幻灯 英语专接本选词填空题解题步骤及答题技巧 3

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幻灯 英语专接本选词填空题解题步骤及答题技巧 3_第1页
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幻灯 英语专接本选词填空题解题步骤及答题技巧 3_第3页
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.英语专接本选词填空题解题步骤及答题技巧一:测试目的 satisfy二:测试形式 一篇阅读文章,长度在250词左右,题目为10道选词填空题,要求从给出的15个词中选择10个填入合适的空档中。三:基本要求 1. 篇章词汇理解题考查的对象皆为实义词,主要包括名词、动词、形容词、副词,所以要求考生应该熟知专接本的高频词汇,熟知单词的词类和不同意思。 2. 词汇理解题目顾名思义是要理解,也就是要求考生对上下文的理解,尤其是上文的理解,要求比较高。 3. 由于考试的形式是选词填空,所以考生必须熟知一些基本的语法知识,例如:词性的归纳(4种词性,名词、动词、形容词、副词)、基于语法的判断(单复数、ing形式等)、常用搭配的掌握都有助于解题。 四:答题步骤 n adj adv vi vt第一步:略读全文,定中心 第二步:详读选项,词分类 第三步:瞻前顾后,灵活选 第四步:复核检查,定结果 五:答题技巧 答题技巧一:词性分类 答题技巧二:利用寻读法略读全文 答题技巧三:瞻前顾后 1.空格为名词的一般情形 (1) 空格处前面为冠词、形容词或者及物动词的,空格处应填入名词; This is an _. He is so handsome _He can speak _well(2) 空格处后面是动词的,空格处应填入该动词的主语(名词); The colorful _made me so excited. (3) 空格处前面是介词的,空格处充当介词宾语,应填入一个名词或动名词。 As the trade winds lessen in _(strength)2.动词的确定(1) 空格处前面已经有名词/代词作主语,后面又有名词/代词作为动词的宾语,空格处应为及物动词; The book _me a lot in how to study English. benefit(2) 空格处前面是名词/代词,后面没有宾语,空格处应填不及物动词; He finally _at the bus station where he has met his old friends ( arrives)(3) 空格处前面是名词/代词,空格处后面是副词/介词,空格处应填入不及物动词,与副词/介词构成固定搭配; He successfully adapt to the new environment. Adopt to (4) 空格处前有不定式标志to,空格处应填入动词原形;另一种情况to是介词,后面应填入动名词。 We are looking forward to _the historic site (visit)We have to_back home for it will rain soon.(go)3. 形容词的一般情形 1)名词的前面。_women are customers. 2)副词的后面。Increasingly important4. 副词的确定1)动词的附近(指前面或后面)。students outperform their peers jobs that used to be done by women2)形容词的前面。but they are still not sure what leads to it3)句子的前面。Not _ , the jury found them both guilty. 答题技巧四:利用逻辑关系词确定答案 常见的逻辑关系词如下: (1) 并列关系:and , or, as well as 等 (2) 对比关系:but , however , on the contrary , rather than 等 (3) 比较关系:asas , like , similar 等 (4) 因果关系:because , for , since , as a result of , therefore , thus 等 (5) 举例关系:for example , for instance , such as , and so on 等 (6) 递进关系:and , whats more , moreover , in addition 等 答题技巧五:比较填词 将 词性分类后,如何确定哪个选项是正确答案呢?这就需要考生进行选项间的比较,比较同词性的词汇哪一个是最佳答案。1以ion, age, ness, ty, ship, ace, ance, ancy, ence, ency, dom, itude, um, mony 结尾的大都是名词;2以ize, ise, fy结尾的大都是动词; satisfy identify tifi identification notify 3以ive, ent, ant, ful, ous, able, ary, ic, cal, less结尾的是大都是形容词;4以ly, ways, wise 结尾的大都是副词。下面以选词填空部分为例,介绍做题方法:A bookless life is an incomplete life. Books influence the depth and breadth of life. They meet the natural_47_for freedom, for expression, for creativity and beauty of life. Learners, therefore, must have books, and the right type of book, for the satisfaction of their need. Readers turn_48_ to books because their curiosity concerning all manners of things, their eagerness to share in the experiences of others and their need to _49 _ from their own limited environment lead them to find in books food for the mind and the spirit. Through their reading they find a deeper significance to life as books acquaint them with life in the world as it was and it is now. They are presented with a _50 _ of human experiences and come to _51 _ other ways of thought and living. And while _52 _ their own relationships and responses to life , the readers often find that the _53 _ in their stories are going through similar adjustments, which help to clarify and give significance to their own. Books provide _54 _ material for readers imagination to grow. Imagination is a valuable quality and a motivating power, and stimulates achievement. While enriching their imagination, books _55 _their outlook, develop a fact-finding attitude and train them to use leisure _56 _. The social and educational significance of the readers books cannot be overestimated in an academic library. A.Abundant B.Characters C.Communicating D.Completely E. DeriveF.Desire G.Diversity H.Escape I.Establishing J. NarrowK.Naturally L.Personnel M.Properly N.Respect O.Widen解题方法及步骤:第一步,先用一分钟时间给短文后的15个候选单词表注词性,这样15个单词就被分成了名词、动词、形容词、副词四个类别。这项工作需在1分钟之内完成。第二步,一边读文章,一边选词填空,选词填空使我们贯彻“先定性,后定词”的原则,即现根据上下文确的所要填的单词的词性,词性确定后,再根据意思从该词性的几个单词中作出选择。 在开始选词填空之前,浏览一下文章,了解一下文章大意是必要的,尤其是要仔细看文章的第一句和各段的首句。这是因为西人写文章惯用演绎法,喜欢先把自己 要说的意思用一句话概括出来,然后再铺陈论证。这篇短文就是用演绎法展开的一个典型。文章的前两句开宗明义,点明主题:没有书籍的生活是不完整的生活。书 籍影响人们生活的深度和宽度。47题:填F desire。空格前为形容词,故此处要填名词,根据文义,填“需要”。48题:填K naturally。空格前为副词,我们可以判断此处需要天一个副词,三个候选副词中,只有“自然地”符合文义,49题:填H escape。空格前面是一个动词不定式符号to,可知此处要填一个动词(原形),再根据后面的介词from, 我们可以将包围圈缩小到escape, derive两个词范围,再根据下文意思,应当选“逃离”(他们自己有限的环境)。50题:填G diversity,前面有不定冠词an,此处必然天一个名词,根据意思和搭配,我们选择diversity (a diveristy of 许多)。51题:填N respect 空格后面为名词,我们此空要选一个动词,根据文一选择“尊重”。52题:填B establishing,空格前为连词while ,后面为以名词,我们判断此处要填一个动词,根据文义,我们选“确立”。53题:填A characters,空格后为介词短语,空格又处在句子主语位置,我们判断此处要填一个名词,我们选择“人物”,因为只有“人物”才能“经历各种调整”。54题:填A abundant,此空的后面是一个名词,我们判断此处要填一个形容词,因为本文的主题是谈书籍对人生的重要作用,故我们选“丰富的”。55题:填O widen,此空后面是名词“眼界”,故此处选动词widen是最佳选择。56题:填M properly,此空在动宾短语use leisure后面,我们判断应该填动词,根据文义,选择“适当地”。.


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