic surgery is the best way to make a person bee more beautiful and successful C. The key factor to find a good job is being attractive DInner beauty is the real beauty65What do we know from the passage? AIf you are too beautiful,all your friends will leave you out of envy BIf you have a good appearance,you must get higher scores in the job interviews CWithout the TV advertisements,there wouldnt have been a boom in plastic surgeryDThose who have good appearances should also develop the beauty in their hearts.B About six years ago I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York City when a woman and a young boy sat down at the next tableI couldnt help overhearing parts of their conversationAt one point the woman asked,“So,how have you been?” And the boy-who could not have been more than seven or eight years old-replied“Frankly, Ive been feeling a little depressed lately” This incident stuck in my mind because it confirmed my growing belief that children are changingAs far as I can remember, my friends and I didnt find out. we were “depressed”,that is,in low spirits,until we were in high schoo1 Undoubtedly a change in children has increased steadily in recent yearsChildren dont seem childlike anymoreChildren speak more like adults,dress more like adults, and behave more like adults than they used to Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say,but it certainly is differentChildhood as it once was no longer exists,Why? Human development is depended not only on born biological states,but also on patterns of gaining social knowledgeMovement from one social role to another usually involves learning the secrets of the new social positions,Children have always been taught adult secrets,but slowly and in stages;traditionally, we tell sixth graders things we keep hidden from fifth graders In the last 30 years,however,a secret-revelation(揭示) machine has been equipped in 98 percent of American homesIt is called televisionTelevision passes information to all viewers alike, whether they are children or adults. Unable to resist the temptation,many children turn attention from printed to texts to the less challenging,more attractive moving pictures munication through print,as a matter of fact,allows for a great deal of control over the social information which children will gainChildren must read simple books before they can read plex materials66. According to the author, feeling depressed is Aa sure sign of a mental problem in a child Ba mental state present in all humans,including children C. something that cannot be avoided in childrens mental development D. something hardly to be expected in a young child67Traditionally, a child is supposed to learn about the adult world A. through connection with society Bgradually and under guidanceC. naturally without being taught D. through watching television68According to the author, that todays children seem adult like results from A. the widespread influence of television B. the poor arrangement of teaching contentC. the fast pace of human scientific development D. the rising standard of living69What does the author think of munication through print for children? AIt enables children to gain more social information BIt develops childrens interest in reading and writing CIt helps children to read and write well D. It can control what children are to learn70. What does the author think of the change in todays children?A. He feels their adult like behavior is so funnyBHe thinks the change worthy of noteC. He considers it a rapid development D. He seems to be upset about itC My friend Bret discovered that his credit card was missing about a week after he had last used it. His worry was gone when he remembered a television mercial(广告)in which a bank clerk telephones to question a card holder,because he notices an unusual changing activity(记账)on her account Bret called the bank to report his missing card and he found out what his account wasWhen the man on the phone reported his balance(余额)as some 4,000,Bret said, “Thats impossible! My credit limit is only$3,000” “Yes,it was,”the man said,” But we noticed unusual charging activity on your card, so we raised your limit”71Brets credit card was missing . A. when he wanted to use it Babout a week after he had last used it C. one day between A and B Done day which was not mentioned in the passage?72Bret didnt stop worrying until . A. he saw a television mercial B. the bank clerk called him C. a television mercial gave him an idea D. he questioned a card holder73According to this passage,someone must have changed at least Brets account. A$1,000 B. $3,000 C$4,000 D. $7,00074After reading the passage we see . A. it was right for Bret to answer for the unusual charging activity B. the bank clerk didnt know Brets card limit C. Bret had got into trouble D. it was impossible for Bret to let the bank clerk believe him75What is the main idea of the passage? A. Who Lost the Credit Card BUnusual Charging Activity CBret and the Bank Clerk DTelevision mercial Helped BretD Jim Ryun once said, “motivation is what gets you startedHabit is what keeps you going.” Our motivation in lire reflects the people we are and the choices we makeMotivation starts with desire or interestBut it is habits and integrity(诚实) that keep people going when times get toughJon Endicott, vice principal,said, “Preparing for study skills is important,” in Mary Kneefels article,Emotional Intelligence-key to life on November l5,xx“But we also need to look at emotional intelligence”“According to psychologists Salovey and Mayer, who,coined the term, emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive(感知),understand emotions and regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth.” Motivation and emotions are what make people want to grow in school,music sports, etc Kobe Bryant, a NBA basketball star is one of the worlds best basketball players and the biggest role modelsHe has a lot of confidence and is not afraid to shoot a basketThis attitude he has on the basketball court reflects the discipline he places on himself and the motivation he cultivates,so he can obtain that discipline Bryant is not afraid to shoot a basket,and the confidence he has on the basketball court reflects his goals and priorities in lifeIf you have strong aspirations(志气,抱负),and are emotionally motivated, almost anything can happen76The underlined word “coined” in paragraph 4 means .A. “made money” B. “a piece of medal used as money”C. “created new words” D. “a penny”77. A person with high emotional quotient shows that A. the person is very capable in keeping things going in hard times B. the person is capable of dealing with all kinds emotional situations properly C. the person has strong desire to get things started D. the person has good habits and integrity to solve problems78What characters determine Bryants success in his sports career?AMotivations and habits BIntellectual intelligence and study skills CPositive attitude and strong emotional motivationD. Braveness and clear disciplines.79Which of the following best summarizes the main idea? AMotivation and emotions help us succeedB. Disciplines and habits are both equally importantC. Habits and integrity make people strongerD. Kobe Bryant-a successful NBA basketball star.80Which of the following is right?A. Jim Ryun can play basketball very wellB. Salovey and Mayer can analyze what people think.CKobe Bryant is the worlds best basketball playerDJon Endicott wrote the book Emotional Intelligence key to life on November 15,xx.卷第四部分非选择题,共四节,满分35分,请将此部分试题的答案写在答题纸上第一节阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分l0分) Malls are popular places for Americans to go. Some people spend so much time at malls that they are called “mall rats”Mall rats shop until they drop in the hundreds of stores People like mails for many reasonsThey feel safe because malls have police stationsParking is usually free,and the weather inside is always fineThe newest malls have beautiful rest places with waterfalls and large green trees. The largest mall i

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