英语优秀教学案(人教版):必修一 Unit 1 Friendship Period 3《Important Language Points》

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英语优秀教学案(人教版):必修一 Unit 1 Friendship Period 3《Important Language Points》_第1页
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英语优秀教学案(人教版):必修一 Unit 1 Friendship Period 3《Important Language Points》_第3页
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111Unit 1 Friendship Period 3Important Language Points整体设计从容说课This is the third teaching period of this unit. The teacher should first check the students homework and offer chances for the students to review what they learned in the second period.The emphasis in this period will be put on the important new words, expressions and sentence patterns. In order to make the students understand these important points tho-roughly, the teacher can first get the students to understand their meanings in the context, then give some explanations about them, and later offer some practices to let the students know their usages. At last make the students do more exercises for consolidation.The teacher should be expected to carefully design class activities to encourage the students to be active in class so as to enable the students to grasp and use these language points both orally and in written form. Make sure the students are willing to take part in the activities in class and get ready to cooperate with each other. In doing so, the students can learn, grasp and use these important language points well.教学重点Enable the students to grasp the usages of such important new words and expressions as share, crazy, dare, series, on purpose, in order to, and so on.教学难点How to enable the students to grasp the usages of dare and in order to and understand some difficult and long sentences.教学方法1. Discussing, summarizing and practicing2. Cooperative learning教具准备The multimedia and other normal teaching tools三维目标Knowledge aims:1. Get the students to learn and grasp some important new words and expressions:addignoreconcerncheatshareseriescrazydaresufferadvicecommunicateadd upcalm downhave got tobe concerned aboutgo throughhide awayset downa series ofon purposein order toface to faceaccording toget along withfall in love withjoin in2. Get the students to understand some useful sentence patterns:1)Your friend, who doesnt work hard, asks you to help him or her to cheat in the exam by looking at your paper, what will you do? (the Attributive Clause)2)I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend. (as. . . )4)I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long time that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. (I wonder if/whether. . . ; so. . . that. . . )5). . . I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. (stay+adj. ; in order to do)Ability aims:1. Enable the students to use some useful words and expressions correctly.2. Enable the students to learn how to understand new words, expressions and difficult sentences according to the context.Emotional aims:Develop the students spirit of cooperation and teamwork.教学过程设计方案(一)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask some students to talk about their friends and what qualities and behavior make good friends. Also may ask them to talk about Annes best friend, her diary.Step 2 Reading and exerciseGet the students to try to find out the words and expressions as quickly as possible in the related parts and let them learn some important new words and expressions by studying their contexts, clues and word-formation.The teacher shows the following on the screen.1. Find the words and expressions in Warming Up. Make sure that they have the same meanings given below.1)to join numbers, amount, etc. so as to find the total2)to act in a dishonest way in order to win; to take from (someone)in a dishonest way3)be worried about4)feeling unhappy about something; worried; anxious5)not to take notice of6)to make (of a living beings)calm7)must8)not fastened; tied up, shut up, etc. ; free from control2. Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions in the Reading to complete the following sentences.1)Friends are just the people who_ your happiness and sorrow.2)You really dont know what we_ while working on the farm.3)I have_ everything that happened, as I remember it.4)She_ singing and dancing.5)Tom did something wrong to his brother, but he said he didnt do that_.6)_ catch the first bus, she got up early this morning.7)The naughty boy_ and his parents didnt find him anywhere.8)A deep blue sky, white clouds, green trees and red flowers and fresh air held me_ .Step 3 CheckingExplain the problems the students meet while checking the answers.Suggested answers:1. 1)add up2)cheat3)be concerned about4)upset5)ignore6)calm down7)have (got) to8)loose2. 1)share2)went through3)set down4)is crazy about5)on purpose6)In order to7)hid away8)entirely in their powerStep 4 Language Points1. add vt. & vi. 1)to put something with something else or with a group of other things加;添;增加Do you want to add your name to the list?你愿意把名字添到名单上吗?Whisk the egg and then add the flour.打好鸡蛋以后再加面粉。2)to put two or more numbers together in order to calculate the total加Add 6 and 6 to make 12.6加6得12。If you add 5 and 5 (together), you get 10.5加5得10。Add 9 to the total.在总数上再加9。3)to say some more that is related to what has already been said接着又说;补充说Thats all I want to say. Is there anything youd like to add?我要说的就这些,你还有什么要补充的吗?I have nothing to add to my earlier statement.我对我先前说的话,没有什么补充的。add to to make something larger and more noticeable增加Our explanation seemed only to add to his bewilderment.我们的解释似乎只是增加了他的困惑。Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night.焰火使节日的夜晚更加生色。add up to calculate the total of several numbers加起来;总计Add your scores up and well see who won.把你们的得分加起来,我们就会看出谁赢了。Add up all the money I owe you.把我应付你的钱都加在一起。add up to to have a particular result总计,共达His schooling added up to no more than one year.他受的学校教育总计不超过一年。These numbers add up to 100.这些数目合计为100。addition n. 加;增加的人或事物additional adj. 附加的;另外的;外加的(1)What he did_ our difficulties.A. add toB. has added upC. has added toD. had added up to(2)The cost_ 100 million dollars.A. added up toB. has added toC. addedD. has added up(3)All this_ a new concept of the universe.A. addsB. adds toC. adds up D. adds up to(4)It is very delicious, is it?Yes, I think you have had some salt_ the soup.A. added B. added into C. added to D. added up to答案:(1)C(2)A(3)D(4)C2. upset1)vt. &vi. (upset; upset)to make someone feel unhappy or worried 使不安;使心烦Im sorry. I didnt mean to upset you.对不起,我本来并不想让你不高兴的。Her friends sudden death upset him very much.她朋友的突然去世使她很难过。2)adj. (not before noun)unhappy and worried 心烦意乱的;心情不舒适的She was still upset about the argument that she had had with Harry.对于她和Harry的争吵,她还感到心烦呢。She is really feeling upset about losing lots of money.丢掉了许多钱,她真的感到很沮丧。3. ignore vt.1)to behave as if you had not seen or heard someone or something不理睬;忽视Some drivers simply ignore speed limits.有些司机就是无视速度的限制。He completely ignored all these facts as though they never existed.他完全无视这一切,好像它们根本不存在似的。She saw him coming but she ignored him.她看见他走过来,但装作没看到他。2)to pay no attention to something that you have been told or that you know about忽略(不计)The policeman ignored personal danger to save a little girl.为了救一个小女孩,那名警察不顾个人的安危。ignorance n. 无知ignorant adj. 无知的;愚昧的;不知道的4. calm1)adj. quiet and without excitement, nervous activity or strong feelings平静的;镇静的,沉着的Keep calm, and try not to panic.保持镇静,不要慌张。She tried to keep calm about it.她努力对此保持镇静。