英语八年级上册Unit 6 Self Cheak课时练习

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英语八年级上册Unit 6 Self Cheak课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Most of us wont realize theof health until we lose it.AcourageBvalueCreasonDpurpose2 . Linda is too young to find _.Aa workBworksCjobDa job3 . Would you mind me _ TV?Of course not.Ato watchingBwatchCto watchDwatching4 . did Spud Webb join the NBA? one year later after he graduated from Junior College.AWhen; TillBWhen; Not untilCHow long; UntilDHow long; Not until5 . Noticing that the bus was on fire, all the passengers got the bus immediately.AupBonCoutDoff6 . Marys father usually _newspapers at breakfast.Alooks atBlooks forClooks throughDlooks after7 . What is the new product_?AforBfromCdoDcost8 . (题文)The food I cook isnt delicious,but_ I can look after myself.Aat firstBat lastCat leastDat most9 . - May I _ your pen? - Sorry. I _ it at home.Aborrow; forgotBborrow; left Clend; forgotDlend; left10 . Look! A book is on the floor.Whose is it?It _ be Ricks.It has his name on it.AmustntBcantCmust11 . Its very kindyouso.Aof, sayingBof, to sayCfor, to sayDfor, saying12 . My teacher often encourages us _ hard.AstudyBto studyCstudyingDstudies13 . Taiwan is _ the southeast of China and _the northeast of Hong Kong.Ain ; onBin ; toCto ; on14 . Pick up your pen and draw your own invention. Maybe it will be _ a real product one day!Aturned onBturned downCturned intoDturned off15 . There are _ stars in the sky.AmillionsBmillionCmillion ofDmillions of16 . My family has two dogs.One is white,_ is black.AotherBanotherCthe other17 . Excuse me! How can I start the computer game?Thats easy. Just _ the icon and the game will start.Aclick onBput onCget onDgo on18 . Mooncakes area full moon on Mid Autumn night.Ain the shape ofBthe shape ofCon the shape ofDat the shape of19 . I dont believe the football game is wonderful,?Ado I Bis itCisnt it20 . How much do you want?AbiscuitBsausagesClemonDchicken21 . There must be many people _ for the train at the train station because of the snow stormAwaitBwaitedCto waitDwaiting22 . They often play games _ free time.AatBon theCin their二、补全对话5选5完成下面对话AI have real it twice.BWhat about Oliver Twist?CWhats it like?DHave you decided which one to buy?EMaybe You can choose little Women.A: Wow, there are so many books in this bookstore.B: Yes, I often come here on Sunday.23 . A: No, not yet. I really don t know which one to choose. Can you help me?B: 24 . It is a classic.A: Oliver Twist?25 . I bought it last year. I love it.B: Well. 26 . A: Little Women? I have never heard of it. 27 . B: It s fantastic It s about four sisters growing up. I m sure you will like it.A: Sounds interesting. OK, I will take it. Thank you!三、完成句子Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空限填一词)28 . Lin Dan played badminton very well. He won the Thomas Cup again. (合并为一句)Lin Dan played badminton well _ win the Thomas Cup again.29 . He got up early: in order to catch the first bus. (句意不变)He got up early _ he could catch the first bus.30 . I dont know when I should go to watch The Lion King. (改为简单句)I dont know _ go to watch The, Lion King.31 . Choose the perfect grapes only, or you wont be able to make the best wine. (句意不变)You _ be able to make the best wine _ you choose the perfect grapes only.32 . I dont think he is right. (改为反意疑问句)I dont think he is right, _?33 . idioms, you, with, do, what, colour, know? (连词成句)_?四、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给短语的适当形式完成下列句子,使句子通顺、正确at the top of,hear about,take up,be famous for,point out34 . I wont _ your time in office hours.35 . Can you_ the hotel on the map?36 . There is a temple _ the mountain.37 . Have you_ the story?38 . France _ its fine food and wine.五、其他从下列每组词中找出不属于同类的词39 . AseeBloveCspellDdear40 . AfatherBmotherCfriendDparent41 . AsheBhisCheDit42 . AgreatBthatCthisDthese43 . AtooBveryCareDmuch情景交际根据情景提示,完成下列各题。44 . 如果你想向别人介绍你的姐姐,你可以这样说:_45 . 你想知道对方多少岁,你可以这样问:_46 . 你想问你的同桌,Maria长什么样,你可以这样问:_47 . 你想告诉对方你们长相不同,但你们是好朋友。可以这么说:_48 . 你想告诉你的朋友穿黄色连衣裙的女孩是Jane,可以这么说:_第 6 页 共 6 页


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