高考英语《Unit 4 Sharing》要点梳理+重点突破 新人教版选修7

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111选修7Unit 4Sharing要 点 梳 理 高效梳理知识备考重点单词1fortnight n两星期2muddy adj.泥泞的;泥土般的mud n泥巴,泥土3concept n观念;概念4relevant adj.有关的;切题的5remote adj.遥远的;偏僻的6adjust vi. & vt.调整;(使)适合7participate vi.参与;参加participation n参加,参与participant n参与者8otherwise conj.否则;不然 adv.用别的方法;其他方面9privilege n特权;特别优待10astronaut n宇航员;太空人11catalogue n目录12donate vt.捐赠donation n捐赠donator n捐赠者13voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的;无偿的volunteer n. & vi.自愿者,志愿者,自愿做14purchase vt. & n买;购买15anniversary n周年纪念(日)16click vi. & vt.(使)发出咔嗒声 n咔嗒声17political adj.政治的;政党的politics n政治18distribute vt.分配;分发distribution n分布状态;分配,分布19security n安全;保护;保障20operate vi.工作;运转vt.操作operation n手术,运转operator n操作人员重点短语1hear from接到的信2(be) dying to. 极想;渴望3the other day 不久前的一天4be relevant to. 和有关5participate in 参与;参加6dry out (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透7dry up (指河流、井等)干涸8in need 在困难中;在危急中9get through 完成,穿过10come across 偶然遇到或发现;碰见;被理解11stick out 伸出12share sth. with sb. 和某人共享某物13to be honest 说实在的14die down 熄灭,减弱15die out 绝种,消灭重点句型1To be honest,_I doubt whether Im making any difference to these boys lives at all.说实话,我真有点怀疑,我是否能对这些男孩的生活产生什么影响。2But last weekend another teacher, Jenny, and I did visit a village which is the home of one of the boys, Tombe. 但是上周末我和另一位老师珍妮确实拜访了一个村庄,其中一位男孩汤贝的家就在那里。3There were no windows and the doorway was just big enough to get through.没有窗户,门口仅能勉强通过。4She was dying to see him again but what if he didnt want to see her? 她渴望再见到他,但如果他不想见她怎么办?高考范文(2008北京)假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,为校刊英语园地写一篇题为 Our Spring Outing的英文稿件。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,叙述上周你们班从准备春游到春游结束的完整过程。注意:词数不少于60。提示词:游乐园amusement park垃圾箱bin_范文Our Spring Outing Last Thursday, we had a class meeting to discuss where to go for our spring outing. We came up with several choices such as going boating, climbing a mountain, and going to an amusement park. Finally, we decided to go mountain climbing. The next day, we set off early in the morning. While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view. However, when we reached the top, we were shocked to see litter here and there, such as bottles and banana peels. Then we started to pick up the litter. Afterwards, we put the rubbish into the nearby recycling bin and nonrecycling bin respectively. We were tired but happy.考 点 探 究 互动探究能力备考.词汇短语过关1relevant adj. 有关的;切题的relevance n. 关联,贴切,中肯irrelevant adj. 无关的;不切题的be relevant to 与有关a relevant suggestion/question/point 相关的提议/问题/观点即学即练1(1)These theories _ directly _ the practice.这些理论与实践是有直接关系的。(2)Do you have the _ experience?你有相关的经验吗?arerelevant torelevant2adjust vt.调整;调节 vi. 适应adjustable adj. 可调节的adjustment n. 调节;调整adjust sth. 整理/整顿/安排某物/某事adjust sth./oneself to sth. 使适应新环境等即学即练2(1)She _ the seat _ the height of her child.她调节坐椅以适合她孩子的身高。(2)It took several seconds for his eyes to _ the dark.几秒钟以后他的眼睛才适应了黑暗。Adjustedtoadjust to(3)You will quickly _ the student life.你很快就会适应学生生活的。adjust yourself to3participate vi. 参与;参加participation n. 参与participant n. 参加者;参与者participate in sth. 参与(某活动)participate in sth. with sb. 同某人参与某事即学即练3(1)She actively _ politics.她积极参与政治活动。(2)All the _ in the debate will have an opportunity to speak.所有参加辩论的人都有机会发言。(3)Union leaders called for the active _ of all members in the day of protest.工会领袖们号召在抗议那天全体会员积极参加。participated inparticipantsparticipation4otherwise adv. 用别的方法;其他方面;否则,不然 conj.否则,不然 adj. 另外的,不那样的otherwise 做连词,常放在祈使句后,相当于 or或 or else。