高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 21 Human Biology》Section Ⅳ专题练习

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高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 21 Human Biology》Section Ⅳ专题练习_第3页
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111.用适当的情态动词填空1Tom comes from Australia and he can speak English very well.2I heard you bought a new book. May I have a look?3If you can pass the driving test, you shall get a new car.4It is sunny today; we neednt take an umbrella.5Would you like to have a dinner with me?6Must we finish the composition in class?No, you neednt/dont_have_to.7You neednt read that book if you dont want to.8Must/Need I water the trees on Tuesday?No, you neednt.9He is so strong that I dare_not fight against him.10We ought_to have received the letter yesterday, but it didnt arrive.完成句子1菲利普可能已经在交通事故中严重受伤了。Philip may_(might)_have_been_hurt seriously in the car accident.2她不需要上场了,因为比赛被取消了。She didnt_need_to_play because the match was cancelled.3他本没必要带食物来聚会的,因为足够了。He neednt_have_brought any food to the party because there was plenty already.4汤姆一定已经吃了蛋糕了,因为他的嘴上有些蛋糕。Tom must_have_eaten the cake, for there is some on his mouth.5如果你跟着他学,你本可以向他学到更多东西的。You might_have_learned more from him, if you had followed him.单项填空1Although this _ sound like a simple task, great care is needed.AmustBmayCshall Dshould解析:选B。句意:尽管这听起来像是很简单的任务,但细心还是必要的。may表推测“可能”。2There is no light on they _ be at home.Amustnt BcantCneednt Dshouldnt解析:选B。句意:灯不亮他们不可能在家。can用于否定句或疑问句中,表推测“(不)可能”,must表推测时,不用于疑问句或否定句中。3Who _ it be that is knocking at the door?It _ be father, but Im not sure.Acan; must Bmust; canCcan; may Dmay; must解析:选C。第一个空can用于疑问句中表推测;第二个空受Im not sure限制,只能用may表推测“可能”;must表推测“一定”。4She was a good swimmer, so she _ swim to the river bank when the boat sank.Acould BmightCshall Dwas able to解析:选D。句意:她游泳游得很好,所以小船下沉的时候她能游到河岸。could和was able to都表能力,但could表示一般的能力,表示过去有能力并干成了某事只用was/were able to。5Why _ we eat outside _ we have so much delicious food at home?Amust; when Bcan; whileCwill; as Dshould; though解析:选A。句意:既然我们家里有这么多好吃的东西,干嘛偏要出去吃呢?must表示“偏要,偏偏”;when在这里是“既然”的意思。6He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he _ it differently.Acould express Bwould expressCcould have expressed Dmust have expressed解析:选C。考查情态动词。句意:他并不遗憾说了他做的事,而是感觉他本来能用不同的方式表达。could have done sth.意为“本来能够做某事,其实没做”,符合语境,故选C。7The little girl _ go downstairs alone when her parents were out.Adidnt dare to Bdared notCdare not to Ddare not解析:选B。考查情态动词。句意:当她的父母不在家时,这个小女孩不敢单独到楼下。dare作情态动词时后面要跟动词原形,排除C;而D时态不对,排除D;而A项中dare用作实义动词,后面应用动词原形。8If you had spoken to him last time you saw him, you _ what to do now.Awould have known Bshould have knownCwould know Dmay know解析:选C。考查虚拟语气。句意:如果上次你见他时跟他说话,现在你就知道做什么了。根据语境可知主句是对现在情况的一种虚拟,要用would动词原形,故选C。9What do you think we can do for our aged parents? You _ do anything except to be with them and be yourself.Amustnt Boughtnt toCdont have to Dcant解析:选C。考查情态动词。句意:“你认为我们能为我们年老的父母做些什么”“除了陪他们并且自己好好的,你没有必要做任何事”。dont have to do“没有必要做某事”,符合语境,故选C。10You _ further into this matter. If so, you _ know who did it now.Amust have enquired; willBshould have enquired; wouldCcould have enquired; willDshouldnt have enquired; would解析:选B。考查情态动词与虚拟语气。句意:你应该深入调查此事。如果这样,你现在就知道是谁干的了。第一个空考查should have done“本应该做某事,其实没做”;第二个空考查虚拟语气,是对现在情况的一种虚拟,故用“情态动词do”,故选B。111


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