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外贸文献阅读试题 (1218)单元I. 单选题 (40分)1 The manager attached great importance _ the proposals of the collaboration between our two companies.A. to B. on C. about D. in2. Which one is not included concerning the ways to go international business?_A. joint ventures B. unity of commandC. direct investment D. independent agents3. Which one is not true about the sources of managers. _A. From within the company B. college and UniversitiesC. job description D. through the help of headhunters4. Which one is not included concerning the roles of government? _A. competitor B. protectorC. promoter D. investor5. Therefore it would benefit both countries if Portugal specializes _ making wine and Britain in cloth, and then trade _ each other for goods they need.A. in.with B. in forC. on with D. in on6. Yet there are still some who believe that successful leaders do share some traits which make them _ from ordinary people.A. standing with B. stand outC. stand in D. stand with7. Before the 1970s, it was agreed that there are three factors of production : land, labor and _.A. modern technology B. entrepreneursC. capital D. property8. Herzbergs Two-Factor Theory includes:_A. social factors and hygienic factors B. motivating factors and growth factorsC. social factors and growth factors D. hygienic factors and motivating factors9. Which one is not included concerning the Non-Tariff Barriers? _A. quotas B. advanced depositC. import license system D. specific duties10. Which one is not true about making jobs more satisfying and motivating? _A. Job rotation B. job redesignC. job specification D. job enlargement11. Which one is not included in the basic forms of competition?_A. pure competition B. monopolyC. oligopoly and monopolistic competition D. absolute competition12. which one is not included in the types of economic systems in the world? _A. capitalism B. communismC. socialism D. feudalism13. A company can work out _ with a foreign individual or firm if it sees a more substantial involvement in the international business. In such an arrangement, the exporting company gives the foreigners a license.A. agent B. licensing arrangementC. branch offices D. direct investment14.Job specialization is a process in job design whereby a firm s overall job is broken _into smaller parts. Each part is then given to an individual who is specialized in doing that bit of the job.A. up B. down C. with D. for15. When every thing else fails, a government may resort _ extreme means and impose a ban _ importing certain products.A. toon B. to withC. with to D. on to16. Many creditors would rather_ an extension agreement with the debtor an give the latter an extension of payment terms.A. working up B. work outC. worked out D. worked up17. Over the years, economists have used some generally accepted criteria to tell one countries economic system. Which one is not true?_A. stability B. growthC. capital D. full employment18._ cashes our checks and handles our deposit and withdraws from our checking and savings accounts.A. A bank teller B. A operational officerC. A branch manager D. securities sales worker19. Which one is not included concerning the deficiency needs._A. physiological needs B. social needsC. security needs D. esteem needs20. Which one is not included concerning training and developing employee._A. hiring from outside B. on-the-job methodC. off-the-job method D. management development programsII. 填空: ( 10分)1 According to the way they are collected, the surtaxes or duties fall into four categories: _, ad valorem duties, compound duties and alternative duties.2 All managers should possess at least three types of skills. They are human skills, conceptual skills, and _.3 _ is a process in job design whereby a firms overall job is broken down into smaller parts. Each part is then given to an individual who is specialized in doing that bit of the job.4 Depending on its size, degree of diversity and complexity of operations, a business enterprise may use functional organization, _, matrix organization, committee organization and informal organization.5 Maslow s hierarchy of human needs has five levels-physiological needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization need. The first three are called _, and theneeds at the last two levels are referred to as growth needs.6 In economics, the resources that are used to produce goods and services are called _.7 In order to achieve the goals of a business organization, the management has to play four basic functions, i.e. planning, organizing, _ and controlling.8 There are two types of advantages: absolute advantage and _.9 According to their purposes, tariffs fall into to types: _ and protective tariffs.10The principle of _ states that a subordinate should have one and only one superior in order t avoid conflicting commands or priorities from several bosses.III. 