【新人教版】2014年高考英语要点梳理+重点突破:必修5 Unit 4 《Making the news》

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【新人教版】2014年高考英语要点梳理+重点突破:必修5 Unit 4 《Making the news》_第1页
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【新人教版】2014年高考英语要点梳理+重点突破:必修5 Unit 4 《Making the news》_第2页
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【新人教版】2014年高考英语要点梳理+重点突破:必修5 Unit 4 《Making the news》_第3页
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111必修5Unit 4Making the news 要 点 梳 理 高效梳理知识备考重点单词1photograph n照片 vt.给照相photographer n摄影师photography n摄影2delighted adj.快乐的;欣喜的delight n快乐3admirable adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的admire vt.钦佩4assist vt.帮助;协助;援助assistant n助手;助理;售货员5profession n职业;专业professional adj.专业的;职业的 n专业人员6eager adj.渴望的;热切的7concentrate vt.聚集;集中concentration n集中8acquire vt.获得;取得;学到9access vt.评估;评定10inform vt.告知;通知11meanwhile adv.其间;同时12case n情况;病例;案例13accuse vt.指责;谴责;控告14demand n需求;要求 vt.强烈要求15technical adj.技术(上)的;技巧方面的16gifted adj.有天赋的17accurate adj.精确的;正确的18approve vt.赞成;认可;批准approval n认可19process vt.加工;处理 n过程;程序;步骤20appointment n约会;任命appoint v任命重点短语1concentrate on集中;全神贯注于2depend on 依靠;依赖3accuse.of 因指责或控告4so as to (do sth.) 为了(做)5ahead of 在前面6have a nose for. 对有敏感的嗅觉7inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事8get the wrong end of the stick 完全误解;弄错9look forward to. 盼望10pass.on to. 把传给11last of all 最后12be processed into. 被制成重点句型1Never will Zhou Yang(ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.周扬将永远不会忘记他在一家流行的英语报社的第一次任务。2Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.对摄影我不仅只是感兴趣,在大学里我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。3His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin(HX), was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.他与他的新老板胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯会产生重要影响。4Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你们的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?5So we arranged an interview between the footballer and the man supposed to bride him.因此,我们安排这名球员和被认为行贿的人一起接受采访。高考范文(2008重庆)学校网站新开设了一个英语写作栏目(column),以便学生发表(post)英语作文,进行交流,提高写作能力。现请你为该栏目写一个英文介绍,内容包括:开设目的栏目优势:教师在线(online)指导等作文要求:内容贴近学生生活优秀作文的鼓励办法邀请大家参与注意:1.词数100左右。2开头语已为你写好(不计入总词数)。Welcome_to_the_column_English_Writing!_范文Welcome_to_the_column_English_Writing! In order to improve your English writing skills and learn English well, we expect all of you to post your articles on the column. You can write anything that you are familiar with and send them to us. Afterwards, teachers can give you some advice on what you have written online. In this way, Im sure you can make more progress. The students whose writing is excellent will be awarded. The first prize: an MP4, for the second prize, you can get an English dictionary and the third one: an exercise book.If you happen to know the news, please inform your classmates of it. I hope all of you can learn a lot in this activity.考 点 探 究 互动探究能力备考.词汇短语过关1assist vi. & vt. & n帮助;援助;协助assistance n援助;帮助;补助assistant n助手;助理 adj.辅助的;助理的assist sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事assist sb. in doing sth./to do sth.帮助某人做某事assist at/in sth.参加某事物come to sb.s assistance帮助某人with the assistance of在的帮助下即学即练1(1)The students _ doing the experiment.学生们协助教授做实验。(2)We all _ mending the roof.我们都帮助修理屋顶。(3)We asked him to _ designing a new bridge.我们请他帮助我们设计一座新桥。assisted the professor inassisted inassist us in(4)He can walk only _ crutches.他只能靠一副拐杖走路。(5)Despite his cries, no one _.尽管他喊叫,却没有人来帮助他。with the assistance ofcame to his assistance2concentrate vt. 集中;全神贯注concentration n. 