外研版七上Starter Module 4 模块测试题

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Starter Module 4模块测试题(45分钟 100分) 第卷(共42分)I. 用书写体正确抄写以下句子 (8分)1.Can you help me, please ? 2.What colour is it?3.Im in Mr Chens class. 4.Close your book.II. 根据首字母,写出与图片相关的两个单词(24分)1.w_ 2. c_ 3.s_ 4.w _ 5.a_ 6.c _ 7.s_ 8. h_ 9. _10.b_11.f_12.s_III. 单项选择 (10分)1. -Whats this? -Its _red car.A. a B. an C. /2. -What class _Tony in ? -Class Seven.A. am B. is C. are 3._open your book, close it.A. Dont B. isnt C.arent4.-Can you spell “cat”? -_,I cant.A.Yes B. OK C. Sorry5.How many students_there in your class? 版权所有A. are B. am C. is6.-Today is Friday, what day is it tomorrow? -_.A. Thursday B. Friday C.Saturday7.Its_in winter.A. hot B. cool C. cold8.-Whats the weather_in London in autumn. -Its cool.A. like B. / C. on9.-Do you like swimming? -_.I swim with my friends every Sunday. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I dont. 10.Its time to _basketball, lets go.【 】A. play B. playing C. plays第卷(共58分)IV. 用be动词(am, is, are填空)(6分)1. There _some books on the desk.2. -Are you Tom? -No, Im not. I_ John.3. This is my pencil, where_ your pencil?4._you in Class 4? No, I_ in Class 6. 5. What colour _your desk? Its brown.V. 完形填空(6分)A: Whos that_?B:Shes a_ student.A:_her name?B:Her name is Betty. She is in_ class.A:_is she?B: Shes twelve.A:Is her father a teacher?B:_, he is a worker.( ) 1.A. boy B. girl C. teacher( ) 2.A. new B. big C. old( ) 3.A. Hows B. Whats C. Whos( ) 4.A. Mr chens B. Miss Chens C. Miss Chen ( ) 5.A. This B. What C. How old( ) 6.A. No B. Yes C. I dont knowVI. 阅读理解(10分)Han Mei is a Chinese girl, she is thirteen. Her brothers name is Han Lin. He is fourteen. Han Mei is a middle school student. She is a good student. Han Lin and Han Mei go to the same school. Han Meis father is a doctor. Her mother is an English teacher. ( )1.How old is Han Mei? A. She is 13. B. She is twelve C. She is fourteen. ( ) 2.Whats her brothers name? A. Han Mei B. Han Lin C. Han Bing( )3.Whos Han Lin ?A. He is Han Meis father. B. Yes, he is. C. He is Han Meis brother.【来】( )4.Is their father a teacher?A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, hes【 】( )5.Is their mother a doctor?A. No, she is a teacher. B. Yes, she is a doctor. C. Yes, she is a doctor.VII. 情景对话(6分)A:Good morning, class._? B:Good morning, Miss Zhou. Tomorrow is Saturday.A:Yes, Tomorrow is Saturday. September 10th, Teachers Day.【 】B:_, Miss Zhou.A:Thank you very much.B:_.A.What day is it today? B. Youre welcome.C. What day is it tomorrow? D. Happy Teachers Day.VIII. 句子翻译(10分)1.把它写在书本上。Write it_.2.你可以帮帮我吗?_help me?3.这是我的好朋友韩伟。_my friend, Han Wei.4.海南的冬天不冷。_in Hainan in winter.5.明天是星期六吗?_Saturday?IX. 书面表达(20 分)用英语写一篇介绍自己的短文,60词左右。包括姓名、年龄、班级、喜爱的科目及运动等,可自由发挥。_参考答案I略 II1.winter 2.cold 3.spring 4.warm 5.autumn 6.cool 7.summer 8.hot 9.play 10.basketball 11.football 12. sportIII. 15. ABACA 610. CCABAIV1.are 2. am 3. is 4. Are , am 5. isVBABBCAVIABCBAVIICDBVIII1. on the blackboard 2. Can you 3. This is 4. Its not cold 5. Is tomorrowIX. Hello, my names Daming. Im 13 years old. Im a new student here, Im in Class 4, Mr Lius class. I like English and PE, basketball is my favourite sport. My friend Li Ning likes basketball too. We often play basketball after school.


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