英语六年级下册Recycle Mike's happy days 单元测试卷

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英语六年级下册Recycle Mikes happy days 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . “your brothers number?” “4”. ( )AWhatsBHow manyCHowDHow old2 . Would you like something_? ( )Ato drinkBdrinkingCdrink3 . We want _some pizza. ( )Ato eatBeatCeating4 . Where are you _?( )AgoingBgoCgoes5 . Look my nose. ( )AinBtoCat6 . We are _ have a farewell party.Agoing toBwill toCis going to7 . My first class _Monday is English. ( )AatBonCin8 . Leo likes football, but Mike likes basketball. ( )Aplaying; playingBplay; playingCplaying; playDplay; play9 . Thank you for _ me with Chinese. ( )AhelpingBhelpChelped10 . Lets draw a _ face. ( )AcatBcatsCcats二、阅读选择11 . Its Sunday. Its fine. Tom does not go to school today. But he is not at home. Hes now sitting(坐) on a Chinese bus. He is going to the movie house. All his classmates(同学) will go to see a movie this afternoon. His teacher Mr Wang will go there, too. They will meet at 2:00 p.m. at the gate(门口) of the movie house.An old man gets on(上车) the bus. Tom stands up and says(说) to the old man, “Come and sit here, please.” The old man goes over and sits down. He says, “Thank you very much, my boy. You are a good student.” Tom answers, “Youre welcome.”“What school are you in?” the old man asks Tom.“I am in No. 2 Middle School.” Tom answers.“No. 2? Thats a good school. My son is a teacher there. He is an English teacher.” The old man says.“English teacher? Excuse me, grandpa. Whats your sons name, please?” Tom asks.“Mr Wang,” says the old man.“Ah, ah, he is my English teacher.” Just then, the bus stops near the movie house. Tom says goodbye to the old man and gets off(下车) the bus. The old man smiles(微笑) to Tom.( )1. In the sentence“the bus stops near the movie house”. “stop” means _.A. 车站 B. 开 C. 关 D. 停( )2. Which(哪一句) is right?A. Its Saturday today.B. Its not fine today.C. Tom goes to school on Sunday.D. Tom is a student of No. 2 Middle School.( )3. Mr Wang is_.A. at home today B. the old mans sonC. the old mans father D. a Chinese teacher( )4. What do you think of Tom?A. Tom is a good student. B. Tom is a bad(坏的) student.C. He does wrong(错) things. D. He is a good teacher.( )5. Which is right?A. Tom goes to the movie house on an English car.B. Only Tom and his teacher go to the movie house to see a movie.C. They go to the movie house for a meeting(会议).D. The old mans son is Toms English teacher.三、填空题12 . 选词填空。My father is _ (reads/reading) a book now.读读,选出适当的单词完成句子,将字母代号写在横线上。A. second B. different C. all D. both E. same F. first13 . Childrens Day is on the _of June.14 . Tim and Tom _ like playing chess.15 . I am a music man. I can play _ the musical instrument.16 . Do your sister and you live in the _ room?Yes.17 . Judy lives on the _ floor.18 . What a nice candy shop! So many _ kinds of candies.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hi! Im Sarah. I am eleven now. I am tall and thin. But before, I was short and fat. I had short hair before. But now, I have long hair. I liked candy a lot at that time. Now, I like apples and oranges very much. I didnt like sports before. Now, I play ping-pong with my friends every day. I will be tall and thin in the future. I will be a beautiful teacher one day.19 . Sarah is short and fat now but she was tall and thin before. (_)20 . Sarah had short hair before but now she has long hair. (_)21 . Sarah liked candy a lot but now she likes apples and oranges very much. (_)22 . Sarah didnt like maths before but now she likes it. (_)五、句型转换23 . 按要求完成句子。1. Last week we went to a childrens theatre. (对划线部分提问)_2. We all ate hamburgers and chips. (对划线部分提问)_3. Are you ready for your trip to the US? (作肯定回答)_4. Did you plsy football yesterday? (作肯定回答)_5. Did he go to the zoo last week? (作否定回答)_六、填内容补全对话24 . 根据答语写出合适的问句,使对话合理、通顺。1. A:_B:We finish class at 11 oclock in the morning.2. A:_B:He often plays pingpong with his father on the weekend.3. A:_B:I like summer best.4. A:_B:My birthday is on April 4th.5. A:_B:Theyre eating lunch.6. A:_B:I have maths,English and music on Thursday.7. A:_B:Hes a businessman.8. A:_B:He goes to work by bike.9. A:_B:I like reading stories.10. A:_B:Its cloudy today.25 . 写单词,补全句子。(每空一词)【小题1】A: _ are you going to the party tomorrow?B: I _ going to go by car.【小题2】A: _ he usually have breakfast at seven oclock?B: No, but he _ breakfast at seven yesterday.【小题3】A: Is Zhang Hua shorter than you?B: No. He is _ than _.【小题4】A: _I do my homework here?B: Yes, but you _ talk here.【小题5】A: _there any pictures in your room?B: Yes, there_ a picture of Lei Feng.第 6 页 共 6 页


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