专心;专注concentrate (sth.) on (doing) sth. 集中于;专心于concentrate ones attention/efforts/thoughts on.把注意力/努力/思想集中到be concentrated in/on/upon sth. 集中于,专心于即学即练2(1)We should _ all our effort _ improving education. 我们应该致力于改进教育工作。(2)He _ the study of English.他把重点放在英语学习上。(3)Our population _ the big cities.我国人口集中在大城市里。concentrateonconcentrated onis concentrated in拓展:focus/fix ones attention on. 集中注意力于put ones mind/heart in (into) 专心于be absorbed in. 一心一意于apply oneself/ones mind to. 专心于pay attention to 专心,注意以上短语中 in, to 都是介词,后接名词或动名词。3acquire vt. 获得,取得,学到即学即练3(1)I managed to _ for the concert.我设法弄到了两张音乐会的票。(2)She _ French.她学会了法语。(3)Mr Brown _ in the oil business.布朗先生在石油生意上发了财。acquire two ticketsacquired a knowledge ofacquired a fortune4inform vt.告知;通知informed adj.了解情况的;见识广的inform sb. of/about sth.告知某人某事inform sb. (that).通知某人keep sb. informed使某人随时了解最新情况即学即练4(1)Please _ any change of address as soon as possible.地址如有变更请尽快通知我们。(2)We regret to _ you _ your application has been rejected.我们很遗憾地通知你,你的申请未被接受。(3)Please _ me fully _ any developments.事态如有发展,请向我提供详情。inform us ofinformthatkeepinformed of5case n. 情况;病例;案例in case of. 假使,万一in case 以防,万一in any case 无论如何,总之in this/that case 如果这样/那样的话,在这种/那种情况下in no case 决不in the case of 就来说as is often the case 这是常有的事as the case may/might be 看情况,视情况而定即学即练5(1)_ people have had to wait several weeks for an appointement.在某些情况下,人们必须等上好几周才能得到约见。(2)_ will be heard next week. 此案下周审理。(3)_ fire, call 119. 万一发生火灾,就打119。(4)Youd better take the keys _ Im out.你最好带上钥匙,以防我不在家。In some casesThe caseIn case ofin case6accuse vt.控告;谴责accuse sb. of sth.charge sb. with sth.因某事而控告/谴责某人accuse sb. as.指控某人为accuse sb. for sth. 为某事指责某人即学即练6(1)My teacher is always _ me _ carelessness.我的老师总是指责我粗枝大叶。(2)Mary _ an accomplice.玛丽被指控为同谋犯。(3)Man often _ nature _ his own misfortunes.人类常把自身的不幸归罪于天。accusingofwas accused asaccusesfor拓展:与 accuse sb. of sth.结构相似的有:rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人的某物warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事rid sb. of sth. 使某人摆脱某事remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某物inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事7demand n要求,需要 vt.强烈要求demand sth.要求某物demand sth. of/from sb.向某人要求某物demand to do要求干demand that.要求(从句用虚拟语气,即“should动词原形”,should可省略)be in(great) demand(迫切)需求satisfy ones demands满足某人的需求即学即练7(1)There have been _ the prime minister to resign.已有许多人要求首相辞职。(2)After school Tom _ help _ me.放学后,汤姆要求我帮助。(3)She demanded that I (_) _ everything to her about it.她要求我把知道的整个事情都告诉她。demands fordemandedfrom/ofshouldtell(4)Medical workers are in great _ in that area.那个地方非常需要医疗工作者。(5)Its impossible to satisfy everyones _.满足每个人的需求是不可能的。demanddemands8approve v. 批准;满意approval n. U批准;赞成;认可approve sth. 核准(批准)某事approve of sb./sth. 赞成某人(某事)approve of sb.s doing sth. 同意某人做某事without approval 未经许可with ones approval 经某人同意即学即练8(1)The minister _ the building plan.部长批准了这项建筑计划。(2)The resolution _ 68 to 10 with 28 abstentions.决议以68票对10票通过,28票弃权。(3)Mother doesnt _ her smoking.母亲不赞成她吸烟。approvedwas approved byapprove of9depend on 依靠;依赖;信赖;依而定depend on/upon sth. 依靠某物;由决定depend on sb. to do sth. 指望/依靠某人做某事depend on/upon sb./sth. for sth.指望/依靠某人/某物提供某物depend on it that.相信某件事 (it是虚词,真正的内容是 that从句)depend onwhclause 依赖于That depends./It all depends.这很难说;得看情况。即学即练9(1) Success _ your effort and ability.成功与否得看你的努力和能力。(2) It all _ whether or not you are interested in it.这完全看你对这事是不是有兴趣。(3) You may _ them to be here early.你可以指望他们会早来。(4)Is he coming?他来吗?_. He may not have time.那要看情况。他不一定有时间。 depends ondepends ondepend onThat depends10so as to do sth. 