高考英语复习牛津译林版模块必修5练习《Unit 3 Science versus nature》科学与自然

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111.单词拼写1The team will d_lose if he doesnt join in it.【答案】definitely2He is not Mr Smiths real son.He is only his a_child.【答案】adopted3The builders at the c_site worked hard day and night.【答案】construction4There have been great_(进步) in medicine in the last ten years.【答案】progress5I cant_(集中) on my work when Im tired.【答案】concentrate6Correct decisions come from correct_(判断)【答案】judgment7I hope you will be top dog in your_(职业)【答案】profession8He saved his daughter from the fire but at the_(代价) of his own life【答案】cost9_(农业) is the foundation of the national economy.【答案】Agriculture10Fires,floods and earthquakes are_(灾难)【答案】disasters.完成句子1她从不把我当回事,这让我很生气。She never_ _ _,which makes me sad.【答案】takes me seriously2有两座新房子正在修建。There are two new houses_ _.【答案】under construction3他们对即将到来的考试已经做好了充分的准备。They have_ _ _ _the coming exam.【答案】been well prepared for4彼得一直忙于筹划他的婚礼。Peter is busy_ _ _his wedding.【答案】making plans for5从个人观点看,我完全同意他为自己所做的一切。_ _ _ _,I totally agree with what he did for himself.【答案】On a personal note.单项填空1The weather report says it will_fine tomorrow.Aturn up Bturn outCturn on Dturn in【解析】句意为:天气预报说明天会晴天。turn out解释为“结果”。【答案】B2You should book a ticket_;otherwise youll be anxious when the time comes.Aahead of Bbefore Cin front Din advance【解析】句意为:你应该事先买一张票。否则的话,当时间到时,你会着急的。in advance解释为“提前,事先”。【答案】D3They urged that the library_open during the vacation.Amust be kept Bis kept Cwould be kept Dbe kept【解析】句意为:他们催促图书馆在节日期间要开放。urge引导的从句,后要用(shoul)动词原形构成虚拟语气。【答案】D4The professor is trying hard to look for sufficient grounds on which to base his arguments _the new theory.Ain memory of Bin honor of Cin terms of Din favor of【解析】句意为:那个教授正努力地寻找足够的证据以此来作为支持那个新理论的论据。D解释为“赞同,支持,有利于”; A是“为了纪念”;B是“为向表示敬意;为庆祝;为纪念”;C是“根据;在方面”。【答案】D5I didnt realize putting on a play_so much work.Ato involved Binvolving Cinvolves Dinvolved【解析】句意为:我没有意识到上演一部剧要涉及那么多的工作。这里作谓语,所以选D。【答案】D6If you have good reading strategies,what seems confusing at first_upon further reading.Amakes sense Bworks Ccounts Dpays【解析】句意为:如果你有好的阅读策略,在进一步阅读后,起先混淆的内容变得讲得通了。makes sense解释为“讲得通,有意义”;make sense of意思是“理解”。【答案】A7Will you go to see the movie “ Gone With the Wind ”? There_it.Ive already read the novel. Aseem no point to do Bseem to be no point to do Cis no point in doing Dare no points doing【解析】句意为:你想去看电影“飘”吗?去看没意义。我已经看过那部小说了。这是固定结构:There is no sense/point in doing sth.做某事没有用。【答案】C8_into use in April 2000,the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.APut BPuttingCHaving put DBeing put【解析】此题考查分词作状语的用法。The hotline是put动作的承受者,所以用put作状语,表被动。B和C选项表示主动,D项表示正在进行的被动,而从2000可以看出动作早已发生,所以选A。【答案】A9I know this job of mine isnt well paid,but_I dont have to work long hours.Aon other hand Bon the other handCin the other hand Don another hand【解析】根据语境,应该选on the other hand“另一方面”【答案】B10The doctor will not perform the operation_it is absolutely necessary.Awhen BifCfor Dunless【解析】句意为:医生认为除非真的必要,他不会进行手术。D符合题意【答案】D.易错模块1Does the way you thought_the water clean make any sense? Aof making Bof to make Cof how to make Dof having made【解析】句意为:你想起的那个使得水变干净的那个办法讲得通吗?还原句子:think of the way to make.,you thought of 作定语,修饰the way;又考查到了两个词组:the way to do sth./the way of doing sth.估计不少学生会错选A。【答案】B2When John came back,he found the bag he had_ over the seat was gone. Aleft hung Bleft hangingCleft to hang Dto leave hanging【解析】句意为:当John回来时,他发现他遗忘的挂在座位那里那只包不见了。