外研版七上Module 6 模块测试题

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Module 6 A trip to the zoo 一、单项选择 1.Your English teacher tall and she curly hair.A. has; hasB. is; isC. is; hasD. has; is 2.The game at 4:00 p.m.A. finishB. finishesC. finishsD. to finish 3.The girl two beautiful eyes.A. haveB. hasC. beD. are 4.The boat like a duck.A. isnt lookB. dont lookC. doesnt lookD. doesnt looks 5.I wouldnt go by plane. I like flying.A. doesntB. dontC. wouldntD. didnt 6. your teacher home?Yes, she does.A. Do; driveB. Does; driveC. Do; drivesD. Does; drives 7. Lily and Mary like to learn Chinese?A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. Are 8.Believe it or not, more than half of our body weight water.A. comes acrossB. comes fromC. comes byD. comes to 9.Tony is sports, and he can play football very well.A. good atB. good inC. do inD. well at10.Danny plays computer games basketball.A. so wellB. as wellC. so well asD. as well as11.Mary usually teeth before breakfast.A. brushB. brushsC. brushesD. brushing12.Kate of medium height and she blonde hair.A. is; isB. has; hasC. is; hasD. has; is13.Her father is a teacher. He in a high school.A. teachB. teachsC. teachesD. teaching14.Maria likes thrillers but she comedies.A. not likeB. likesC. doesnt likeD. like15.Excuse me, may I speak to Mr. Smith?Sorry. He work here .A. didnt; any more B. didnt; eitherC. doesnt; either D. doesnt; any more二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)16. Tom likes watching TV and he u watches TV after supper at home.17. Both her parents are out. So he is at home a .18. He ran so fast that I couldnt c up with him.19. The tiger is s and catches other animals for food.20. She is a f girl. We all like her.21. I have some good friends and they come from d countries.22. I like koalas because they are smart and c .23. To be a police officer is very exciting, but kind of d .24. Welcome to Beijing. Im your g and Im very happy to take you to visit some interesting places in Beijing.25. England and France are both E countries.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)26. Our headmaster is kind, but he is (也) strict with us.27. Can I borrow your eraser? (当然). Here you are.28. What do you do on the weekend?I (通常地) watch TV and do homework.29. Hurry up, or well miss (搭乘) the early bus.30. You shouldnt leave a child (单独) in the house. Its dangerous.31. They are very (与不同) from our school.32. Lucy and Sam are from different c (国家).33. The lion comes from (非洲).34. In this zoo there are a lot of (动物), such as monkeys, tigers and birds.35. If we train a dog, it can be a (向导) for people in need.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)36. 一个好的聆听者应该善于问问题。A good listener must asking questions.37. You can buy (不同种类的) toys at the store.38. 除了几支铅笔之外,铅笔盒里还有一把直尺。 some pencils, there is a ruler in the pencil box.39. 玛丽想周游世界各地。Mary wants to travel .40. I see a tall building (在那边).五、完形填空 Once upon a time, there was a man and a dog. One cold night, the man became 41 . His dog did not come back 42 . Then he asked his neighbors to 43 him look for the dog. They 44 the dog in nearby woods(树林), 45 they didnt find it. Then some of them went towards the mans farm. When they 46 to a bridge, they found the dog. The dog was 47 and well. It was lying and looking at them. Then they found that it was 48 something. It was a 49 . The dog was keeping the baby 50 . All of them were moved.41.A. happyB. excitedC. interestedD. worried42.A. schoolB. homeC. parkD. zoo43.A. hurtB. helpC. pullD. give44.A. looked afterB. played withC. looked forD. talked with45.A. butB. becauseC. ifD. until46.A. gotB. arrivedC. reachedD. stopped47.A. illB. asleepC. crazyD. alive48.A. eatingB. protectingC. pushingD. hitting49.A. dogB. catC. babyD. pig50.A. warmB. coldC. coolD. hot六、阅读理解A A change in seasons can mean a change in your life. For example, the start of fall means back to school for many kids. Animals lives change with the seasons, too. Many animals migrate, or move, from one area to another at different times of the year. The wildebeest(角马) is one example. This grass-eating animal moves from place to place, looking for food and water. Some animals like the lions and the cheetahs follow the wildebeests or lose their food. So the wildebeests travel in large groups. Look at the map to learn about the wildebeests yearly journey.51. What does the underlined word migrate mean in Chinese?A. 蜕变B. 迁徙C. 冬眠D. 反刍52. The wildebeests live in the of Africa.A. northwestB. southwestC. southeastD. northeast53. When the dry season begins, the wildebeests leave because .A. many kids go back to school B. lions and cheetahs follow themC. they love moving from place to place D. they want to look for food and water54. The Smiths are planning an April trip to see the wildebeests. Where should they go?A. To Serengeti National Park. B. To Masai Mara Game Reserve.C. To Uganda. D. To Kenya.55. What do you think might help the wildebeests survive in the wild?A. Traveling in large groups. B. Eating grass.C. A change in seasons. D. Losing their food.B Some animals sleep in winter because the weather can be very cold and it is difficult for them to find food. They can sleep for a long time. This kind of winter sleep is called “hibernation”. If an animal moves about a lot, it needs food. Hibernating animals do not need to eat much because they are not moving about. Their hearts beat (心跳) very slowly and they also breathe (呼吸) slowly. They find a place out of danger. Their body fat keeps them alive and warm. Some animals, such as bears, may wake up from their hibernation on warm winter days and then quickly go back to sleep again when they see the snow is still thick on the ground. When the weather becomes warmer in spring, the animals start to wake up and look for food.56. Some animals hibernate in winter because .A. they feel cold B. it isnt easy for them to find something to eatC. they are weak D. both A and B57. If an animal moves about a lot, it needs .A. the sunshineB. winter sleepC. foodD. water58. Hibernating animals dont have to eat much because keeps them alive and warm.A. the sunshine B. their body fat C. bad weather D. their hearts59. Some animals may when they find the snow is still thick on the ground.A. eat some food B. wake up on warm winter daysC. quickly go back to sleep D. both B and C60. The word “hibernation” means in Chinese.A. 