《Unit 4—5》同步练习(新人教版必修2)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!必修 2 Unit 45 基础练习班级_姓名_分数_1. The two words have something _with each other.A. in differenceB. in ordinaryC. in commonD. in same2. Since 1949, the peoples living standad _ , causing a big _ in population.A. has been raised; riseB. has been rose; raise C. has raised; riseD. has raised; rose3. His glasses, _ he was like a blind man, were missing.A. with whichB. with itC. without whichD. without it4. Teachers words and deeds _a great effect _ their students.A. have; onB. give; toC. make; inD. take; to5. Her husband joined her _ her search _ this unknown radiation.A. in; inB. in; forC. in; ofD. for; for6. .He_ home once a week, but after entering middle school, he _ home once a month.A. was used to go, was used to goB. used to go, was used to goC. was used to go, used toD used to go, was used to going7. This book _ ten units, _ three mainly revision. A. contains; including B. includes; containing C. contains; containing D .includes; including8. Ill finish the job _ I come across great difficulty. A. however B. even though C. no matter D. as though9. John, get up! Im afraid you wont have time to _ before going out. A. get to change B. get changing C. get change D. get changed10. The accident _ her careless . A resulted from B resulted in C as a result of D as a result11. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I _ the cloth _ well. A have told; washed B have been told; washes C was told; washed D have been told; is washed 12. He is wearing sunglasses to _ his eyes from the strong sunlight . A. protect B. hold C. stop D. prevent13. Great attention must be paid _ welfare, especially in the poor area. A. develop B. to develop C. to developing D. developing14._ he will return to his native land.A. It is long before thatB. It is before long thatC. It wont be long beforeD. It will be long before that15. Many kinds of animals and plants die _ every year. A down B away C out D from第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)I found out one time that doing a favor for someone could get you into a lot of trouble. I was _16_ the eighth grade at the time, and we were having a final _17_. During the test, the girl _18_ next to me whispered something, but I didnt understand. So I leaned over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me _19_ I had an extra pen. She showed me that _20_ was out of ink and would not write. I happended to have an extra one, so I took it out of my pocket and put it on her desk. Later, after the test papers had been _21_ the teacher asked me to _22_ in the room when all the other students _23_. As soon as we were alone, she began to talk to me _24_ it meant to grow up; she mentioned how important it was to stand _25_ your own two feet and be responsible for your own acts. For a long time, she talked about honesty and emphasized the fact _26_ people do something dishonest, they are really _27_ themselves. She made me promise that I would think _28_ about all the things she had said and then she told me I could _29_. I walked out of the room wondering _30_ she had chosen to talk to me about all those things.Later on, I found out that she thought I had cheated on the test. When she saw me lean over to talk to the girl next to me, it looked _31_ I was copying answers _32_ the girls test paper. I tried to explain about the pen, but all she could say was it seemed very strange to her that I hadnt _33_ anything about the pen the day she talked to me right after the test. _34_ I tried to explain that I was just doing the girl a favor _35_ he use my pen. I was sure she continued to believe that I had cheated on the test.16. A. from B. on C. at D. in17. A. test B. lesson C. class D. papers18. A. sit B. at C. sits D. sitting19. A. why B. whether C. where D. that20. A . she B. that C. hers D. it21. A. handed in B. handed C. given out D. marked22. A. work B. read C. study D. stay23. A. gone out B. were studying C. were dismissed D. were there24. A. how B. about why C. about which D. about what25. A. on B. by C. to D. with26. A. when B. that when C. that D. whether27. A. punishing B. punished C. cheated D. cheating28. A. well B. highly C. seriously D. honestly29. A. go on B. leave C. sit down D. refuse30. A. if B. whether C. how D. why31. A. as though B. like C. as D. that32. A. for B. by C. at D. from33. A. asked B. mentioned C. answered D. realized34. A. Long before B. As long as C. Even though D. Just as35. A. to let B. by letting C. letting D. let三、阅读理解:AWe often hear people say, “I have a good memory for things like that” or “I can remember names”. But do you know memory is the single most important thing and it has played a very important part? For early men, there were dangerous all around them-bad weather, wild animals. The keys to keep on living lay in mans ability to remember these dangers and the ways he had dealt with them in the past. In order for memories to be stored, the human brain became more complex. And as man learned how to deal with them, he became civilized (文明).Surprisingly, scientists today understand little about memory and how it works. They have not yet found a way to open up the brain and