英语外研版必修一《Module 4 a social survey-my neighbourhood》重难点解析

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英语外研版必修一《Module 4 a social survey-my neighbourhood》重难点解析_第1页
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英语外研版必修一《Module 4 a social survey-my neighbourhood》重难点解析_第3页
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1111. Its been six years since we last saw each other, you know.你知道,自从我们上次见面以来已过去六年了。It has been/is + 一段时间 + since + 表示:自从以来已有多长时间了典例:It has been five years since I left my hometown.自从我离开家乡,时间已过去五年了。Its three years since he left for Australia. 自从他去加拿大以来已三年了。= Three years have passed since he left for Australia.It has been half a year since his departure from Qingdao. 自从他离开青岛以来,已过去半年了。注意:since 可用作介词,也可用作连词,其后可接名词,也可接从句。即时反馈练习:_自从我开始研究英语语法以来,时间已过去七年了。答案:It is/has been seven years since I began to study English grammar.2. And this is the first time Ive visited your hometown.这是我第一次访问你的家乡。This is the first/second/third time +现在完成时的从句 表“这是某人首次/第二次/第三次做某事”典例:This the third time I have told you not to bring you cellphone into the class.这是我第三次告诉你不要把手机带到课堂上来。This the first time I been here, so I dont know the way around.这是我第一次到这儿来,所以不了解周围的路。注意:当前面的系动词为was时,其后的从句则要用过去完成时。即时反馈练习:_这是我第一次在考试中拿第一名。答案:This is the first time that I have got the first place in the exam in our class.3. Its so lively, and everyone seems so friendly.它是如此的活跃,每一个人都很友好。lively adj. 活泼的,有精神的;(讨论等)热烈的;(色彩等)鲜明的;(描述等)生动的,逼真的典例:He is a very lively boy. 他是一个很活泼的小男孩。The question set off a lively discussion. 那个问题引发了一场热烈的讨论。She likes lively colours. 她喜欢鲜明的色彩。The boy gave a lively description of what happened just now.那个小男孩对刚才发生的一切做了生动的描述。辨析: alive; live; lively; lovely alive意为“活着的(有时含有虽有死的可能,但仍然还活着的意思); 有活力的,活泼的”。通常用在系动词之后作表语,有时也用作定语,但要放在所修饰的名词之后,而不能放在其前。典例:He has been missing for a long time. No one knows whether he is dead or alive. 他已经失踪很久了。没有人知道他是生是死。I am the happiest man alive 我是世上最幸福的人。My grandfather is still very much alive, more alive than many young people.我的祖父还很有活力,比很多年轻人更活跃。live用作形容词时,意为“活着的(多修饰动植物);(节目等)现场直播的”,用作副词时,意为“现场直播地”。典例:Many people are against doing experiments on live animals. 很多人反对用活着的动物做实验。There will be a live broadcast of the football match tonight. Dont miss it.今晚将会有这场足球赛的现场直播。不要错过哦。The Presidents speech was broadcast live to the country. 总统的演讲向全国观众现场直播。lively意思比较多,详见上文。living表示“活着的”,修饰人,物皆可。典例:He is considered as the greatest living artist. 他被认为是当代最伟大的艺术家。living things生物(通指所有有生命的物体)及时反馈练习:1. He has told us more than any _person.A. alive B. lively C. live D. living2. The World Cup Football Match will be televised _to people all over the world this evening.A. lively B. live C. living D. alive3. There was a very _ debate (辩论) at the meeting on the question of cloning human beings.A. live B. living C. alive D. lively答案:1. D 2. B C. D.4. Dont they bother you?他们不会给你添麻烦吧?bother(1) vt. 麻烦;困扰典例:Dont bother me with such stupid questions. 不要用这么简单的问题来烦我。He bothered me for that book. 他缠着我要那本书。Sorry to bother you, but can you explain the language point to me again?对不起,打扰了,不过你可以再给我解释一下这个语言点吗?You neednt bother to rewrite it. Just make corrections in the original text.不必麻烦重写了。只要在原文上修改就行了。You can take the umbrella with you. And dont bother returning it today.你可以带着这把伞。今天也不用费事再送过来了。(2) vi. 麻烦;烦恼;担心典例:Dont bother with/about it. 不要为这事麻烦/担心。用法小结:bother sb. (for sth.) (为某事)麻烦某人 bother to do/doing 麻烦去做某事 bother about/with sth.为某事而麻烦/费心及时反馈练习:1. _我现在很忙,别烦我。2. _不用麻烦去照料它了。随它去吧。答案:1. Im very busy now. Dont bother me.2. Dont bother to look after it. Leave it alone.5. I believe you. 