Unit 1《Festivals around the World》Period5 Using language Extensive reading教案19(人教版必修3)

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Unit 1《Festivals around the World》Period5 Using language Extensive reading教案19(人教版必修3)_第1页
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Unit 1《Festivals around the World》Period5 Using language Extensive reading教案19(人教版必修3)_第3页
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111Unit 1Festivals around the world Period 5Using language: Extensive reading整体设计教材分析This is the fifth teaching period of this unit. As usual, the teacher should check students homework and offer chances for them to go over what they learned in the last period at the beginning of the class. Then lead in the new lesson.In this period, the teaching emphasis will be put on developing students reading ability by reading extensively. We will deal with two articles: A Sad Love Story in Using language on Page 7 and Winter Carnival in Quebec in Reading task on Page 44. While reading, get students learning to use some reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on. As to new words and phrases, the teacher can first find those students feel most difficult and help them to understand. Thats enough here. The purpose of A Sad Love Story is to introduce a cross-cultural view of lovers festivalsQiqiao Festival and Valentines Day. It is set in a present-day context that students can relate to, and respond to. The teacher can first talk about the famous Chinese sad love story of Zhinu and Niulang to lead in the topic and then ask students to read the passage and do some comprehending exercises. While checking their answers with the whole class, deal with language problems students cant work out by themselves. This is an extensive reading lesson, so the teaching steps should be simple. As to the part Reading task, its purpose is to introduce students to the Winter Carnival in Quebec, and to further their understanding of the reasons that people need to have festivals and what is done at them. Ask students to read through the passage and learn more about the foreign festival and its customs.At the end of the class, ask students to retell the two passages. In order to arouse students interest, the teacher can hold a competition between them.教学重点1. Develop students reading skills by extensive reading.2. Let students read and understand the two passages.教学难点1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.2. Get students to understand foreign culture and customs.三维目标知识目标1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part: apologize, drown, sadness, wipe, weep, remind, forgive, turn up, keep ones word, hold ones breath, set off, remind. . . of. . .2. Get students to read the story A Sad Love Story.3. Let students know more about the Quebec Carnival.能力目标1. Develop students reading skills by extensive reading and enable them to learn how to use different reading skills to read different reading materials.2. Enable students to tell about Qiqiao Festival and Valentines Day.3. Let students tell about the Quebec carnival with their own words.情感目标1. Stimulate students love of Chinese festivals and culture by learning foreign culture and custom.2. Develop students sense of group cooperation and teamwork.教学过程设计方案(一)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask some pairs of students to come to the front and act out their dialogues to review and practice the expressions for requests and thanks.Step 2 Warming up by brainstormingCan you tell something about Chinese Qiqiao Festival?Can you tell something about Valentines Day?Have you read any love stories? What are they?Step 3 Reading1. Reading and judgingAsk students to read the passage fast and then decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.1)The girl Li Fang loved and waited for didnt turn up, but he didnt lose heart.2)Because her granddaughter got married to a human, the Goddess of Heaven got very angry.3)Zhinu was made to return to Heaven without her husband. They were not allowed to meet forever.4)Hu Jin had been waiting for Li Fang for a long time with a gift for him.Keys for reference: 1)F2)T3)F4)T2. Reading and answeringAsk students to read the passage carefully, and answer the following questions.1)Why did Li Fang feel like a fool?2)What was Li Fang afraid that Hu Jin was doing?3)How did Li Fang know the manager wanted to shut the coffee shop?4)What is the reason why Li Fang and Hu Jin did not meet on time?5)Why was Li Fang so worried at the end of the story?3. Check the answers with the whole class and deal with any language problems.Keys for reference:1)Li Fang felt like a fool