人教版2020版八年级英语上Unit 2 Topic3同步测试卷C卷

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人教版2020版八年级上Unit 2 Topic3同步测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Smoking is bad for our health. So we must say_it.Asorry toBsorry inCno toDno in2 . May I ask you some questions, Jack? _AYoure welcome. B. Sure, go ahead. C. Thats OK. D. Yes, you must.3 . Could you _my dog for a few days while Im away?Alook afterBtake downCturn offDmake up4 . The factory near my house can _ 2,000 cars every month.AproduceBacceptCleadDinvent5 . During that time, SARS spread easily _ people.AamongBalongCbetweenDthrough6 . Hello! May I speak to Mary? _AIm Mary. B. Mary is me. C. This is Mary speaking. D. Im speaking.7 . _is important_us to have healthy habits.AIt, toBIt, forCThat, toDThat, for8 . You need friends to , or youll feel .Achat; aloneBchat with; lonelyCspeak, lonelyDtalk with; alone9 . have long thin necks and there are about 15types in the world.ASparrowsBCranesCSwansDEagles10 . _ the meeting, the boss told us an interesting story .AWith the beginningBAt the beginning ofCWith the beginning ofDAt the beginning11 . Whos responsible_cleaning the classroom?AwithBofCforDabout12 . What does your maths teacher _ ?He is thin and tall.Alook forBlook afterClook atDlook like13 . _ people have visited the _ stone bridge.ATwo millions of; 500-foot-longBSeveral millions of; 500-foot-longCTwo million; 500-feet-longDMillions of; 500-feet-long14 . Xiao Qiang told me to brush his shoes, but .AI said no to himBI did thatCI helped himDI said thanks to him15 . Dad, Mom asked you when you come back. OK.Aring up herBring her upCto ring up herDto ring her up16 . She likes music and often goes to _.AzoosBholidaysCconcertsDparks17 . The two pictures look the same to me. Its hard to _ one from the other.AspeakBsayCtalkDtell18 . He expects _good grades, but I hope _healthy.Ato get, keepBget, to keepCto get, to keepDgets, keeping19 . He was too angry to _ himself and hit Jack on the face.AknowBcontrolCpresentDsee20 . Have a drink. You_be thirsty after running.AshouldBcanCwillDmust21 . How should we fight the flu?We should do more and change clothes often.AexercisesBexerciseCpracticeDhomework22 . A beautiful picture _ the children in the classroom.Awas shown toBwas shownCwere shown toDwere shown23 . Nobody taught me DIY. I learned it all by_.AhimselfBmyselfCyourselfDourselves24 . Diaoyu Island belongs to (属于) China. Surely it does! We Chinese will never it up.AcutBfixCsetDgive25 . I forgot_the door when I left home.Ato closeBclosingCcolseDclosed二、根据首字母、中文提示填空26 . _ falls on December 25th in western countries.27 . If you copy homework, your teacher will p_ you.28 . Mo Yan has already written some famous n_.29 . Tom has received many _ for his birthday.30 . The sun gives us light and w_ .31 . My father has gone to Beijing on b_ .32 . Our government should make laws to stop people from _ rumors(谣言)on the Internet.33 . The ground is covered with d_ leaves in late autumn.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空34 . this(复数)_35 . that(复数)_36 . it(复数)_37 . mother(对应词)_38 . grandfather(对应词)39 . family(复数)_40 . he(复数)_41 . parent(复数)_四、完成句子八、翻译句子(共6小题,每小题1.5分,满分9分)42 . 他可曾梦想过把这个真人秀变成国际化的电视节目?_he_ the reality show_?43 . 这个法国作家已经习惯了使大脑保持高速运转。_the brain _.44 . 政府最好在情况更糟之前设法防止污染。The government _ before _.45 . 探讨如何寻求出国留学方面的建议是今天会议的目的所在。