英语四年级上册Unit 3 Transportation Lesson2 练习卷(1)

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英语四年级上册Unit 3 Transportation Lesson2 练习卷(1)_第1页
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英语四年级上册Unit 3 Transportation Lesson2 练习卷(1)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、填空题选择合适的介词补全句子。at in by of about with near1 . My home is _the school. So I go to school on foot.2 . The book is_ animals.3 . We go to school_bus.4 . The cat is angry_the mice.5 . The boy is afraid_the big dog.6 . His uncle works _sea.二、汉译英7 . 她喜欢看电视。( )AShe likes watching TV.BShe like watching TV.三、匹配题8 . 从B栏中选出A栏的正确应答语。A B(_)1. What time does your sister get up every day?AThirteen years old.(_)2. How many chairs are there in your classroom?BYes, Id like to.(_)3. When did your mother clean the house?CSure.(_)4. Who jumps higher than Li Ping?DShe is going to go to the park.(_)5. Can you give me a ruler?EIts 6.(_)6. Would you like to play with me?FAt 6:00 every day.(_)7. Where is she going to?GWang Fang.(_)8. Whats your favourite number? H. Twenty-four.(_)9. Are you from Africa? I. At about 3:00 yesterday afternoon.(_)10. How old is your cousin? J. No, Im English.四、连词成句9 . 连词成句我最棒!【小题1】do, school, how, to, you, go_【小题2】on, usually, I, foot, to, school, go_【小题3】this, go, the, park, to, afternoon, lets_【小题4】are, same, traffic, lights, every, country, the, in, the_【小题5】near, my, home, is, post office, the_五、连线题10 . 连线。1. Where are you going this weekend, Sam?AClothes, shoes, presents.2. You can make a list of things to do.BMum!3. When are you going to the airport?CThats a good idea!4. Whos going to the airport with you?DAt seven oclock tomorrow.5. What are you going to take?EI dont know.第 3 页 共 3 页


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