otherwise 可与虚拟语气连用。and otherwise 等等or otherwise 或其他方面;或没有;否则即学即练4(1)He is slow, but _ he is a good worker.他虽慢,但在其他方面却是个好工人。(2)Listen to your parents; _ you will regret.听你父母的话,要不然你会后悔的。otherwiseotherwise(3)You reminded me; otherwise I _.你提醒了我,要不然我会忘记的。(4)We insure against all damage, accidental _.我们的保险包括一切意外或其他损失。would have forgottenor otherwise5donate vt. 捐赠;赠送donation n. 捐款,赠送,捐赠(物)donate sth. to sb./sth. 向捐赠某物donate sth. to do sth. 为了做某事而捐赠某物make a donation to charity 向慈善事业捐赠collect donations (for) (为)募捐receive a donation 收到捐赠即学即练5(1)He _ a large sum _ relief organizations.他向救济组织捐了巨款。(2)_ is glorious.献血光荣。(3)The work of the charity is funded by _. 这家慈善机构工作所需要的资金是人们自愿捐赠的。donatedtoDonating bloodvoluntary donations6distribute vt.分发,分配;散发,分布distribution n分发,分配,分布状态distributive adj.分发的,分配的,分布的distributor n分发者distribute sth. to/among sb.向某人分发某物distribute sth. over.把撒在(涂在)上即学即练6(1)Please _ these pictures _ the children.请把这些图片分给孩子们。(2)The head of the department _ the prizes _ the winners.系主任为优胜者发了奖。distributetodistributedamong(3)The army _ itself _ the whole area.这支军队分布在全区。distributedover7operate v. 手术;运转;工作;操作,起作用operation n. 手术;运转;操作operator n. 操作者;接线员operate a machine 操作/操纵机器operate a shop 开/经营商店operate on sb. 给某人动手术come into operation 起作用;开始生效put.into operation 实施perform an operation on sb. 为某人实施手术即学即练7(1)This machine doesnt _.这台机器运转得不好。(2)He _ the boys leg.他给这个男孩的腿部做了手术。(3)They planned to _ a drinking club.他们计划经营一个饮酒俱乐部。operate smoothlyoperated onoperate8be dying to do sth. 迫切想要;渴望for sth. 渴望;迫切想要be anxious to do sth./for sth.be eager to do sth./for sth.long to do sth./for sth.be thirsty forbe keen to do sth.想要,渴望即学即练8(1)Im _ what happened.我很想知道发生了什么事。(2)My daughter _ a piano.我女儿渴望得到一架钢琴。dying to knowis dying for9in need 在困难中;在危急中according to the need 根据需要at sb.s need 在某人困难时in need of 需要the need for 对的需要satisfy ones needs 满足某人的需求There is no need to do sth. 没有必要做某事即学即练9(1)A friend _ is a friend indeed.患难之交才是真朋友。(2)Deeds are better than words when people are _ help.当有人需要救助的时候,行动胜于言语。in needin need of(3)The doctor told me I was _ a good rest.医生对我说,我需要好好休息。in need of.重点句型详解1But last weekend another teacher, Jenny, and I did_visit a village which is the home of one of the boys, Tombe.但是上个周末, 我和另一个老师,珍妮,确实拜访了一个村庄,其中一个男孩汤贝的家就在那里。“do/does/did动词原形”可构成强调句。这种强调句只有一般现在时和一般过去时,且只对肯定的谓语动词进行强调,没有否定式和疑问式。do在句中要重读。注意在祈使句中使用时,往往不表示命令,而表示强烈的请求,有时表达更加客气的语气。He did come here yesterday.他昨天确实来这里了。We do often go to school by bus.我们确实经常乘公交车去上学。Kate does like this game.凯特确实喜欢这个游戏。Do finish your homework on time.一定要按时完成作业。即境活用1Cars moved very slowly in the 1930s, but they _ faster than in the 1920s.Awere movingBdid moveChad moved Dwould move答案:B解析:did 强调动词 move 表示“确实开得比那时快”。2She was dying to see him again but what_if he didnt want to see her? 她渴望再见到他,但如果他不想见她怎么办?what if“如果将会怎样;即使又有什么关系”,为省略结构,相当于What shall we/I do if.? what if 中 what可看做是 what should sb. do (某人该怎么办)或 what does it matter (有什么要紧) 或 what would happen (将会如何)的省略。What if he gets angry?倘若他生气该怎么办?What if they do not come?即使他们不来又有什么关系呢?拓展:(1)What for? “为什么?”相当于 Why?Well hold a party this weekend.我们要在这个周末开一个聚会。What for? 为什么呢?(2)So what? 那有什么了不起/有什么关系?He says he doesnt like you. 他说他不喜欢你。So what? 那有什么关系呢?(3)what about.怎么样;怎么办What about inviting him here? 邀请他来这儿怎么样?(4)guess what 告诉你一个消息/情况Guess what! The boss is getting married.告诉你个消息!老板要结婚了。(5)Whats up? 相当于 Whats the matter?Whats up? She is weeping over there.怎么了?她正在那边儿哭呢。(6)Now what?下一步会怎样?下一步怎么办?