Unit 4《Global Warming》学案3(人教版选修6)

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111 人教选修6 Unit4 Global warming Using languageLearning materialNSEFC Book 6 Unit 4Learning aimsEnable the students to learn some information about the current situation of the global warming and know what we should do about it.Learning important& difficult pointHow to help the students to get the information about the current situation of the global warming and know what we should do about it.Learning aidstape recorder, slidesLearning proceduresStep1 Lead inHave you ever seen the film The Day After Tomorrow?What kind of disasters have you seen in the film?What have you learnt from the film?Slide showWhat causes the global warming?gas emission What is the effect of global warming?Step 2 SkimmingSkim the first letter, and answer the questions below:1. Who is the writer?A student named Ouyang Guang.2. What is the purpose of the email? / What are the two concerns of the email? His opinion that, as an individual, he can have no effect on environmental problems. getting some suggestions for what he can do about global warming. 3. Read the second email, and answer the question:Does Earth Care agree with Ouyang Guangs opinion that individuals can have no effect?No, Earth Care does not agree.Step 3 ScanningScan the letter and list Earth Cares suggestions in the chart on P30, and discuss whether you can carry out each suggestion. Give reason for you answers.Earth Cares suggestionCan you carry it outreasonIf you are not using electrical appliances, turn them off. Yessave energyIf youre cold, put on more clothes instead of turning up the heat.Yessave energyMotor vehicles use a lot of energy, sowalk or ride a bike if you can.Yessave energyRecycle cans, bottles, plastics and newspapers and buy things made from recycled materials.Yessave energyGet your parents or friends to buy products that are made to save energy.Yessave energyPlant more trees.YesPlants absorb carbon dioxide from the air.Talk with your family and friends about global warming and tell them whatyouve learned.YesTogether, individuals can make a difference.Step 4 Language points1. make a difference make a difference(1)有很大差别, 有很大不同(2)有很大的关系/影响make some/ no difference to对.有些/没有关系That makes no difference to me.那对我没有影响。Exercise can make a great difference to your health.锻炼对你的健康产生很大的影响。2. put up with put up with 忍受;忍耐;受苦That woman, as a housewife, has a lot to put up with. 作为家庭主妇,那女人得忍受很多烦恼。知识拓展put aside 节省(钱、时间);储蓄;把放在一边 put away 收拾起来;储存(钱);喝掉 put back 放回原处;拖延 put down 写下;记下;控制 put forward 提出(意见、建议);推荐 put off 延期;推迟 put on 假装;增加;上演(戏剧) put out 熄灭;使忧虑;扑灭;出版put up 举起;张开(伞);张贴;为提供食宿 3. so long as / as long asas long as 只要,如果As long as there is life there is hope. 留得生命在,不怕没希望. You can go out, as / so long as you promise to be back before 11 oclock. 你可以出去,只要你答应在11点以前回来. Ill accept any job as / so long as I dont have to get up early. 只要不必早起,任何工作我都可以接受. 在用as / so long as连接的从句中,当其谓语为be,而主语和主句的主语相同时,则从句的主语和be可以省略。如: Im sure we are safe as long as (we are) in his care. 我深信只要在他的保护下,我们就会平安无事. Step 5 HomeworkSurf the internet to know more about what we can do about global warming. 111


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