以便,为了(做)(引导目的状语,不放于句首)in order to 以便,为了(引导目的状语,可放句首)so.as to 如此以致(引导结果状语)in order that 为了,以便(引导目的状语从句)so that 为了;结果(引导目的或结果状语从句)so.that. 如此以至于(引导结果状语从句)即学即练10(1)He ran quickly _/_ catch the last bus.他跑得很快以便赶上末班车。(2)We turned on the light _/_we might see what it was.We turned on the light _ see what it was.我们把灯打开,以便看看它是什么。(3)She is _ angry _ say a word in front of him.她如此生气以致在他面前说不出一句话。so as toin order toso thatin order thatso as tosoas to提示:当用 so as to, in order to时,句子前后动作的主语须一致。否则,用 so that, in order that。.重点句型详解1Never_will Zhou Yang(ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.周扬将永远不会忘记他在一家流行的英语报社的第一次任务。Not_only_am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.对摄影我不仅只是感兴趣,在大学里我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。(1)在以具有否定意义的副词、连词及词组开头的句子中,要用部分倒装。(2)这些词和词组通常有:rarely, never, scarcely, no sooner, little, few, hardly, seldom, at no time, in no way, on no account, nowhere, nobody, not only等。Never before has our country been as united as it is.现在我们的国家空前团结。Not only does he know French, but also he is an expert at it.他不仅懂法语,而且很精通。Seldom does he go to the park at weekends.在周末,他很少去公园。即境活用1_I had a few problems to deal with.AHardly have I arrived whenBHardly did I arrive thanCHardly had I arrived whenDHardly had I arrived than解析:本题考查hardly.when句式的倒装语序。具有否定意义的词hardly位于句首,句子要用倒装语序,注意该句式只倒装主句,when从句不变。答案:C2His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin (HX), was_to strongly influence his life as journalist. 他与他的新老板胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯会产生重要影响。be to do在句中表示不可避免将要发生或命中注定的事情,常译为“注定会,一定”。归纳拓展:(1)be to do 句型有三层含义:表示“注定要发生”预先安排好的计划或约定表示说话人的意图、职责、义务、命令等情态意义。(2)be about to do sth. 表“马上要做某事,某事即将发生”,通常不与时间状语连用。(3)be going to do sth. 表打算、想法或某种倾向,用于非正式文体。也可用来表示很可能发生的事或自然现象。The experience was to change her life.这次经历必会改变她的一生。No one is to leave the building without the polices permission.没有警方的允许,没有一个人可以离开楼房。We are to finish the work before five this afternoon.我们预定今天下午五点前完成任务。The book was not to be found.那本书根本不可能找到。即境活用2None of them ever thought their products _ such an important role in the computer market 20 years later.Awere to play BplayedCwould have played Dhad played解析:考查 be to do 表示“注定会,一定”。答案:A3Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? 你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你们的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?case “情况”,在本句中为先行词,where 引导定语从句,在从句中做地点状语,相当于 in the case。当先行词为 case, point, situation, position等时,常用 where 引导定语从句。Can you think of a situation where this word can be used?你能想出能使用这个单词的语境吗?We are in a position where we may lose a large sum of money.我们在这种处境下可能会损失大量金钱。He has reached the point where a change is needed.他到了必须改一改的地步。即境活用3Today, well discuss a number of cases _ beginners of English fail to use the language properly.Awhich BasCwhy Dwhere解析:考查定语从句。当先行词是 case, point, situation 等词时,若定语从句中缺状语,用 where引导该从句。答案:D4So we arranged an interview between the footballer and the man supposed to bribe him.因此我们安排这名球员和被认为行贿的人一起接受采访。句中supposed to bribe him是过去分词短语做定语,修饰the man,相当于一个定语从句the man who was supposed to bribe him。(1)be supposed to do sth. 意为“应当做”或“认为做是必须的”。如:He is supposed to be here in about an hour.他大约一小时后到。He was supposed to be a college graduate but he knew nothing of history.按说他是大学毕业生,但他对历史一点儿也不知道。(2)be supposed to have done sth. 则意为“理应做过某事(但可能没有做)”,这里有虚拟的含义。Jack is supposed to have finished his work now.杰克现在应当已经完成工作了。拓展:suppose sb./sth. to be. 认为某人/某物是It is supposed thatclause 人们认为be supposed to be. 被认为/料想是be supposed to do sth. 被期望,应该;获准(用于否定句)I suppose so. 我认为是这/那样。I suppose not. 我认为不是这/那样。What do you suppose陈述语序?