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英语九年级上Unit1-Topic1同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What _ to your city in recent years?Lots of wide roads, tall buildings and beautiful parks have been built.Atakes placeBhave happenedChas happened2 . - Can you spare time to have dinner with me this evening?-Well, I dont know _.Athat I can finish my work by thenBif can I finish the work by thenCthat can I finish the work by thenDwhether I can finish the work by then3 . A lot of people are here _vacation every year.AinBatConDwith4 . Two P.E teachers are _ for our school .AwantBwantedCto wantDwants5 . There will be a friend _ here to see me tomorrow.AcomeBto comeCcomingDcame6 . In the past, I often wrote letters to my friends. But now we keep in touch _ each other by telephones and the Internet.AtoBofCforDwith7 . How do you like Hangzhou,Miss Read?Ive no idea.I there.Ahave goneBhave beenChavent goneDhaven;t been8 . -WhatareyougoingtodofortheSchoolDay?-Well_anewplay.AputoutBputoffCputintoDputon9 . Its a lovely dress,but its too dear.I cant it.AspendBpayCaffordDcost10 . _ the workers are very tired, _they keep on working. They are great. We must learn from them.ABecause; /BThough; /CBecause; soDThough; but11 . . The Olympic Games _ in Beijing in 2008. I hear it _ in different countries every four years.Ais given, is givenBwas held, is heldCwill be held, is heldDwill be given, is given12 . -I will go to Xian for a visit with my family during the winter holiday. -_ASo do IBSo I doCSo will IDSo I will13 . The ticket for the museum _me 80 uan.AspentBcostCtookDpaid14 . -.There are so much delicious food! Is there _ coming to our house?- Yes, Your aunt Alice is coming.Aimportant anybodyBnobody importantCanyboby important15 . The girl is often heard _ in the music room. Her voice sounds beautiful.Apractice singingBto practice singingCpracticed singingDto practice sing二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。Tom:Hello!Glad to meet you!Mary:Hello!16 . Tom:May I ask you some questions?Mary:Sure.Tom:Are you familiar with Beijing?Mary:No,Im not.Tom:How many times have you been to Beijing?Mary:17 . Tom:When did you go to Beijing last time?Mary:18 . Tom:How long have you been there?Mary:19 . Have you ever been there?Tom:Yes,of course.Mary:What do you think of Beijing?Tom:20 . Mary:Would you like to go to Beijing again?Tom:Sure.Mary:Here comes the taxi.Tom:Hi!Taxi!(To Mary)Lets get into it quickly.ADuring the Olympic Games in 2008.BFor half a month.CGlad to meet you,too.DI want to improve my English.EOnly once.FI like it.GThe environment is enjoyable and the people are friendly,too.三、完型填空Save the Wild TigerWhen people think of tigers, they think: strong and dangerous. But now, the big animal is calling for our help. There were once eight kinds of _in the world, but three died out during the 20th century. In the last 70 years, the_of Siberian tigers (东北虎) has gone from as many as 300 to_ 22 somewhere. The Siberian tiger has been_ dying out completely. If the government doesnt make any efforts, its quite _ that there will be no more Siberian tigers in China in ten to twenty years. In order to double the number of wild tigers in the _ten years, the World Wildlife Fund (世界自然基金会) has started a program recently. It _save wild tigers and put an end to tiger hunting and killing. China, together with twelve other_ , has joined in. Wild animals, such as red deer and wild pigs, are the main _of the tigers. The hunting of these animals is the greatest threat (威胁) to tigers. So the most important thing is_ the animals that tigers eat. To protect the wild tigers, we need to call on more people to stop eating and hunting wild animals.21 . ApigsBtigersCdeerDsheep22 . AnameBkindCqualityDnumber23 . Aless thanBmore thanCbigger thanDlarger than24 . Ain need ofBin dangerCin front ofDin danger of25 . ApossibleBimpossibleCnecessaryDimportant26 . AlastBnextCpastDcome27 . Arefuses toBused toCaims toDwaits to28 . AcitiesBprovincesCtownsDcountries29 . AfriendsBfoodCmembersDtrouble30 . Ato sellBto killCto saveDto hunt四、阅读单选A Smart HomeWhen youre not at home, many worries may start to crowd your mind. Did I turn the coffee maker off? Did I lock the door? Are the kids doing their homework or watching