冬眠B. 垒窝C. 休眠D. 迁徙C Mary is an American girl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. Mary doesnt know much Chinese, but she is studying it. She often speaks Chinese with her Chinese friends. Sometimes they cant understand her, because she cant speak Chinese very well. Its Saturday morning. She goes out. She is walking in the street. She wants to go to the zoo to see the elephants and monkeys, but she doesnt know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy the way. The boy cant understand(理解) her. Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper. She draws an elephant on it, and shows the picture to the boy. The boy understands and shows her the way to the zoo.61. Mary is a(n) girl.A. EnglishB. ChineseC. AmericanD. Japanese62. Where is Mary now?A. In America.B. In England.C. In Japan.D. In China.63. Mary doesnt know how to get to .A. the zooB. the parkC. her homeD. her school64. Mary cant speak very well.A. EnglishB. JapaneseC. FrenchD. Chinese65. At last the boy .A. can understand Marys Chinese B. takes Mary to the zooC. shows Mary the way to the zoo D. draws a picture for Mary, tooDDear Daming, Thanks for your email. And thank you for introducing your Chinese friend Wang Fang to me. You are the cleaning monitor for this term. Thats good. Work hard! Try to help your teacher. My classmates choose me as the P.E. monitor in our class because I run very fast. My P.E. teacher and my classmates like me. They also want me to organize the P.E. Club. I think that is a good idea. We can play basketball or football at weekends. Please send some of your photos to me.Yours,Mike 66. Daming is the for this term.A. P.E. monitor B. cleaning monitorC. class monitor D. studying monitor67. Mike is the P.E. monitor because he .A. plays basketball well B. enjoys sportsC. does well at school D. runs very fast68. The underlined word organize means in Chinese.A. 参加B. 组织C. 举办D. 计划69. Mike asks Daming to .A. write an email to him soon B. send some photos to himC. join the P.E. Club with him D. introduce some Chinese friends to him70. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Wang Fang is Damings friend.B. This email is from Mike to Daming.C. Mike feels happy to organize the P.E. Club.D. Mike wants to join the P.E. Club because he wants to play tennis.七、短文7选5(5选5等) Someone says, 71. But I think time is even more important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is gone, itll never return. 72. It goes without saying that the time is usually limited(有限的). Even a second is very important. 73. But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of the time. They spend their limited time smoking, drinking and playing. 74. In a word, we should save time. 75. Remember we have no time to lose.A. That is why we must not waste time.B. Time is money.C. They dont know that wasting time means wasting part of their own lives,D. We should make full use of our time to do something useful.E. We should make use of our time to do everything.F. We shouldnt leave todays work for tomorrow.八、阅读与表达(问答式)Dear Cindy, Thank you very much for your letter. You want to know about my favorite sport and instrument(乐器). Now I tell you. I can play volleyball and basketball. I like swimming very much. Swimming is my favorite sport. I am good at chess, too. My favorite instrument is violin, but I cant play the piano. I like playing the violin on the weekend. What about you? Whats your favorite sport? Do you like to play the violin? Please tell me. I want to hear from you again.Yours,Mary根据短文内容回答下列问题。76. Who is the letter from? 77. Does Mary like swimming? 78. Can Mary play the piano? 79. What does Cindy want to know? 80. What sport and instrument does Mary like best? 九、补全对话(选择)A: There are many new animals in the zoo. Do you know?B: Oh? 81. A: Giraffes, elephants, pandas and lions.B: Lets go and see them.A: Good. 82. B: I want to see koalas first.A: 83. B: Because they are very cute. 84. A: I like giraffes.B: 85. A: Because they are lovely.A. Why do you like them?B. Do you like elephants?C. What animals do you like?D. What are they?E. What do you want to see first?F. Where are they?G. Why do you want to see them first?答案一、单项选择 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A10. D11. C12. C13. C14. C15. D二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)16. Usually 17. Alone 18. Catch 19. Strong 20. funny21. Different 22. Cute 23. Dangerous 24. Guide 25. European三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)26. Also 27. Sure 28. Usually 29. Catching 30. alone31. Different 32. Countries 33. Africa 34. Animals 35. guide四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)36. be good at 37. different kinds of 38. As well as 39. around the world 40. over there五、完形填空41. D42. B43. B44. C45. A46. A47. D48. B49. C50. A六、阅读理解51. B52. C53. D54. A55. A56. D57. C58. B59. D60. A61. C62. D63. A64. D65. C66. B67. D68. B69. B70. D七、短文7选5(5选5等)71. B72. A73. D74. C75. F八、阅读与表达(问答式)76. Mary. 77. Yes, she does. 78. No, she cant.79. She wants to know about Marys favorite sport and instrument.80. Her favorite sport is swimming. Her favorite instrument is violin.九、补全对话(选择)81. D82. E83. G84. C85. A


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