你认为?Suppose/Supposing/Provided/Providing (that) 是表假设的条件状语从句,从句中将来的事不用将来时而用一般现在时。即境活用4(2008荆州模拟)The train _ arrive at 11:30, but was an hour late.Awas about to Bwas likely toCwas supposed to Dwas certain to解析:由题意“火车应该11:30到,但是却晚了一个小时”,表示“应该做而未做”选 be supposed to。A将要;B可能;D一定。答案:C易 错 点 拨 自我完善误区备考1. assist/help/aid(1)assist正式用语,多指在提供帮助时,帮助者起次要或协助作用。(2)help最普遍用语,含义广泛。指“以积极态度给予各方面的帮助”,强调“受助者得到帮助或好处”,并着重受助者对帮助的需要;侧重积极地为他人提供物质、精神或其他方面的帮助。(3)aid正式用词,指帮助他人脱离危险或战胜困难,着重强调强者对急需帮助的弱者的帮助。应用1(1)They _ flood victims.他们援助遭受水灾的灾民。(2)She _ him in his experiments.她协助他做实验。(3)Please _ me arrange these papers.请帮我整理这些文件。aidedassistedhelp2. profession/career/occupation/job/work(1)profession工作,一般指受过特殊训练和良好教育的职业,如医生、律师等;(2)career尤指一生的职业,可译为“事业”;(3)occupation职业,较正式用语,常用在填写表格上;(4)job职业,同occupation一样为可数名词,可指一个单独任务,也可指工作职位;(5)work工作,不可数。应用2(1)Please state your _ here.请把您的职业填在这里。(2)Ive got some _ to do this afternoon.我今天下午有些工作要干。(3)He is hunting for a summer _.他正急着找个暑期工作。occupationworkjob(4)He realized that his acting _ was over.他意识到自己的演艺事业结束了。(5)My brother is a policeman by _.我弟弟的职业是警察。careerprofession高 效 作 业 自我测评技能备考.单词拼写1A man is accounted innocent until he is proven g_.2Producing a dictionary is a slow p_.3Can you tell me a_ of time if you are coming?4My parents dont a_ of me smoking cigarettes.5The new e_ of encyclopaedia will appear in the bookstores next week.guiltyprocessaheadapproveedition6Industrial development is being _ (集中) in the west of the country.7The saleswoman in the shop is always _(渴望的) to please everybody.8It was more in sorrow than in anger that he criticized his former _ (同事)concentratedeagercolleague9The sales department makes an _(准确的) forecast of sale.10He wants to change his _ (约会) from Monday to Wednesday.accurate appointment .单项选择1How often do you eat out?_, but usually once a week.AHave no idea BIt dependsCAs usual DGenerally speaking答案:B解析:句意为“你多长时间出去吃一次?”“要看情况而定,但是通常一周一次”。have no idea不知道;as usual与平时一样;generally speaking 一般来说。2It is through learning that the individual_many habitual ways of reacting to situations.Aremains BgainsCachieves Dacquires答案:D解析:句意为“正是通过学习,个人才得以获得应付各种情况的惯常做法”。remain“保持,留住”;gain“赢得”;achieve “取得(成就、进步等)”;acquire 指通过不断学习而得到学问、技术等,符合题意。3The flight will be announced soon. _, please remain seated.AHowever BYetCTherefore DMeanwhile答案:D解析:meanwhile 在此期间;however 然而;yet 仍然,然而; therefore 因此。4(2010北京东城期末)_ was reported in the paper, people in mainland China sent disaster relief materials to help the flooded area in Taiwan Island.AIt BThatCAs DWhat答案:C解析:考查定语从句。选择定语从句的引导词的关键是:在主句中找出先行词。该句中定语从句的先行词是后面的整个句子people in mainland China sent disaster relief materials to help the flooded area in Taiwan Island,当先行词为整个句子时,用关系代词which或者as,但which不可以放在句首,故选C项。5Sorry, sir. I cant answer this question.Well, you are supposed _ this part of history.Areading Bto be readingCto have read Dhaving read答案:C解析:be supposed to have done 表示“本来应该已做了某事,但可能没做”。6In a room above the store, where a party _, some workers were busily setting the table.Awas to be held Bhas been heldCwill be held Dis being held答案:A解析:考查时态和语态。根据 some workers were busily setting the table 判断,聚会还没有举行,应用将来时态,且整个句子用过去时,故用过去将来时态。7(2010北京海淀期末)When I couldnt avoid meeting him, I faced an embarrassing situation _ I could only keep silent.Awho BwhichCwhen Dwhere答案:D解析:考查定语从句。该定语从句的先行词是前面的an embarrassing situation,关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,所以应该选用关系副词where,据此这里选D项。8(2010河北重点中学联考)What should we pay more attention to if we go north in winter, Mum?Nothing much. Take warm clothes _ the weather is cold.Aas long as Bnow thatCif Din case答案:D解析:as long as意思是“只要”,表示条件;now that意思是“既然,由于”,表示原因;if意思是“如果”,表示条件;in case意思是“以防”,表示条件。