即境活用2_we moved the sofa over there? Would that look better?AWhat about BWhat ifCWhat for DHow come答案:B解析:句意为:“如果我们把沙发挪到那边儿,你觉得怎么样?”What if.?“如果怎么样?”易 错 点 拨 自我完善误区备考1.participate/attend/join/join in/take part in(1)participate正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。(2)attend参加会议或学术活动等,侧重于到场,出席。(3)join普通用词,指加入党派、团体或游戏、活动等,侧重于“成为其中一员”。(4)join in指参加比赛或活动等,并且指加入已在进行的动作。(5)take part in侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。应用1(1)He _ the Party in 1980.他于1980年入党。(2)Would you like to _ our chess match?你乐意加入我们的棋类比赛吗?(3)How many countries and regions _ the last Olympic Games?有多少国家和地区参加了上届奥运会?joinedjoin intook part in(4)We want to encourage students to _ fully _ the running of the class.我们想鼓励学生参与班级管理工作。(5)He has an important meeting to _.他有个重要的会议要参加。participateinattend2. what if/what about/whats like/so what/whats more应用2(1)_ some settings could endanger children?如果一些装置可能对孩子们构成危险,那该怎么办?(2)I know Sally is your best friend. _?我知道萨莉是你最好的朋友。那又怎么样?What ifSo what(3)_ the new captain _?新来的船长是个怎样的人?(4)_ going to Singapore for our holiday this year?今年我们去新加坡度假怎么样?(5)We invited a new speaker and, _, he is happy to come.我们邀请了一位新的发言人,而且,他很乐意来。WhatslikeWhat aboutwhats more高 效 作 业 自我测评技能备考.单词拼写1His nationality is not r_ to whether he is a lawyer.2Today is the couples wedding a_.3She s_ out her foot and tripped him over.4The medicine began to o_ at once.5Come at once, o_ youll be late.6The hut was dark inside, so it took time for our eyes to _(适应)relevantanniversarystuckoperateotherwiseadjust7The girls complained that the _(分发) of prizes was unfair.8They _ (换得) life at the expense of honour.9She actively _ (参与) in local politics.10Last year he _ (捐赠)$1 000 to the cancer research.distributionpurchasedparticipatesdonated .单项选择1Chinas economic development has made _ rapid progress in the past 20 years and young people have made _ great contribution to this progress.A/; aBthe; /Ca; a D/; /答案:A解析:本题主要考查两个固定短语。make progress意为“进步”,中间不加任何冠词;make a contribution to 意为“作出贡献”,中间要加不定冠词。2The bank has _ some property on which to construct a new building.Apaid BpurchasedCinvested Dapproached答案:B解析:句意为“银行已经购下了一些地产,要在那儿建一座新楼”。pay money for sth. 付钱买某东西;invest 投资;approach 走近,靠近。3He soon_himself to the way of life and has lived happily ever since.Aarranged BadjustedCadmitted Davoided答案:B解析:句意为“他很快适应了这种生活方式,自此以后快乐地生活”。arrange“安排”;admit“承认”;avoid“避免”,均不合题意。adjust有“适应”的意思。4An awful accident _, however, occur the other day.Adoes BdidChas to Dhad to答案:B解析:句意:然而那一天确实出了可怕的事故。此处用 “did动词原形”表强调。5_to know the exam result, we all gathered at the door of the teachers office.AInterested BCuriousCDying DAttracted答案:C解析:be dying to do sth. “渴望做某事”,dying 在句中做状语。curious 好奇的;interested 搭配in;attracted 搭配 by。6The professor reminded me of what I would _have forgotten.Atherefore BhoweverCotherwise Dwhenever答案:C解析:therefore“因此”;however“然而”;otherwise“否则”;whenever“任何时候”。句意为:“教授提醒了我,否则我就忘了。”7(2010黄冈中学)It _ little whether the apologizer is wholly or only partly at fault; answering for ones actions encourages others to take their share of the blame.Acares BdependsCmatters Dremains答案:C解析:考查动词辨析。matter要紧,关系重大。语意:道歉者是负全部责任还是部分责任无关紧要care小心,注意;depend依靠,依赖;remain保持。8We must save every drop of water in case the lake near the city _.Adried up Bdries upCdries off Ddried off答案:B解析:in case“万一,以防”,用来引导条件状语从句,通常用一般现在时表示将来,故排除A、D两项;dry off“弄干”;dry up“(河流、井等)干涸”,只有B项正确。9The secretary should have all the _ documents ready before the meeting begins.Aconcerning BrespectingCrelevant Dregarding答案:C解析:relevant为形容词“重大的”,其他三个选项都是介词,意思是“关于”。