英语九年级全册 Unit 3 Safety 单元测试

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英语九年级全册 Unit 3 Safety 单元测试_第1页
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英语九年级全册 Unit 3 Safety 单元测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Dont stick your head _ the window.AoutBoffCout ofDfor2 . photos! Look at the sign. Taking photos is not allowed in this museum. Sorry, I didnt notice it .ADont takeBNo to takeCTake3 . Be quick,you will be late.AandBthenCorDif4 . Im not sure when the plane will and when it will land.Atake offBrun offCopen upDstay up5 . Make sure you have prepared everything well before you the plan.Atry onBbreak downCthink ofDcarry out6 . The poor old man is _ . Lets go and help him.Ain dangerousBin needCin surpriseDin good mood7 . I will go to Japan if I am available next week. Have a good trip!AhappyBbusyCfree8 . If you stay up for your favourite TV programs, youll feel _.Yes. Enough sleep is good for our health.AsurprisedBsleepyCexcited9 . I won the first prize in the singing _.Congratulations.AprogramBcompetitionCtelevision10 . Enough sleep is very important for your health. If you _for your favourite TV programs, you will feel sleepy in class.Apick upBstay upCset upDget up11 . _ run in the street. There is too much traffic.ANoBNotCDontDCant12 . The park is close _ my home, so I often walk there.AtoBwithCforDat13 . _ the window, please. Im a little cold.AOpenBNot openCDont open14 . Theres a smile on the teachers face.I think shes _our work.Aworried aboutBpleased withCsorry for15 . Its very impolite _ others _.Akeep; waitingBto keep; waitingCto keep; waitDkeep; wait16 . I want to make a banana milk shake, but I dont know milk I need.Ahow manyBhow longChow muchDhow fast17 . Mom!Would you mind me _table tennis ?AplayBplayedCto playDplaying18 . If the green light isnt on, _ a minute.AwaitBwaitsCwill waitDwaiting19 . Was the Shenzhen International Marathon 2019 held on December 15th?Yes. Runners set off from the Civic Center in Futian CBABseparatedCblew upDstarted20 . There are many mistakes in your composition, Lily. Please _ your spelling.Aworry aboutBbe excited aboutCpay attention toDlisten to21 . Lauras home is 10 kilometers _ the school.AfarBfar fromCfromDaway from22 . We often sit here and look _the beach.AoutBout ofConDout at23 . Cars cause most of Beijings air pollution. So the “No Car Day” campaign(活动)asks Beijing drivers _their cars at home one day each month.AleaveBleavingCto leaveDleft24 . Tom, _ with him. Its not good.Adoesnt quarrelBdont quarrelCmustnt quarrelDisnt quarreling25 . They decided _ a letter to his uncle in New York City.AwritesBto writeCwritingDwrite26 . (题文)Dont _ or it will make you stressed out.Aworry aboutBworryCworriedDbe worry27 . Do you want to chat _ your friends _ the Internet _ weekendsAwith,in,forBwith,on,atCto,on,atDto,at,on28 . Bob never does his homework _ Mary.He makes lots of mistakes.Because he spends _ time doing his homeworkAso careful as; lessBas carefully as; lessCas careful as; more29 . I _the day before yesterday, Ive _for 2days.Aarrived, come back.Breached, returned Cgot, returned backDarrived, been back30 . I couldnt stop _photos when I see the amazing views.AtakingBtakeCto takeDtook31 . We are making lanterns _ oranges. Do you want to join us?AwithBbyCout ofDin32 . Sam advised me _ more exercise every day.AdoBdoesCto doDdoing33 . He didnt go climbing. He went fishing _.Ainstead ofBinsteadCsinceDso34 . Look! There is a rabbit _ with a pig in the TV show.Its so interesting.AplayBplayedCplaysDplaying35 . Lucy is very careful. Now she is writing as _ as Lily.AcareBcarefulCcarefullyDcareless36 . Space travel will make people.Afeel happyBfeeling happyCto feel happyDfeeling happily37 . I dont feel like _ anything now.I just would like _ a rest.Ato eat;to haveBeating;havingCeating;to haveDto eat;having38 . Boys, dont lose _ in playing PUBG, its bad for your eyes and study to play computer games for a long timeAhimselfByourselvesCyourselfDthemselves39 . Get on well_ your classmates, and you will enjoy your school life more.AtoBatCwithDin40 . Sam is a little weak in English and he has _ what the teacher says in class.Adifficult to understand Bdifficult understandingCdifficulty to understandDdifficulty understanding二、句型转换根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词。41 . His musical skills made him very popular. (对划线部分提问)_ him very popular?42 . Marcus likes the song because he can sing along with it. (对划线部分提问)_ Marcus _ the song?43 . Carl likes musicians who can play many musical instruments. (对划线部分提问)_ musicians does Carl like?44 . Paula likes to play tennis better. (改为同义句)Paula _ play tennis.45 . Sue is reading a book. It is about space. (合并为含有定语从句的复合句)Sue is reading a book _ about space.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空三、用所给动词的适当形式填空46 . Mr Zhang _ (fall) off his bike yesterday morning.47 . I will go back to have a rest when Tom _ (get) here.48 . There _ (be) a basketball match on TV yesterday afternoon, but I_ (have) no time to watch it.49 . Jimmy isnt tall enough _ (reach) the book on the top of the shelf.50 . _ (not forget) _ (taste) the fish before you give it to the guests.51 . Where _ (be) you last night? Your brother looked for you for a long time.I_ (be) at my classmates home.52 . We decided _ (enter) the hotel through the back door.53 . He tried a new way, but _ (fail).54 . Dont stop _ (walk) before you find the place.55 . The Blacks _ (have) their Christmas dinner now.四、完成句子按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。56 . 年轻人应该经常向别人学习而不是炫耀学问。Youngpeopleshouldoften _ the knowledge.57 . 他们宁愿放弃这次演出也不愿缺席考试。They would rather _.58 . 我们想知道这部老电影让她想起了什么。We wondered _.59 . 关注细节使你更易于取得成功。_ for you to have success.60 . 他讲了这个意味深长的故事,毫不费力地使大家振作起来。He told a meaningful story, and he _everyone.61 . 我爸妈饭后都不洗碗。洗碗是我的活儿。_ after meals. Thats my work.第 7 页 共 7 页


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