分析句子结构:he had left作定语,修饰the bag;又考查词组find.doing。【答案】B3I send you 100 dollars today,the rest_in a year. Afollows Bfollowed Cto follow Dbe followed【解析】句意为:今天我给你100美元,其余的一年后再给。这是n.to do独立主格结构的结构,用不定式表示将来。【答案】C4In my opinion the company donated money to the Project Hope with the intention of making an ad for itself_the poor children. Arather than help Bother than help Crather than helping Dother than helping【解析】句意为:在我看来,那家公司捐钱给希望工程是怀着为自己公司作广告的目的而不是为了帮助穷人。这里选C,后加doing,是因为前面共用with the intention of。【答案】C5Sixtyfive years later,the people there_the same disaster_another earthquake_their home town and destroyed almost everything they had. Asuffered;from;which hit Bsuffered;/;striking Chad suffered;/;hit Dhad suffered;from;struck【解析】句意为:65年以后,那里的人们因为又一次袭击他们家乡的的地震而忍受着同样的灾难,这毁坏了他们几乎拥有的一切。这里考查词组suffer.from和定语从句,第二格如果用hitting也行。【答案】A.完形填空The sound of the rain hitting the windows wakes me up and it sounds just exactly as it did 15 years ago,which reminded me of my girlhood.It was my second day of_1_and it was raining heavily.I could not_2_the habit I had at home,so I fell asleep right at my_3_.I woke up to find myself not in the classroom but carried on Dads back.We were_4_home.It was the last time I felt_5_to him.After that,he never carried me or hugged me as other fathers did to their children.I was not bothered much by this_6_.I was proud of it,for I felt_7_and“grown up”However,there were times when I felt depressed by not having sought_8_from him.One day,I was writing Chinese characters as homework.I hated doing this more than anything.Dad came and stood behind me for a moment,_9_me scratching (乱涂,勾抹) the paper.Then he said,“This kind of writing needs_10_.Your writing is not strong enough.Press harder.”I followed his_11_for the next two words,but_12_I could see little improvement,I followed my own methodthe_13_way.His advice did not improve my writing but our_14_.As I grew older,I found out that he had finished his_15_in Grade 6,which was the highest grade in town then,so he was considered to be a_16_.People used to ask him to write something to put on the walls,but he never felt very useful.He often said to me,“As you can see,this family is going to count on you.We are_17_to improve you anything for your future.You have to get _18_to change the life for yourself.”As a result of his_19_,I have_20_it through high school and through college.语篇解读雨声将我从睡梦中唤醒,正像十五年前一样,这一幕让我回忆起难忘的童年,以及成长道路上父亲的关爱。1A.graduation BemploymentCcollege Dschool【解析】根据下面的desk和classroom可知答案。【答案】D2A.from BresistCfollow Dbreak【解析】无法忍住或抗拒在家里的习惯,就在课桌旁睡着了。【答案】B3A.dormitory BdoorCdesk Dbed【解析】根据后面的classroom可知。【答案】C4A.at BalreadyCbeyond Dhalfway【解析】当“我”醒来时发现自己已不在教室,而是在父亲的背上。所以应是在回家的半路上。【答案】D5A.close BnearChappy Drelaxed【解析】根据后面“After that,he never carried me or hugged me as other fathers did to their children.”可知此处应是作者最后一次感觉和父亲的亲近。【答案】A6A.gap BthoughtCaction Daccident【解析】没有被这种想法太困扰。【答案】B7A.lonely BdepressedCindependent Dcomfortable【解析】因为感觉自己独立和长大了,所以感到自豪。【答案】C8A.comfort BhelpCsupport Dexplanation【解析】虽然因为感觉自己独立和长大了而感到自豪,但有时还是会因为没有从父亲那儿寻求到安慰而感到沮丧。【答案】A9A.helping BdirectingCwatching Dblaming【解析】站在背后看着我乱涂乱画。【答案】C10A.skill BpatienceCtime Dpractice【解析】根据后面的“not strong enough.Press harder”可推测出此处应是“需要耐心”。【答案】B11A.introduction BmannerCspirit Dadvice【解析】听从了他的“建议”。【答案】D12A.even if BwhileCas Dthough【解析】由于没有什么提高,所以又遵循自己的方式“快速勾画”。【答案】C13A.difficult BslowCefficient Dfast【解析】通过前面的scratching推知答案。【答案】D14A.relationship BfriendshipCthought Dlife【解析】他的建议没有提高我的“writing”,但是却改善了我们之间的关系。