10Every four years, many athletes from different countries _ the Olympic Games.Atake part in Bparticipate inCjoin to Dboth A and B答案:D解析:“参加、参与比赛(或活动)”可用 participate in, 亦可用 take part in。11The hospital _ well, where many wounded _ every day.Ais operated; operationBoperates; are operated onCoperates; are operatedDoperates; operates on答案:B解析:第一空 operate 作“经营、操作”讲;第二空 be operated on 表示“做手术”。12(2010福建六校三联)“Youll have to wait for two hours _ is, about 11:30, _ the medical report will come out,” the doctor said to me.Athat; when Bwhich; thatCthat; before Dwhich; when答案:A解析:考查插入语和定语从句的用法。that is是插入语,意思是“也就是”;when引导的是定语从句,修饰前面的时间11:30。13They were making a plan to help those poor students _, which attracted me. Ain brief Bin publicCin action Din need答案:D解析:句意:他们正计划帮助那些在困难中的贫困学生,这吸引了我。14Is this research center _ you visited the modern equipment last year?Awhere BthatCthe one that Dthe one where答案:D解析:主句尚缺表语:Is this research center the one.This research center is the one. 从句只缺状语,主谓宾语结构完整,故C项不对。15Ill take the driving test tomorrow!_ you should fail?AWhy not BHow soCWhat for DWhat if答案:D解析:考查省略句的用法。why not为什么不呢;how so 怎么会这样;what for 为什么目的;what if 如果怎么办呢。句意为:如果驾驶考试通不过怎么办呢?由句意可知,D项是正确的。 .阅读理解 A The natives of La Gomera can carry on longdistance conversations by whistling. For ordinary conversation they speak Spanish. But when they need to speak over a distance and ordinary speech is impossible, they use the silbo. This is the name of a whistled form of speech. La Gomera is a small island. It is very mountainous, for it was once a volcano. The island is almost circular in shape, with a high peak in the center. From this peak, deep, narrow gorges, separated by rocky ridges, run down to the coast like the spokes (轮辐) of a wheel. So in spite of the islands small size, walking from one place to another may be a slow and difficult job. That is why the silbo is so useful to the natives. A message can easily be whistled over a couple of miles, while to travel that same distance on foot might take an hour. A good whistler, or silbador, can be heard and understood five miles away. His whistling can be heard even farther away when conditions are favorablewhen there is little or no wind. It was said that the record is about nine miles. Anyone who has heard a firstclass silbador will agree that this figure is quite possible. Not only does a whistle carry farther than a shout, but it is easier to understand. When a person shouts, he cannot pronounce his words well. But in whistling, this problem does not exist. If a whistle is heard at all, it will be heard clearly. The silbo can be used to say everythinganything that is speakable in Spanish is also “whistlable”. This is true partly because the Spanish language has such a simple sound system. The silbo would not work nearly so well with English.1The title that best expresses the idea of this passage is _.AThe Whistle Language of La GomeraBThe Whistle Skill of the Natives of La GomeraCThe Relationship Between the Whistle Language and SpanishDMessages Carried by Whistling答案及解析:1A。主旨大意题。根据全文内容可以归纳出本篇文章主要讲述小岛上的口哨语言。2What is the native language of La Gomera?AWhistle. BSpanish.CSilbo. DEnglish.答案及解析:2B。细节考查题。文章在第一段中提到For ordinary conversation they speak Spainish.从这句话中可以得出正确答案。3Why is the whistle language so useful to the natives?ABecause they have to talk in that language.BBecause their island used to be a volcano.CBecause close talk is an uneasy job on the island.DBecause the natives like to talk over a distance.