高考英语配套词汇检测训练:模块四《Unit 1 Advertising》(学生版) 牛津译林版

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高考英语配套词汇检测训练:模块四《Unit 1 Advertising》(学生版) 牛津译林版_第1页
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高考英语配套词汇检测训练:模块四《Unit 1 Advertising》(学生版) 牛津译林版_第2页
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高考英语配套词汇检测训练:模块四《Unit 1 Advertising》(学生版) 牛津译林版_第3页
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1112013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块四 Unit 1 Advertising(与译林牛津新版教材配套,学生版)一、词义配对A1. shine A. a statement that expresses a personal opinion 2. skilful B. satisfied or content 3. pleased C. something that is used as a medicine4. nationwide D. ask someone for advice 5. persuade E. a company that provides flights for passengers 6. cheat F. all over the country 7. comment G. being bright and sending out rays of light8. promote H. someone who leads you to believe something that is not true 9. consult I. free from crime or guilt10. benefit G. do good to11. drug K. having or showing knowledge and skill12. innocent L. make sb. think or do sth. By talking to him or her13. cure M. try to sell a product14. airline N. make healthy againB1. best-seller A. the newest2. amazed B. increase rapidly 3. tip C. surprised or shocked 4. recommend D. express a good opinion of5. purchase E. sth. many people believe that is false6. designer F. an additional payment to employees as an encouragement 7. update G. a book that has had a large and rapid sale 8. youth H. bring up to date; supply with recent information 9. multiply I. sth. that can be bought at a low price10. latest J. buy sth. or buying sth. or sth. bought 11. bargain K. a small amount of money given to a waiter for services12. fancy L. a person who is good at designing13. bonus M. a business firm14. corporation N. a young person (especially a young man or boyC1. essay A. please or interest sb. or attract2. lung B. be very certain that sb. wants to do sth3. target C. in my opinion4. poster D. a very bad surprise5. cancer E. try ones best to make sb. do sth.6. react F. a big piece of paper on a wall, with a picture or words on it7. poisonous G. a short piece of writing about a subject8. appeal H. say or do sth. when another thing happens9. personally I. a thing that one tries to hit10. urge J. a small box or bag11. determine K. of sth. that will kill people or make them ill when they eat or drink it12. shock L. a very dangerous illness that makes some cells grow too fast13. packet M. one of the two parts inside ones body that one uses for breathing二、根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1.Sometimes customers can b_ from some advertisements.2.The company is p_ their new products by advertising on television.3.Before going on a diet, youd better c your doctor.4.How did you p_ him into joining us? Its amazing!5.At 20, Steve left his hometown, d not to return without realizing his dream.6. It is a new latest book. Our teacher recommends that I p_ a copy to read.7. I would rather fail than c_ in the examination.8.The doctor tried his best to c_ the old man of lung cancer.9. Can you r me some new books on this subject?10.His deeds s her out of making friends with him.11. The new building was built according to the d of a famous architect.12.They u_ Jack to give up smoking, but he wouldnt listen.13.I wonder how they are going to r_ to my suggestion.14.Many young people like his songs, that is to say, his songs a to young people. 15.P_, I prefer paintings, but I also like photography.16.Tom is a heavy smoker and he will smoke 2 p_ of cigarettes every day. 17.The a are dressed in a variety of ways, some in suits and dresses, some in jeans.18.C_that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis, people are optimistic about the future of the country.19.When designing advertisements, you should choose the right t_, teenagers or grown-ups?20.Spelling is one of the most difficult a of learning English.三、译出下列词组(英译汉)英语汉语英语汉语fall for figure outbe meant tokill oneself play tricks on come across appeal tobe/get used to get .acrossdeal withdie fromfor free share sth. with sb. providewithprotectfromshock sb. into doing sth. be concerned withup todiscourage sb. from doing sth.even if/thoughin advancegive up四、从上述表格中选择恰当的词组填空1.Its a tradition to people on April 1st.2.There is no reason that you shouldnt tell them when you are going.3.If you tell him that itll make him a lot of money, hes sure to the idea.4.This school is not commercial and all children study here .5.He spent many years trying to the speed of light.6.In the developing countries, more than 10 million people hunger every year.7.I wouldnt lose courage I should fail ten times.8.A party in power must the interest of the people.9.The lifeguards must be trained to any sort of emergency.10.We should the villagers for money to build the bridge.