because he thought that he was waiting without any hope. /Hu Jin wouldnt come to meet him.2)He was afraid that she was with her friends laughing at him.3)The manager wiped the tables, then sat down and turned on the TV.4)They didnt meet on time because Li Fang waited in the coffee shop while Hu Jin in the tea shop.5)He was worried because he had thrown away the roses and chocolates/presents/gifts for Hu Jin and he had nothing to give her and he thought she would not forgive him.4. Reading and findingAsk students to read the passage aloud to the tape and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Let students read them aloud and copy them down in their exercise book after class as homework.Collocations: be heart-broken, Valentines Day, a coffee shop, after work, turn up, laugh at, keep ones word, look forward to, hold ones breath, drown ones sadness in coffee, the Goddess of Heaven, the weaving girl, on earth, the herd boy, fall in love, get married, be married to, the Milk Way, once a year, be able to, set off, throw. . . away, remind. . . of, . . .Step 4 Discussion1. After students reading the passage, ask them to work in groups and discuss the following questions:1)Why was the TV story what Li Fang needed?2)Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival?3)What more do you know about Qiqiao Festival?4)Are you satisfied with the ending of the story? If not, how are you going to rewrite it?2. Ask students to start their discussion. Make sure that every student has a chance to express his/her ideas.3. Ask each group to choose one student as their representative. Let as many group representatives as possible come to the front and give a report of what their group has discussed.Step 5 Reading taskTell students: We have learned some knowledge of festivals around the world from the reading passage Festivals and Celebrations. We have also learned about the Trinidad Carnival. Do you want to know about the Quebec Carnival? Please Turn to Page 44 and read the passage Winter Carnival in Quebec.1. Ask students to read the passage fast to get the general idea.2. Let students read the passage carefully and then answer the following questions.1)Why do you think that dogs are used to pull sleds in cold climates?2)Which activity at the Carnival do you think would be the most fun? Why?3)Which activity at the Carnival do you think would be the most dangerous? Why?4)If you could go to the Quebec Carnival, what would you do or see? Why?5)If you had to draw a poster for the Carnival, what things would you put on the poster?6)What would you wear if you went to the Carnival? Name at least three things.3. Check the answers with the whole class after most of them finish.Keys for reference:1)Dogs are used in cold climates because they can run on top of the snow, which horses cannot/because they have very thick fur which keeps them warm. They are also very strong/do not eat grass and grain as horses and cattle do/can be fed on meat/do not eat too much.2)Students give their own answers.3)Probably the canoe race through the ice would be the most dangerous.4)Students give their own answers.5)Students give their own answers.6)I would wear a warm coat/jacket/hat/gloves/mittens/boots/underwear/scarf/socks.4. Have students compare Harbin with Quebec.1)Talk about Harbin with students.What do you know about Harbin?2)Let students fill in the chart.CitySimilarityDifferenceHarbinQuebecStep 6 Important language points1. But she didnt turn up.可她却不见人影。turn up: make ones appearance; arrive露面; 来到We invited her to dinner but she didnt even bother to turn up.我们请她吃饭她都不露面。We arranged to meet at the gate at 7, but he failed to turn up.我们约定7点在大门口见面, 但他没来。2. She said she would be there at seven oclock, and he thought she would keep her word.她说她会在7点到达, 他(李方)认为她会守信用的。keep ones word/promise: do what one has promised守信break ones word/promise: fail to do what one has promised失信You promised you would buy me a new bike, so you must keep your word.你答应过给我买一辆新自行车的, 所以你必须信守诺言。He is always breaking his word. 他总是食言。3. . . . he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize.他不想屏住呼吸等她来道歉。hold his breath: stop breathing for a short time暂时屏住呼吸The audience held their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.杂技演员走钢丝时, 观众都屏住了呼吸。4. He would drown his sadness in coffee.他要用咖啡来消愁。drown ones sadness/sorrows in coffee: drink coffee in order to forget ones troubles用咖啡来消愁drown ones sadness/sorrows (in drink): get drunk in order to forget ones troubles借酒浇愁5. It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leavehe wiped the table, then sat down and turned on the TVjust what Li Fang needed.