【答案】A15A.schooling BlifeChope Dexpectation【解析】根据grade 6可知此处应是schooling。【答案】A16A.writer BscholarCscientist Dspecialist【解析】根据前面的“highest grade in town”,此处应是要表达作者的父亲被认为是“学者”。【答案】B17A.tired BgladCuseless Dready【解析】通过下一句“你必须要靠自己获得教育来改变自己”可推知此处表达的是“我们无法帮助你改变什么”。【答案】C18A.an education Ba rich boyfriendCa wellpaid job Da good writing【解析】通过下一句“As a result of his _19_,I have _20_ it through high school and through college.”可知此处表达的是get an education“获得教育”。【答案】A19A.help BexpectationsCexamination Dwatch【解析】由于他的期望,我最终完成了高中和大学的教育。【答案】B20A.succeeded BgotCmade Dfound【解析】make it达到目的。【答案】C.阅读理解Have you ever been to a wedding and simply loved the brides bouquet (花束)?More than likely some part of it was the Hawaiian Wedding Plant.This foreign houseplant can be enjoyed by anyone,not just brides.With a little proper attention and carefull planning on location,this foreign houseplant,native to Madagascar,can be brought into the home where it can become an interesting focus.Caring for the Hawaiian Wedding Plant is not much different than that of any other houseplants that may already be in your home.The only difference between this type of houseplant and others is the amount of the basic requirements that this foreign houseplant needs to survive and perform beautifully.During the growing season,this plant requires its wet soil,but when winter rolls around,this plant needs its soil to be kept drier.Hawaiian Wedding Plants should also be potted in welldrained (排水) soil and placed in a location that receives full sun.That the soil must be kept wet does not mean that it should sit in water,so the soil must drain easily or this plant will not survive.Water the plant daily and feed this plant every two to three weeks with a little fertilizer for acidloving plants.Prune (修剪) in early spring,even as early as February.If these needs are met,this plant will stay beautiful.The most special feature of this foreign houseplant is its long lasting blooms (开花) combined with its unbelievable sweet smell.The Hawaiian Wedding Plant blooms the heaviest in the spring months,but has been known to bloom in any warm months,so do not be surprised to find blooms most time of the year except maybe in_the_dead_of_winter.语篇解读婚礼上新娘手中的鲜花很漂亮,其中会有一种叫Hawaiian Wedding Plant的花,然而,这种花不一定只有新娘才能拿到,你也同样可以自己种植,本文教给你一些种植常识。1Why does the author mention wedding and bouquet in the first paragraph?ATo introduce a Hawaiian wedding.BTo attract the readers interest in the passage.CTo show the beauty of the flower.DTo teach the readers to choose proper bouquets.【解析】作者意图题。作者一开始就提到婚礼上新娘手捧的花束,目的是为了引起读者阅读本文的兴趣,B项符合此意。【答案】B2The Hawaiian Wedding Plant comes from_.AHawaii BChina CMadagascar DAlaska【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段的this foreign houseplant,native to Madagascar可知,这种花来自马达加斯加。【答案】C3Which of the following are the growing conditions of Hawaiian Wedding Plant?aWet soil bLots of fertilizer.cProper sunshine dSome acidAa,c Ba,bCb,c Da,d【解析】细节理解题。文章第二段最后一句提到潮湿的土壤,第三段第一句提到充足的阳光,故选A项。第三段第三句提到需要适合喜酸性的植物的化肥 ,但不需要很多。【答案】A4What does the underlined phrase “in the dead of winter” in the last paragraph probably mean?AAt the end of the winter.BAt the beginning of the winter.CIn deadly condition in winter.DIn the coldest part of winter.【解析】词义猜测题。第四段中提到Hawaiian Wedding Plant花期较长,春季开得最茂盛,但在气候温暖的季节都会开花,除非是在深冬,故选D项。in the dead of winter意思是“在隆冬”。【答案】D111


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