提升练习一、单项填空1.At that time, people early in the morning in winter, and coal them warm. A. used to get up; used to keep B. were used to getting up; was used to keepC. used to get up; was used to keeping D. were used to get up; was used to keep2.A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which in turn will _ its economic development. A. prohibit B. prove C. promise D. promote3.Learn a lesson from it and never _ such trick again! A. fall down B. fall for C. fall off D. fall to4.He left the place, _never _back again. A. determined; to comeB. being determined; to comeC. determined; comingD. determining; coming5. Some adverts, like the environmental protection advertisements, _ to our conscience or our desire to be worthy citizens.A. adapt B. attachC. appeal D. adjust6.They _ him to prepare for the coming exam, but he spent all day playing computer games.A. persuadedB. urgedC. suggestedD. made7.It took me about an hour to my intention her. A. get, across B. put, across C. get, across to D. put, across to8.When the boy left school, the headmaster gave him a good _ to a good company.A. recommendation B. goal C. target D. mark9. It was very _ of you to send me a postcard when you were on holiday in Hong Kong.A. considerable B. innocentC. considerate D. unconscious10. Im afraid Im not _ to help with the show next weekend.A. available B. dependableC. valuable D. convenient11. Because the driver was not _ the new limit, he was stopped and warned for speeding.A. good at B. tired ofC. aware of D. interested in12. I must _ for a new secretary.A. approve B. adviseC. assure D. advertise13. We should know that we can only reach the top if we are ready to _ and learn from failure.A. deal with B. depend onC. carry on D. go with14. There are plenty of jobs _ in the western part of the country.A. present B. availableC. precious D. convenient15. As is known to us all, failure usually _ laziness while diligence can _ success.A. results from; lie inB. results in; result fromC. leads to; lie inD. results from; result in16. Techniques for _ sleep would involve learning to control both mind and body so that sleep can occur.A .growing B. promotingC. pushing D. strengthening17.Shall we visit Jim tonight? OK. To make sure whether hes in, wed better call him up .A. in exchangeB. in returnC. in briefD. in advance18. The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to its reality.A. make up B. figure out C. look throughD. put off19. She an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.A. turned down B. dealt with C. took after D. came across20. Learning to makes it easier for one to get along well with others in work and life.A. createB. liveC. shareD. learn二、完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Whenever we hear about “the homeless”, most of us think of the developing world. But the 1 is that homelessness is everywhere. For example, how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a 2 country like Germany?Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making 3 for the homeless of Berlin, Germanys capital. They first 4 one long hot summer when most Germans were 5 on holiday. Kurt and his wife stayed at home, made sandwiches, 6 a table in the street and gave food to the homeless. The Mullers soon realized that food and clothing werent 7 . “What these people also need is warmth and 8 ,” says Rita. The Mullers didnt 9 to give their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime. Rita 10 there was somebody at home to answer the phone and their home was always 11 to anyone who couldnt face another night on the street. The couple were soon 12 all their time and money, so Kurt visited food and clothing companies to 13 donations. Today, over thirty companies 14 donate food and other goods to the cause and volunteers help to 15 them to the homeless. The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer 16 new shoes. Kurt and Rita receive no 17 for their hard work. “We feel like parents,” says Rita, “and parents shouldnt 18 money for helping their children. The love we get on the streets is our salary.” Though Rita admits she often gets 19 , she says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having made a 20 in the world. 