我相信你说的话。believe sb. 相信某人所说的话believe in sb.(=trust) 相信,信任某人/物本身典例:Do you believe in God? 你信仰上帝吗?He is a liar. Dont believe him. 他是一个骗子,不要相信他的话。即时反馈练习:_如果我们不信任一个人,我们就不会相信他说的话。答案:If we dont believe in a person, we will not believe what he says.6. There are museums, cinemas, theatres, art galleries, parks, coffee bars, clubs and many other places where people can meet and exchange ideas.有很多的博物馆,电影院,剧场,艺术馆,公园,咖啡吧,俱乐部和许多其他人们可以集会,交流思想的地方。exchange vt. 交换典例:We only exchanged a few words because we were in a hurry.因为我们都很匆忙,所以只交谈了几句。I often exchange stamps with him.我常和他交换邮票。The shirt I just bought is a little small; can I exchange it for a bigger one?我刚买的衬衣有点小,可不可以换件大点的。Can I exchange Renminbi for US dollars here? 我可以在这儿把人民币换成美元吗?用法小结:exchange sth. (with sb.) (与某人) 交换某物 exchange sth. for sth. 用某物交换某物7. I love cities, but there are times when I need to get out into the countryside and get away from the noise, the dirt and the people.我喜欢城市,但是有时我需要到乡下,远离噪音,尘埃和人群。get away(from)离开,离去,摆脱 典例:Im afraid I cant get away from the meeting. 恐怕我无法从会议中脱身。I caught a really big fish that day, but it got away.我那天钓到了一条真正的大鱼,不过让它逃脱了。拓展:get away with带某人/某物逃跑;(做了坏事却)逍遥法外即时反馈练习:_.只要住在这个城市,你就无法避免交通阻塞。答案:So long as you live in this city, you can get away from the traffic jam.8. a great many 非常多的 可用作形容词短语,修饰可数名词;也可用作代词,用来代替可数名词典例:A great many Chinese people died during the Anti-Japanese War. 在抗日战争期间,很多中国人牺牲。A great many of them dont know what happened in this country in history. 他们中很多人不知道这个国家历史上曾发生过什么。用法小结a great many + 名词 a great many of + 代词/the/形容词性的所有格+ 名词 即时反馈练习:1. _ the flowers are blue. A. A great many B. Many C. A great many of D. The number of 答案:C 9. There are a number of reasons for this.(导致)这种现象的原因有很多。a number of 很多,大量的(修饰可数名词)典例:A number of workers were waiting to see the boss at the gate of the factory.很多工人在工厂门口等着见老板。辨析:a number of/the number of a number of 意为“很多,大量的”用于修饰可数名词,在number 前可用great, large, small, good等修饰; the number of 刚则指“的数量”,其作主语时,谓语动词用单数。典例:The number of the boys in our class is 30. 我们班男生的数目是30。即时反馈练习:_我每天都会收到大量的电邮。答案:I receive a number of e-mails every day.10. The price of homes goes up and people from the area cannot afford to buy a house there.房价上升,改地区的人们无法支付买房的费用。(1) go up (价格等)上涨;(房屋等)被建造典例:Prices have gone up again.价格又上涨了。There are new houses going up everywhere round the city of Qingdao.现在青岛到处都在兴建新房。(2) afford vt,支付得起;有足够(时间,钱等)去做(常与can, could, be able to连用)典例:Thanks to the success of the business, we can afford a holiday. 由于商业的成功,我们可以度假了。The car is very expensive. But I think I can afford it.这辆车很贵。但我想我买得起起。We cant afford to lose such an important member of the staff.我们不能失去一位如此重要的成员。即时练习反馈:_.我能担付得起钱,但我付不起这个时间。答案:I can afford the money, but I cant afford the time.11. All these things mean that many villages in western Europe are fighting to survive.所有这些意味着西欧的很多乡村在战斗着生存。survive vt. vi. 经历(灾难等)后还活着;在中幸存,生还下来;比长寿典例:Only one passenger survived the terrible car crash.在那次可怕的撞车事故中只有一个乘客生还。Few buildings survived (after) the earthquake. 地震过后,所剩房屋寥寥无几。The man survived in the desert for a week on biscuits and water.那个人依靠饼干和水在沙漠里生存了一个星期。The lady survived her son.(The son is survived by the mother.)那位老妇人活过了她的儿子。(即他儿子都老死了,她还活着)用法小结:survive sth. 在某事后生存下来 survive sb. 活过某人即时反馈练习:1. _他的父母在那场事故中死亡了,但是他存活下来。2. _很少人在那次剧院大火中生还。答案:1. His parents died in the accident, but he survived.2. Few people survived the big fire in the theater.111


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