高三一轮英语必修2 Module 5《Newspapers and Magazines》课时作业(陕西外研版)

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高三一轮英语必修2 Module 5《Newspapers and Magazines》课时作业(陕西外研版)_第1页
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高三一轮英语必修2 Module 5《Newspapers and Magazines》课时作业(陕西外研版)_第3页
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111.单项填空1I have lost one of my gloves.I _ it somewhere.Amust dropBmust have droppedCmust be dropping Dmust have been dropped2_time went on,the people in the area came to realize how seriously the environment had been polluted.AAs BWithCWhen DWhile3As soon as I was on_,I began to have second thoughts about leaving.Aabroad BbroadCaboard Dboard4How about_Christmas evening party.I should say it was_success.Aa;a Bthe;aCa;/ Dthe;/5Mr Smith,_with a new mayor,is giving his farewell speech at the meeting.Areplaced Bto be replacedCto replace Dbeing replaced6Reaching this agreement so quickly was a great_for the meeting.Aappointment BaccessCachievement Dapproach7Is it by surfing the Net_children get most of their knowledge?Ahow BwhereCthat Dwhen8The girl had studied medicine for seven years before she was_as a doctor.Ataken off Btaken onCtaken out Dtaken over9The newlylaunched communications satellite went into_round the earth as scheduled.Acircle BorbitCpath Dcourse10Yesterday I_from the Internet that the environmental organization was_on March 15,1986.Afound;found Bfounded;foundedCfounded;found Dfound;founded11We were all doing our history paper in the classroom yesterday evening_the light went out.Asince BbeforeCwhile Dwhen12How many people learn English as a second language?_,there are more than 375 million people.AWhats more BIn totalCAt all DFirst of all13Look,dad,my College Graduation Certificate is here!Ive got it.Oh,_,dear!You have finally realized your dream.Acongratulation BcongratulationsCcelebrations Dgreetings14Mr Smith is_my English teacher;he is also my friend.Ano more than Bno less thanCmore than Dless than15I enjoyed the food very much.Im glad you like it,please drop in any time you like._.AIt is all right BIm afraid I wont be freeCYes,I will DThats great.句子翻译16开车的时候,你应该把注意力集中在路上。(concentrate)_17我们班主任想让所有同学去参加毕业晚会。(would like to)_18居里夫人是第一位获得诺贝尔物理奖的女性。(the first.to.)_19既然你已完成了作业,你可以出去和同学踢足球了。(now that)_20Parents should take seriously their childrens requests for sunglasses because eye protection is necessary in sunny weather._.完形填空Ban the Band?Every year,our school has a dance for all the students.Its a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorful_21_,instead of the usual school uniform.Most of us think the dance is great_22_even the teachers enjoy being there._23_,two weeks ago someone said that there would be no_24_band this yearonly CDs.“I dont _25_it!”Amy cried out during the lunch break.21.A.shapes BdressesCflowers Dpictures22A.fun BworkCeffort Dprogress23A.Besides BOtherwiseCHowever DTherefore24A.new BliveCforeign Dmarching25A.mean BneedCaccept Dbelieve“Someone said the school couldnt_26_a band,and they think its too noisy anyway,”added Daniel.“Well,I dont think its_27_enough without a band!”declared Angela,“and Im going to see what can be done.”Angela was as good as her_28_.In the afternoon she went to see the school headmaster who agreed to give the_29_some more thought.And he suggested that one_30_for having a band was to increase the price of each ticket from $ 5 to $10.Angela had to_31_out whether the students would like to do that.“I need all of you to help me,”she_32_to our group before school the next day.“Mr Berry gave me a list of all the names,and suggested we ask each one their_33_about the band and the extra cost.”_34_the day we asked around as Angela suggested,and wrote down peoples feelings about the band and the cost.We were amazed how much_35_there was for the band and everyone agreed to pay the extra $ 5.“Im surprised,”smiled Mr Berry,when we gave him the_36_.“I really thought that only a few people_37_their band and that the cost would be too high.OK.Angela,your next_38_is to find a good band and line them up for the dance.”Angela was all smiles and_39_the news to Amy and Daniel.“Youre_40_,”smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having a less than perfect dance.26.A.lead BserveCafford Dform27A.good BclearCuseful Deasy28A.look BbehaviorCmind Dword29A.schedule BsituationCview Daction30A.possibility BconcernCdecision Dchance31A.call BfindCcarry Dpoint32A.admitted BrepliedCapologized Dannounced33A.knowledge BinstructionCopinion Dinformation34. AOn BForCBy DDuring35A.trust BmoneyCsupport Dcare36. Aresults BnoticesCquestions Dexamples37. Awelcomed BwantedCdefended Dinvited38. Atask BbusinessCexercise Dduty39. Ashowed BwroteCbroke Dread40. Aamusing BinterestingCexciting Damazing.