英语:unit7 New waves of technology测试(2)(冀教版必修3)

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111Unit7New Waves of Technology测试.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)11.How did you like last nights play?_.Pity you missed it.A.Just so-soB.It could be betterC.Not badD.It couldnt be better12.Before taking the action,youd better_a plan first.A.make outB.work outC.take outD.put out13.His silence suggested that he_the truth already.A.should knowB.knowC.was know D.had known14.Can you imagine_such a mean person?A.she marryingB.her to marryC.her marryingD.that her marrying15.I need_stamp to complete my collection.Can you give me a hand?A.more oneB.a moreC.another moreD.one more16.She tried to_laughing,but it didnt work;the performer gave her an angry look at her.A.preventB.stop fromC.stop D.keep17._Wale_at school,he would gain much higher a salary.A.Had;workedB.If;workedC.Did;workD.If;has worked18.Johnson can now operate the machine much better than he_.A.expects toB.expectsC.is expected toD.is expected19.Who cooked the_dishes? Maybe Evens did.A.nice-smelledB.nice-smellingC.well-smelledD.well-smelling20.Where are the visitors from?_from South Africa.A.MostB.AlmostC.All mostD.Mostly21.All agree that the pollution now is not easy_.A.to be dealt withB.dealing withC.to deal withD.to be dealing with22.The village people,in_school Anna is teaching,are very kind to her.A.whichB.thatC.whoseD.where23.Where can I find Martin?Dad is asking for him.He_in the backyard chopping wood.A.supposes to stayB.is supposed to stayC.supposes stayingD.is supposed staying24.Unfortunately,the careless accident_him his life.A.costB.spentC.tookD.costed25.Only when_in 1945_to his hometown.A.the war was over;he returnedB.the war was over;did he returnC.was the war over;he returnedD.was the war over;did he return.语法专练(共10题;每题1分,共10分)26.She is not fond of cooking,_I.A.so amB.nor amC.neither doD.nor do27.Only in this way_progress in your subjects.A.you makeB.can you makeC.you are able to makeD.will you able to28._a rapid stream between the two hills.A.There flowingB.Flowed thereC.Flowing thereD.There flowed29._,the farmers continued working in the fields.A.Late as it isB.Late as it wasC.Though late it wasD.Although it was as late30.No sooner_to bed_I went to sleep.A.had I gone;whenB.I had gone;thanC.had I gone;thanD.I went;when31.So loudly_that every people in the next room could hear him.A.he speaksB.spoke heC.he spokeD.did he speak32.Not until_to work,_how much time I had wasted.A.did I begin;did I realizeB.did I begin;I realizeC.I began;did I realizeD.I began;I realize33.Are you going to see the film with us?If Mary wants to go,_.A.so do IB.so will IC.I also goD.so I will34.Its a shame that Pearl hasnt turned up yet.Look,_.A.he comesB.here comes heC.is he comingD.here he comes35.Not only_polluted but_crowded.A.was the city;were the streetsB.the city was;were the streetsC.was the city;the streets wereD.the city was;the streets were.单词拼写(共10题;每题1分;共10分)根据所给首字母或汉语意思提示写出正确的单词。36.To a to more consumers,some small things are sold at a low price.37.With the operation well done,the patient was c completely.38.In 1906,a great d hit Los Angeles,the US,causing thousands and thousands of deaths.39.To pay off all their debts,the young couple move to Shenzhen, s and worked hard there.40.As a great a,Yang Liwei has become a national hero.41.With the_(建设)of the parks finished,our city has taken on a new look.42.The corporation has business_(机构)all over the country.43.In the_(大气层),there exists an element called nitrogen(氮).44.With economics developing fast,China_(应当得到)greater admiration.45.The news of the WTC being destroyed_(震惊)the whole world.句型转换(共10空;每空1.5分,共15分)46.It seems that they have known everything about this event._seem_have known everything about this event.47.Thousands of young men have applied for the voluntary job.Thousands of young men have_ _for the voluntary job.48.That accident happened around 3:00 this morning.That accident happened_ _3:00 this morning.49.We can only settle this problem by this means.Only by this means_ _settle this problem.50.The guy did all that just as we had expected him to.The guy did all that just_ _.单句改错(共10题;每题1.5分,共15分)51.As a good friend,you can turn to her for help when you are in the trouble.52.But sir,I have a more question to ask you.Will you explain it to me?53.Can you imagine yourself to live on a lonely island for years like Robinson Crusoe?54.That he kept silence might suggest he should not agree with my opinion.55.While having class,dont keep your eyes to the floor.56.