英语六年级下册Module 8 Unit 2 Why are wearing a hat 练习卷

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英语六年级下册Module 8 Unit 2 Why are wearing a hat 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . How _ you go to the theatre yesterday?I went there by bus.AdoBdoesCdid选出下列英文句子的正确翻译。2 . It is going to rain.A天要下雨了。B正在下雨。3 . There is a dog behind Lingling.A玲玲在一只狗的后面。B一只狗在玲玲的后面。4 . Why did the dog sit under the tree?A为什么狗坐在树下?B为什么狗坐在树上?5 . He is eating fast food.A他正在吃快餐。B他吃东西很快。6 . It didnt want to be a hot dog.A它不想变成一个热狗。B它不想要热狗。7 . Lets buy something. ( )AdrinkBdrinksCto drink8 . Its easy _ my homework.AdoingBdoesCto do9 . Yesterday I _ at home all daybecause I was ill. ( )AstayBstayedCstaied10 . _ a book. ( )AitsBIts11 . I _ a mobile phone on the Internet last Sunday. ( )AbroughtBbuyedCbought选出每组中不同类的单词。12 . AtallerBshortColder13 . AhorseBgooseChome14 . AtryBoftenCnever15 . AthirdBappleCfirst16 . AscienceBChinaCEnglish17 . AwhenBwindowCwhere18 . AmyBeraserChis19 . ArainyBwindyCbaby20 . ATuesdayBDecemberCFriday21 . AtakeBwashCwhy22 . My mother is _ dumplings. ( )AdoingBmakeingCmaking23 . Lingling _TV last night . ( )AwatchedBwatchCwatches二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Noodles are very popular (受欢迎的)in China. Everyone likes noodles. They are so long. Chinese think people will live so long when they eat noodles. So they like to eat noodles at the birthday party. There are many kinds of noodles. Noodles with soy paste(炸酱面)are from Beijing. Hot dry noodles (热干面)are from Wuhan. Pulled noodles(拉面)are from Lanzhou. It is easy to make noodles.24 . Noodles are popular in_. ( )AItalyBJapanCChina25 . Chinese people eat _ at the birthday party. ( )AnoodlesBcakeCfruit26 . Hot dry noodles are from_. ( )ABeijingBWuhanCShanghai27 . _ are from Lanzhou. ( )APulled noodlesBNoodles with soybean pasteCHot dry noodles28 . Is it easy to make noodles? ( )AYes, it is.BNo, it is.CNo, it doesnt.三、填空题29 . 根据所给图画,把单词补充完整。1.b_d 2.b_g3.base_all 4.la_gh四、英汉混合翻译下列句子。30 . 你在周六做什么?_31 . I play the piano on Sunday._32 . I play ping-pong on Tuesday._33 . 今天星期四。_英汉互译。34 . 有很多学生_35 . 使用太多塑料_36 . 一名英语教师_37 . 在地球上_38 . 在网上_39 . write letters_40 . read newspapers_41 . Chinese New Year_42 . protect the Earth_43 . go well_五、句型转换44 . He doesnt play football on Sunday.(改为肯定句)_45 . She is happy because she is eating an ice cream.(划线部分提问)_46 . It is rainy.(用be going to改写句子)_六、选内容补全对话47 . 根据所给中文,补全句子。【小题1】粉色配浅蓝。Pink and light blue _ _ _.【小题2】我外婆可以手工制作衣服。My grandma can make clothes _ _.【小题3】她上班必须穿正装。She has to wear formal clothes _ _.【小题4】今天我们不得不和母校告别。Today we have to _ _ _our school.【小题5】时间不等人。Time _ _ nobody.七、改错改错,将正确答案写在横线上。48 . There wasno gyms in my school. _A B C49 . I goto school by a bus. _A B C50 . There wereno computers on my time. _A B C51 . I looked itaton the Internet. _A B C52 . Could you seestar at night? _A B C选择句子中错误的一项。53 . I want you to aremy friend. (_)_A B C54 . A knife and forkaredifficult. (_)_A B C55 . We canbefriend. (_)_A B C56 . I can sendyourone. (_)_A B C57 . 改错:Why did the dogsitting under the tree? (_)改为_A B C58 . 找出错误的一项并改正。(_)1. ImfromUK._A B C(_)2. Nice to see you, to._A B C(_)3. HeisI friend._A B C(_)4. Whereisyou from?_A B C(_)5. This is John. Shes a student._A B C59 . 改错:Why did thegirlgoes into space? (_)改为_A B C第 7 页 共 7 页


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