2)vt. & vi. to make someone or something quiet after strong emotion or nervous activity (使)平静,(使)镇定;平息Charlie tried to calm the frightened children.查理努力使受到惊吓的孩子们平静下来。The crying child soon calmed down.哭闹的小孩不多一会就安静下来。calm down vt. &vi. to become quiet or make someone quiet after strong emotion or nervous activity(使)平静下来,(使)镇定下来When she heard the news, she was so excited that nothing could calm her down.当听到这个消息时,她激动得什么也不能使她平静下来。Calm down and tell me what happened.别激动,告诉我发生了什么事。Wait till you are more_. Its better to be sure than sorry.A. inspired B. certain C. calm D. satisfied答案:B5. share1)vi & vt.(1)to have or use (sth. )with others; have (sth. )in common与别人共有或合用(某物);在(某方面)有共同之处The last bus had gone, so the three of us shared a taxi.最后一班公交车开走了,我们仨人打了一辆出租车。I shared a room with him at college.上大学时,我和他同居一室。He shares my fears about a possible war.他和我一样害怕有可能发生战争。(2)have a share in sth. ; participate in sth. 分摊或分享某事物;参与某事物I will share (in) the cost with you.我愿与你分摊费用。She shares (in) my troubles as well as my joys.她与我同甘共苦。(3)to tell sb. about sth. 将某事告诉某人She wont share her secret with us.她不肯把她的秘密告诉我们。I want to share my news with you.我想把我得到的消息告诉你。2)n. part of something 一份;部分;份额I do my share of the housework.我做我该做的那份家务。Dont worryyoull get your fair share.别急,你会得到你应得的那份。Let Harry play with your toys as well, Glareyou must learn to_.A. support B. care C. spare D. share答案:D6. set down to put or lay down; to write down sth. so that you have a record of it 放下,搁下;记下,写下Set down your heavy bag and take a rest.放下你的包,休息一会。I want to set down my feelings on paper.我要记下我的感受。set apart to make someone or something different from other people or things 使突出,使与众不同set aside to keep some money or time for a special purpose 存储,拨出set off to start to go somewhere; to cause an explosion 出发,动身;使爆炸set out to start a journey or to talk about something in an organized way 出发,开始;陈述,阐明set up to start an organization; to build something 设立,开办;竖起,建起1)They_ the experiment yesterday.A. set about to doB. set out doingC. set aside doingD. set out to do2)The Chinese delegation group will_ for America tomorrow.A. set apart B. set aside C. set off D. set up答案:1)D2)C7. go through to examine carefully; to experience审阅,检查;经历(困难、痛苦等)I went through the students papers last night.我昨晚仔细批改了学生的作业。You really dont know what we went through while working on this project.你的确不知道我们在搞这个项目的时候吃了多少苦。8. crazy adj. impractical; foolish; mad; ill in the mind; wildly excited; very interested不实际的;愚蠢的;疯狂的;怪诞的,古怪的;狂热的;热衷于,迷恋Thats the craziest idea Ive ever heard.那是我曾听到的最蠢的想法。Its crazy to go out in such hot weather.在这么炎热的天气里出去真是疯了。Turn that music downits driving me crazy.把音乐音量调小,我都快疯了。She is crazy about dancing.她对舞蹈十分着迷。be crazy about/over to like sb. very much, or be very interested in something 爱上,迷恋着;热衷于,醉心于The boy is crazy about football.那个男孩对足球着迷。like crazy very hard发疯似地;拼命地;猛烈地We have to work like crazy to get this finished on time.为了按时完成这个任务,我们不得不拼命地工作。Hes crazy_ out in such hot weather!A. about going B. to go C. going D. at going答案:B9. lonely adj. unhappy because of being alone or without friends孤独的;寂寞的Living in a big city can be very lonely.在大城市里生活还真很孤寂。When his wife and two little children left him, he was very lonely.妻子和两个孩子离开他后,他非常孤独。Hers is a lonely life.她的生活很寂寞。lonely&alone:alone adj. &adv. without any friends or separated from others; only (usually behind a n. or pron. )只作表语单独的,独自的;独一无二的;只放在名词、代词之后仅仅,只有He was alone in the house.他独自一人在家里。I am not alone in thinking so.并非只有我才这样想的。The key alone will open the door.只有这把钥匙能打开这道门。I live all alone but I never feel lonely.我虽然孑然一身,但从不感孤独。leave/let sb. or sth. alone not to take, touch or interfere with sb. or sth. 不带走;不触摸;不干涉某人或某物She has asked to be left alone.她要求不要打扰她。Ive told you beforeleave my things alone!我早已告诉过你,不要动我的东西。