“Why not to take a vacation at the seaside? ”,said my boss to me.57.Burning garbage can provided energy to us,which is a good way to protect the environment.58.Enterprises in charge of the state must find new ways out.59.Everything went as expecting,though not very well.60.It is said that more 30 percent senior boy students are smoking now.阅读理解(共10题;每题2分,共20分)ATwo scientists in California now think they can find out a persons real age.Jeffery Bada and Patricia Masters do chemical tests on teeth.When we are born the amino acids(氨基酸)in our teeth are in one form.Then,as we grow older these amino acids change into a second form.Every year,one thousandth of the amino acids changed.So,by testing just one tooth and counting the number of amino acids in each form,Bada and Masters can work out a persons age.They tested a tooth from the body of an Eskimo(爱斯基摩人)woman who died 1 600 years ago.From the appearance of her body,she was between 50 and 60 years old when she died.The tooth test put her age at 53.Then the Russian Government sent them a tooth from an old man in Georgia.The tooth said she was 99.Her real age was 96.The Russians are now hoping to send more teeth,from the very old people without birth certificates(出生证明书).But there are problems.Some of the centenarians(百岁老人)have lost all their teeth.The others want to keep their teeth until they drop out naturally.So the Russian Government and the American scientists have to wait and hope.61.Jeffery Bada and Patricia Masters believe that they can tell a persons age according to_.A.an experiment on his boneB.the shape and condition of his teethC.a test on the amino acids within his bodyD.the changing form of amino acids in his teeth62.According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?A.The amino acids in an adults teeth may differ from those in a babys.B.The number of amino acids in a 20-year-old man is different from that when he was seven.C.Amino acids in one teeth changes without affecting their forms.D.Scientists now can tell how long a person will live by testing his teeth.63.Why are the two scientists asked to find out some very old Russians age?A.Because the Government wants to know how long these old people can live.B.Because they have no birth certificates.C.Because people who have tooth problems tend to live longer.D.Because the Government wants to know their dates of birth and death.64.In order to find out the exact age of some people over 100,both the Russian Government and American scientists_.A.should wait until all of them dieB.should pull out one of their teethC.have to wait for their teeth to drop out naturallyD.want to have their teeth pulled out65.The central idea of the passage is_.A.the relationship between peoples teeth and agesB.the relationship between amino acids and teethC.the contradiction(矛盾)between scientists and patientsD.the contradiction between the Government and the scientistsBThe bee,like the ant,is a social insect(昆虫).Bees live in large groups in box-like houses called hives or beehives.Every bee does a certain job that helps the other members of the group.In a beehive there live three kinds of bees:the queen bee,the male bees and the worker bees.The worker bees are born to be hard-working,flying from flower to flower collecting nectar(花蜜),which is made up mostly of sugar mixed with water.Bees draw this nectar into their honey bags where some sort of liquid in their bodies turns the nectar into honey.The newly made honey flows slowly from the bees underside and then is stored in small cells in the hive.When the weather turns cold,and there are no flowers for them to collect nectar,the stored honey will see them through the winter months.People who raise bees and depend on bees for a living are thought of as beekeepers.A bee-keeper usually keeps hundreds of hives,and removes honey from hives and keeps it in glass bottles or jars.Honey usually appears as a clear golden-colored liquid,but this lies in the sort of flowers from which bees have taken the nectar.66.The best title of this passage is_.A.The Social Habits of BeesB.Three Kinds of BeesC.The Production of HoneyD.Bee Keepers Work67.Bees are regarded as social insects because they_.A.form themselves into a good organizationB.have learned something from human