observe its function without destroying it. Perhaps there are two types of memory: short-term and long-term. Short-term refers to those facts that stay with us for a few seconds to a few hours. For instance, when you stay at a hotel, you remember the room number and forget as soon as you leave. Long-term memory, on the other hand, means you remember things for a long period of time. If you spend your honeymoon in a particular hotel, its likely that youll remember your stay quite clearly.Scientists also believe that a short-term memory can become a long-term memory through consolidation(巩固). A lot of chemical and physical changes take place in the part of the brain. Although the human brain weighs three pounds, it contains 30 billion nerve cells(神经细胞) acting like a computer. When those changes strengthen the links(联系) in certain nerve cells, a though becomes a part of the long-term memory.36. According to the author, without the development of mans memory there would be _.A. no modern world B. no recorded history C. no animals D. no dangers37. Scientists knowledge about the function of brain is _.A. interesting B. not enough C. great D. encouraging38. Short-term memory can change into long-term memory on condition that _.A. memory is good B. it acts like a computerC. people do more exercise D. the links in nerve cells are strengthened by certain changes39. So far the great discovery scientists have made about the function of brain is _.A. the weight of brain B. two types of memoryC. 30 billion nerve cells D. chemical and physical changesBWhen we hear the words “ college students”, we usually think of a young person between 18 and 22 years old. But in the U.S.A today, a college student often is much older. In fact, educators say in the next few years colleges and universities may have more older part-time students than traditional (传统的) full-time younger students.Educators report a big increase in the number of Americans who attend college and university classes in the evening or at night or weekends. Most of them are older than 25 years old and more have full-time or part-time jobs. Many are in their thirties or forties.Why are so many people deciding to spend their time and money in order to continue their education? Most are doing it because they believe more education will help them to get a better job. Some are industrial workers whose factories have closed. They are learning new skills to prepare for other kinds of work. Some of the part-time students are not pleased with the jobs they have. They are studying for new ones. Some have retired (退休) and are looking for new kinds of work. Two of every three of the students older than 35 are women. Many of them are returning to school after years of staying at home to care for children.Are older students good students? Most teachers say yes. They say older students really want to learn. They ask difficult questions and are not pleased with simple answers. They often get high grades.40. Its said that in the next few years _.A. students in colleges and universities will be much olderB. full-time students in colleges and universities will be even youngerC. American colleges and universities will take in part-time students equallyD. The number of older students will be greater than that of the younger ones41. Judge which of the following is FALSE according to the above passage.A. Its reported that a large number of Americans attend college or universities classes in their spare time.B. Most of them are over 25.C. Most of them are without jobs.D. The number of students in colleges and universities is reported to have gone up greatly.42. Why are so many people deciding to go on with their education? Because_.A. Most of the Americans enjoy learning something newB. Most of them believe : more education, better jobsC. They have lost their jobsD. They are tired of their jobs they have43. They often get high grades means _.A. they rise to high grades easilyB. they often get very good marks (分数)C. they are more likely to receive a masters or a doctors degree upon graduationD. they often win high prize五. 完成句子1. 我们能做些什么来保护麋鹿,使他们不会再次消失?What can we do _ _the Milu deer _ disappearing again?2. 人们相信,总有一天会有足够多的动物再次在野外生活。_ _ _ that one day there will be enough animals living in the wild again.3. 从现在起,我将更加关注野生动植物的保护。I will _ _ _ _ wildlife protection _ _ _.4. 我午饭更喜欢吃蛋糕,不喜欢吃面条。I _ some cakes for my lunch _ noodles.5. 这本小说很感人,我看了很多遍了。 This novel, _I _ _ many times, is very touching. 6. 你认为中国的熊猫处在灭绝的危险中吗? Do you think the pandas in China are _ _ _ _ _?7你一旦下了决心,你应该坚持下去。Once you make up your mind, you should _ _ it. 8. 我花了整整一个上午把我的书归类好I spent a whole morning _ _ my books.。9. 请你建议我们应该做些什么来保护野生动植物呢? What do you _ _ _ _ protect wildlife?10. 尽管我有些观点跟他不同,我喜欢与他一起干活。I enjoy working with him, _ _ I dont _ _ him on some points.单项:CACAB DABDA BACBC完形答案: DADBC ADCDA BDCBD ADBCB阅读理解: ABDD CCBB完成句子:1. to protect, from 2. It is believed 3. pay more attention to, from now on 4. prefer, to5. which, had read 6. in danger of dying out 7. stick to 8. sorting out 9. suggest we do to10. even though, agree with客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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