很明显, 咖啡馆的经理在等李方离开他擦好桌子, 然后坐下来, 打开电视机。这正合了李方的意!这是一个较为复杂的句子。it为形式主语, that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave是主语从句。前面的破折号表示进一步的说明, 后面的破折号表示转折。6. “. . . I dont want them to remind me of her. ” So he did.“我不想因它们想起她来。”于是他把花和巧克力都扔了。remind. . . of. . . : cause to remember or be aware of. . . 使想起或意识到He reminds me of his brother.他使我想起了他的哥哥。This song reminds me of my motherland.这首歌使我想起了我的祖国。7. There was Hu Jin waving at him. . .那是胡谨在向他招手这是一个倒装句, 正常语序为Hu Jin was waving at him there. . . 。当there, here位于句首并且句子的主语是名词时, 句子通常需要部分倒装。例如:There goes the bell. 铃响了。Here comes the bus. 车来了。当句子的主语是人称代词时, 句子不需倒装。例如:Here you are. 给你。Step 7 ConsolidationGo back to the passage A Sad Love Story. Ask students to tell the story in their own words.Sample:The story took place in an coffee shop where the hero, Li Fang, was waiting for his girlfriend. To his appointment, she didnt turn up. Then there was a show on TV, which talked about the sad love story of Zhinu and Niulang. Being heart-broken, Li Fang threw away his Valentines gifts to Hu Jin. Then he met Hu Jin on his way back home, who had been waiting for him at a tea shop. What should he do?Step 8 Homework1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.2. Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.设计方案(二)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask students to dictate the expressions for making phone calls and invitations and thanks and then read them aloud.3. Let them make some sentences to express making phone calls and invitations and thanks.Step 2 Leading-in1. Introduce Qiqiao Festival by playing a piece of video.1)Why is it called Qiqiao Festival?2)What customs are there on the very day?3)Can you tell the sad love story of Zhinu and Niulang?2. Tell students: Turn to Page 7. We are going to read a modern sad love story.Step 3 SkimmingAsk students to read the passage and answer the following questions as soon as possible.1. How many characters are mentioned in the story? What are they?2. What are the relationships between them?3. When and where did the story happen?4. How many parts do you think the passage can be divided? Try to find out the main idea of each part.Step 4 ScanningAsk students to read the passage carefully to locate particular information.1. Why did Li Fang feel like a fool?2. What was Li Fang afraid that Hu Jin was doing?3. How did Li Fang know the manager wanted to shut the coffee shop?4. What is the reason why Li Fang and Hu Jin did not meet on time?5. Why was Li Fang so worried at the end of the story?Step 5 Learning important language pointsWhile checking students answers, deal with any language problems to see if they can know the meanings of the new words and expressions, such as turn up, keep ones word, hold ones breath, apologize, drown ones sadness, set off, remind. . . of. . . , forgive, and so on.Step 6 Discussing and further understandingAsk students to read the passage again and discuss the following questions.1. Why was the TV story what Li Fang needed?2. Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival?3. Why did the writer fix the time of the story on Feb. 14?Step 7 WorkbookDeal with Reading task (on Page 44).1. Ask students to read the passage Winter Carnival in Quebec. Deal with any language problems that students cant solve by themselves while checking their understanding.2. Let students talk about Harbin in groups and then compare it with Quebec. Try to fill in the form in Exercise 3 on Page 45.3. Have them discuss the following questions.1)Which activity at the Carnival do you think would be the most fun? Why?2)Which activity at the Carnival do you think would be the most dangerous? Why?3)If you could go to the Quebec Carnival, what would you do or see? Why?Step 8 Consolidation1. Ask students to retell A Sad Love Story.2. Have students talk about the Quebec Carnival.Step 9 Homework1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.2. Be ready to present another love story, like Romeo And Juliet or Liang Shanbo And Zhu Yingtai.板书设计Unit 1Festivals around the worldA Sad Love StoryUseful new words and expressionsQuestionsapologize, drown, sadness, wipe, weep, remind, forgive, turn up, keep ones word, hold ones breath, set off, remind. . . of. . .1. Why was the TV story what Li Fang needed?2. Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival?3. What more do you know about Qiqiao Festival?活动与探究There are many foreign and Chinese love stories. Go to the library, surf the Internet or ask old people to look up information. Choose the most moving you think and take notes. Be ready to present your story to the class.111


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