The old captain lived_ on a_ island in the Atlantic Ocean but he never felt_.A. lonely; alone; lonelyB. alone; lonely; lonelyC. alone; lonely; aloneD. lonely; lonely; alone答案:B10. concern1)n. worry; thing that is important or interesting to sb. 担心;对某人来说是重要的或感兴趣的事There is growing concern about/over the effects of pollution on health.现在越来越担心污染给健康带来的影响。The rise in unemployment is of great concern to the government.对政府来说,失业人数的增长是非常重大的事情。2)vt. to make someone feel worried or upset使某人担忧;使烦恼The fact that she spends so much money on her own really concerns me.她在自己身上花那么多的钱真的让我感到烦恼。More and more people are concerning themselves with/about environmental problems.越来越多的人在为环保问题担忧。be concerned about/for be worried about关心;挂念Ross has never been concerned about what other people think of him.罗斯从来不关心别人怎么看他。Rescuers are concerned for the safety of those trapped in the mine.营救人员挂念着被困在矿井里的那些人的安全。11. purpose n. an intention or plan; the feeling of having an aim in life目的;意图;决心;意志What is your purpose in doing that?你做那件事的意图是什么?He walked with a stride full of purpose.他迈着坚定的步伐向前走。on purpose deliberately; intentionally; not by accident有意地;故意地;并非偶然的I came here on purpose to see you.我是专程来这儿看你的。12. trust1)n. a strong belief in the honesty, goodness etc. of someone or something 信任;信赖;相信You shouldnt put your trust in a man like that.你不应该信任那样的人。A good marriage is based on trust. 美满的婚姻是建立在互相信任的基础上的。2)vt. to believe that someone is honest and will not harm you or cheat you 信任;信赖;相信I trusted Max, so I lent him the money.我信得过马克斯,就把钱借给他了。13. suffer vt. &vi. 1)fell pain, discomfort, great sorrow, etc. 感到疼痛、不适、悲伤等Do you suffer from headache?你经常头痛吗?Think how much the parents of the kidnapped boy must have suffered.那个男孩给拐走了,想想看他父母得多伤心哪。2)to experience or undergo something unpleasant遭受;经历We suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.我们在金融危机中损失惨重。In recent games their team has suffered several defeats.在最近的比赛中,他们的球队吃了几次败仗。3)to become worse; lose quality变坏;变差;变糟Your studies will suffer if you play too much football.你要是总是踢足球,功课就糟了。Her business suffered when she was ill.她生病时,生意受到了影响。4)to tolerate; stand忍受;容忍;经得起I will not suffer such conduct.我不能容忍这种行为。She could not suffer criticism.她受不了批评。suffer for 为而受苦He suffered for his carelessness.他因粗心而吃了亏。suffer from 患病;受之苦The child suffers from measles.这小孩得了麻疹。14. get along (with) to have a friendly relationship; to progress 融洽相处;进展Ive always found him a bit difficult to get along with.我总是觉得他有点难相处。How are you getting along with your English studies?你的英语学习情况如何?get about/around (news)get widespread传开get away to succeed in leaving a place逃脱;离开get back to return to a place; to have sth. returned to you回来;恢复;找回get down to make sb. feel unhappy使沮丧get down to sth. /doing sth. to start doing sth. that needs a lot of time or energy开始做正事get over get well after an illness; to do and finish sth. difficult恢复;克服get through to pass a test or exam及格;通过考试15. communicate vi. to express your thoughts and feelings交流;沟通Parents sometimes find it difficult to communicate with a teenage child.父母有时觉得和十几岁的孩子交流困难。Since then, they lost their ability to communicate with an audience.自那以后他们再也无法引起观众的共鸣。Step 5 Analyzing some important and difficult sentences1. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.这里的While walking the dog可以看作是状语从句While you were walking the dog的省略。整个句子可译成“你在遛狗时,不小心让狗挣脱被车撞了”。在状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致或是it,而且从句谓语中又含有be的形式时,从句的主语和be的形式可以省略。When scolded by his father, the boy always keeps silent.在受到爸爸责备时,那个男孩总是保持沉默。Help them if possible.如果可能的话,帮帮他们。2. Your friend, who doesnt work hard, asks you to help him or her to cheat in the exam by looking at your paper.这里的who doesnt work hard 是非限制性定语从句。by doing sth. 通常在句子中用作状语,表示方式。整个句子可译成“你的朋友不用功。他要在考试中(偷)看你的试卷,(要你)帮他作弊”。His younger brother, who is my best friend, graduated from Beijing University last year.他的弟弟是我得最好的朋友,去年毕业于北京大学。