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五年级下册期中测试英语试卷B姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出下列各组单词中画线部分读音与其他三个不同的一项。_ A. bag B. map C. grade D. can_ A. usually B. just C. under D. up_ A. sweater B. team C. bread D. head_ A. pear B. there C. where D. here_ A. collect B. cock C. oclock D. Holiday2 . 你想要什么?AWhat do you like?BWhat would you like?3 . _ bag is this? ( )Its _.AWhose; myBWhos; mineCWhose; mine4 . Its 12 oclock. Its time to _. ( )Ahave lunchBEnglish classCget up找出与其他单词不同类的一项,将其标号填在括号中。5 . AoftenBtrainCusuallyDsometimes6 . AswimsBstoriesCworksDwants7 . AwriterBFarmerCfatherDcleaner8 . AsingerBdancingCclimbingDflying9 . AangryBsadCafraidDbreath10 . -Lets play! ( )-_AGreat!BHello!CHi!11 . -_ are they? ( )-55 yuan.AHow manyBWhatCHow much12 . Jenny gets up _ 7:00 _ the morning. ( )Ain, atBin, inCat, in13 . In _, we can say “Wheres the restroom?” ( )Athe UKBthe USCChina14 . _, those mountains will be covered with trees. ( )AIn a few years timeBAfter a few years timeCIn a few years timeDAfter a few years time选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。15 . AwhereBnearCyear16 . AtrainBdressCtree17 . AtrousersBtravelCthrough18 . AcarBtaxiCfar19 . AcityBshipCdriver20 . I usually go to bed _ 9 oclock. ( )AinBonCat二、任务型阅读根据表格,判断正误,正确的打“ T ”, 错误的打“ F ”。21 . Bill Black is in Class Four, Grade One, in No. 6 Middle School. (_)22 . Amy and John are Bills parents. (_)23 . Bill and Bob are brothers. (_)24 . Kate and Bill are mother and son. (_)25 . There are four people in the family. (_)请根据短文将下列句子补充完整。Ma Liang is a poor boy. He likes drawing. But he has no money to buy brushes, ink and paper. So he often draws on the sand with thin sticks or stone.One night, an old man comes into his dream and gives him a magic brush. Ma Liang uses the brush to help the poor people.26 . Ma Liang is a _ boy.27 . Ma Liang likes _.28 . He is poor, so he often draws on _with thin sticks and stones.29 . An old man gives Ma Liang _.30 . Ma Liang uses the brush to_.三、句型转换31 . 按要求写句子。1. Can you set the table? (作否定回答)2. I am a computer. (翻译)3. I can play chess. (对划线部分提问)4. to, Id, away, clothes, the, like, put (.) (连词成句)5. 没有时间洗碗。(翻译)四、看图题32 . _(写短语)五、连词成句33 . 连词成句:the, to, point, door (.)_第 5 页 共 5 页


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