_is the purpose of todays meeting.46 . 为什么自几年前以来他就从未离开过家乡?Why hasnt he _?47 . 澳大利亚的季节和我们中国的相反。The seasons_ in China.五、语法填空完成句子,根据句意及所给汉语提示完成下列句子。(横线不限定一个单词)Whats the most(最) important thing in the world? I think it is to be healthy. You can live 48 . (with) money, houses, cars or computers, but you wont live a happy life if you are not healthy. Then how can we 49 . healthy?First we must have healthy eating 50 . hbts. We should eat meat, vegetables, fruit and other 51 . (kind) 52 . food. Dont eat too 53 . salt or sugar. We must drink 54 . nf water every day. Whats55 . (many), wed 56 . (good) eat regularly. Dont eat too much or too littleSecond, taking 57 . ekssaz is also very important. It can help us build a strong body. If you dont like sports you can walk for half an hour after meals. Third, we should have a good sleep. Wed better go to bed early and get up early. It will keep us active for a whole day.Finally, we must stay happy all the time. 58 . a word, keeping healthy is very important. Lets take good care 59 . ourselves.六、汉译英:单词/短语将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。60 . Her mother _ with short curly hair.(中等身高)61 . _,Alan gets the white bike.(最后)62 . I dont like this sweater,can you show me _?(另外一个)63 . Many people like _(穿牛仔裤)64 . Could you give me _(一点水)65 . 对我们有益_66 . 喝一杯牛奶_67 . 吃健康的食物_68 . 健康的生活方式_69 . 午饭吃米饭或面条_70 . 给我整个下午提供能量_根据中文,在横线上写出一些相应的字母把单词补充完整.注意:抄到答卷上时请写完整的单词,否则不给分71 . 发音;读音n. pronunci _72 . 化学n._ mistry73 . 大脑n. b _n74 . 甜食n. de_t75 . 便利的adj. con_t将下列短语译成英语76 . 梦想中的家_77 . 愿意做某事_78 . 住在一个宫殿里_79 . 紧挨着,在的隔壁_80 . 在城里_81 . 在俄国附近_82 . 第五大街最大的一家(餐馆) _83 . 在法国_84 . 日本的首都_85 . 来自于_七、看图写短语或句子看图说话1.86 . afraid,_.2.87 . ask, help, now_.3. 老师告诉我们88 . tell, smoke_4.妈妈,你现在有空吗?89 . free_5.在电脑的帮助下,我按时的完成了作业。90 . with, computer, time_.6.91 . should, up_看图说话92 . if, healthy_.93 . early, rise_.八、其他从B栏中选出A栏相应的答语。AB26 How often does she go home?AIts Monday.27 Whats your mother doing?BThis is Jane speaking.28 May I borrow your ruler?COnce a month.29 What day is it today?DShe is cooking.30 May I speak to Jane, please?EOf course. Here you are.94 . _95 . _96 . _97 . _98 . _四,情景交际99 . 班会课上,老师说了禁止我们在街上玩。她可以这么说_.100 . 你打电话找李叔叔,你可以这样说_?101 . 你感冒了,妈妈跟你说你应该服用点感冒药,她这么说_.102 . 妈妈说每天锻炼身体对健康有好处,可以这样表达_.103 . 老师说对学生而言,远离抽烟,喝酒是必需的。要这样说_.情景交际104 . 做完作业,你问妈妈可以看电视吗?妈妈说去看吧,她可以这样说_.105 . 你昨晚发烧,今天去看医生,你可以这样跟医生说_.106 . 家长会,老师跟家长说必须阻止学生玩手机(cellphone),她这样表达_.107 . Jim身体素质不好,你可以这样建议他_.108 . 你感冒,身体疲惫,医生这么建议你_.动词填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。(本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)109 . Have you taken your medicine today?Yes, I _ (take) it soon after breakfast this morning.110 . As the curtain(raise), the fans rose and screamed with excitement.111 . You can never imagine what great difficulty I had _ (get) her e-mail address.112 . There _ (not be) much rain in Yunnan in the past three months.113 . As we know, hard work _ (bring) us success.114 . The teacher told me I _ (be) better at English if I tried my best.115 . Why did Daniel look so sad?Because he _ (not reply) to his wife by the time he left for Paris.116 . The storm was so sudden that they did not have time _ (get) home.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、完成句子1、五、语法填空1、六、汉译英:单词/短语1、2、3、4、七、看图写短语或句子1、2、八、其他1、2、3、4、


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