The old man makes his living by selling vegetables.那位老人以卖青菜为生。3. Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts?这里的whom you could tell everything to是定语从句,修饰friend,介词to也可放在关系代词whom的前面,即to whom you could tell everything。此处的like相当于such as。整个句子可译成“你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?”。He has learned some foreign languages, like (such as)French and German.他已经学会了几门外语,如法语和德语。4. I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend.这是一个由but连接的并列复合句,第一分句中的as most people do是方式状语从句。短语set down在这里相当于write down。a series of 的意思是“一连串的”“一系列”。 整个句子可译成“我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账,我要把这本日记当作我的朋友”。5. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long time that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.这里的its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long time that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature是强调句,强调的是表示原因的状语从句because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long time。整个句子可译成“我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热”。强调句型It is/was. . . that. . . 可用来强调句子中除谓语以外的任何句子成分。I bought this car in that shop last month. (原始句)It was I who/that bought this car in that shop last month. (强调主语)It was this car that I bought in that shop last month. (强调宾语)It was in that shop that I bought this car last month. (强调地点状语)It was last month that I bought this car in that shop. (强调时间状语)1)It was last year_ you taught me how to drive.A. when B. that C. where D. which2)It was_ he said_ disappointed me.A. that; what B. what; that C. what; what D. that; that3)It was in the factory_ produced TV sets_ our friend was murdered.A. which; whichB. that; whichC. that; thatD. where; that4)_ find my wallet, Tom?A. Where did you thatB. Where was it youB. Where have youD. Where was it that you5)It was not until 1920_ regular radio broadcast began.A. while B. which C. that D. since6)_ was in 1979_ I graduated from the university.A. That; that B. It; that C. That; when D. It; when答案:1)B2)B3)C4)D5)C6)B6. . . . I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself.这里的stay是连系动词,后面跟的是表语形容词awake,构成系表结构。in order to have a good look at. . . 作状语,表示目的。整个句子可译成“有一天晚上,我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看月亮一次”。in order to后跟动词原形,意思是“为了起见”“以便”,引导目的状语,否定形式为in order not to。In order to catch the train, she hurried through her work.为了赶上火车,她急急忙忙地做完了工作。She set off early this morning in order not to miss the meeting.为了不错过这次会议,她今天一大早就动身了。in order to&so as to:二者意思和用法基本相同,都后跟动词原形,引导目的状语。二者区别在于in order to既可放在句首,也可放在句末;so as to只能放在句末。In order to catch the first bus, she got up early this morning. /She got up early this morning in order to catch the first bus. /She got up early this morning so as to catch the first bus.为了赶上第一班公交车,她一大早就起床了。7. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didnt dare open a window.这里的as the moon gave far too much light是原因状语从句,too much表示过量,意思是“太多”。句子中的dare用作实义动词,有人称和数以及时态等的变化,后面可跟动词不定式,但在否定句中不定式的符号to可以省略。整个句子可译成“但是因为月光太亮了,我不敢打开窗户”。dare除了用作实义动词外,还可用作情态动词,但一般用于否定句或疑问句中,不用于肯定句中。The little girl dare not go out alone at night.这个小姑娘不敢晚上一个人出去。How dare you speak to your mother that way?你怎么敢那样对你妈妈讲话呢?too much&much too:too much的用法相当于much,只是程度的不同,too修饰much,在句子中起名词、形容词或副词的作用,可以用作宾语、表语、定语,也可以用作状语;much too表示“太”,用法相当于too,也只是程度的不同,much修饰too,在句子中起副词作用,用作状语,但后面必须跟形容词或副词,一般不能修饰动词。Climbing mountains is too much for the old.爬山对老人来说太重了。Watching TV too much is harmful for your eyesight.看电视太多对眼睛有害。Too much difficulty made them stronger.过多的磨难使他们更加强壮。1)Dont have the children playing_ in the sun. Its_ hot today.A. very much; so muchB. so much; very muchC. too much; much tooD. much too; too much2)I wonder how he_ that to the teacher.A. dare to say B. dare saying C. not dare say D.


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