1. A. result B. truthC. reason D. idea2. A. traditional B. developing C. typical D. wealthy3. A. preparations B. housesC. meals D. suggestions 4. A. began B. met C. called D. left 5.A. asleepB. alone C. acrossD. away6. A. brought upB. set upC. put aside D. gave away7. A. enoughB. necessaryC. helpfulD. expensive 8. A. fameB. freedomC. courageD. caring 9.A. hesitateB. agreeC. pretendD. intend10. A. make senseB. found out C. make sure D. worked out 11. A. openB. crowded C. noisyD. near12. A. costing B. wasting C. taking D. spending13. A. pay for B. ask for C. look into D. carry out14. A. completely B. calmlyC. regularly D. roughly 15. A. advertiseB. sellC. deliver D. lend 16. A. donatesB. produces C. designs D. collects 17. A. permissionB. payment C. directionD. support18.A. borrowB. raiseC. saveD. expect 19. A. surprised B. excited C. tired D. amused 20. A. profitB. difference C. decisionD. rule三、任务型阅读Everyone needs a break, and vacations are not meant for serious study. Instead, theyre a great way to take a break and enjoy a good book. The Spring Festival is coming up so this is the perfect time to discuss some great English language literature to take on a long train journey or while youre hanging out with the family. Before getting into the recommendations, we need to determine your English reading comprehension level so you dont pick a book which is so challenging that its stressful or so simple that its boring. If youre at the beginner level, there are two options: reading a childrens book or reading a book that youve read in Chinese translation. This will help you get over any unfamiliar words or phrases, since youre already familiar with the story. If youre at the intermediate level, popular books like pop fiction, mysteries and thrillers are good options, as theyll be guaranteed page turners and that will increase the possibility of your getting all the way through the book. For advanced readers, science fiction, classic works of literature or contemporary prize winners (Booker, Nobel, Pulitzer) are good options.The most important thing is to pick a book that youre really interested in. When I pick up a new book in Chinese, the first few chapters are always really hard to get through, as I have to get accustomed to the way the individual author uses the language. But after the first few chapters, things get a lot easier, especially if I get involved in the story. Some of my favorite Chinese-language eye candy are books that are series like Brothers by Yu Hua or The Dancer by Hai Yan. I like them because theres always a lot of action and story development to keep me involved, which helps me make it through those first few chapters.Another great way to keep yourself motivated over the holiday is to find a friend whos interested in reading the same book. You can make goals that you both want to achieve and discuss plot lines or vocabulary issues with each other by SMS or e-mail. Im currently doing that with my friend Laura. Weve been doing this since we were classmates in Chinese at college.Some quick recommendations: Harry Potter, start with the first book and go on from there; the Narnia series; anything by US writer Michael Crichton or British writer Agatha Christie; and if you like horror, US writer Stephen King is always unusual and fun. But really you should just find a topic or author that youre interested in, and the rest will go from there. Happy reading!from 21st Century (January 21, 2009)TitleEnjoy English language literature on vacationThemeFind a good book to read on your journey to a (1) _ place.(2) _ of proper booksBeginners may pick a childrens book or a book whose story is (3) _ to them.Poplar books might make it (4) _for intermediate-level readers to read them from cover to cover.Science fiction, classic works of literature or contemporary prize winners may be (5) _ for advanced readers.Ways to keep up your (6) _ for readingChoose a book that is interesting enough to (7) _ you in the story and help get through some difficult chapters .Read along with a friend a book you both feel interested in and (8) _views on plot lines or vocabulary to achieve your common goals.Books (9) _Harry Potter seriesNarnia seriesWorks by Michael CrichtonWorks by Agatha Christie(10) _ fiction by Stephen King四、书面表达2012龙年央视春晚亮点之一,节目中无一广告植入。最近,某网站举行了一次题为“对今年春晚无广告植入的态度”的调查,请根据以下饼图【pie chart】所示信息用英语写一篇短文,并提出你自己的看法。注意:1.对所给提示,不要简单翻译,可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。2.词数在150左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。3.植入广告:product placement The 2012 Spring Festival Gala has first set a unique record in the history of 30 years SFG- no product placement in the programs, which accordingly has caused heated discussions.111


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