答案及解析:3C。推理判断题。从第二段.it was once a volcano.walking from one place to another may be a slow and difficult job.可以知道,口哨之所以有用是因为小岛特殊的地形地貌使得近距离的谈话很困难。4What can we infer from the passage?AOnly the natives understand the Silbo.BThe whistle language will replace Spanish.CA firstclass silbador can be heard nine miles away.DIt is certain that the people from other parts of the world will learn the whistle language.答案及解析:4A。推理判断题。C项是信息,不是推断。B、D没有依据。第五段中The silbo can be used to say everythinganything that is speakable in Spanish is also whistlable.可以判断,只有岛上的原著居民明白这种口哨语言。故选A。B Besides entertainment and beautiful lanterns, another important part of the Lantern Festival, or Yuanxiao Festival is eating small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour. We call these balls Yuanxiao or Tangyuan. Obviously, they get the name from the festival itself. It is said that the custom of eating Yuanxiao originated during the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the fourth century, then became popular during the Tang and Song periods. The fillings inside the dumplings or Yuanxiao are either sweet or salty. Sweet fillings are made of sugar, walnuts, sesame(芝麻), osmanthus flowers(桂花), rose petals, sweetened tangerine(橘子)peel, bean paste, or jujube paste(枣子酱). A single ingredient or any combination can be used as the filling. The salty variety is filled with minced meat(肉末儿), vegetables or a mixture. The way to make Yuanxiao also varies between northern and southern China. The usual method followed in southern provinces is to shape the dough of rice flour into balls, make a hole, insert the filling, then close the hole and smooth out the dumpling by rolling it between your hands. In North China, sweet or nutmeat stuffing is the usual ingredient. The fillings are pressed into hardened cores, dipped lightly in water and rolled in a flat basket containing dry glutinous rice flour. A layer of the flour sticks to the filling, which is then again dipped in water and rolled a second time in the rice flour. And so it goes, like rolling a snowball, until the dumpling is the desired size. The custom of eating Yuanxiao dumplings remains. This tradition encourages both old and new stores to promote their Yuanxiao products. They all try their best to improve the taste and quality of the dumplings to attract more customers.5Which of the following is NOT true?A. The custom of eating Yuanxiao dates back to the fourth century.B. Sugar, rose petals and minced meat are all fillings of Yuanxiao.C. Sweet Yuanxiao are usually made in southern China.D. People in northern China usually make Yuanxiao by rolling like a snowball.答案及解析:5C。综合细节题。文中没有提到只有南方人吃甜元宵。要特别注意题干中的NOT一词。6Which country does the Lantern Festival come from?A. China. B. Korea.C. Jin Dynasty.D. Tang and Song periods.答案及解析:6A。简单推测题。第一段中说明它起源于东晋,盛行于唐宋,说明是中国的。7Choose the right order of making Tangyuan in southern provinces. make a hole and insert the filling roll the dough between your hands shape the dough of rice flour into balls close the hole prepare some rice flourA. B. C. D. 答案及解析:7D。细节顺序题。prepare some rice flour文中未提,但应该在前。8What is the best title of this passage?A. The Lantern Festival B. The Ingredients of Yuanxiao C. The Difference Between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan. D. Chinas Traditional FoodYuanxiao.答案及解析:8D。主旨大意题。文中说了元宵的起源、制作材料和方法以及流行情况,只有D能概括全文。9Why do we eat Yuanxiao today?A. Because its a tradition.B. Bec

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