societyC.need beekeepers to arrange their jobsD.are born to work hard68.The color of honey in its final stage depends on the_.A.type of flowers which the nectar is taken fromB.amount of sugar the beekeeper gives the beesC.season in which the nectar is collectedD.quantity of water the bees are able to drink69.Worker bees are always busy collecting nectar in order to_.A.help beekeepers to earn money from honeyB.turn it into honeyC.have something to eat in winter monthsD.please the queen bee at the hive70.During the course in which nectar change into honey_.A.water and sunlight are necessary conditionsB.some special liquid inside bees must be in the presenceC.many complex(复杂的)chemical changes will take placeD.worker bees have to bring up what they collected into their hive个性创新拓展填空题(根据文章内容填上适当的词,使句意通顺)The first man1step out of a spaceship2“walk”in outer space was a Russian, Aleksei Leonov.And Edward White was the first American to3a“space walk”.It is very interesting to imagine4it is like5take a“walk”in space.How did these two astronauts walk in space? Well,they did not actually walk in space6their feet.They floated there.That is7in space there is8earth under your feet to walk9.Space is empty.There is nothing10 you and nothing11your feet at all.So how is it possible to walk with your12?You can only float.13is more,as there is no up14down in space,to float 15your stomach,16on your back,or on your head,all feel the same.It does not17any difference to you18 you look at the earth upside down19 right side up.A good way to help you to float in space is to use a jet gun.It pushes you much20 a jet engine pushes a plane.It also helps-you control your direction.And21 order to keep you22 moving too far away23 your spaceship,you have to have a line24 you and tie its25 end26 the spaceship,because it would be so easy to move too fast and drift so far27 space that it would be difficult to get back28the spaceship.This line also carries oxygen29 you to breathe,and messages30 inside the spaceship and from the earth.Answers:.单项填空11.解析:本句询问对事物的看法。从回答看应当是“很好”。It couldnt be better的意思为“再好没有”。答案:D12.解析:make out辨析,分清;work out解出,做出;take out取出,带出;put out熄灭,使不安。答案:B13.解析:本句不是虚拟语气。时态应是过去完成时。 答案:D14.解析:imagine后可跟名词(或somebody to be/doing/that)。本句用动名词的复合结构。答案:C15.解析:同是限定词,数词在more前。再如three more,ten more等。答案:D16.解析:stop from意为“忍住”。故不选C。答案:B17.解析:本句为复杂虚拟句。从句表示的是过去的情况,主句表示现在。答案:A18.解析:考查省略。不定式的省略往往把to后的部分省掉。答案:C19.解析:复合形容词,可看作是“系表结构”形成的形容词,再如good-looking。答案:B20.解析:most表数量时应是代词;almost表程度;mostly作副词,表数量。答案:D21.解析:固定句式。注意:不定式与本句主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系。答案:C22.解析:定语从句所修饰的先行词是people。答案:C23.解析:be supposed to do sth.“据认为,应该是”。答案:B24.解析:cost在本句中意为“以作为代价”,过去式。答案:A25.解析:当“only+状语”置于句首时,该句倒装。本句中的状语是时间状语从句。答案:B.语法专练26.解析:表示“也不”时,用neither/nor +助动词(情态动词)+主语。C项则是助动词错误。答案:B27.解析:“only +状语”置于句首时,该句倒装。D项缺动词。答案:B28.解析:完全倒装的条件是“状语(表语)不及物动词(系动词)名词主语”。答案:D29.解析:由as引导让步状语从句,常将句子表语提前构成倒装或将状语提到句首。再如:Hard as he worked,he didnt pass the exam because of illness.答案:B30.解析:no sooner.than.句式中,如把no sooner置于句首,则主句倒装。答案:C31.解析:“so+状语”置于句首时,该句部分倒装。答案:D32.解析:在not.until句式中,把not until(till)置于句首,主句全部倒装。答案:C33.解析:表示“也”时用“so +助动词(情态动词)主语”。因从句用一般式,所以主句用将来时形式。答案:B34.解析:本句不符合完全倒装条件,即“状语(表语)不及物动词(系动词)名词主语”,而本句主语为代词。答案:D35.解析:由not only.but also引导并列句且置于句首时,第一个分句要倒装。答案:C.单词拼写36.答案:appeal37.答案:cured38.答案:disaster39.答案:settled40.答案:astronaut41.答案:construction42.答案:agencies43.答案:atmosphere44.答案:deserves45.答案:shook.句型转换46.答案:They,to47.答案:signed up48.答案:at about49.答案:can we50.答案:as expected.单句改错51.答案:去掉the52.答案:aone53.答案:to liveliving54.答案:shoulddid55.答案:toon56.答案:去掉not后的to57.答案:us前的to改为for58.答案:in后加the59.答案:expectingexpected60.答案:percent后加of.阅读理解61.解析:从文章的第二句中可以找到答案。答案:D62.解析:文章第三句“Then,as we grow older these amino acids change into a second form.”可作为本题的答案依据。答案:A63.解析:“The Russians are hoping to send more teeth,from.”一句可作为本题的依据。答案:B64.解析:有些老人不愿拨掉牙齿,科学家们只好等待。答案:C65.解析:中心概括题。答案:A66.解析:中心归纳题。答案:C67.解析:从文章第三句可看出,蜜蜂具有良好的“社会组织性”。答案:A68.解析:文章最后一句可作为本题的依据。答案:A69.解析:倒数第四句中,“the stored honey will see them through the winter months”,即是此意。答案:C70.解析:根据文章第六句“.where some sort of liquid in their bodies turns the nectar into liquid.”可知。答案:B个性创新拓展1.to 2.and 3.take(have) 4.what 5.to 6.with(on) 7.because 8.no 9.on10.around 11.under 12.feet 13.What 14.or 15.on 16.or 17.make 18.whether 19.or 20.as 21.in 22.from 23.from 24.with 25.other 26.to 27.into 28.to 29.for 30.from111


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