山西省石楼县石楼中学高一英语《Module4 The Sixth Period Writing》教案 人教版必修1

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山西省石楼县石楼中学高一英语《Module4 The Sixth Period Writing》教案 人教版必修1_第1页
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山西省石楼县石楼中学高一英语《Module4 The Sixth Period Writing》教案 人教版必修1_第2页
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山西省石楼县石楼中学高一英语《Module4 The Sixth Period Writing》教案 人教版必修1_第3页
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111Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语gallery, exchange, get out into, get away fromb. 重点句子 P37But there are times when I need the peace and quiet of the countryside.Cities are interesting, and they can be beautiful, but they are never beautiful in the way that the countryside is beautiful.2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to plan a presentation to give a brief report of a neighbourhood.Enable the students to use and to link similar ideas and but to contrast ideas.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to write a brief report of a neighbourhood.Teaching important & difficult points 教学重点和难点How to explain the use of and and but in sentences or passages. Teaching methods 教学方法Task-based learning, discussion and writing.Teaching aids 教具准备A projector and some slides.Teaching procedures ways 教学过程与方式Step I WritingT: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls! Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr. / Ms.T: Please look at the sentence on the slide from the text A Lively City. Pay attention to the way the words and and but are used.Show the sentence on the slide.You know, Ive seen quite a lot of China, and Ive visited some beautiful cities, but this is one of the most attractive places Ive been to.T: Who can tell us the difference between and and but.S: I think “and” indicates some additional information is being given, while “but” indicates the following information is going to modify the previous statement in some way.T: Yes, you are quite right. Now that you have understood the meanings of the two words, please complete the paragraph on page 37 with and or but. I will give you five minutes to finish it. You may discuss with each other. Five minutes later, check the answers. Then ask some students to make sentences using and and but.T: Whod like to make sentences using and or but. S: My shoes are very beautiful and comfortable, but they are pretty expensive. S: Hes a nice and clever boy, but hes quite lazy.T: OK! You did a good job.Step II Practice (P90, Workbook)Ask the students to work in pairs and make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of their neighbourhood, and then using and and but to link similar ideas and contrast ideas respectively to write a short passage about where they live.T: In this module, we have learnt about how to describe neighbourhood by reading and listening to some materials. Now please work in pairs and discuss with your partners about your neighbourhood. Then make a list of the advantages and disadvantages.A sample list:Where I liveAdvantagesDisadvantagescomfortable big housenoisyconvenient transportationfairly dirtyfriendly peoplefar from the schoolnear a parkAsk some students to read their lists.T: OK! Very good. Then can you write a short passage describing your neighbourhood using and and but? I will give you fifteen minutes to finish it. Then I will ask some of you to read your passages.Fifteen minutes later.A sample version:I live with my parents in a ten-storey building near the center of the city. And we have a comfortable and big house. Though everyone living in the building is busy, we visit our neighbours when we are free. I have to go to school by bus every day because our house is far from the school. Fortunately, here the transportation is very convenient. But because of a lot of cars and buses, the air here isnt fresh and sometimes its fairly dirty. And there is much noisy. Every morning we can go to the park nearby to breathe some fresh air and do exercises.Step III TaskThe purpose of this writing task is to enable the students to plan a presentation to give a brief report of their neighbourhood.T: In the last period, I asked you to contact your neighbourhood committee to do a social survey. Have you finished it?Ss: Yes.In China, the neighbourhood committee plays a very important role in almost every residential community all over the country. Its job is to look after the neighbourhood and to solve problems for the community, such as the security of the area, taking care of elderly people etc. Recently the neighbourhood committee of our community has held several meetings discussing how to solve a problem. What is the problem? The road we use every day was built many years ago and now it has become very old and shabby. It becomes more and more difficult for people or vehicles to travel, especially when it is raining. The committee made a decision to rebuild the road. After the meetings, the committee has decided to collect money from every family of the community to mend the road. When I visited the committee, the money needed has been collected. I believe a month later, we will see a brand new road.Step IV Homework1. Summarize what you have learnt in this module.2. Preview the next module.111

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