television? With a smart home, you can quiet all of these worries.A smart home is a home with a communication network. This network connects devices(装置), such as lights and TV sets, and allows them to be controlled from far away through electrical wiring, mobile phone communication or WiFi over the internet.More and more people may start to consider owning a smart home, because it makes life much more convenient. It can help keep your room at a certain temperature. It can record what happens inside the home and send the video to your phone. When you are on vacation abroad, you can use a smart home controller to switch on or off the electricity when necessary. Some smart homes can receive a visitor, allowing him to come in and offering him a drink. They can even feed the cat and water the plants.Besides, smart homes are easy to fix. Most smart home technology and devices are wireless and can be set up with a minimum of tools, using only the guiding information. When a problem appears, you can deal with it yourself without paying a professional.However, for home-users, the smart home technology is far from perfect. It can be rather expensive to own the technology and the devices. Also, because the smart home system allow its owner to get home information from anywhere, it leaves the home easy to be attacked by hackers(黑客),who may secretly use or change the information in the system.Now, many scientists are excited at the future of smart home technology. Imagine being able to get fashion advice from your mirror, or receive food shopping suggestions from your refrigerator. While there are others who worry that those smart devices will make people lazier and lonelier. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure-smart home technology will change the way we live and work.31 . According to the passage, nowadays a smart home can lock the door through_.Aelectric lightsBmirror technologiesCmobile phonesDshopping programs32 . The third paragraph of the passage is mainly about _.Athe steps to use smart systemsBthe prices of smart programsCthe advantages of a smart homeDthe tools for setting up smart devices33 . Whats the writers opinion according to the passage?APeople will become less happy in the future.BPeoples life style will be different in the future.CMobile phones are the most important in smart homes.DSmart homes are much better than other smart systems.NameConfederation of European BaseballAsian Hockey FederationSouth American Volleyball FederationConfederation of African FootballLogoFormation1953196319461957HeadquartersLausanne, SwitzerlandKuala Lumpur, MalaysiaRio de Janeiro, BrazilCairo, EgyptAreaEuropeAsiaSouth AmericaAfricaMembers38301256OfficiallanguagesEnglish, Spanish,French, German,Italian, DutchEnglish, Chinese,IndianSpanish, PortugueseEnglish,French,ArabicWebsitewww.baseballeurope.comwww.asiahockey.orgwww.voleysur.orgwww.cafonline.com34 . When was Asian Hockey Federation set up?AIn 1953.BIn 1963.CIn 1946.DIn 1957.35 . Which organization has the most members?ABCD36 . In how many organizations can English be spoken as an official language?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.37 . If you want to know something about volleyball, you can go to.Awww.baseballeurope.comBwww.asiahockey.orgCwww.voleysur.orgDwww.cafonline.com五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。38 . Electronic computers are now in c_use all over the world.39 . Zhang Yimou is famous as a d_all over the world.40 . Lisa s_that he did not believe her.41 . A new g_was set up after the war.42 . The sea looks calm and s_.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。43 . Mike has tried _ (west)food in a hotel in Tianjin.44 . _ Sally ever_ (visit)China?No,she hasnt.45 . Is it a very interesting film?I _ (not see)it before.46 . _ (win)the game,everyone in our class is training these days.47 . We had to stop _ (drive)as the traffic lights changed into red.七、完成句子根据汉语完成句子48 . 布朗先生现在有两辆自行车要修理。Mr. Brown has two bikes _ now.49 . 鲍勃经常在超市分发广告。Bob often _ at the supermarket.50 . 他把他的旧衣服捐给了慈善机构。He _ his old clothes _ the charity.51 . 那个决定给我的生活造成了很大的影响。That decision _to my life.52 . 宇宙飞船使去月球旅行成为可能。The spaceship _ travel to the moon.第 9 页 共 9 页


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