英语六年级下册Module5 单元测试卷

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英语六年级下册Module5 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The park is in the. ( )AwestBsouthCeast2 . We are going to learn . ( )Athe Lesson ThreeBThe Three LessonCthe third lessonDa third lesson3 . 下列每组单词中,选出不同类一项。( )1. A. swimB. playC. birthday( )2. A. 2rd B.4th C.Sat.( )3. A. meB. myC. them( )4. A. underB.onC.dear( )5. A. swimmingB.morning C. shopping4 . Look at the giraffe. Its tall _ thin. ( )AorBbutCand找出与其他单词不同类的一项,将其标号填在括号中。5 . AoftenBtrainCusuallyDsometimes6 . AswimsBstoriesCworksDwants7 . AwriterBFarmerCfatherDcleaner8 . AsingerBdancingCclimbingDflying9 . AangryBsadCafraidDbreath10 . She _ draw a picture for her mother_. ( )Awill; yesterdayB/; tomorrowCwill; this afternoon11 . I_big eyes, but my mother_.( )Ahave; dontBhas; doesntChave; doesnt12 . A: The gloves _ too big. B: Try this _ on.A: All right.Ais; oneBis ; pairCare ; pairDare; one13 . The children feel hot. They want _ to drink. ( )Asomething coldBsomething hotCanything important选择出不同类的单词。14 . AfootballBbasketballCsport15 . AteachBbestCbuy16 . AtooBsomeCany17 . AtheyBweCmy18 . AskirtsBT-shirtsCclothes二、阅读选择阅读理解,选出正确的答案。Mr. and Mrs. Green are from England. They teach English in Beijing.Their daughter (女儿)Alice and son Sam are with them. They speaks English very well. But they want to learn some Chinese. Alice is in Grade Five(五年级) and Sam is in Grade Two(二年级). They play with Chinese children every day. They listen to Chinese, speak Chinese, read books in Chinese and write in Chinese.Their family all like Chinese very much.19 . Mr. and Mrs. Green are _. ( )AEnglishBChineseCAmericans20 . Alice and Sam like to play with _. ( )AEnglish childrenBtheir parentsCChinese children21 . What do Alice and Sam do? ( )AThey listen and speak Chinese.BThey read and write Chinese.CA and B.22 . Do they like Chinese? ( )ANo, they dont.BYes, they do.CYes, they does.23 . How many people are there in Alices family? ( )AFour.BThree.CFive.三、填空题24 . Read, look and fill in the blanks:My father is a_. He works on a_.根据图片、首字母、情境或者中文提示写出相应的单词。25 . His brother likes making_planes. 26 . F _ example, robots can help us feed the fish.27 . I _ on Saturday.28 . _ is ready!Im coming.29 . Look, the farmers are working in the f_.30 . My dog is _(有病的) .31 . You are _(幸运的).32 . Do you often _ your _? 33 . What color is it? Its _.34 . Where is the monkey? Its _ the trees.35 . 根据句意和首字母或图片提示写单词。每空一词。1. Will it be r_ tomorrow?2. Whats your f_ food?I like chicken best.3. I have some _. 4. He has a red _.5. I see _ducks in the water. They can swim.根据图片完成句子。36 . Now, I _ every day in winter. 37 . I couldnt _ before. 38 . My sister could _ five years ago. 39 . 将句子补充完整:Whatstheweatherlike?Isitcold?No,it_.Its_.四、英译汉40 . 英译汉:I was with Daming at Damings flat yesterday._英译汉41 . Dont play with fire. Its dangerous._42 . The light is green. Please go._43 . Dont climb the tree._44 . Dont play football in the street._45 . Some boys are swimming in the lake. Thats dangerous._五、汉译英根据汉语意思,完成英语句子。(每空一词)46 . 在Nancy的书包里有什么?。有一些故事书和铅笔。_ in Nancys schoolbag? There are some _and pencils.47 . 这个女孩子周日起床早吗?_ the girl get up _ on Sundays?48 . 南希和她爸爸在中国学习汉语。Nancy and her father_ Chinese in _49 . 在春节,我们总是给我们的家人买一些礼物。At Chinese New Year, we _ some presents for our family.50 . 现在我们该去参观长城了。太有趣了。Its _ to _ the Great Wall now. Its great fun.51 . 翻译下列句子。1. 我们正在观看比赛。_2.看那些男孩们。_3.女孩们正在打排球。_4.老师们打得很好。_5.你们在那儿干什么?_根据中文提示,完成句子。52 . 波比看上去很难过。Bobby _.53 . 昨天你带了什么?我带了一些蜂蜜。What _ you bring yesterday? I _ some _.54 . 上周我和家人野炊去了。I _ a picnic with my family last week.55 . 两年前我不会唱歌。但是现在我能唱得很好。I _ sing two years ago. But now I _ sing well.56 . 今天几号?九月十日。What _ is it today? Its the _ of _.57 . 今天早上有许多乌云。There _ a lot of _ this morning.六、英汉混合58 . 将下列句子译成中文或英文。 1. Do you often watch TV on the weekend? _2.What do you often do on Saturdays? _3.You should play sports every day. _4.星期一我们有数学和语文。_5.周末我经常踢足球。_翻译句子59 . She helped her mum make a cake._60 . She was very thirsty._61 . 昨天我和朋友一起踢足球了。_62 . 我昨天把帽子弄丢了。_七、选内容补全对话63 . 阅读短文,从所给词语补全短文AtookBtravellingChisDhadELast weekendMike is a student. He likes 1. _. He goes to many places. 2. _, he visited Beijing .On Saturday, he went to the Great Wall. He 3. _ many photos. The next day, he did some shopping with his friends in Beijing. He bought a pair of sunglasses. His friends bought many presents for him. Because it was 4. _birthday that day. They 5. _a big dinner. After that, they went to the cinema. They all had a good time.八、连词成句64 . 连词成句。1. myisThegrandmawoman(.)_2. friendtodayhaveaWenew(.)_3. brotherheyourIs(?)_4. longeyesnoseItaandbighas(.)_连词组句。65 . buy, how, juice, much, did, you (?)_66 . chocolate, we, bought, also, lot, a, of (.)_67 . water, we, two, bought, of, bottles (.)_68 . buy, you, what, did (?)_69 . didnt, any, they, buy, bananas (.)_连词成句70 . Nice, you, see, to (.)_71 . the, UK, I, from, am (.)_72 . Good, girls, boys, and, morning (.)_73 . is, your, name, what (?)_74 . you, are, from, where (?)_75 . 连词成句。1. T-shirt, I, blue, wearing, am, a (.)_2. favourite, My, subject, English, is (.)_3. has, Liza, two, eyes, brown, got (.)_4. is, a, in, ball, box, There, the (.)_5. is, play, table, tennis, going, to, She (.)_76 . 连词成句:space in is travel interested Jack ( . ) _第 11 页 共 11 页


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