词义搭配(10分)1 相对优势 2. 从价税 3. 反倾销税4. 统一指挥 5. 工作要求 6. 脱产培训方法7. 轮换工作岗位 8. 素质理论 9. 自我实现的需要10. 激励因素A. exclusive agent B. trade barrier C. spot rate D. comparative advantageE. ad valorem dutyF. anti-dumping duty G . self-actualizationH. hygienic factors I. chain command J. motivating factorsK. hierarchy of human needs L. unity of command M.departmentalization N.job specification O. job rotation P. off-the-job method Q. trait theoryR. Functional structure S. standing committee T. correct measureIV 英译汉(20分)1A tariff is a tax charged on imported product. It increases the price of imported goods directly because, when the products are sold to customers, the tariff is added to the original price. (Page 1262. Independently or in combination with quotas, import licenses are issued by importing countries to curtail the inflow of certain types of products. (Page 1283. Once a business is properly organized, leading its employees towards its goals becomes an important management function. (Page 1344. A committee is an organization in which people from different areas are bought together to study problems and make decisions on them. (Page146)5Employment agencies are intermediaries which match individuals looking for jobs with firms in need of new hands. (Page 1356. The most difficult decision a manager has to make is on whether an employee should be demoted, terminated or simply given the sack. (Page 1597. Economic stability is sought by nearly all governments, because they believe that economic stability is the foundation for political and social stability. (Page 2018. Administration managers coordinate the operations of the functional departments and are responsible for the overall management of their firms. (Page 1929. According to McGregor, Theory X managers believe that people are born lazy and irresponsible, and managers should use close control, pressure and even threats to make them work properly. (Page 16910. In organizations where emphasis is given to new products and work is usually done through projrcts, authority occurs often in a web or matrix organization, or in combination with a line-and-staff organization. (Page 145V . 汉译英(20分)1 一个国家制造某种东西比其他国家更好或成本更低,则存在绝对优势。2 配额是一国对来自其他国家的某种进口商品实行的数量限制。3 每年,高等院校都举办招聘会,企业设立展位,进行面试,寻找有潜力的管理着。4 他一定是个好的推销员,有创造力,对市场、商品、广告都在行。5 如果一国产出的商品和供应的货币达到持平,该国就被认为处于经济稳定状况。工商导论试题 Chapter 1-6一、选择1. Which of the following is not one of the major forms of business in a market economy?A. sole proprietorship B. franchise C. joint venture D. corporation2. About the advantages of sole proprietorship, which one is not true?A. freer in decision-making B. less tax burdenC. limited liability D. easy to keep operational and financial secrecy3. A partnership, according to the US Uniform Partnership Act, involves at least_ persons.A. two or more B. three or more C. four D. five4. In a partnership, the _ are responsible for the management of the firm and take unlimited liability.A. all partners B. general partners C. limited partners D. unlimited partners5. In a partnership, if one partner dies, the partnership will have to break _ unless the remaining partners are able and willing to buy out the leaving partners share.A. up B. out C. off D. down6. In a corporation, the incorporators are also called _.A. managers B. CEO C. stockholders D. owners7. Which of the following is not included in the functions of marketing?A. acquiring B. producing C. selling D. finance and credit8. The “4 Ps ” of marketing refer to product, price, _ and promotion.A. purchasing B. place C. packaging D. publicity9. Which of the following variable is excluded from the most common variables when identifying market segment?A. geographic B. product-use C. physical D. psychographic10. About pricing strategies, which is not true?A. follow-the-leader B. loss leader C. odd pricing D. penetration11. _ strategy is