根据语意可知本题的答案选D。9There were so many people talking in the concert hall that I couldnt _ the music.Aconcentrate on Bfix uponCcentre on Ddevote to答案:A解析:concentrate on “集中于,专心于”;centre on“将人或事作为重点”。B、D项中的动词应有宾语。10The soldier was_of running away when the enemy attacked.Ascolded BchargedCaccused Dpunished答案:C解析:句意为“这个士兵被指控在敌人进攻时,临阵脱逃”。accuse sb. of sth.charge sb. with sth.意为“指控某人某事”;scold sb. for sth. “因某事而责骂某人”;punish sb. for sth.“因某事而惩罚某人”。解决该题的关键在于介词搭配。11Her mother does not _of her going to study in the United States alone.Aadmit BagreeCprove Dapprove答案:D解析:句意为:“她的母亲并不赞成她一个人到美国去学习。”approve of sb./sth.赞成某人/某事。admit “承认”;agree “同意”,用于 agree with sb., agree on sth., agree to ones opinion; prove “证明(是)”。12_found by the police, the two robbers had to hide themselves in a mountain cave for two months.AIn order to not be BSo as to not beCSo as not to be DIn order not to be答案:D解析:so as to 不能放于句首,排除B、C项;in order to的否定式 not应放于 to do前。13We are kept _ of what is happening in the world by reading newspapers and watching television.Ato inform Bto be informedCinforming Dinformed答案:D解析:考查inform sb. of sth.结构。并且inform做keep的主语补足语,表示被动关系,故用过去分词informed。14I dont think I can walk any further._. Lets stop here for a rest.ANeither I can BNeither can ICI dont think so DI think so答案:B解析:本题考查neither位于句首表示“也不”的倒装句式。根据前面一句的否定和后面的Lets stop here for a rest.可以判断选B,表示“我也不能再走了”。15(2010长春调研)_ was expected, he broke his promise once more, _ let his friends down.AIt; which BAs; whichCIt; as DWhich; which答案:B解析:考查非限制性定语从句。as表示“正如,就像”,引导非限制性定语从句,通常位于句首。which也引导非限制性定语从句,在句中指前面提到的事“他再一次失信”。 .阅读理解 AOne of the bestknown American writers of childrens books is Alfred Strong, or Doctor Strong, as he is better known to readers everywhere. Now, an art show called Doctor Strong From Then to Now is travelling around the United States. The pictures and drawings show the history of Doctor Strong.Doctor Strong first became famous almost fifty years ago when his first childrens book was published. Since then, he has written fortyfive books that have sold more than one hundred million copies around the world.Doctor Strongs books are known for their easy use of words and colorful, handdrawn pictures. These drawings bring life to his imaginary creatures, The Cat in the Hat, Horton the Elephant, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and hundreds of others.The San Diego Museum, in California, organized the art show. It included about three hundred Doctor Strongs original(最早的) drawings and some of his writings.Most of Doctor Strongs books, although written in a funny way, have serious messages. For example, in McElligots Pool, he describes the danger of pollution. He discusses the arms race in The Butter Battle Book, written in nineteen eightyfour.Doctor Strong is almost eightyfour years old now. He says he never planned to write stories just for children. He says he writes stories that interest people of all ages. He says he uses easy words so that everyone, even a child, can understand.1. Alfred Strong is a famous _ in the United States.A. doctor B. artist C. writer D. reader答案及解析: C。细节题。根据文章第一句One of the bestknown American writers.可推知此题答案为C。2. Doctor Strong first became famous in _.A. his eighties when an art show was travelling around the United StatesB. his fifties when his drawings and writings were publishedC. nineteen eightyfour when his book McEligots Pool was publishedD. his thirties when his first book was published2.答案及解析: D。推断题。比较文章第二段第一句中的 fifty years a


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