阅读理解One-room schools are part of the United States,and the mention of them makes people feel a vague longing for “the way things were”Oneroom schools are an endangered species,however.Formore than a hundred years oneroom schools have been systematically shut down and their students sent away to centralized schools.As recently as 1930 there were 149,000 oneroom schools in the United States.By 1970,there were 1,800.Today,of the nearly 800 remaining oneroom schools,more than 350 are in Nebraska.The rest are scattered through a few other states that have on their road maps widespaces between towns.Now that there are hardly any left,educators are beginning to think that maybe there is something yet to be learned from oneroom schools,something that served the pioneers that might serve as well as today.Progressive educators have come up with progressivesounding names like “peergroup teaching” and “multiage grouping” for educational procedures that occur naturally in the oneroom schools.In oneroom schools,the children teach each other because the teacher is busy part of the time teaching someone else.A fourth grader can work at a fifthgrade level in math and a thirdgrade level in English without the shame associated with being left back or the pressures of being skipped ahead.A youngster with a learning disability can find his or her own level without being separated from the other pupils.In larger urban schools today,this is called “mainstreaming”A few hours in a small school that has only one classroom and it becomes clear why so many parents feel it one of the advantages of living in Nebraska that their children have to go to a oneroom school.41According to the text,many educators today feel that oneroom schools_.Aneed to be shut downBare the best in NebraskaCare still common in America Dprovide good education42Oneroom schools are in danger of disappearing because_.Athey all exist in only one stateBthey skip too many children aheadCthere is a trend toward centralizationDthere is no fourthgrade level in them43What is mentioned as a major characteristic of the oneroom school?ASome children have to be left back.BTeachers are always busy.CPupils have more subjects to study.DLeaning is at different grade levels at a time.44Whats the authors attitude toward oneroom schools?AHe praises them. BHe dislikes them.CHe shows sympathy. DHe rejects them.45The last sentence suggests that parents living in Nebraska_.Adont like centralized schoolsBonce studied in oneroom schoolsCprefer rural life to urban oneDcame from other states of America课时作业答案.单项填空1B对过去或已经发生的事情进行推测时,谓语动词用must have done。2Aas引导时间状语从句,意为“随着”。with是介词,不能引导从句。when表示“当时候”。while表示“在过程中”。3D形近词的辨析。abroad在国外;broad宽阔的;aboard是介词,它的意思相当于on board。4B句意为:“这次的圣诞晚会办得如何?”“我认为这是一个成功的晚会。”根据句意可知Christmas evening party表特指,故用定冠词。当success意为“成功者,成功的事”时是可数名词,在这句话中意为“一个成功的晚会”,故用不定冠词。5Breplace和Mr Smith之间是动宾关系,可排除A、C两项;D项表示动作正在进行,不符合题意。6C考查名词词义辨析。句意为:这么快就达成了协议是这次会议的一大成绩。appointment约定,任命;access接近,通路;achievement成就,伟绩;approach方式,靠近。7C原句为:Children get most of their knowledge by surfing the Net.变为强调句是:It is by surfing the Net that children get most of their knowledge.题干是这句话的一般疑问句形式。8Btake on雇用。take off起飞,休假;take out带出去;take over接替,接管。9Borbit轨道。circle圆,周期;path田间小道;course道路,进程。10D第一空意为“发现”即find,过去式为found;第二空意为“成立,创立”即found,过去式为founded。11Dwhen此处表示突然发生某事,意为“正在忽然”。12B后句句意为:总共有三亿七千五百万多人(把英语作为第二语言)。in total总共;合计;whats more况且;另外;at all究竟;到底;first of all首先。13Bcongratulation常用复数,表示“祝贺”;celebration意为“庆祝(节日等)”;greetings问候语,意为“你好”!或“喂!”。14Cmore than修饰名词,意为“不仅仅”;no more than仅仅,至多;no less than不少于,多达;less thannot at all一点也不。15C考查交际用语。由后半句意“我很高兴你喜欢,请随时光临”可知应选C。A项“对,好的”;B项“恐怕我没有时间了”;C项“我会的”;D项“太棒了,太好了”。.句子翻译16You should concentrate on the road when (you are) driving.17Our headteacher would like all the students to attend the graduation evening.18Madam Curie is the first woman to receive the Nobel prize for physics.19Now that you have finished your homework,you can go out to play football with your classmates.20父母应该认真对待买太阳镜的请求,因为在艳阳高照的天气里保护眼睛是很有必要的。.完形填空21B从前面列举的shoes and trousers和后面的instead of the usual school uniform可知选用dresses,其他选项不合语境。22A从后半句even the teachers enjoy being there可知舞会是“有趣的”。23C从后面的语境可知这里表示转折。24B从后面only CDs可知将不会有“现场的”乐队了。live现场的。25D听到取消现场乐队这个消息,Amy不相信。26C从下文提到的提高票价可知学校“支付不起”请乐队的费用。27A上句说到学校支付不起请乐队的费用并且认为乐队太吵闹了,Angela认为没有乐队也好不到哪儿去。这里用good符合语境。28D上文Angela说要有所行动,下文她做了相关的一些事情,说明她言行一致,as good as与一样。29B校长答应再考虑一下这种情况。situation指取消现场乐队这种情况。其他选项不合语境。30Apossibility是指恢复现场乐队的可能性,其他选项不合语境。31BAngela得弄清学生是否愿意增加票价。find out查明,发现。32Dannounce宣布,符合语境。33C征求这些人对乐队和增加费用的“看法”,所以用opinion符合语境。34D从本句的描述可知我们“一天”都在征求同学们的看法。35C从上下文可知人们愿意增加票价“支持”乐队。36A我们将调查的“结果”告诉Berry先生。37B“我认为只有少数人需要他们的乐队,并且认为费用太高”,这里选用want符合语境。38ABerry吩咐Angela为舞会去联系一个好的乐队,所以用task“任务”符合语境。39Cbreak有“透露”的意思。40Damazing符合上下文的语境。.阅读理解41D由最后一段可知。42C读第二段。43D由最后一段中后部分总结而知。44A45A由one of the advantages可知。 www.gkxx.com111


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