often used when a product is at the introduction stage of its life cycle and there is little competition.A. price lining B. odd price C. skimming D. loss leader12. When the total revenue is equal to _, they are said to be at the break-even point.A. total units sold B. total fixed costs C. total costs D. variable costs13. Which of the following is not one of the stages of the development of new products?A. introduction B. screening C. development D. commercialization14. Wholesalers buy in large quantities from the producers and then redistribute the goods to _.A. agents B. brokers C. end-users D. retailers15. Agents and brokers are paid in the form of _, which is usually a certain percentage of the sales due to their service.A. commission B. royalty C. compensation D. premium16. Middlemen provide the following utilities except _.表软件公司职称表行政类技术类决策漂总经理副总经理执行副总管理魇总经理助理首席专家总监资深技术专家主任技术专家嚣主任主经工程师经理副主任工程师副经理执行层高级主管生管工程师主管工程薄专员助理工程师操佟豢,舫灌淼绥技帮技师高级工中级工初级工临时工通过技术类与行政类职务的衔接,形成条员工晋升通道。遴过技术与行政管理类职务的衔接,避免了在管理层次上众人过独木桥的现象,解决了技术入员晋升通道单一的问题。公司还把员工根据技能知识多寡、职责难易轻重、以及专业熟练度等分为不同的等级,称为职等。这样,通过岗位层次把员工根据岗位的职业不同进行纵翔划分,逶过职等把员工根据工作能力不阈进行横向划分,两种划分方式在管理上都是为了达到区别管理的豳的。为了在内部技术等级制度中,使知识型员工的职业生涯的成功可鞋在技术等级上的晋级褥到体现,软件公司将技术职称与行政管理类的职务一一对应,设计出软件公司岗位层8. The 4Ps of marketing refer to product, _, promotion and _.次职类职称薪等对应一览表。表岗位层次职类职称薪等对应一览表溺侥瑟次糯襁13. Product life cycle includes the following stages, introduction, _, maturity and decline.14. As to sales-oriented objectives, sales volume or _ is the major concern.15. According to the economic theory of supply and demand, price is set when supply meetsdemand, and this price is referred to as the _. 16. The physical movement of merchandise from the producers to the middlemen and finally to the consumers is called _. 三词义搭配 1. 代理商 2.有限合伙人. 3. 无限责任 4. 有限责任 5. 普通合 伙人 6. 股东 7. 法人 8. 双重税收 9. 营销策略组合 10. 目标 市场 11. 市场细分 12. 产品生命周期 13. 撇脂定价策略 14. 零售商 15. 物 流 16. 促销组合 17. 商业贴花 18. 公共关系 19. 宣传 20. 口 碑 A. public relations B. product life circle C. general partner D. target market C. retailer D. legal person E. double taxation F. limited liability G. agent H. word-of-mouth I. skimming strategy J. trade stamps K. publicity L. market segmentation M. promotional mix N. marketing mix O. unlimited liability P. stockholder Q. limited partner S. wholesaler T. coupon U. advertising V. physical distribution X. modes of transportation Y. penetration strategy Z. incorporator 四英译汉 1. In the United States, quite contrary to the general impression that it is a country made up of giant corporations, sole proprietorships account for about three-quarters of all businesses. 2. Compared with other types of business, a sole proprietorship has greater freedom in deciding on business policies and operations. 5. Like sole proprietors, general partners are personally responsible for any debt they owe ad may lose all their personal property if the partnership goes broke. 7. Most franchisees feel that they have the best of both sole proprietorship and corporation. 8. A product starts with consumer needs and must be different from rival commodities to stand competition. 10. Firms must, through cost-effective channels of distribution and timely transportation, make their goods and services available where and when they are wanted. 11. To most people, a product is something tangible, but the intangible attributes of a product often play a more important role in attracting customers. 12. When a product is first introduced to the market, large sums of money are usually allocated for promotion to make consumers aware of the product and its merits. 13. A firm striving for maximum profit charges the highest possible price to earn as much as possible. 14. To many firms, maintaining a certain portion of a market is the only way to stay alive; to others, increasing their market share is a means to drive out the rivals. 15. Agents work as manufacturers sales representatives on a relatively permanent basis, while brokers work as go-betweens for sellers and buyers on a deal-by-deal basis. 五 汉译英 1 责任意味着偿还债务的义务。 2. 与独营企业相比,合伙企业有更好的资金和信贷来源。 3. 促销就是让公众了解某种产品和它的好处,并刺激消费者对这个产品产生需求。 4. (公司)创立者也叫股东或持股人,因为他们持有股份,而股份代表公司的所有权。 5. 公司是一个法人,这就意味着在法律上应当按照独立的个体来对待。 6. 随着商品生产的越来越多,管理者认识到应该优先考虑销售产品,而不是生产更多的产 品。 7. “发现顾客的需求并满足这些需求”是营销概念的实质。 8. 产品就是满足消费者需求的商品或服务。 9. 消费者在决定购买一样商品时,价格是最有影响的因素之一。 10. 在市场经济中,供求关系相互影响着价格的确定。


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